Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 194: The B-95 gate incident – The realm of deities.

Case 194: The B-95 gate incident – The realm of deities.

The whole nest area is compromised.

Considering the intelligence that this thing has demonstrated thus far, I can safely assume it's not going to teleport into the matrix I've built blindly. That also means that it is most likely going to try and snipe us from afar.

It's going to be a gunfight, essentially.

''Sariel! Can you maneuver this arrangement?!''

''Leave it to me!''

With that, Sariel quickly shrinks in size and begins gliding around the nest, dodging the mines I've placed. Soon, just as I've predicted, the eye appears right outside of the bullet matrix, with a behemoth of a spell, no less.

As the concentration of dark mana gets more and more terrifying, I start to panic once again. This thing is trying to sweep away my bullets at once!

''Everyone, prepare for 'that'!''

'''' Roger! ''''


I swiftly send a bullet right in its direction—a high-velocity railgun bullet—just for it to blink a little to the side, evading it entirely. Because it is casting an AoE spell, using too much mana for something else can affect the casting process. I understand.

But by doing that, it has set itself up and willingly stepped into my trap.

By default, all of my ammunition has traces of my mana, simply for the fact that I made them using magic, one way or another. My mana is also closely linked to my divine energy reserve; both of them are in my body.

And how am I maintaining the airborne state of these bad boys currently? Telekinesis. Magic.

Through a single string of mana, I am floating all of these and fixing them in place, using my cum-stained brain. It is similar to a web—everything is connected to each other.

Even the bullet I just sent, the one that I froze right after it passed the eye, is connected to the web.


As I channel my divine power, the air around me ripples gently. The wind picks up, causing my clothes and hair to sway. I placed my hand over my heart, feeling the source of my strength.


Instantly, the energy that I've been tirelessly cultivating for the past seven months is pulled out of my heart, running along the established line of mana. Using every bullet, every grenade, and every landmine as a miniature checkpoint, divine power bursts out like a vibrant flower, dyeing the whole sky and earth a pristine white color.

This is the most crucial skill for any deity—domain creation.

In their domain, a deity can bend the rule of the scenario according to their wish, essentially gaining a tremendous advantage over their opponents. 

This is what separates a mortal from a god, and right now, I can really feel it.

My body is exceptionally light, my mind is clearer than ever, and I am sure of my victory over whatever dares to intrude on my territory.

Steering my gaze to the distance once again, I see the giant eye, a bit flustered, failing to maintain its magic. In my territory, using simple magic is hard, not to mention teleportation.

It's my turn now, motherfucker.

I aim my hand at the thing before grabbing its entire body with a mix of mana-based and divine energy-based telekinesis. As it is struggling in my grasp, Sariel, perhaps realizing my intention, promptly lands on the ground. I yank my hand back, effectively throwing the thing toward us.

I've briefed my party beforehand that if I were to make a domain, the divine-based Gungnir option would be crossed out. I don't want to waste such precious resources. 

That is precisely why everyone has just jumped down to the ground, weapons in hands, ready to demolish the thing before us.


Right away, I shove an AP bullet right up its pupil, paralyzing the creature. Then, Liana, dragging her glowing bright green scythe, jumps toward it. A wide slash of terrifying momentum rips a large patch of the eye's skin apart; purple matter scatters everywhere.

Not losing to the twin-tailed elf, Tina spins her polearm masterfully while bouncing it left to right, leaving vivid red trails in the air. Befitting a princess, she gracefully springs herself forward, striking a massive hole in the giant eye.

Meanwhile, Emy has been winding up for a devastating strike since earlier. Her sword swells up rapidly, growing bigger and bigger by the second. When the size of the golden blade surpasses even Sariel in her dragon form, Emy slams it right down, slicing through almost half of the eyeball.

For the finale, Anna, the one most proficient in divine energy, can be seen taking a deep breath. She cracks her knuckles a few times before exploding them with raw and intense power. She pulls her fist far back, feet sliding into a stance.


Against the tattered monster, Anna's punch pistols forward like a cannon, and right when it touches the opponent, the sheer force behind it causes a tremendous rapture, shredding the unfortunate creature to millions of pieces.



To think I've been actively trying to tease her in the most shameful ways possible...

If she had even a tenth of the ferocity that Liana had, she would've been pistoning me in bed brutally with the same intensity as the punch earlier. And when you consider her size, I will die.

Now that I think about it, she should be able to change the size of her thing now, right?

I should have her make it smaller when acting out the scenario. That'll seem more like it. Um.

Anyway, maintaining a domain like this is quite taxing, I'll admit. So I quickly cancel the field and lie down on Sariel's back to get a breather.

''Good job, Sylvia.''

''You too, Sariel.''

A bit later, my fiancés all come to me and celebrate the victory as well. It feels good to be surrounded by beautiful women like this. And, well, this gate is nearing its end... If this was normal, that is.

If the lackeys of that evil goddess don't take this golden chance to strike us now, then it should be safe to assume that they can't just yet. In that case, we will have to postpone our fight to potentially years later.


Part of me wants to end this quickly, but somewhere deep in my heart, just a little bit, I want this peace to continue. Living with my loved ones, doing what I like all day... It's such a dream life.

Nevertheless, I need to get back to reality. 


Having decided that, I spring up and shake my body around a bit, confusing everyone else in the process.

''Let's go back and—''

'''' !!! ''''

My sentence is cut short as an undeniably malicious presence can be felt coming from right above us. Looking up together with my party, I can see beyond the clear sky—something is coming. Something more powerful than whatever I've encountered thus far. Something so foul it makes me disgusted just being near it.

It seems that this is not the time to rest just yet.

Fuck me.

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