Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 140: Temporary closure.

Case 140: Temporary closure.

Another poem, if you will.

There were times when I was hot-headed,

Either became horny or cold-blooded,

But I always tried to keep the line,

Except this time cause this is not at all fine...

Fine, fine. Let's stop with the shitty poems.

In the end, the whole thing was a bit over the top. I certainly underestimated the power of a meteorite. That thing shook the heaven and earth, along with my soul as well.

Okay, that might be a bit exaggerated, but it was insane. I deliberately chose a smaller one, but almost 70% of the red-roofed territory is now reduced to nothingness.

As for the big dragon, its scales and bone appeared to be incredibly hard because the whole skull is still lying some distance away from the center of the crater, not to mention that golden-red scales are scattered everywhere.

Needless to say, the other dragons, seeing their leader being reduced to mere pieces like that, unanimously decided to surrender. They obediently moved to the detention center following our command. We also agreed to regroup with our remaining members first, but only after collecting a certain item.


Under the surprised eyes of our members and the frightened eyes of the red dragons, Grandpa puts the giant skull with two pairs of horns down.

There are three main groups: On one side are about a few hundred dragon-shaped ones, who I assume are the unintelligent part; on the other side are about a few dozen normal-looking dragon people; and finally, another few dozen guys and gals in military uniforms are standing next to them.

''So, got any clue on who this guy might be?'' I point my finger at the skull and scan the ones in humanoid forms.

'''' ... ''''

And why is it so quiet? Aren't dragons supposed to be menacing and all that? Am I dealing with wet kittens here?

Oh, isn't that the dude who got beaten by Fox Saint? So he's in the military. 

''You, got any answer?'' I point specifically at him with an authoritative voice.

The dude jumps a bit, visibly trembling, but still puts on a rather strong front. ''Why should I tell you that, huh?''

Silently, I frown a bit and raise my hand.

'''' !!! ''''

Immediately, the military dragons begin to tremble uncontrollably, likely remembering the absolute menace that I summoned just earlier, the same one who turned that majestic dragon into a mere skull.

''Just answer.'' I keep my frown and say annoyedly. 

''H-He was our Vice Leader!'' One brave humanoid dragon speaks up instead.

''Oh? Explains why he was so big.'' I raise my eyebrow. ''He's dead though, hah.'' I snort.

'''' ... ''''

Hm... Their reactions are quite lukewarm, was this guy not liked very much? And talk about that, where's the actual Leader then?

''So where- Hm.''

Right when I'm about to ask that, I feel quite a few strong presences flying toward us from behind. Turning around, I see a bunch of dragons... But this time, they're in different colors. Yellow, green, blue, white, and... Red? Why is there a red one mixed in?

Accompanied by an annoyingly strong wave of wind, around forty to fifty dragons land before us. They all begin to morph down to humanoid forms, and they seem... Kinda restless? Wonder why. And isn't that the dude who got yeeted out of the meeting by me back in Xeno?

He seems quite shaken, nervously glancing at us from behind the other ones.

Hello man, doing good?

Either way, the representatives of each color step up and all stand in front of me. 

''Your Holiness... How are you doing these days...?'' Miracle's dad - the blue one speaks up with a forced smile.

''Hey...! Don't speak if you're this awkward...'' The same green one from the other day kicks Miracle's dad lightly.

''Ahem.'' An old man with short yellow hair and tanned skin coughs. Overall, he has an impression of a strict teacher of sorts. ''We've been briefed on your identities. Greetings, Your Holiness.''

''Yeah, hi, I suppose.'' I reply casually.

''Firstly, allow me to ask the reason for-''

''You.'' Suddenly, a young girl with long white hair and slit golden eyes interrupts the old man, speaking in an arrogant and authoritative tone. ''Why did you do that?'' She points her thumb to the destroyed mountain range.

Okay, I'm tired of this, I really am. Don't make me pull out my gun again.

''Your Highness, please.'' The yellow one pleads. ''She is not a person we can treat lightly.''


Yeah, you fucking spoiled brat. Oh, wait. I'm getting too irritated. Hah...

''The fact of the matter is.'' I stare deadpan at them, pulling Anna closer to me and patting her head. ''These lizards had been bullying the cat-kin territory - my kitten's hometown for over a decade, and I don't like it.''

Anna blushes and nuzzles at me. I'm getting healed, healed, you hear me?

'''' ... ''''

''When I tried to solve things normally, they attacked us. So this is what they got. Understood?''

''Even so, you can't just-''

''I can.'' I interrupt the white-haired girl. ''If any of you want another meteor on your territory, continue.''

That immediately shuts all of them up. Even the arrogant girl is getting visibly flustered.

''Well, well.'' The old man speaks up again, breaking the silence. ''We understood. They reaped what they sow. We won't interfere with your business anymore, just...'' 

The old man turns to the red dragons behind me, more specifically, the military ones. 

''Now you can't run anymore.'' He changes his tone to a rather menacing one. ''Where did you hide Sariel?!''

'''' !!! ''''

The old man nearly shouts, immense mana can be felt from his body. Turning around, I see a bunch of military dudes trying to run away but are swiftly caught by Fox Saint's chains.

''Explain.'' I turn to the representatives again while the yellow old man goes to confront the runaways.

''Ah, the thing is, we have not seen Sariel - the red dragon clan's leader for over a decade.'' Miracle's dad speaks up. ''Whenever we tried to inquire her whereabouts, they always avoided it completely.''

''That's right, it's awfully suspicious.'' The green one nods along.

Fuck me, another thing to solve??

I feel like I've just been gang raped a thousand times over by strangers. Which is obviously the worst thing ever.

''Hmph. We suspected the Vice Leader of trying to steal the Leader's seat, but he had neither the motive nor a way to... I guess it doesn't matter now.'' The girl looks at the skull with an eyebrow raised.

'''' ... ''''

For a while, only the noises of the old man interrogating those runaways can be heard.

As for me, I'm... I'm tired, honestly. My mind is tired after all the things that happened today.

chirp chirp

Suddenly, a small bird with silver feathers lands on my shoulder and nuzzles my neck heartily.

''Phew...'' I let out a sign, stroking its head and Anna's head gently.

...I guess I'll take a break for today. It turned night already.

Let me of tomorrow solve all of this mess... And I don't really feel like fucking anymore, sorry everyone.

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