Lord Shadow

Chapter 1427 Split The World

He let the silence ferment before saying

'The bigger our planet is, the easier it is to be attacked by some celestial object. Case in point, an asteroid that nearly fall down to Earth a few weeks ago. Or that meteor that was shot down by one of our orbital destroyer. Or maybe some planets that went out of whack and suddenly come crashing down on our planet.'

He takes a breath before continuing

'Our planet gravitational pull is also changing'

'Fortunately, Jupiter had also enlarged itself. But, there is always a possibility that Jupiter would collapse into itself. If that is the case, then we would also be in its blast range.'

He did not mention the others, like the Sun, the other planets in their solar system that seems to compensate for their now sudden massive size…by also becoming large enough to make sure that the planets don't suddenly go veering of course.

That alone comes with another set of problem. The Sun could go supernova

The fact any of this could still maintain balance could only be explained by some kind of invisible hand in the darkness that is making sure that this particular star system does not implode into nothingness

There is something divine that is protecting this star system

And because Jupiter is getting bigger it also affect other celestial bodies.

But what is happening right now in their solar system is very weird that it is hard to explain it in using outdated science.

Especially when magic is the more dominant factor in this current situation.

For the past six months, the meteors that is approaching Earth or about to hit Earth were either shot down by our weapons or would dissipated before it could enter the world.

And it is still continuing to this day

One meteor the size of a small continent nearly landed on Earth a month ago. One could only imagine the damage that meteor would have inflicted if it managed to land.

'The Heavenly Will rain down thunder upon it to destroy it. But we need something better. This time it is meteor. What if next time there is an invader and attack us with something the equivalent of a nuclear strike. They could attack us, but we have no second attack capability'

'They could attack but we could only defend. This would be an unequal battle. Because without any advanced weaponry, we are a sitting duck. And sitting ducks get shot at'

He sighed and then said

'We need weapons. And we need shield

'That is the first step is make sure Earth also survives. We need MAD. We need the Universe to know we have a weapon that could attack them and destroy them. So, when they come, we would not be defenseless'

There was silence in the room. Everyone was thinking about what Hirate had said and they could not help but agreeing.

'You sold me on this' Kairu said suddenly, his voice breaks the silence.

The Order of Thinker representative that is attending this meeting remotely only nodded a few second latter as there is lagging communication between them

'Let's discuss further' Hirate smiles.

Hirate already had the support of Pandemonium and if Pandemonium agrees, most of the time the Republic would also agree. And now since Kairu had shown his stance, it means they already had the majority.

Then the other three have no choice but to also follow.

They spoke of this and Hirate shows the schematic of the weapons. The representative of Order of Thinkers look at this and could not help but wanted to research more of this

But just because they were shown the schematic did not mean they could build it.

Like one could not create a modern airplane just by looking at a painting of a modern airplane, it is the same for this weapon

If one wanted to create this weapon, one has to have a mature advanced technology industry. Earth technology did not yet reach this point.

But Earth has many resources right now.

However, there is one resources that they lack

And the resources which they thought of is people.

Those people they refer to is none other than the people who were brought into this world during the Multiversal Convergence six month ago.

Most of them are weak mortals.

Compared to the people of Earth who has passed Energy Disperse Stage, they were like weak mortals that could be played around.

They might not have many function in battle, but what they do have is an advanced civilization behind them.

Most of them fight against the people of Earth using a suit of armor.

It is not like Earth could not create a suit of armor it is just that when one reaches a certain point, the armor is basically redundant

Death Monarch for example has never wear an armor. Nobody on Earth is strong enough to be able to even give him a scratch.

Maybe if the armor is made by laws but that is not something that many people on Earth could. Manipulating an intangible concept into a tangible object.

And that is not the only thing they have.

They also have plasma gun, anti-matter bombs, oxygen bomb, Space Altering Guns and many other advanced weaponries that if not for the fact that Earth has the All Source, then those people would already have conquered Earth easily just by stationing a few battalions of their soldiers here.

everyone does not deny the advanced machinery of these civilization and they are very much wanted to take these people and integrate them with this world so that the knowledge they have could be learned.

Hirate then laid out the plans of using these people as manpower.

