Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1439 - Charity With Some Business Elements?

Chapter 1439: Charity With Some Business Elements?

“Boss Pei, which project will we work on for next month’s publicity plan?” Meng Chang took the initiative to ask.

Pei Qian nodded slightly. Yes, this Meng Chang is not bad. He’s getting more and more proactive.

It looked like his incentive had been very effective.


Pei Qian had not thought about which publicity plan to do next month.

That was because settlement was next month. Most of the projects had been developed and the dust had settled. Even some unfinished projects were mainly done with finishing up.

It was not that these projects could not destroy publicity resources. The main reason was that the timing was relatively special. Pei Qian was afraid that it would be too difficult to control.

It did not matter even if he messed it up and made a huge profit. He could think of ways to spend all the money before settlement. There was still room for salvage.

However, there was only one month left until settlement. How would he clean up if he created more trouble?

Wouldn’t the entire cycle be wasted?

However, it was not appropriate for Meng Chang to stop there. After all, the advertising and marketing department was now the key department that was helping Pei Qian burn money. With Meng Chang’s help, the settlement of this cycle should be smoother.

Pei Qian pondered for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

That’s right, there was a project that fit perfectly!

It was the charity project for this cycle!

Before this, Pei Qian had already thought about how to spend the charity quota for this cycle. He would provide resources directly to some poor primary schools in Handong Province. Each student would get a bag of milk, an egg, rice, oil, fish, meat, vegetables, and the like.

It might be more difficult to improve their results. After all, the students’ utilisation and learning capabilities were different. The most important thing to improve their results was to have master teachers, while master teachers were a rare resource that was lacking in everything.

However, providing some living supplies like this would at least allow the needy children to fill their stomachs, ensure nutrition, and grow well. It could also be considered a charitable act with low investment and high returns.

Of course, the high returns were not economic but for the growth of the child.

Until now, this matter had been more or less done. Whether it was the school or the suppliers of these food products, they had all been carefully selected. Tengda was equivalent to a sponsor and intermediary. They had pulled the strings and brought both parties together. At the same time, they were in charge of supervising and guiding them.

Of course, the current coverage was not very wide. However, the charity quota would continue to increase in the future. The better Tengda developed, the more charity quota there would be.

There shouldn’t be any serious consequences if he were to use this charity project as publicity, right? It would definitely not affect settlement, right?

Pei Qian felt that it was promising!

However, after thinking about it carefully, he still had two problems to solve.

First, according to the System’s judgment, charity and business were two completely different fields. Naturally, they were applicable to different rules. On the other hand, publicity funds could not be burned indefinitely on charity. There were many restrictions.

Otherwise, it would be too simple to burn money. Wouldn’t it be done if he could spend as much money as he could on publicity after doing charity?

There were also solutions. They could either burn less money or try to blur the nature of this charity and bypass these restrictions.

The best way was to divide it into half charity and half business.

On one hand, he could let it retain the characteristics of pure charity. The charity limit could still be smashed brainlessly. On the other hand, he could let it have some business attribute. That way, he could use the loopholes in the system’s rules and spend a lot of publicity funds to achieve the goal of burning money.

Of course, that triggered the second problem.

Would it suddenly make a huge profit after destroying the publicity funds? It was a huge problem as to how to add business attributes and ensure that it could not make money.

What’s more, even if he did, there were still risks.

If the publicity was done too well and the influence of this matter spread throughout the country, it would definitely increase Tengda Corporation’s reputation!

Pei Qian was deeply affected by this and was almost annoyed to death.

The reputation that Tengda had established was so strong that this influence expanded to all aspects of the entire company. Every time they entered a new field and developed a new product, under the blessing of this reputation, they would become ‘everyone’s attention’ and ‘everyone’s expectations’. It was impossible to keep a low profile.

Coupled with the strange luck that products always succeeded for no reason, it could be said to be adding fuel to the fire, burning Pei Qian all over.

Thus, even if he changed the nature of this matter and bypassed the system’s rules, he had to be cautious and try his best to make the publicity plan ineffective.

It was commonly known as ‘doing good deeds without leaving a name’.

To be honest, this was very difficult.

Previously, Pei Qian had donated all his charity funds to his alma mater, but he had kept a very low profile and did not burn any publicity funds. That was also why.

Not advertising was the safest way.

However, Pei Qian decided to take a risk now for settlement and to explore more ways to spend money.

Pei Qian briefly explained the plan for the charity plan to Meng Chang and said, “I want you to do the publicity plan for this charity plan next month, but I have two requirements.”

“First, I hope to change the nature of this charitable plan slightly so that it would no longer be a pure charitable event but a certain commercial nature.”

“However, I’m not asking it to make money. You can think of the ‘commercial nature’ as a purely economic act without any economic demands.”

“Charity is still its first goal. It occupies more than 90% of the market. Even if there is a slight chance of success in business, it cannot affect charity itself.

