Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 210: Big seed, small loli. (1 million views!)

Case 210: Big seed, small loli. (1 million views!)

''The slums...''

After the Beast King ponders a bit, he finally begins to talk.

''The area has been a source of headache for me, yes.'' He sighs. ''Let me inform you from the beginning.''

With that, he tells us about the gradual forming of the strange religion and how the people have been converted. The Beast King's story perfectly matches what we heard from the couple earlier, which is a relief. I don't want to solve lies at this point.

Nevertheless, it seems he has something to add.

''I have considered forcing them out, yet their resilience is unmatched.'' 

''How so?''

If he's telling me that he and his military forces can't do anything against impoverished people, I'm going to be mad.

''Have you noticed the tall tree standing in the middle of the slums?''


''That one has a mysterious power. Every time we try to intervene in the area, it will attack us to protect the people there.''

''...Even you can't do anything about it?''

''Regrettably, yes.''

Well, crap.

If I remember correctly, this dude should be a 3-star Master, and he's struggling... Now I'm intrigued. What kind of entity has that much power?

If I tread this right, I might be able to gain a power-up.

''Anyway.'' I clear my throat. ''Now that I'm here, I can't close my eyes and pretend I'm not seeing how the people there live.''

''Are you intending to help us...? If that is the case, I'm beyond grateful.''

''Leave it to us. We're allies, after all.''

Hearing this, Beast King curls the corners of his lips up.

''If there is something I can help, please don't keep it to yourself.''


After chitchatting for a bit more, we eventually leave the castle and head toward the slums again. While leisurely walking, talks begin to emerge.

''What do you guys think the deity looks like?'' Tina asks.

''A fairy.''

''An elf.''

''Er... A fish?''

''I'd like to imagine that the deity was a hallucination all along.''

That's a pretty decent plot twist, Sariel.

I mean, it could be anything, but that should not be the important thing to discuss—it should be the opponent's strength. I think we're overestimating ourselves a bit now, especially after becoming gods in the trial world. Gotta be careful with this.

Nevertheless, we arrive at the area again after a bit of walking. This time, we're going further in.

Just slightly, I notice the buildings' formation getting denser as we advance. More and more people are seen on the streets, and... More trash. When we get closer to the tree, a faint earthy aura can be felt radiating from it, one that is surprisingly refreshing. It feels like I'm setting foot in Everwood.

There seem to be people guarding the clearing where the tree is standing. Of course, we pass right through them, utilizing illusion magic. Up close, the thing is absolutely massive, towering over the clouds.


Once close enough, I gently inject my sense into the trunk and begin to analyze it. The core of this tree is located underground, where the roots are, and it is actively sucking energy from the deep soil to fuel its growth. Inside the nucleus hosts a living and breathing entity, one I can't make out the exact shape. 

''How's it?''

When Liana pokes into my field of view, I stop my analysis for a moment.

''I don't know.'' I shake my head. ''I don't think I've encountered something like this before, and it doesn't seem hostile.''

''Maybe we're just not triggering the defense mechanism?''

''I think so.''

Punching the tree would leave me feeling bad; I'm an elf, after all. Punching people is even more NG, so that leaves...

''Let me try to communicate with it. I have a feeling I can.''

Trusting my instinct, I once again inject my senses into the trunk. This time, I crawl my way toward the nucleus, tapping its shell a few times. Right then, I feel as if the creature is calling me over to its space—pleadingly.

It should be risky, but I honestly feel nothing malicious from this tree as a whole.


Fuck it. I can recover with divine energy even if my mind is damaged, anyway.

Just like that, I let myself be sucked into the nucleus. My vision goes black for a second, and when I open my eyes, I find myself standing in the middle of a shallow water surface, one that reflects the beautiful starry sky above.


In front of me floats a little girl who has curled up into a ball; her long and sparkling purple hair sways gently. Most notably, a bright crescent moon is imprinted on her forehead, making the girl seem like a more... Special entity.

''Don't go.''

The girl mutters, her voice clear yet filled with muffled, clogged, heavy feelings. Small drops of tears trickle down her cheeks, falling into the water body below.

Unconsciously, I extend my arm toward the girl and wipe her tears away.


She immediately catches my hand, nuzzling her face against my palm. Then, she opens her eyes, revealing a pair of deep purple pupils, ones with shining stars floating inside them.

''Finally, you have come.'' She says, a gentle smile blooms on her face. ''My savior.''

Okay, calm down. This sounds remarkably similar to one of those scams I learned before.

''What do you mean?'' I calmly ask.

''I have been waiting for you for so long, my destined.'' She nuzzles even more intimately at my palm. 

''...I don't understand a thing. Give me some context.''

''I dreamed of you. I dreamed of happily living with you, yet in the end, I always wake up, and you always disappear.''


"But now... Our fateful encounter is close." The girl's smile grows wider. She looks at me, eyes full of unexplained emotions. ''Please hold on to this, my destined.''

She grabs my other hand and places a dark blue crystal in my palm; the transparent outer layer of it allows me to gaze at the stars floating inside.

''This is Sirallets, the seed of my existence.'' The girl explains. ''There will be a moment, a time in your journey when it has a usage.''


''For now, this is it. Meeting you was a dream come true...'' She slowly closes her eyes. ''I eagerly await the day we reunite... Hanako.''


Suddenly, a source of intense light bursts out from behind the girl, quickly engulfing both of us.

Until the end, the girl is still smiling.

When I open my eyes again, I find myself back in the real world, gazing at millions of light particles from the disintegrating trees falling from the sky.

''Hey, what happened...?''

Amidst the chaos among the slum residents, Liana pats my shoulder, prompting me to turn to her.

''Uh... I met a loli?'' I reply, tilting my head in confusion.


''She said I was her savior or something...''

'''' ... ''''

Everyone stands there blankly, looking at me like some weirdo. Ah, wait. This is also pretty arousing.

Okay, stop being horny.

''Well, I mean, at least the tree is gone.''

I let out a sigh, shaking my shoulders a bit.


That's when I notice—a dark blue crystal is resting in my palm, radiating a mysterious ambiance.

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