Lord Shadow

Chapter 205: The undercurrent surfaces (2)

The colliding force created a shockwave as the tiles beneath the guard feet cracked into web like patterns and the wind around them become chaotic.

Yet the area behind the Frenchman was unaffected, like nothing is happening.

The broadsword attack dispel the gust of wind.

At that same moment Boris guard move like lighting and appears beside Boris left looking warily at the sleeping guard.

Like nothing has happened the guard did not even seem to notice anything carefreely sleeping.

An awkward silence fills the entrance area.

The Frenchman was seemingly sleeping. But Boris guard knows, that strike came from this sleeping Frenchman.

Boris did not notice what was happening when the gust of wind heading towards him but now that he is being shielded and seeing that his guard has unleashed a slash, he finally realizes what almost happen.

‘Alexandrei. Calm down.’ Boris look towards that sleeping Frenchman and respectfully said

‘I request to be granted audience with Chancellor Jean.’ The sleeping Frenchman did not reply but then a knocking sound sounded three times.

The land shakes and the warding around the entrance ripples. And Boris face pales in the face. Because he could not see how this sleeping Frenchman produce that sound.

Was he so fast that he wasn’t able to see?

Alexandrei grip his broadsword tighter.

It was then a voice sounded out from inside the residence.

‘Come in, Chancellor Boris. Null, stop playing’ It was Jean. The other Senators looked towards the sleeping Frenchman.


They know they heard that name before until one of the Senators turns pale in the face in the face and whisper to his other colleague.

The other Senators after hearing the story also slightly inched backward away from the sleeping Frenchman.


That name was not as famous as the great heroes of the Weronian War. To be completely accurate, his name was not known at all.

Only certain people know of the name and even those who knows his name does not know what his position is.

One only know that Null is one of the Three Holy Guardians of France. He was once a general in the French Empire under Jean. But he was sacked from his position.

Because of what happened in Switzerland.

After the Fall, the few nations not badly affected by mutant sapiens and monster infestation is Japan, Switzerland, island nations and a few Europe regions.

When Null was conquering the Swiss lands and was putting it under his control, the Swiss rebels.

Angered and wanting to end the rebellion as quickly as possible Null resorted to extreme measures.

He burned and sacked Zurich, Bern and Geneva leaving none alive, men, women, old or young. Those who were alive was either burned in a tall twenty foot pole or buried alive.

His method was cruel and incite such fear that it makes many of the cities that rebel meekly surrendered after faced with such inhumane and cruelty punishment.

It was cruel but effective.

But such act could not go unnoticed by the World Government at the time. Null was one of the reasons why Jean joins Revolutionary army at the time.

In public Null was said to have been apprehended and jailed.

But after many wars and the emergence of many great heroes that shock the world, Null name slowly disappeared in people minds.

After all Null was not a name that was famous worldwide unlike Raymond, the Prince and Katarina.

Hearing such story it is understandable why some of the Senators inched away in fear.

‘Lower down your weapons, Alexandrei’ Boris ordered.

He reluctantly lower down his arm.

Boris look towards the Frenchman guard but sighing he walk forward as his heart keep beating as he pass the guard.

He swears he could see a little smirk on the Frenchman guard face when he passes by.

Boris walk inside pass the archway and his guard follows but miraculously they found themselves they were in the same spot as they were before.

When Boris look behind him he found out that his guards could not pass the gate. He was about to say something when a deep voice enter his ears

‘Let us talk without our guards. There shouldn’t be so many ears that should listen to what we are about to discuss.’

Boris at first were reluctant but then he finally decided it was for the best. He looked toward his dumbfounded guards and courtiers and orders them

‘Stay outside the gate. I have some private matters to talk with Chancellor Jean.’ Saying this Boris walk inside the residence.




Jean was wearing a normal white robe but he look majestic wearing it. His pale white face was illuminated by the fireflies flying roaming freely in his study.

He seems more muscly than before and the aura he emitted was full the trace of Time energy and it shows by the rippling effect of whatever he touches.

It was like at certain places inside the study, time moves slower while at some, and other places it moves faster.

Inside his study there is a large tree towering on the height of ten feet. That tree was in the middle of the study and it takes root right at the middle of the studies.

The tree produce a purple fruit that have the Laws of Space and Time distorted around the fruit.

Fireflies also flies around this tree suffusing it with energy. This fireflies is unlike the normal fireflies. It glows purple and energy emits from it.

It was faint but it could resonate with the space around it. When it glows, the fireflies turns transparent.

The Tree is the Time Tree and the fireflies is the Efevernescence fireflies. It has a calming effect and release pheromone that help the mind to be clear….and that is not all.

But Boris doesn’t know much about those fireflies.

Since it is reared by Jean. And he is very protective of them

As Boris looked upwards, he notices something.

Eagle standards could be seen draped on the balcony, in golden colors and intimidating whoever that comes here.

