Lord Shadow

Chapter 1424 The Gunpowder Treason

Then he asked

'How about the radius of the blast? Would it cover the entire city? Or would it spread to the entire island? Did the Magician put some biological component to it?'

The rat did not answer immediately. Instead, the rat throws more fish food into the lake, more fishes fight each other for the food, swarming in one area.

Alexei have time. He reckons the world leaders still has a lot of things that they need to discuss. So, he waited

Then the rat speaks

'If this was a normal city, it would take out the entire city and pulverize everyone. It did not matter how sturdy the fortification or how much protection formation any city has, the compound is enough to destroy all of this'

'But…' and he paused for as second

'Death Monarch is here. Jean is here. Even the illusionist Archmage is here. I predicted the only structure that would be destroyed is the Dome. And maybe even that would be minimized'

Alexei nodded. He could understand why the rat have such opinion. Death Monarch, Jean and Hikigaya is all here.

Jean could turn back time. Maybe not complete but it enough. Hikigaya on the other hand could turn reality into an illusion. And as for Death Monarch, who know who many abilities he is hiding

Everyone rarely saw his true ability being used. Most people could not even force him to go all out.

Of course the world had seen the destructive power he could unleash.

The last time he fights the Demon King of the Seresian world, he did not hold back in using his power.

At that time, everyone could see the full extent of his offensive power.

What most people could not see and have never seen much, is his other ability. What is his ability in healing, in reversing some things or auxiliary abilities?

So, it is only logical that even if there is a great explosion today, a great damage, as long as those three acted, they could contain it to not affect the entire island continent

This island itself is as large as Europe and maybe it is larger.

No one had taken the time to measure the size of and length of this island.

What they do know is, if you are a normal Pillar Forming leveler, you probably would take a long time to traverse this entire island. Arturia is but one city on this large island. The other part is unexplored because there is too much danger.

Alexei sighed.

'With this, the world could also see how effective your weapons against a Divine Comprehension leveler' the rat simply nodded.

There is another silence between them but then Alexei said

'I believe your employer wanted total chaos and destruction. It seems he would be disappointed'

The rat smiles and look at the Dome from the pavilion.

'A symbol of the world power. It is a symbol of the powerful Gods that look at us, and thought of us as ants;

But Alexei scoffed.

'I think that is not why your employer decided to bomb this place to the sky' Alexei take a step forward, look at the fishes under the pavilion, struggling to eat food and said

'I've seen many crazy people in my years. I've seen depraved people, evil people, brutal and cruel people. Most of these crazy people are dumb, guided by their emotions. What makes them brute, cruel and evil is also the same thing that usually bring them down.'

'You know what I find out?' The rat asks


All of these crazy people think that they are special. That their pain makes them special, unique even. They believe others had not suffered as they have suffered. And they believe themselves special because of their pain. What I find out, all of them are more and the same. Broken and could not be put together. They didn't even try, and they did not want to heal'

He sighed and then said

'Your employer...he is smarter, yes, and there is a method to his madness, yes, sure…. but he is the same. He is crazy'

The rat only smiles at this.

'Maybe.' He said. The wind blows and the lotus on the lakes sways a bit. For a moment there is silence between them

You know Void?'

The rat shakes his head

'Only knows him from the rumors.'

Alexie smiles and said

'That is a man who wanted to watch the world burn. Many people said this about him. That he is a madman. But not many people as why does he want to watch the world burns? Is it because something tragic happens to him?'

'Did something evil happened to him and he blames the world and wanted to watch the world burns?'


'He is like a child that is bored and he sees an ant hill. Bored, he put the magnifying glass over the anthill, trying to kill a few ants by burning them to death'

Because he is simply curious. He does not care what the world thinks about him. He is an empty man, trying to fill a hole with different things but never finding something to fills him. Some people think that Void only has emptiness. No…. I've made a profile about him before. I told the Bratva that this man, this thing, it is not empty.

It is full of rage. But he done a good job of hiding it. you could not use magical means to get it out of him. After all, he repels all magic.

As for your employer, he simply wants vengeance' The rat did not say anything to this. he could only sigh. Then he looks at the container and there is no longer any fish feed.

There is another silence between them. Alexei then asked

'The explosion would not even destroy the city. It would probably not kill anyone inside the Dome'

'It might kill a few hundred people outside the dome. But those powerful people would not even get scratched. And if Jean notice it, with his time powers, it would be easy to contain the bombs. I am not quite sure what your employers wants to do when the effect is just this minimal'

The rat smiles and said

'It is not how many people we killed that determine the success of this matter. He just wanted to show to the world that it can be done'

'Like you said, he is crazy. His view of the world is very different from me. He is not someone who wanted to fight for liberty or fighting against the establishment. Like you said, he wanted revenge.

The rat sighed and then said

'I wanted something else. And he is the only one brave enough to try to do something like this. So for now, I am following him…Mister Moscow'

Another silence between them and then the rat said

'It is time for me to go. I don't want to get caught up later. Remember don't get caught up in the explosion'

the rat then walks away quickly, then not before long he disappear from the lake.

Then he goes out of the area of the Dome, passing through the gates, walk to the city and not before long, this rat would sail the sea in a ship

Trying to move as further away from this island city as possible

Alexei on the other hand only smiles looking at that rat. His eyes could see very far. He sees him leaving the Dome gates and walk out to the city streets.

That rat shows no anxiousness but Alexei could tell that the rat is anxious to leave this island as far away as possible as fast as he could

But Alexei is not anxious at all and he is not even rushed.

Instead, he mutters to himself

'The people of the Red Table sometimes underestimate their enemy to much' Alexei simply sighed.

He looks at the fish on the pond, smiles and then thought of something

'They are like this fish. Too eager and too impatient. In the end, they got nothing. But at least the fish is better' he chuckles at his own thoughts and then walk away, joining the party in one of the halls inside the Dome.

No one had just known that right now, the entire Dome is strapped with a new kind of explosive.

And that an attack is imminent

The party goes as usual, the great powers discussing the world in the Conference Room, the people outside and inside does not know anything about this threat

Today, the world will be shocked.

As time passes, there is a clock ticking and the pointer of this clock would reach zero in half an hour.

The clock itself ticks slowly, faintly before the sound itself disappear and the clock itself disintegrated.

The clock is small, so small that one had to squint their eyes and really focus to see it.

It is embedded in the cracks of some of the unfinished wall section of the Dome. And there is many like it all over the Dome.

Some are hidden underneath the ground in the garden flowers pots.

Some are hidden in empty room, some are hidden inside the cracks of a tree and so many more scattered all over the Dome area

Time passes and the clock is ticking.






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