Lord Shadow

Chapter 1418 Plots And Schemes

He then stopped. Golden Face had just narrated all that he had done from trying to win the trident to asking Bloody Mary help and inviting Kaiju.

All throughout his words, Loki never interrupted him.

he does not know whether Loki approve or not.

Even though he does not need approval from Loki, Golden Face understood a very simple rule in the Crime Alliance.

The biggest fist has the biggest authority. And whoever fist is closest to you, you better not provoke it.

'Look up' Loki suddenly ask

Golden Face finally raise his head.

Loki seems to be looking at Golden Face eyes and he could not have look for more than a few second before he averts his gaze away

Loki on the other hand laughed after seeing his eyes.

Golden Face did not ask any question. If Loki wanted to laugh, let him laugh.

Even though he is curious, he knows his place.

'I like your eyes. It is full of ambition'

Once again Golden Face gulped. Did he know his identity?

This is why Golden Face has always feared Loki among all the others in the Red table. This is a man who knows all kinds of things.

He fears that his secret would be revealed the more he is with him. Loki however did not push on with the conversation instead he went to the side of the deck.

Golden Face followed from behind. Loki looks at the wind barrier in the distance and sighed.

'Kaiju and Earthshaker. This would be a very interesting battle'

'Your Excellency knows about Kaiju?' Golden Face only knows Kaiju from hearsay and rumors and the information that they had on Kaiju is not exactly extensive.

But then he remembers that Loki has the Book of Secrets.

Golden Face himself does not know about the ability of the Book of Secrets. Only that there are many rumors of its ability and its powers.

Maybe that is how Loki knows about Kaiju.

Loki did not answer Golden Face question, instead his eyes seem to be looking at the wind barrier in the distance.

He then looks at the sky, like he is looking at something.

Loki then sighed and simply said

'I came here not to meddle with your work. You don't have to worry that much. I am just curious what the other Red Table members are doing. I know what you were doing. I simply wanted to make you nervous'

Loki chuckles a bit before saying

'I'm just teasing you. Though it might not seem funny to you' Golden Face did not say anything to this. He knows better to contradict Loki words.

Loki and the other Red Table members are not exactly in the best of terms. It is more like they tolerated each other.

Golden Face was thinking of something when he said

'Mister Moscow came' Loki look at Golden Face and there is a smile on his face. Golden Face shrank back.

That eyes….it was like Loki had seen through what he is thinking about. Then Loki said

'Ah. Did he? I guess he simply making a stop. Maybe he thought I would stop him. Or maybe he wanted you to stop me. Or maybe it is a warning to me' Then Loki laughed.

'Do you know where he is going?' Loki suddenly asked Golden Face. There is a mischievous smile on Loki face

It is clear even though he asks the question, he knows the answer.

For some reason Golden Face does not feel good seeing that smile

Golden Face shakes his head.

'I do not know' Loki then said

'He is going to the World Council Meeting'

Hearing this Golden Face paled. Why would one of the representative of the Red table would go to the World Council Meeting. Does he want to die?

But then he thinks of himself.

This must be some kind of high level secret.

Knowing this…. wouldn't this be dangerous? Golden Face knows that knowing too much without having the sufficient strength is a calamity

'Can you guess why?' Loki suddenly ask

Golden Face once again gulped in fear.

But he must answer. So he simply answered honestly

'I dare not speculate'

'Ah, you are boring, Golden Face. I guess timidity does work wonders in covering the eyes of those people. It is quite good…your acting'

Golden Face simply did not say anything. He had many thoughts and his heart right now is beating very hard.

It is subconscious.

Even though he wanted to control it, he couldn't.

He is truly anxious right now.

Not the kind of fake anxiousness and fear he always shows those people, but true fear, true anxiousness

Even though he did not dare look at Loki eyes right now, he had a feeling that Loki is staring at him right now.

Loki simply said

'The Bratva wanted to attack the World Council. They have really grown too big. And they are also afraid…and desperate'

Smiling he added

'And desperate people do stupid things' and he laughed

Golden Face did not say anything. This is not something he should comment on

Loki however did not stop talking. It is almost like he wanted Golden Face to know all of this.

Loki did not have good intention at all by making him knows this thing

Loki continue saying

'Of course, if it's the Bratva alone that would not be enough. Most of them would be a member of the Crime Alliance under the control of the Bratva Red Table member. You want to know who they are'

'Your Excellency is joking with me. My guts are not that big' Loki chuckles.

hearing all of this has already made Golden Face shocked. It is a pity one could not see his face expression under that mask.

Loki continues talking such serious matter like he is talking about the weather

'You might think to yourself, why would they attack the World Council when Death Monarch, Time Monarch and Illusionist Archmage is there, right?'

Golden Face was about to say to Loki to stop talking about this but Loki did not give him a chance to reject

'A bet, I think. A distraction. A gambit play. And a hint of craziness. Just the right ingredient for chaos in this new world'

Golden Face understood certain words that Loki said.

And some others he does not understood.

And some others he pretends not to understand.

There is silence between them again. Golden Face usually is not uncomfortable with silence. Instead, he knows how to use silence to his advantage.

But that also depends on the people he is with. With Loki beside him, the silence felt torturous.

Golden Face then muster his courage.

'Your Excellency, if I may as- '

But Loki intercept his word

'I am here to see an old friend'

Hearing this Golden Face was so shocked that he looks up. Loki is looking at the wind barrier but then Golden Face look back down and he hesitate to say something

Loki looks at him and there is a playful smile on the edge corner of his mouth


Golden Face knows Loki is a very direct person so he did not mince words and said

'Raymond the Earthshaker, Sofia the Divine Archer is the people of the world powers. Raymond is still one of the pillars of the World Government. Even though, his name is not as loud or as powerful as the Three Greats, he still has a lot of influence in the World Government.

'Sofia the Divine Archer might have left Pandemonium, but Death Monarch had done a lot of crazy thing to protect her all of these years. She is still very much someone the world pay attention to and her connection with other world powers is extensive'

Loki did not interrupt Golden Face as he is trying to make his point

There is silence again. It was like Golden Face question and answer has already been embedded in the word he had just said

But Loki pretend not to know

'So?' he asked

I don't think that the Crime Lords would look fondly at Your Excellency consorting with the enemy'

Loki simply smiles and said

'You misunderstood. They are not the ones that I am referring to'

Hearing this, Golden Face frowns again. If not them, who is Loki is referring to?

Loki friends could be counted in one hands. If we are talking about his rivals and enemies, now that is something that could fill countless of books.

But friends? There is only a few. And those who could be a long friend of Loki must not be someone that not unknown.

And who is it that commands such importance that Loki himself had to come.

Loki looks at Golden Face and smiles and then he looks at the sea.

'It is really hard to sense thing in this sea.' He thought to himself.

Though that is the reason why it is also the safest place.

Today, it will be a very long day.

The Bratva wanted to do something and they sent Mister Moscow to do it. Even though Loki did not know the full extent of the plan, he knows some of it.

Yomi did not want to participate in this. The opinion of the Red table is quite divided regarding Bratva decision to attack the World Council Meeting…...if that is even their true intention

Maybe, they wanted to draw some things out from the Red Table. And the bait is quite tempting.

Loki has a feeling like this is a way for the Red Table to single out spies

Though most spies in the Red table is found out by him, there is always methods to try to escape such surveillance.

And maybe it is also because they don't trust him

Still Loki did not care much about this.

This is not what he is paying attention towards. If he really wanted to find out the plans of Mister Moscow, he would have already found it out

He just couldn't be bothered right now


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