“Second, the publicity plan this time will still be considered a commission like before. There will be some changes in the details under the premise that we spend as much publicity funds as possible: What I need is for the publicity effect to be as good as possible in the poor rural areas that the charity plan can cover. It would be best if no one knows about it on the internet and in unrelated fields.”

“How is it? Are you confident in completing this task?”

Meng Chang’s first reaction was confusion.

What the h*ll, what the h*ll is this?

Wasn’t this charity plan already quite complete? It was a good thing to give nutrition to the children of poor primary schools!

The suppliers and primary schools had already been in contact. Wouldn’t it be done if they were to implement it directly?

Why were there two more requirements?

He looked at these two requirements.

The second requirement for publicity effect was understandable, but the first requirement was a little strange.

Charity was charity, and business was business. Why did charity have to have a business nature? What’s more, charity was still the first goal. It did not matter if the business part was profitable.

Wasn’t that a little contradictory?

He really could not understand what Boss Pei was thinking!

However, Meng Chang became excited after a short period of confusion.

He might not have figured out Boss Pei’s true intentions but he felt something: Boss Pei attached more importance to him now. The difficulty of the task that he had arranged for him had increased!

This task was worth studying.

What’s more, Meng Chang naturally made some connections when he heard that the person in charge of publicity was a charity project.

When he came the last time, Boss Pei had already hinted for Meng Chang to go on the right path. If he went on the wrong path and paid off his debt in advance, he would be kicked out of Tengda.

In just half a month, Boss Pei asked him to publicize a charity project.

Was this a coincidence?

No, how could it be a coincidence! This was almost a clear sign!

Obviously, Boss Pei had probably guessed that he was using various methods to earn extra money. He was giving him a chance to make up for his mistakes!

Previously, Meng Chang had already thought about whether to distribute a portion of this money and do something within his means.

On one hand, he wanted to have peace of mind. On the other hand, he also wanted to show mercy on account of taking money and doing good deeds if Boss Pei found out in the future.

However, Meng Chang thought about Ghost General 2’s publicity plan as he worked. He thought about it for half a month but still did not have any good ideas.

There were many ways to do charity, but what kind of method was Boss Pei more approving of? It was really hard to say.

Great, there was no need to worry now. Boss Pei had arranged everything!

It seemed like he had underestimated Boss Pei.

Previously, Meng Chang had a wishful thinking that Boss Pei probably did not know that he had relied on Fan Xiaodong to earn extra money. However, he now realized that he was ridiculously wrong.

Boss Pei was just giving him face and did not expose him directly.

The task this time was to guide him back to the right track.

As for how Boss Pei knew...

Meng Chang did not think that Fan Xiaodong was a mole, nor did he think that Boss Pei was so well-informed.

The biggest possibility was that Boss Pei knew Meng Chang’s character too well. He knew that he would definitely do something beyond commission.

These thoughts quickly flashed through Meng Chang’s mind before he nodded and said, “Alright, Boss Pei. I’ll do my best for this!”

“That’s right, Boss Pei. The video from the sales department has been produced. I’ve already reposted it to you.”

“Oh? Not bad, not bad. I’ll watch it in a while.” Pei Qian nodded, very satisfied with Meng Chang’s work.

He could finally confirm the candidate for the mole to suffer with Tian Heiquan!

One of them made content and the other edited videos to create Young Master Tian’s account. Neither of them could escape!

Meng Chang did not stay any longer and turned to leave.


After leaving Boss Pei’s office, Meng Chang walked towards the Advertisement department and pondered about the deeper meaning behind Boss Pei’s mission this time.

“It is very complete based on the standards of a charitable event.”

“Why add some commercial factors? What’s more, the primary goal of these commercial factors is not to make profits. That’s very strange.”

“What is business?”

“From a very utilitarian point of view, business is about how to make money. However, this is definitely not the concept of business in Boss Pei’s eyes.”

“The business that Boss Pei understood must have a more serious and positive meaning.”

“Commerce is the transaction of goods, currency flow, and various economic activities. Introduce, business is the process of communication and connection between different economic actors. The meaning of business is to optimize resource allocation, better gather the productivity of different individuals, and better promote social development.”

“What advantage does business have over charity, then, that Boss Pei must add business elements to charity?”

“Yes... I have it.”

“Cohesion and drive!”

“If this event is just a very simple charity event, then Tengda can only be the one doing the work. Boss Pei is the one doing the work. No other company has the motivation to participate. The impact would definitely be very limited.”

“On the other hand, business itself is something that has cohesion and drive. If we can bring business elements to this charity event, we can attract other companies to join this charity. That would help more people and achieve better results!”

“What Boss Pei means is to let more companies or individuals participate and gather more power through the attribute of business. Relatively speaking, Tengda must also give a certain amount of returns.”

“Think about it this way... Is Boss Pei hinting to me to take the lead?”

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