Seeing it one would be reminded that this harmless looking guy in front of Boris once used to be the Emperor of France and held Europe on his hand.

Jean is tall, and skinny but he also has muscle.

He looked like a trendy young man. But even though he looked like that, this is the man that stood tall against Raymond, Hikigaya and Oreki in the absence of Katarina.

A man whose prestige is as high as the Prince of Darkness.

‘Where is Paulette?’ Boris asked opening the conversation with a lighthearted question.

‘Somewhere’ he answered without interest. He looked at Boris and snickered. He likes making his contemporaries feeling uncomfortable.

‘Would it kill you to answer all my question with such vague answer?’ Boris thought to himself. Jean was sitting on his wooden chair styled with carvings of gods and demons.

He went to his wine shelf and brought out a white wine and put it onto the table beside his chair and quickly pour himself a drink.

He offer wine but Boris decline.

‘Suits yourself’ Jean said before smirking. Boris just shake his head, restraining the annoyance that is building up.

He need to make sure he and Jean are at the same page before the declaration.

Would he still be in the mood to drink when he is racked with nervousness and uncertainty?

Jean, on the other hand looking perfectly at ease, unaffected by Boris mood as he slowly twirls his wine glass before taking a sip

Boris sighed inside his heart and then he decided he had to quickly ask Jean

‘Jean’ he begins, his tone solemn deep and commanding. Jean gaze upwards as he put down his wine glass.


‘Do you agree or not with what I proposed?’ There is a silence inside the room. For a while this silence persisted.

Jean pick up his wine glass.

Jean instead of answering immediately twirls his wine glass for a few times. Taking a sip, he savors the taste, like he had all the time in the world

Slowly putting back down the glass he finally answer with a question

‘To form the Republic to counter the growing influence of the World government. You mean that?’

‘Yes’ Boris nodded

‘Hmm. Why the change in schedule? I thought you would wait a bit more until you could confirm the position of the other Senators and the warlords.’

Boris then smiles. They got the news a bit late. But by now, it is obvious that the World Government has found out.

So, he must move fast. Because the World Government will surely move too. There is too many variable now.

So, he answer Jean question with a simple statement.

‘The Mountain in Spain collapsed.’ Boris said and there is a smirk on his face. Jean eyes narrowed.

His forehead frowned as the implication of this statement finally dawn on him. But there is one more important thing he need to clear up.

‘Is there anyone in it?’ Jean ask the question. And with a smiling and a slightly prideful expression Boris shakes his head.

Jean sighed.

‘The storm is forming’ he thought to himself.

Jean understand why Boris is happy. If there is people inside the mountain, then that is the worst news Boris could get.

But if there is no one…then that means the Snow Princess is still alive like The Trickster announced a few days after the battle of Spain two and a half years ago.

Many people at the time believes that Loki was only saying that to deter any party with bad thought from harassing the companions of The Prince.

This also means that Boris will once again gain his biggest supporter, the once strongest woman on Earth, Katarina.

‘And probably still is’ Jean thought to himself.

With The Prince as her allies, her position would be solidified. One must not thought the Prince was alone.

If The Prince shows himself, he will bring with him allies and subordinates, each one worth more than a hundred thousand Orb Condensing soldiers.

There is the Divine Archer who was in Disk Formation, Wang Jian who is also a Disk Formation leveler with an army of three hundred thousand elite soldiers.

And if Wang Jian joins that means the Fairy of the Stars Somi who was an Energy Disperse Stage leveler with the extremely overbearing Seven Stars Sword Formation would also joins.

There is also the Genius Alchemist Sina who have many friends in high and low places.

With the amounts of help she have doled out, there are many heroes and heroines that owe her and would be happy to help her

Not everybody have indestructible body. They all need medicines

And if Sina come out and meddle with the politics of the world, then that means Nightingale Sasha would also come out since those two are known to be close friend and as close as sisters.

There is also Athena and Freya but whether they will stand with The Prince is uncertain since they do not have that deep of relationship with the Prince.

But if there is one that everybody knows would stand with the Prince it most certainly would be the Purple Speedster.

Two and a half years ago he disappeared. If he heard that his sworn bother is alive, he would surely come out and declare his support.

Then, there is of course, the slyest of them all, Loki the Trickster. Unlike the other companions of the prince after his declaration that the Prince is not dead, he disappeared completely.

Even the Purple Speedster once appears seeing to visit the Mountain before disappearing in a flash of purple thunder

By gaining the support of the Prince, Boris would gain all the supports of these great heroes under the sky

Jean understand a bit about the Prince. Any grievances, enmity and debt will be pay double fold.

The same for gratitude and kindness.

The more Jean travelled his own Path, the more he understand the importance of having a steadfast and a clear mind.

A steadfast heart means being undeterred by any obstacles and challenges, always moving forward without doubting oneself.

Clear mind means having nothing that could be a mental obstruction. And to have a clear mind, one must have a pure heart.

