Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 130: Unhinged.

Case 130: Unhinged.

chirp chirp


Again with those birds... Is it morning again...?

In the first place, what was I doing yesterday... Ah, right. I fainted. I wonder if they made good use of my body after I lost consciousness. Liana said that messing with my unconscious body was really fun. Maybe I could try to make clones of myself, so I can mess with them, too. Doesn't sound bad, actually. Maybe I'm a narcissist, maybe I just enjoy selfcest. There's no clone magic currently, which is surprising, but if I can do it, then they won't have to take turns anymore...

Let's put that for later, I need to wake up first.


Opening my eyes slowly, a pair of milky white, big, soft, beautiful breasts gradually appear in my vision. It's Tina's. And behind me is... Emy, as usual. Not far away, Liana is back hugging a not-so-comfortable Anna. We're all naked. Tina usually won't bare her breasts like this though, what exactly happened?

Okay, no more ADHD. I need to wake them up.


So naturally, the first step is to immediately suck on the nearest nipple to me. Simply superb, Tina, your nipple is. 


Tina's eyes open wide, staring at me in surprise.

That's one, three more nipples to suck.

''But, like, what did you guys do to my body after I fainted?'' I ask and throw a piece of bread into my mouth.

''A lot of things.'' Anna giggles. ''It was really fun!''

''Mhm, mhm.'' Emy nods along, chewing on her food.

''Just tell me already.''

''Here.'' Liana shows me her phone.


I inadvertently gulp, looking at my absolutely screwed state in the picture. This ain't even a bukkake anymore, it's a semen bath. I wish I was awake during that time...

''Ahah, look at your face.'' Liana grins and strokes my cheek with her other hand. ''That's what I love about you.''

''Is that so.'' I smile lightly and nuzzle her hand.

knock knock

''Are you guys up yet?'' Bald Saint's voice sounds behind the door. ''The white cat lass is here.''

Man, stop calling people like that, will you?

''Right up~!''

''So... These?'' I ask Sara, looking at the 'tools' she bought, no, they bought. There are some dozens of cat people with us here, including Grandma Tara as well. They all have expectant eyes, which are pretty burdensome.

''What about these?'' Sara tilts her head innocently.

''...Nothing. Let's just go.''

I guess they're still using shovels and picks here. And now that I really looked at them, they have gemstones on them as well, so magic tools. I could probably dig faster than them using telekinesis or earth magic though.

''How deep is this Core buried, by the way?'' I ask Sara, who's leading us on the road, again.

''No one knows yet. We were only able to dig about fifteen meters in all attempts combined before the dragons interrupted us.''

So no one thought of using earth magic? You can usually detect something like that pretty easily.

''What weird circumstances.''

''How'd they know you guys were digging anyway?'' Liana chimes in.

''We... Don't know. They just knew for some reason.'' Sara turns right and replies.

Ah, it's secret surveillance for sure.

'''' ... ''''

Well, this is awkward. And it's getting hotter for some reason, gotta increase my ice magic...

''Ah, we're here...'' Sara trails off and suddenly stops walking.

Following her gaze, I see a particularly desert-like area, devoid of any buildings, vegetables, or life for that matter. Instead, there are high metal fences surrounding a circular zone, with an obscene amount of security guards holding spears standing outside as well. And that's not all. In front of of large gate is Sara's mother - the Chief, and, well, even more guards.

''Keep going.'' I push Sara's back lightly. 

''A-Ah, alright.''

It seems like she's scared of her mother.

Getting closer and closer to them, it's clear that they're not happy with our arrival.

'''' ... ''''

''...Moms.'' Sara speaks up, breaking the silence.

Moms? So that muscular lady standing beside the Chief is her other mom, I see.

''Sara. What do you think you're doing?'' The Chief narrows her eyes.

''Mom, I-I...''

''Not even trying to be sneaky this time, huh? Why? Because you have them with you?'' She glares at us.

Sara clenches her fists and bows her head slightly, appearing to be very frustrated.

'''' ... ''''

''Uh...'' I raise my hand. ''Can you guys get out of the way already?''

Instantly, the heavy atmosphere dissipates, replaced by a rather awkward one. The Chief and her people all look flabbergasted, some whispering among themselves, and some don't seem to know what to do, like the Chief herself.

''Your Holiness. I understand that you want to help us, and we also want to excavate the Core and end this drought, but you cannot just...'' She trails off, probably because I just walked right up to her with a creepy smile.

Personality trait - crazy girl: Activate!

''I can.'' I turn my smile into a bright one.

''N-No, as I said-''

''I said I can?'' I tilt my head forty-five degrees to the right and turn off my smile completely, staring straight at her soul while cranking on that juicy mana release of mine. 


The poor Chief gulps nervously and steps back, falling into the embrace of her equally scared wife.

''So?'' I turn up my smile again and ask.

''I-If you insist, but... Promise me that you would not take the Core away...!'' 

Hah... This is tiring.

''Why are you so obsessed with it?'' I narrow my eyes slightly.

''T-That's none of your business!''

''Is that so.'' I let out a sigh.

'''' !!! ''''

I use telekinesis to immobilize all the people around me, put them aside, and open the gate at the same time. Multitasking 101.

''Let's just go in.'' I turn back to my team.

''Tch, tch. Greed makes people go crazy.'' Bald Saint shakes his head slowly.

''Yeah, I have to agree with you on this one.'' Fox Saint replies.

Well, it's not like that matters anymore. Whether or not she's doing this because of greed, or something else... Hm?

''What's wrong, Anna?''

''Eh? Ah, no... I just feel like there's more to it.''

Fuck me then. Anna's intuitions are usually correct... It's going to get messy.

''It's here.'' Sara stops her step.

In front of us is a relatively large and deep crater that looks to be around some twenty meters in diameter. I don't see any digging marks, probably because it was untouched for a long time. And it's seriously hot here.


Fox Saint snaps her finger lightly, and the temperature in the whole area turns to slightly cold. What a savior.

''Alright, you guys can start digging now.'' I turn around and look at the energetic cat people.

''LET'S DO IT!'' One of them shouts.

'''' OH!! ''''

Well, let's see if I can help with anything. Uh... Maybe scan for the Core's depth first.

So I place my hand on the ground and activate my earth magic, trying to scan the things below my feet.

Hmm... Bones, rocks, minerals... Nothing special yet. Huh? What's this-


I open my eyes from the piercing roar and look up to see three red dragons already hovering above us since God knows when. That is needlessly fast, and I don't like it.

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