Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 41: Fighting Different Races- Part 5

Chapter 41: Fighting Different Races- Part 5

"Red Lotus Flames" A girl bloom a red lotus on her mind, and then she spun it. The spinning Red Lotus Flame like a fierce tornado swept towards Johnny. But this lotus flame was not visible to others, even Johnny didn't find it until it actually hit his mind sense.

"Giant Will, guard me up" "Dark Sword Soul" Without any hesitation, he used Giant Will for his defense. Since her attacks are mental, he could guard against it only if his heart is strong. But he can't just rely on Giant Will to stop it forever, he needed to fight back.

Four swords of a meter long each was created him in inner space; it began to stab the flames from all four sides. The dark energy begins to corrode the red lotus flame. The Giant Will was standing tough against the flames until it was extinguished completely.

But Johnny wasn't satisfied, he needed something to counter, he clenched his fist without any movement of spiritual energy into his fist, stomped on the ground, and rushed towards the girl.

Although it seems no amount of energy filling up in his fist, the fire energy was constantly gathered to the back of his body. And no doubt about it, this fire energy was constantly heating up his spear, an old trick from his arsenal which was used only once. when Johnny reaches near the girl, he brings his fist forward for a punch.

But he found there was no response from the opponent suddenly he realized a man rushing towards him with his fist condensed with enormous energy. He could see the power rising from his fist, while his fist was empty nothing but muscle energy.

Still, his fist was no ordinary fist.

"Bull's thrust"

"Breaking Sphere Fist"

"Pow" "Bam"

"Zebra Kick" Johnny rotates three hundred sixty degrees and comes with a powerful kick on the face of that person.

"Bam" The kick landed on the face, making his face distorted. This was no ordinary kick, a kick style from the Heaven's Rank Art, no doubt the man felt pain in his face but suddenly he heard the girl shouting at him "Bon, be careful."

"Red Sun Spear Technique- Burning Sun" The blazing sun appeared in front of the bon, it was large as an asteroid and hot as a sun. Coming towards him, bon was sure he can't escape this. But he still tried to counter, though it was already very late.

"Bang" The burning sun-blasted that person into pieces, after that, he silently disappeared in other eyes.

"Bon!" This time the girl shouted loudly with red eyes as if Johnny has touched her bottom line. Well, Johnny did do that because he got no reason to play fair, he knows only sneak attacks can get him a win here.

"Sophia, lookout" Another person shouted when he saw Johnny's action but he was very late. In front of Sophia, a large sword was condensed with minor swords around it. They were merging together to form a giant sword in yellow.

"Sword Creation Magic: Ten Thousand Swords Return to Origin"

This was actually intermediate magic, but Johnny could only try one spell because it wasn't completed yet. He still needs some time to complete it.

"Bang" "Poof"

The giant sword slammed at the body of that girl, making her disappear slowly while she was murmuring "Bon, we are going back together"

Hearing her, Johnny's mouth twitched murmuring "Don't tell me they had love chemistry between them."

Then, Johnny looked at the other remaining two who were surprisingly not attacking him at all. Suddenly, a statement came out of his mouth "Sorry, but without sneak attacks. I can't win against you guys."

"We already know that. In fact, we are surprised you can swallow your pride and sneak attack at us." One of them spoke who was wearing a white shirt and pants.

"I don't have anything to be proud of" Johnny shook his head and replied, "But want to know, how is my strength compares to geniuses like you guys?"

"Do you really want to know?" Another person in golden armor asked. His voice seems to be very domineering.

"Yes..." The moment he said these words, a fist slammed into his stomach.

"Bang" "Thud" Johnny's body curved flying back and falling heavily on the ground while coughing blood.

"You are very weak." The person golden armor coldly spoke. His aura and manner were nothing like others. His power seems to be completely on another level, suddenly the person in white cloth spoke: "Brother Long, don't forget our rules!"

Then, he smiled and looked at Johnny before answering "Brother, you don't need to consider yourself weak. In fact, in these trials you have transformed faster than any of us would have expected and that is the only way to win the highest grade trial. Let me explain about the genius first."

Suddenly, this environment turned into a lecturing session for Johnny.

