Lord Shadow

Chapter 1480 One Look

Amaterasu and Hikigaya.

The entanglements between them are very complicated to untangle and she will never bow to him.

She would rather die than do that and Hikigaya give up quickly any idea of wanting to recruit her

Instead, he looks around and then ask

'Where is Susanoo?'

Amaterasu simply said

'He has something else to do'

'And the Seven Gods of Luck?' Amaterasu did not answer

'It is a pity. Your life was meant to be spared. But Susanoo wasn't. I really wanted him to be here. So, I could finish the job'

Hikigaya spoke such provocative words but he still sits there on is throne. And it is the same for Amaterasu.

Even though she really wanted to tear apart Hikigaya, she knows once she enters the area of the platform, she might probably get trapped in some kind of Illusion World and in the Illusion world unless your mental power is very strong or your realm of power surpasses the level of the caster by miles ahead, you would not escape such prison of the mind

She is confident of her power. But that is in front of other people of the same level. Even though she has a divine class, this does not mean she is invincible.

She also has limitations. It is because Yomi has people with Divine Class that they still did not die out even after repeated attacks by the world powers in the past.

Amaterasu looks at Hikigaya with venomous expression but she did not get provoked and did not attack the platform.

Hikigaya smiles a bit as he could see that the current Amaterasu is not so easily provoked like last time

At least she now knows to prioritize the important thing.

But, Hikigaya noted, even though she could not be completely provoked, when she throws her mask before, she was clearly provoked.

In other words, it is simply that the provocation is not enough or she knows enough not to harm the larger plan.

'She has matured' he thought to himself.

He looks at another person.

'Looks like a Mexican?'

Hikigaya thought in his mind for a few second before asking

'Are you Martinez the Dissolver? From the Cartel?'

The person nodded.

He is a middle age man with curve mustache. Such an appearance usually would make people look funny but on him, it makes him very manly

He is tall and lean but it is clear under his shirt sis tough and well sculpted muscle.

His eyes seem to be dead. He might not remarkable but Hikigaya could see with his eyes how much resentment that this person has accumulated.

In the world before the Fall, there might be retribution. But this could not be seen and could not be proven.

But in this world of magic, Karma, fate and destiny could be seen and could even be manipulated.

With this many resentments on him it is very easy for Hikigaya to trigger a tribulation of punishment on him.

Because emotions have power whether that emotion is positive or negative, it interacts with the magic particles all around them

So, he did not even pay attention to Martinez that much

The moment he knows about his identity, he already decided that this person is easy for him to destroy

Even though his power in the report he reads shows that his ability is very powerful, someone who do not control their own Karma from breaking out like this is easy to kill.

Killing does raise your level quickly.

But that is only on the short while.

If you did not use that power to invest in understanding the result of your own action, sooner or later, you would find yourself incapable of controlling even your own fate and destiny

And Martinez in his eyes is a lost cause

Then he looks at the last one.

An Asian man.

Six feet three, muscles all in the right place, a slightly spiky hair. His hair is not long but neatly cut.

There is a saber behind his back. And he seems to wear a somewhat traditional clothing making him looks like those people in martial arts movies.

Hikigaya remember this person. Someone from the Triad.

He smiles.

'Ah, you are that man? Yang Xuan was it. The Butcher of Henan'

Yang Xuan frowned.

Yang Xuan named is not known to many people. But those in the criminal underworld knows this man as a butcher.

The reason he is called the Butcher of Henan is because there are other people in the criminal underworld that also have the title of Butcher.

He butchered Henan when he is a general of one of the warlords. His warlord fell in battle and he joins the triad.

But his butchery did not stop. One time, there is an old man from a village that refuses to give him his daughter.

He flayed that old man, does unspeakable thing to his daughter and the slaughtered the entire village and flayed all of them.

Not satisfied with that he then butchered entire county before a wandering warrior stumble into this matter and with a band of other like-minded heroes pushes him out of Henan

This was the time before the Lotus Order was established in Asia.

Yang Xuan is arrogant by nature. Even though he knows Hikigaya is stronger than him, he does not come alone.

Hikigaya smiles

'A mortal does not know the immensity of Heaven. Heaven did not punish you before did not mean it would not punish you today. Heaven will not accept you and the Earth will not tolerate you!'

He spoke with such power and the power of Karma, Fate and Destiny is mobilized.

This could not be seen and heavenly phenomenon could only be seen by those who learn the methods of Karma

The resentment of people that ahs been killed by this person rises up towards the Heaven

The Heavenly Will feel this and the power of Heaven is mobilized. But the power of Heaven did not fall on Yang Xuan

Instead, it falls on Hikigaya. If it falls on Yang Xuan it would be a Heavenly Punishment. But if it falls on Hikigaya it became a blessing.

Heavenly Will…. what does it hate the most? Destroying lives wantonly. It does not mean that the Heavenly Will is merciful. It also kills but only when it threatens the Heavenly Will and the world

Hikigaya felt the power of Heaven coursing through his veins.

Any other day, he would not borrow the power of Heaven

But today, he had to because his energy is insufficient and he already reserve a lot of his energy in protecting this city.

Hikigaya eyes changes and there are rings inside his eyes. He opens his eyes and look at Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan at this time did not lower his gaze

'Accept this Punishment!' And their gaze locked with each other.

And the moment this happen, Yang Xuan suddenly screamed.

Amaterasu notice what happened.


Then he immediately shouted

'Held him down!' Mister Moscow was the fastest to act.

He quickly moves beside that man but before he could even hold this person, the sound of explosion echoes


Yang Xuan exploded into bits and pieces.

His skins and body pieces hurl itself toward Mister Moscow but Mister Moscow quickly activate his energy shield and the blood and the bits and pieces did not land on him.

Mister Moscow look toward Hikigaya and who knows what expression behind the mask. But one could guess the expression is not pleasant

'That is tad cruel, don't you think?' he asks. Hikigaya smiles and spoke

'When he skins people alive, slaughtered them like they were animals…. did you ask the same question?' He then laughed.

To Hikigaya, it almost seems like it is nothing to blow p a person.

Even those who sees this from their projection scream could not help but gulp. People were used to the image of Hikigaya being the mediator.

They rarely see him so domineering. People sometimes forgot that one does not become a large figure in the world just by being nice.

Just because the tiger hides its claws, doesn't mean it doesn't have claws.  Someone who dares to fight with Death Monarch like Hikigaya could not be ordinary

Amaterasu frowned. She frowned for many reasons. She knows Hikigaya when he is a bit younger. Now, it is almost a decade.

She has changed a lot and it seems that Hikigaya also change a lot. In the past, he always hesitates to kill even when he is a warlord.

It is the people around him that usually does the killing for him hence for most of his campaign, he seems to maintain this image of a benevolent dictator.

Years had passed and Hikigaya has lost any trace of hesitation when he makes his decision.

However, she did not reminisce for long.

'Don't look him in the eyes!' she shouted and Martinez close his eyes.

The people that did not close their eyes is Amaterasu and Mister Moscow.

They seem to have a certain power to resist illusion

And they seem to be looking at Hikigaya straight in the eye

Amaterasu is gritting her teeth and Mister Moscow is stimulating his energy. They are ready to protect themselves as the aura around their body is getting larger and more powerful


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