Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 74: The Saint’s Tomb.

Case 74: The Saint’s Tomb.

''Nyahh~'' The cat stretches out lazily, her cute pajama in disarray. ''Good morning~''

''Good morning, Anna.'' I replied.

''Prrrr...'' She purrs, sitting on the seat beside us.

Seeing her normal like this is weird now. I had to say 'I love you' almost ten times to her yesterday alone, which was very sweet, because her smile every time I told her that was absolutely beautiful.

''What about the other two?'' I asked.

''Sleeping. They're hugging each other right now.'' She replied, pouring herself some water.

...Is that alright? Those two are like me and cockroaches, they can't get along at all.

Oh well, it's a chance to get closer to each other, I suppose.



Still sitting on Emy's lap, I open the newspaper that just got delivered to us.

''...As expected. We're quite famous now.'' I said.

''Wow...'' Anna tilts her head to look at the newspaper with me, her eyes glued to the part about who defeated the giant monster.

...Tch, they did such a garbage job of taking my picture.

I mean, I could somewhat understand that the cameras here are not exactly good, but what the hell is that picture?

I hope dad brings the actual good camera that I requested when he visits the capital... That one should come with video feature as well. We could film porn with this, heheheheh...

''Tch, I should've come with Sylvie.'' A certain cutting board clicked her tongue, glaring at the redhead beside her.

''Hah, you didn't get choose. Deal with it.'' Tina replied smugly.

Immediately, Liana's questioning gaze turns to me.

''I was just choosing randomly at that time.'' I shrugged.

Really, I didn't have much braincells back then.

''...Still guilty. Be prepared.'' She declared regardless.

Yes. I'm extremely guilty here, by all means, go ahead.

''Anyway, this should put the crown prince's faction in an even more precarious position now.'' Tina said. ''We should be able to take him down soon.''

''Yeah. I can officially announce my position after the invasion plan is discarded as well.''

Hearing that, Anna, who's been silently reading the article, turns to me with a big smile.

''You'll finally be recognized as a Saint...!''

''And you'll be the Saint's cute lover.'' I said, stroking her head, to which she happily nuzzles against my palm.

Either way, we need to get to the tomb now. I've been curious about this for so long already.


Because I've fully recovered after a nice long sleep and three nutritious cumshots already, we're now boarding the Sylvia airline again.

This time, we finally remembered that we weren't cavewomans, so we took a map from the hotel.

And a 10 minutes flight later, we arrived at the tomb.

Judging from outer appearance alone, this tomb looks 90% like a temple. The color is primarily white, the structure resembles one of those mythology temples that I think I saw somewhere.

The only weird thing here, is the giant gamepad logo stuck on top of it.

...I mean, I respect his dedication, I guess.

''Hmm, there's quite a lot of people here...''

''Indeed. I wonder what's inside. Let's go right away.''

Mhm... We have attracted quite a lot of attention though, I guess landing right here from the sky wasn't the best idea. Our appearances don't exactly help either. But I digress.

Stepping into the tomb, we could see a lot of displays all over the relatively large hall, almost like a museum.

The interior was probably made using marble, creating a sophisticated atmosphere inside. Most of the displays have glass covers as well, coupled with white mana lamps for visibility.

It sure does look like a modern museum. I've never been to one though.

At the end of the hall is a white coffin with a big play button stuck on it, guarded by two very serious looking soldiers.

''Let's go explore first.'' I suggested.


That was boring.


It's all just the dude's achievements and video game references. Probably because this guy died at around the 2000s on Earth, it's all old games too.

Don't get me wrong, I do like old school video games, but I'm not a boomer, so I'm not exactly enthusiastic about them either. I just prefer recent games more. 

''...What are we even doing here?'' Liana asked with a dead face.

''...Stephen said that there's something here, so...'' I replied.

''You do realize that this time could be used better, right?'' She said, grabbing my butt.

Ehh... Put more faith in him, will you...?

''Let me ask the guards over there.'' Tina said resignedly.

After a bit of watching Tina surprising the guards with her identity and nearly getting fingered in public by Liana, Tina finally came back.

''They said that we could do a test.'' She reported.

''What test?'' Anna tilts her head.

''The 'Earther' test, they said.''

''Ah, I see now.'' I said. ''That test is probably for Saints like me. Let's just go.''


''Q-Question three, what was the most important event in the year 1990 for space exploration?'' The guard asked, his face a little bit flustered.

''The launching of the Hubble telescope.'' I replied.

''...Question four, what was the most impactful geopolitical event that happened in the first half of the 1990s?'' 

''Probably the collapse of the USSR.''

''...Final question.'' The guard's face turns serious. ''Who won the election in 2016?''

...Hm? How did that one get here...?

''Donald Trump.''

'''' ... ''''

I mean, these are just common history knowledge, though I still have the internet, so I could answer whatever they ask anyway.

''...Welcome, esteemed Saint.'' He bows respectfully.

''Good job guarding here.'' I replied. ''Do you guys shuffle the questions?''

''Yes, we do, Your Holiness. Saint Vivian prepared for us around 50 questions, then Saint Lucas came along and gave us some 30 more as well.''

I see, explains why there was a 2016 question earlier.

''Well, as per tradition, I suppose. I'll give you guys some more questions later.''

''Thank you very much, Your Holiness.''

''So, do we get anything here?'' 

It won't be some candies, right? I'll literary pull his ass out of the coffin over there if he dares to do that to me.

''For esteemed Saints such as yourself, Saint Vivian invited you to visit his private guest room. Please go this way.'' He said, walking behind the coffin.

Hmm. I see, there's a barrier here as well, and it's quite strong, actually.

Following him to a hidden door in the wall, he eventually stopped and turned to us.

''From this point onward, only the Saint and her party are allowed to enter.'' He declared.

''They're all my party members.''

''Understood. Please have a good time.''


''It's really different here, huh...'' Tina ponders.

Here it's still marble, but grayish black instead of white, and the mana lamps are much dimmer as well. A total of three doors on three sides-

Hm? What just hit me...?

...Ah, just Anna's tail. Look at how excited she is...

''So, which room do we enter first?'' Liana asked.

''We'll go in all of them eventually anyway, just choose a random one.'' I replied.

''That one, then.'' She immediately points to the one on the right, where I could see on the door...

...Is that the BDSM symbol...?

What in the hell...

''... It says 'BDSM room'.'' Tina said confusedly, looking at the small name plate on the black door.

'''' ... ''''

Turning to the side, I could see light has already disappeared in the poor cat's eyes. She stands there still, staring at the door with a blank face.

Please don't lose hope, Anna. You still have me.

Oh wait, I'm a pervert as well. Good luck, Anna.

Liana is literally sparking though, and the way she's looking at me right now... Tonight is a BDSM night, it seems.

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