Even now, Jean still does not understand what this truly means.

But he understand a bit. Of Azief grand Path. To walk a straight path, regardless of other people thoughts and opinion.

Jean was not an optimistic person. He knows Azief is still at Seed Formation.

Especially when he was sealed. So he should not be a threat for both the World Government and the Revolutionary Army.

But Jean knows even if the Prince did not form his Disk, to underestimate him would be the most fatal error anyone could make.

At the time, The Prince of Darkness was in Seed Formation and fought a Weronian equal to a Divine Comprehension leveler and emerge victorious.

Not to mention, the lineup of his allies, that itself was terrifying enough.

‘Has they revealed themselves?’ Jean ask Boris and with a malicious grin he said


And he laughed. Jean frowned. He understand why Boris was so joyous. The fact that they do not reveal themselves means only one thing.

The Prince…..is preparing to strike down his enemy. He is not na?ve enough to think the Prince is injured.


Because he was one of the few people in the world believes that when Katarina seals herself and the Prince, she did that in hopes of healing the Prince.

The fact that the Prince is alive and the Mountain has crumbled is a testament of the fact that the Prince has healed.

If the Prince has died, the World Government would have publicly announced it to calm the world.

Right now Hirate must be pulling his hair out of frustration.

And while Jean did not actually met the Prince many times, but from what he could deduce of the Prince personality is that he is cautious but also decisive.

And he work best when he work inside the shadows. Now, that no one knows where the Prince is, his enemies must be squirming in unease.

Jean could already see the trend.

Those party and groups that harassed the Prince companion would surely lay low and seclude themselves on their territory praying that they will not attract The Prince attention

Jean looked at Boris and asked

‘So that is why you want to hold the vote right now?’ Jean suddenly understand why Boris shift the schedule.

‘Yes. This is the right time. We must decide fast, put the resolution in front of the Senate and quickly subdue the influence of the World Government.’

Jean think for a while and a person come into his mind. Then he blurted out what he was thinking.

He usually held his tongue to maintain the peace in the Senate but now that he have decided to agree with Boris he blurted out his opinions about someone.

‘I do not like it’

‘What. Our alliances or my plan?’ Boris was clearly shocked. Looking at Jean he doesn’t seem that he hated his plan that much.

If anything, they are colluding together to achieve the same goals.

‘No, not that. Narleod.’ Jean said. Boris sighed.

‘I don’t trust him’ Jean added.

‘He….help me’

‘Still, I do not approve of his method. I know you turn a blind eye on his dealings but…there is a limit.’ Jean said.

‘Desperate times.’ Boris said Jean shakes his head.

Jean then take a sip from his wine glass before putting it back down again.

‘This is why you will never surpass your sister, Boris. That one quality of hers that you did not posses’

‘What quality?’ Boris asked. Clearly he was also curios.

‘You said it was because of desperate times that you turned to such a degenerate like Narleod. Desperate times call for desperate measures right? That is your thoughts right?’

Boris nodded

‘People like the Prince and your sister will never use that excuse. They would overcome it. The more desperate they become, the stronger their conviction became and not the other way around. Bending your will to reach your goals is a smart way to do things….but not the right way to do things. Even if they do use such measures, they will not sugarcoat it. And they would surely not betray their own heart.’

Boris didn’t understand what Jean was talking about. So, he sighed.

‘He do not see the Grand Path’ Jean thought to himself and pity Boris.

‘You still don’t understand do you? This world…this era….is different from our old world.’

‘What don’t I understand?’ Boris said a little miffed. Jean chuckles

‘The heart and the mind….so laughable. Such a simple concept yet you couldn’t understand.’ Jean was reminded of the scene of Spain two and a half years ago.

Unbending. And straight. No hesitation. No running away. Only the determination to move forward, to soar higher.

When Jean watches that battle, he realizes what he has been missing.

A truly stupid way to fight but also the most effective way to fight.

To put himself at the edge of life and death, to be unbendingly straight and true to his heart and maintain a pure mind.

It could be spoken but in the end, only the heart will determine whether the spoken word would only remain words or become result.

Only after Jean experiences it he knows, that even if The Prince said it to him it would be useless.

One must understand it themselves. Because one understanding differs depending on one own heart.

An evil heart sees a dark path, a pure heart saw light

And Boris didn’t understand it. This is why Jean viewed Boris as not equal to him. He is smart. He is a good schemer.

But he will never be more than that. His sister on the other hand is a different case.

Her determination is without question and her bravery would put all men to shame.

‘Jean, will you join hands with me?’ Boris ask the question. Boris took the last sip and put down the wine glass, as the fireflies flies back to their leaves.

Jean closes his eyes and said

‘The World Government…you know who they will target right?’ Boris nodded

‘This is why we must be fast. We must contact the White Tiger, General Wang Jian immediately and inform him.’ Jean nodded and open his eyes

Then he declare his decision


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