Lord Shadow

Chapter 1432 Flames All Around

The entire Dome seems to shake

The sound of the explosion came and the entire area of the room seems to be disintegrating.

'An anti-matter bomb mix with other corrosive and anti-life substances. Contain it before it could disintegrate the main formation'

Hannah Strom analyze the bomb before her holographic body disappeared from the room

the energy in the room was disturbed heavily, the formation embedded in the walls seems to erase itself, the ground cracks, the space properties that envelop the entire room shows signs of instability

'Let us make a move.' Lee Sangmin said calmly.

The other people that is still in the room nodded. They could see if they let this explosion continue unabated, even they would be affected.

Lee Sangmin tap his staff and formations light up under his feet, a helix like formation floated up from the ground, protecting him.

Narleod fly up and punches through the debris, each punch disintegrate the large debris that even the space is between collapsed.

Narleod frowned and shouted

'This room could not last. Evacuate' he shouted. The other people also noticed this.

Right now, the space altering properties of this room has been disintegrated.

Unless one wanted to try to survive a space crunch, they should quickly go out of the range of this room.

Kairu bring out a bottle flask. The sound of the water rumbling echoes inside the room even as the sound of space collapsing seems to drown out any other sound

Then he opens the flask and swipe the water out from it, a colorful rainbow bridge was formed

He jumps onto that rainbow bridge and he turns into a colorful light that disappeared from the room.

Narleod on the other hands turns into a meteor and melted everything around him as he pierces through the Dome ceiling

Even as the ceiling seems to collapse with the space that envelops it, his flame seems to be able to melt space

Lee Sangmin on the other hand tap the space beside him and the space seems to turns into a prismatic block. He enters the prismatic block and goes into the Mirror Dimension.

Hirate on the other hand had already been transported by Jean the moment, Jean notices the explosion.

Most of the world leaders could save themselves but there is other guest in the room that watched the proceeding.

And they all could only scream and be in fear. Not everyone in the room could fly away, punch their way out, or escape to another dimension.

Azief frowned before he waves his hand again.

Everyone in the room was transported away from the room and then after making sure that nobody is in the room anymore, Azief teleported himself out of the room.


A powerful space crunch erupted almost immediately in the room.

Around the area, the entire space time is unravelling, creating all kinds of weird time and space phenomenon before it devours itself and exploded in a powerful space altering explosion.



The sound of explosion is everywhere, the blast of the explosion swept away the structures all over the Dome.

The power of the explosion reaches the sky and distorts the already chaotic energy in this place even more.

Outside the conference room, there is Hikigaya.

He frowned, looking at the current damage and the blast and the explosion.

His mind is thinking fast. He did not have time to think who is the one attacking the Dome and the delegations of the world power.

Right now, seeing these kind of damage, he knew he could only think off how to save as many people as he can

'It is a bit hard but it is still possible. I guess right now I could show the world how much I have improved'

Hikigaya seems to mutter to himself. Even as his body is about to be blasted by an explosion, a shockwave and a storm of fire, he seems to be calm

His eyes are full of confidence.

He moves his finger and the explosion turns into a wave of water that turns translucent before turning into something akin of a holographic 3D projection.

The blast turns into nothing more than a blowing wind, the storms of fire gathers together and turns into fireworks that fly into the sky.

Hikigaya smiles.

Debris of large structure that is falling down on people turns into bouncy balls.

When it falls down onto people, the people would only get push away but were not crushed under its weight. All around the damage that should happen, the might explosion that should level everything outside of the conference room become something funny and harmless.

Some people look and see Hikigaya fluting in the air, his robe fluttering and a smile on his face and they know it is Hikigaya methods

However, these people did not have time to express their gratitude, quickly running away from the explosion that they see in the distance. Some run towards Hikigaya, believing that it is the safest around him.

Some fly to the sky, intending to leave the area. Some runs toward the back area.

He turns reality into merely an illusion, a trick of the eye.

Hikigaya is not the only one containing the explosion all over the Dome.

There is also Jean the Time Monarch.

He is sitting cross legged on the air, and there are green strings around his body. This green string seems to bind itself upon particles of atoms.

Around him, time seems to slow down.

And the closer it is to him, the slower time seems to move. But time itself is a construct of the mind. It is the stillness of nothingness.

There is an explosion all over the Dome but the explosion could not move. It is likes being a paused scene of an explosion only the living things in the explosion could run away.

The fire did not harm, the blast did not swept people away, the debris did not fall. People, and animals alike all fled the area.

Bursting out of the many halls that is in the area of the Dome, is the dignitaries of the world powers, the reporters, the soldiers and guards.

They see the situation and they could not make sense of it. On one side, there is a comical scene of danger turning into something cartoonish.

Large debris turning into bouncy balls, fires turns to beautiful fireworks in the sky, blast wave turns into breezy wind and so on and so forth.

On another side, time seems to stand still. They did not have time to assess things calmly. They just run or fly like there is not enough space between them and these calamities.


A part of the Dome falls down.

A middle age man looks at the distance, seeing the calamity that is about to come to him and his family.

A shockwave that is about to reach them, a storm of fire that is like a rolling ball of mud is behind that storm of fire.

And above them, a large section of the roof is about to fall down on them

One family that comes from one of the world powers that is running is about to be crushed by an entire large section of the ceiling.

The middle age man is the father.

He looks at his daughter and his wife and look at the roof section above his head, the danger that is above and in front of him and even though he did not want to, he could only resign toward his fate right now

'I could at least save my daughter; he thought to himself

This person is only in the Energy Disperse Stage.

If this ceiling is a normal ceiling he could just punch it out. But there is a weird fire that shroud that ceiling section and this fire seems to neutralize energy.

He himself is bloodied after pushing away some planks that seems to burst out of nowhere when the Hall first exploded.

And his energy was drained by that fire. So, he already knows that he could not save everyone. He could save himself. But that would be leaving his wife and his daughter to death.

He could only save one person. And he chose his daughter

'Sa-' he was about to say something, but then just right before the section of the roof is about to fall, it stopped

The shockwave disperse, the rolls of fire disintegrated like it is nothing but his illusion.

'He saw a man in the air, black robe, cold face simply pointing toward that part of the roof and the roof stop there in the air like it is suspended by some kind of string.

This man is none other than Death Monarch. The man nodded in thanks then quickly takes his wife and his daughter away from the area of explosion running toward Jean direction.

Azief then clench his fist and the section of the roof disintegrated into dust that is quickly blown by the wind.

'Who dares attack this Dome?' Azief seems to be thinking to himself. But he did not have time to contemplate this question

He looks around and he could see Jean and Hikigaya in the distance containing the explosion.

There were not the only ones but it is hard to use his Divine Sense right now to get accurate view of the situation. He is closest to Jean right now

He takes one step, the space ripples and suddenly he is now beside Jean.

The time around him in an instant seems to be locked by some force and he knows that this is Jean Time Domain.

He could see the explosion in the distance that is becoming bigger but seems to be slow.

Then he looks around the Dome.

'He improved more than just a lot' he thought to himself.

This is the Turbulent Sea, where time and space is very unstable. But even in such place, Jean could still maintain Time and Space around him to this degree.

If it's in any other place, he could probably simply stop Time altogether.

If not for Jean, this explosion would take out the entire Dome.

Azief, Jean and Hikigaya could see that the formation that is put by the Arrayist master did not even have the function of stopping this explosion

This explosion is not a simple explosion.


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