Lord Shadow

Chapter 1460 Lineup III

And with the development of army formation, a new kind of way was devised to contain the strong people of the world

Most astounding is the generals in the Senate and the Lotus Order where they would create all kinds of attacking and defensive formation utilizing the energy of the world and the energy of the soldiers.

In a way, they use the lives of soldiers to contain one person.

If one hundred people is not enough, use one thousand.

And if that is not enough, use ten thousand soldiers.

The more the better.

And there is variety of attacking and defensive formation. Unless a general shows the formation, it is hard to know what kind of formation would be employed

And even the same attacking formation could be used differently. To know and predict what the enemy general would employ is the mark of a talented general

And attacking power of the same formation did not always be the same.

For example, an army formation led by a Seed Forming leveler fighting against the same attacking formation led by a Disk Formation leveler…. there is a difference in power.

The one with the Disk Formation leveler at the helm would usually be the stronger one.

So, the world no longer looks down on soldiers and armies for the play a great role in subduing the Disk Formation leveler of the world.

For the past few years, many of the world powers that did not have deterrent effect like Death Monarch would spend their resources in creating a powerful army and recruiting soldiers, giving them a lot of benefits

It is no longer the time when Death Monarch with the cultivation of Disk Formation could suppress the world.

If Death Monarch is still in Disk Formation right now, at this moment, even though it would still be hard to kill him, as long as tens of thousands of soldiers is sacrificed it is not impossible to kill Death Monarch

Killing h

It is a pity that Death Monarch has always progress faster than people could create counter measures against him

These soldiers are all elite soldiers of the world and they look around them with solemn expression.

Even though, none of them is using their energy, the atmosphere around them is tense and heavy.

The people of the world that is looking at this scene from the projection screen could not help but feel awe and fear looking at these soldier and this armies surrounding the platform.

There is army on the stet, at the docks, at the beach, at the walls and at the entrance and exit of the city.

Any place that the enemy could come into the city, the army is there.

The elite unit stay around the execution platform and the normal soldiers are stationed in breach points all over the city.

This grandstanding is not only to fight the enemy but to show to the world the power of the world powers.

Some people that knows the inside story knows that Death Monarch is about to enter seclusion.

Before he enters such a long period of reclusiveness, he wanted to make sure the world would be stable.

Fear and awe need to be administered in the correct amount. The first platform has shocked the world.

As the drone move upwards, they see the people occupying the second level of the platform.

And the people of the world who saw it could not help but frowned a little, having many different motions.

For the citizens of the world power, they are very much happy to see the soldiers and army of their world powers shown on the screen but to the independent factions and forces of the world, each scene they saw makes them frown harder.

Then on the second level of the platform, the world could see the powerful figures of the world, heroes and heroines they only hear about in stories

People who could make waves in the world, each stomp create large ripples that could affect the world.

They saw what Hamad and Hatta saw and they saw it more clearly.

They see the lineup of Pandemonium, from Sina to Wang Jian, these three alone made people feels that Pandemonium has so many great talents.

This time Death Monarch did not hold back.

He summons many of his officers to the city, to show to the world the majesty of the most powerful force in the world!

Even after seeing Wang Jian, the lineup that Pandemonium had arranged is not yet over. As the drone pan to the left, the saw sitting beside the Southern Suppressing General Wang Jian is Lady Freya.

She is beautiful in appearance; her hair is styled in an elflock making her look like a Viking shield maiden

Her berserkers and soldiers all are on the first level of the platform, guarding in front of her.

If anyone comes to attack the platform, these berserkers might be the first one that would throw themselves into the battle

Wang Jian is known to have great understanding of military formation.

At times he could create a defensive formation that utilizes the power of heaven and Earth and withstand a hundred attack by forty Disk Formation levelers

He is also very flexible in using the army.

But Freya…. her method has always been the same.

But no one dares to fight with her.

