Lord Shadow

Chapter 1457 Past Acquaintance

The city of Arturia has been changed entirely.

A month was given to the world. In that month, overt and covert schemes are used against each other.

And in that one month Arturia changes from a free port city for pirate to one of the most heavily fortified fortress in the entire Ten Seas.

There is no such fortress in any of the other nine seas.

There are tens of thousands of island in the four direction of the city. Each island acts like a water current obstacles, magical properties embedded into it.

And even if you somehow managed to sail through the uncertain current and crazy waves around the island to reach to Arturia, that is not the end

There is a gate standing on four direction of the island city.

Each gate is titanic and heavy and sturdy. The North Gate, the South Gate, The West Gate and the East Gate.

All of this measure is to stop the pirate from coming. Of course, no one knows the true intention of Death Monarch when he created these gates

Hamad look around the city. Walking beside him is his old friend, Hatta.

Hamad then suddenly said

'As the battle rages on outside the city walls, the citizens within huddle in fear, praying for the safety of their loved ones and the protection of their home. The streets are deserted, save for the occasional soldier rushing to and fro on errands for their commanders'

He suddenly said

Hatta frowned and said

'What the hell are you talking about?'

'When you think of a war, that is what you think, right? But look at this city!' Hamad said and Hatta nodded.

Around them the streets are still busy. The café is still opened. There are throngs of people still walking around on the road.

Some people are drinking milk tea while enjoying the sunny weather. Some are lounging around.

Hamad and Hatta then goes to one of the café.

They buy some drinks and then ask some question. After a while they finally understand what is happening here

From what they heard, it is not that they are not worried.

But they are prepared. Most of the people here are all people who have ability.

The moment the alarm is sounded; they would fly away. Most of the population has already been moved to other part of the island

There are many cities all over the island continent.

Some build their cities around the shore and some build it on the center of the island continent. There are many cities for people to choose.

As for them that keep lounging around, they all are confident of their strength.

However, if those bigshots began making moves, they would run as fast as they could.

Hamad is now sitting on a swing and Hatta is standing beside the swing. Hamad is on a vacation. Hatta is also on a vacation.

Both of them are members of the League of Freedom. Over the years, they have risen to quite a high rank.

At least, they now have people they could command and armies and soldiers and they also know some secrets

However, they are not among the inner circle of the League of Freedom but they like it that way.

Those on the high ranks of the League of Freedom all have to play politics with each other and all of those people in the inner circle have heavy responsibilities

Hamad and Hatta had experienced many things and they just wanted to survive in this world. They are very low profile in the world

As the years passes, more and more heroes and heroines appears in the world and the world forgotten people like Hamad and Hatta

But, it is not something that these two cared about. It is better like this. As long as they develop steadily and keeps surviving, it is enough.

Hamad sighed.

'I guess even in vacation we still have to do some work' he said to no one in particular. Hatta only nodded.

Hatta and Hamad is one of many representative of the world power that is present in the city of Arturia right now.

There is reports that the pirates, the Crime Alliance, the many other criminal organizations all over the world all sail the sea to Arturia.

But then they stopped before entering the first layers of island.

They seem to be waiting, to gather everyone with a bone to pick with the world power. And the world power also did not engage them

It is like there is a certain tacit understanding between them. As long as you did not enter the city, we will not attack

But, even if we did not attack, even if we do not provoke you, we know you would still enter the city

Because if you don't, the reputation of your organization would crumble and from now on, you should accept your place in the world

Not in the light, but in the darkness, and when light shines upon you, you better scurry away like rats.

So, the dark forces of the world would gather all the darkness in the world and fight against justice

Light versus dark, evil versus good, it is a story as old as time, a universal struggle

It is not like they suddenly developed courage to fight against the world power.

It is just that they know Death Monarch move this time, is to determine the winner.

If these dark forces do not unite with each other, do not help the Crime Alliance and the pirates, the next target would be them

They could see the trend of the world that Death Monarch wanted to promote.

If today, the Crime Alliance and the pirate loses, the dark forces of the world also would not be good.

If the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold.

They understand this, so they united together for a decisive battle.

Since Death Monarch wanted a war, then they have no choice but to give him a war.

Some of those people on the ship still have soe hope. When they arrived near the near the island, they waited.

Waited for an attack.

If the world powers attacked them before thye enter the city, then Death Moanrhc might simply wanted to weaken them and lower their rueptaion.

But hours had gone by. The morning sun is now going up, the dawn had already break and there is not a single ship, not a single warrior, not a single shot levied upon them

Death Monarch wanted them to gather.

He wanted them to unite against each other.

And everyone knows why.

If he wanted to cripple the dark forces in the world in one blow, this is the most effective way to do it.

Of course, they could always choose not to gather.

But when your enemy is the entire seven world powers all together, if you did not give your best, whoever came today would be sacrificed.

Only if they all gather all of their power, they could at least have the chance to win.

The Crime Alliance, the pirates, the killers, the thieves, the evil organization spread out all over the world all have the same trait.

And that they are very selfish. But, they also know that this is no longer the time to play such games.

Because this is survival.

The shame is very simple and very cruel. everyone could see through it, but no one could stop it and still have to fall into it

If they do not even have one chance of winning, they would all still stay and hide. But because there is a chance of winning, because there is such a chance, they could gather.

This is why Death Monarch rarely need to use scheme and plot

When you have such power, if you make such a simple scheme, people still have to fall into it. If he did not possess the power he has now, people could have many different measures against him

But what if…. does not win you battle or win you a war.

It is just a simple choice.

A scheme that is so simple but so deadly.

Hamad and Hatta only ponders at this matter. Looking at the grand city, at the soldiers that could be seen stationed in may different places all over the city, both of them did not talk about it, but they truly marvel at Death Monarch simple plan.

Because he si the only one who could create such plan and make it work.

Hamad jump from the swing and landed on the sandy beaches of Arturia.

'Azief is really a different kind of breed from us' he thought to himself.

Many people did not know this but Hamad and Hatta once met Death Monarch

Though, at the time, Azief is not yet the world famous number one person in the world.

At that time, Azief is still someone the world could suppress.

When Hamad think of it again, if the World Government knows how much of a threat Azief would be, Hirate at that time, instead of waiting and trying to win against Azief, he would send every warrior he could spare and do everything he could do to make sure Azief is dead.

Who would have thought that kid would become such a high figure in the world?

People sometimes forget that Death Monarch is quite young.

Hamad and Hatta clearly didn't think so. By now, he is in his thirties. But, when he became famous, he was in his twenties.

Thirty is a very young age considering that a Disk Formation level could live for hundreds of years if not thousands or tens of thousands.

As long as you do not have any hidden injuries, Disk Formation levelers could live for tens of thousands of years

And now Azief is a Divine Comprehension leveler. Who knows how much of a lifespan they possess?

A person they met only a few days, at that time, how could they have thought that such a person would be such a colossal figure in the world?

This is also the reason why Hamad and Hatta always maintains a low profile especially when it is about his acquaintance with Death Monarch.


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