Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 247: An invitation from the druids.

Case 247: An invitation from the druids.

The world is ending.

Outside the small gazebo, I can see scenes across the world flood into my vision. 

Proud empires are collapsing from major demon attacks, while smaller kingdoms have already been grazed to the ground. Everywhere I go, blood scatters.

''Is this truly the ending you want?''

I hear a soft voice say.

''After successfully saving the goddess Aris, the archmage, one of the crucial forces in fighting against evil, perishes. Without her, humanity's defense is breached. The newly recovered goddess is powerless, quickly succumbing to the demons afterward.''

In the end, everything crumbles down.


''Even after all of it, do you still think that you made the right choice?''

When I look up at Aris, I can see her eyes, akin to galaxies, moisten. She has an inexplicable expression on her face—not sad, not frustrated, just...


Unknowingly, I reach out my hand and stroke her cheek.

''I'm pretty sure I did,'' I reply. ''After all... I don't think I can live in a world without you.''

Aris bites her lip as her face contorts.

''...Or at least, that's what I think the archmage would say,'' I add. ''I'm not sure. I can't be her.''

You know. Love is a strange thing.

It turns people mad. I won't even blame the archmage if she decided to sacrifice humanity whole for some final moments with her beloved goddess.

Because I would do so, too.

I would rather see the world crumble down than my loved ones die in misery.

Of course, I will be saddened by humanity's demise as well, but what can I do about it? Fortunately, this is just a scenario in the game... okay, maybe not.

I will become a legitimate retard if I haven't realized it at this point.

''Do you see this scene repeating, Luna?'' I ask.

At my words, Luna's whole body flinches. She averts her eyes to conceal her expression, yet the trembling of her hands has already given me enough clues about the state of her emotions.

''...Being a diviner must be tough, huh.'' I let out a sigh. ''How low is it?''


''How low is the chance of us overcoming the calamity?''

Luna hesitates. Despite my urge to press her for an answer, I patiently wait.

After what seems like an eternity, Luna finally opens her mouth.

''...Incomparably low.'' She says weakly. ''Almost impossible.''

''I see.''

Well, I'd expected that much from her reactions.

As if to console me, she then starts to rapid-fire a bunch of reasons.

''It's not that you can't do it, Hanako. We're just... unlucky. The enemy is too strong, and they come too fast. Mere two or three decades are nowhere enough to prepare against that kind of power...''



Seeing this side of her, I can't help but burst into laughter. The usual Luna would have been cheeky enough to sprinkle in jokes while dealing with her adversaries, saying that she could see through it all, but I guess this case is too hard, even for her.

''Do you know, Luna?'' I look into her mesmerizing eyes.


''There is a man I look up to tremendously. His name is Hououin Kyouma.'' I begin. ''Born in the flesh and mind of a mere human without mana, he endured millenniums of repeated time, of repeated tragedies to find just a tiny possibility among countless timelines... that would lead him to the perfect, happy ending.''

''That's... incredible.''

''Right? And what to say that I can't do the same?'' I grin. ''Even if I can't turn back time like he can, I have you guys by my side. I am vastly strong.''


''We can do it, Luna.''

Amidst the dying sound of a world, only she and I remain, locking eyes with each other.

Despite the chaos unfolding, I stay calm.

What is even the use of panicking, right?

After a while, Luna finally sighs as if helpless, and a slight grin can be spotted on her inhumanely beautiful face.

''You're right. This time around... let there be a happy ending for all of us.''

Sleeping amidst the noise, here alone the world is ending.

Slowly, the space around us crumbles into fine particles of light, and together with it, my consciousness becomes fuzzy.

The last thing I can remember... is her face—smiling peacefully as if praying.

The instant I open my eyes, a cold ceiling and a thick scent of metal greet me. 

Surrounding my body is an adult-size cradle and numerous cords are attached to my flesh. It seems I've returned to reality.

''You're up.''

Hearing the cheerful voice, I look up. With her purple hair dangling in the air, Luna is watching over me from above.

''How was the experience?'' She asks.

''Unnecessarily tragic,'' I reply. ''I would appreciate it more if you chose a more wholesome one next time.''

''Even if I do give you a soothing slice-of-life game, you will turn it into an erotic tape anyway, right?''

''...I can't deny.''

Both of us laugh at the same time.

''Hm? Where are the others?''

''They exited the game before us a bit. We did take some time talking in the gazebo, after all.''

''Mhm... let's meet them.''

''Alright. I also have something to say to all of you.''

As I get up and accompany Luna to the guest room, I once again see the sight of an overworked woman dragging her body like a zombie, but I decide to ignore that tactically.


Cheerfully opening the door, a warm scene unfolds.

On the couch sits my beautiful daughters, Elysia and Stella, who are sitting on Liana and Emy's laps. On the side, Anna and Sairel each take a daughter and play with them, seemingly falling in love with these cute creatures.

After reclaiming Elysia from Liana, who turns grumpy, we settle down and let Luna state her business.

''As a representative of the one and only druid clan, we extend our invitation toward the Saint Party, hereby hoping you would pay a visit to our land.''

''Druids' land...''

Historically, no such territory has been mapped before, which means it is probably concealed somewhere in an obscure corner of the world.

''We, as one of the many children of this world, would like to offer our saviors their much-deserved strength—a fragment of divinity.''

'''' !!! ''''

''Wait, it is the real deal?''

With a serious expression, Luna nods.

''As to why we are in possession of it... among other things, I urge you to visit us. By then, I shall resolve all necessary questions.''

Finally done with her formal job, Luna slumps down the chair and sighs, giving us time to process the offer.

First of all, I'll need to ask Eva about this matter. No, I've really sent a message; just waiting for her to reply. A fragment of divinity that slipped through Eva's net...

It's weird.

''I see no downside to this offer.'' Sariel calmly sips her tea. ''We were planning to leave this place either way.''

''I also think it will benefit us.'' Anna, with her trusty intuition, raises her hand.

Seeing two of the most reliable members in terms of decision-making readily agree to Luna's offer, the rest naturally follow. 

Me, too. I trust them.

If so, it is time to say goodbye to Atlas, and it seems a new journey will begin for us.

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