Not everybody who accidentally enters into this word wants to go back. Some want to stay

These people that wanted to stay, all stay for the same reason.

Power, longevity.

These two are two of the more popular reason.

Some look at this Earth and look at the people living in it and see the end of science.

Some of the things that the people of this Earth could do defy any rules of physic and science of their world.

Some look at this world and see a new more vibrant world, a more powerful world than their own, where humanity could evolve even further, stepping on a higher place.

They see new possibilities.

And they also wanted to possess such power.

There is also the matter of longevity.

Those who reached Disk Formation would not have problem to live for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years.

At the same time, they also have to transform their industries so that it could create the weapons and shield necessary to defend Earth

Hirate then began putting it to a vote. Nobody abstain or rejected and nobody vetoed the decision.

It easily passed. The details would be discussed later. For today, the framework of a new world order must be decided first.

After that, there were more and more things that is proposed to the floor.

More and more laws are being made. Outside, the press quickly proclaims the new laws to the public that is looking and hearing them from their communication device.

From those people who is weak to those powerful people in the world, they all could not help but paying attention to every words that come out from the Dome of Arturia.

The laws that the World Council decreed, is a general law. The details are left to the world powers to determine.

It is not like the judicial power of a nation. It is more binding and more strictly enforced. To try to tamper it is to invite the wrath of all world powers

This is a decree decided by the powers that control the world.

This is not like the Geneva Convention where you could simply flout the rules and nobody is going to uphold it.

When they made the laws, they speak a lot and talk a lot and think a lot because once it is codified into a law that everyone in the world knows, there is no going back unless they repeal it in the next council meeting.

This is also because of their interest and as such it is required to think very carefully when approving, abstaining, voting or even protesting against certain matters

That is why everyone is cautious in making new laws for the world. But if the laws are broken, all six great powers would crusade against that one.

One might think that Death Monarch could do this act?

Fighting against the six world powers? If there is one person in the world that could do that, the one that comes to mind is none other than Death Monarch, the strongest person in the world

Yes, he could. But he won't.

Because he is in the proceeding.

There is a reason why the previous World Council did not produce anything substantial.

Because, if Death Monarch does not agree with the rules and laws that the World Council decided, then a war might erupt between Death Monarch and the six great powers.

As such, they would only feel assured if Death Monarch was in the meeting and deciding with them.

There would be an understanding and everyone knows that once Death Monarch give his word, he keeps it

If he didn't like it, he would veto it. So, there is no risk of drafting a law that he doesn't like

Laws after laws is drafted today.

A ticking clock ticks even faster. No one could hear the ticking clock, but it is ticking.

On an island far away from the city of Arturia, lightning, thunder, and earthquakes seems to meld together to create a mystical spectacle

A great battle is being fought, three people fighting against a dragon in the sky

Great things are happening today in the Turbulent Sea

One only knows that the World Council is presiding here but they do not know the battle for the trident nor do they know about the secret plot that is now shrouding the entire Dome of Arturia.

But, the time is approaching

Inside the Dome, inside the meeting room, they have finished a lot of the matter. Today progress is fast and even though they were arguments and shouts, the matter is quickly resolved.

One pale hand that moves is enough to make the shouts and scream to disappear.

after the tenth law has been decided, Death Monarch once again raise his pale hands. And the moment he raises his hands, the entire room stopped debating.

He puts down his hand and he looks at everyone. His face like always is expressionless. His eyes are cold and those who have ill intention against him would not dare to look at his eyes

From the very first moment the World Council begins, Death Monarch speaks only a few words, an interjection here and there, nodding and shaking his head.

He rarely speaks and when he does, he treats each word like gold.

Maybe, it is part of his character, but the more he is silent, the more mysterious and mystical he seems to become.

He rarely shows any emotions but no one finds it weird. They only felt that this is befitting of the demeanor of the strongest man in the world.

But, now he is about to speak. Everybody has been proposing ideas, laws and all kinds of suggestion for the new world order.

Death Monarch did not speak anything. But now that he raises his hand, it is clear what he is about to say probably would once again determine the new world order.

It is so before, and it is still the same today

Azief look at the guest, the world leaders and those powerful factions that is in this room.

Then he said

'I decided to split the world'


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