"Geniuses are people who can bring out fighting power higher than their cultivation. Everyone's cultivation represents certain strength, when you break that limit and get better strength, you can be considered a genius. But some people can only increase their fighting power by certain rank while others can increase the fighting power by many ranks."

"So, a ranking of genius is divided into three parts; Spirit, Earth, and Heaven. Spirit Rank geniuses can fight people one realm higher than their own, of course even in Spirit Rank, there are nine grades that represent nine grades of cultivation realm. So, the higher, more the battle power you have. Such as, Spirit Rank Third Grade can fight an ordinary cultivator of three grades higher in terms of cultivation."

"Earth Rank genius can fight someone of two realms higher, as for Heaven rank, they are peerless geniuses who can fight people with three realms higher than theirs. Of course, this comparison is between genius and ordinary cultivator, if you compare between geniuses then these won't matter much."

"Originally we are Earth Rank Geniuses but when you first arrive here and win the highest rank of Spirit level trial; our fighting power was suppressed in Spirit Rank geniuses. Still, if it was that moment, then you wouldn't be able to win. But on the way, you're fighting power soars and current you finally stepped on Spirit Rank Sixth Grade Genius which is almost equal to ours."

"In fact, our job is only to train you. And the reason is simple, and you should have already noticed this when you faced Earth Rank Highest Grade Trial after facing Spirit Rank Trial. In fact, unless you transform and improve yourself in the middle of the trial, you can't win the highest rank no matter the cost, and the reason is time."

"Yes, you do not have time. Even if you use the highest level offensive art from your arsenal, your energy will be consumed in rapid which means even while facing a trial you need to break your limit in the middle of the trial. This is normally considered to be impossible, so even if you have the greatest fighting power from the start, you can' win all three trials unless....., A person like you enters the trial with the lowest level genius fighting power, and improve himself to be the best."

"So do you understand, only under circumstances, you can pass all three ranks highest grade trial. Only then, you'll be eligible to face up against the ultimate trial. This ultimate trial holds the unknown rank treasures as a reward. Although your body has gotten very strong over few battles, you still haven't realized the core essence of that strength. If you defeat us, then I hope you'll try to control that strength and get ready for the ultimate trial."

Suddenly, A man name Long sneered "Enough with the nonsense, fight me first."

"Water Waves Dragon Fist" The Long person clenched his fist and slammed towards Johnny. His fist summoned the great waves of water, that rushed towards Johnny as if they want to completely break him.

"Alright, only two are remaining then let me use everything I've got." Johnny got the basic understanding of the trial, seeing his enemy rushing towards him. He shouted

"War God Bloodline- Warrior Arm"

"Giant Arm + Black Tortoise Fist" This was the first time, Johnny was going to use such a scary move. His bloodline gave him a powerful boost in his arm, the power of a giant race slowly follow into his arm, turning it like a giant. Spiritual energy flooded into his arms, the power of black tortoise flashes in his fist, unmovable, it collides against his enemy fist.

"Bang" "Thud" The collision caused space to disturb a little, the power of the black tortoise broke Water Waves. His enemy got fist slammed in his chest, making him fall hard on the ground.

"Dark Sword Soul" Johnny didn't lose time, and hastily formed dark swords, stabbing them towards his enemy.

"Brother Long, soul attack; be careful!" Seeing his friend suffered injuries and was about to get hit by the soul attacks, the youth in white clothes shouted

"You should be careful instead." Suddenly, Johnny's voice rang in his ear. He saw a giant sword above him, and helplessly sighed "Unfortunately, I can't use my full strength." He knew unless he got time to launch his strongest, he can counter this sword, after all this was not the normal sword.

"Sword Creation Magic- Ten Thousand Swords Returns to the Origin"

"Splash" "Poof"

"Brother Ling!" Seeing his friend dying in front of him, the person in golden cloth shouted in extremely bad condition. He had blood flowing out of his mouth. Then, he heard the same as brother Ling heard before

"You should be careful instead"

"Warrior Arm- Bull's Thrust"

The power of the bull flooded in his arm smashed his enemy face. Finally, with 'poof' this last person also disappeared. The next moment, he saw golden words float in front of him.


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