It does not matter that the whole world knows how Freya deploys her soldier. It is just that they did not dare

The way Freya lead her soldiers had always been the same, attacking and charging directly with great force and ferocity

If anyone else uses such army formation like this, the generals of the world have all kinds of methods that they could use to restrain such charging formation

However, if Freya does it, the amount of destruction she could inflict is different than if other people uses it

This is because the unit she commanded is not a normal unit

The Berserkers

the Berserkers are not your normal elite unit. And this class of Berserkers only seems to be able to be picked by the people of Viking origins.

Britain has some Berserkers, the Scandinavian countries also build up their own Berserkers unit but for the rest of the world, they did not have such class that they could pick.

The Berserker class is quite a unique class in that those who picked it is basically a more enhanced warrior type class.

Not only the body is powerful and the rate of regeneration is fast, when one is angry, all abilities would get high boost.

It is the perfect soldiers that would charge ahead, relying on unstoppable momentum.

Unless the opponent is a Divine Comprehension leveler, Freya berserker Army made everyone tremble in their hearts.

When they go crazy and mad, they ignore all dangers and only focus on killing. Such a bloodthirsty warrior, who would want to fight voluntarily if they do not have to?

Unlike Wang Jian, she did not close her eyes instead she is talking with another powerful woman

Sitting beside her and chatting with her unreservedly is Lady Athena.

Her shield floats behind her back and her sword, the famous Ares Sword is inside the sheath on her left hip.

Frey has that demeanor of a beautiful but fierce warrior. But Athena has golden blonde hair, reaching past her neck, each time the wind blows from the shores of the sea, her hair would sway slightly like it was dancing

She forms this contrast with Freya. She is elegant and calm, just like one would imagine for someone called Athena

The Western Suppressing general and the Southern Surpassing general, Flying Berserk Cavalry General, the three great general of Pandemonium sit side by side.

It could be seen that there in the second platform there is seven distinct style of decoration which separates each of the faction of the seven world powers. And the current drone is now showing the lineup of Pandemonium.

And there is a face that many people did not expect to see. The Celestial Painter Xu Cong is also here.

He is still as handsome as before with that boyish charm with a carefree smile on his face. But there is also some kind of power emanating from him.

He looks elegant and scholarly with white robe.

Unlike the other people of Pandemonium line up which has swords and large weapons, he almost seems like he did not bring any weapons at all.

But the world knows that the Celestial Painter weapons has always been the brush.

If you look at his weapon, it looks very much like a calligraphy brush.

But there are all kinds of pictograms on its handle and around the brush tip that emits powerful reality bending abilities.

In the past, there is runic designs on the brush. Somehow, now, it has changed to pictogram symbols

Some people knows that Celestial painter had once again re-enter the world and since he enters the world again, he had to be involved in matters of Pandemonium.

And loses the immunity that Death Monarch had bestowed upon him.

That is the price

And sitting beside her is none other than Heaven Flute Lihua. There are many rumors about this woman.

There are many speculations that she is the disciple of Loki.

But, there is too many news in the world and who knows which one is true or not.

And many people have already forgotten about the battle years ago.

With how the world always have its world ending battle almost every other year, it is kind of hard to keep tracks of things.

To the world, Heaven Flute Lihua and the Celestial painter is famously more known for being the Immortal Couple, being in love with ah other, and rarely participated in the affairs of the world, making them to have the least of enemies among the many people in the lineup of Pandemonium.

But when they do fight someone, they would always fight together

Like Xu Cong, Lihua still retain her beautiful appearance.

She possesses this otherworldly beauty with white flawless skin and long silky hair that reach her waist, she was like a fairy.

But after improvement of her power, she seems even more otherworldly.

There is a flute on the side of her right waist.

What kind of power she had now after years of improving herself?

Not many people see her makes a move not even during those turbulent six-month period where Death Monarch is not present in the world.

The people of the world is not the only one that is watching the broadcast.

The pirates, the Crime Alliance, the dark forces of the world that joins this expedition to fight against the world power in Arturia is also looking at this broadcast.

They wanted to know what they are up against.


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