Martial Online.

Chapter 209 Ambrose Vs. Goblin Elder

Chapter 209 Ambrose Vs. Goblin Elder

Ambrose hopped to the left and then right, landing on the unguarded side of one of the goblins.

With a flick of his wrist, he beheaded the goblin with a swift slash to the neck.

"Huff... Huff..." He jumped backwards, dodging the sloppy attacks of the goblins while quickly assessing his next move.

'Shit, my stamina can't handle fighting this many people at once.' He thought while already feeling sluggish. 'I have already used Self-Possession four times today; I can't do it anymore, and it drained all my stamina.'

'The small rest back in that doctor's house helped little, but I fought the entire night, didn't sleep one bit, and did the fucking test.

'I have never been this exhausted in my whole life!

'It's not only physical exhaustion; my mind is worn out as well; I don't feel like fighting or even moving my legs anymore!'

If he had put more stats on stamina, he would perhaps, in theory, be able to use Self-Possession one more time or at least fight properly.

However, since day one, he hadn't put as many points into stamina as he should have, and now he was paying the price.

But he had been jogging every day and training, which had increased his pathetic stamina.

In real life, if there was the possibility of using Self-Possession, his maximum would be once before he passed out.

'From tomorrow, I will skip thirty minutes of sleep and jog twice as long!'

His sleep had already been reduced to three hours, and now he was planning to lessen that by another thirty minutes!

It was the price to pay to become even stronger!

"Zahaha, feeling sluggish?" The Goblin Elder jumped over the goblins and swung its cane in a wide arc, casting another spell.

"..." Ambrose lowered his stance and put his sword in a defensive position.


With a laugh, a powerful magic circle appeared in the air above the Goblin Elder's head.

A light beam fell upon its aged figure, enveloping it in a shimmering aura.

Once the light beam disappeared, the Goblin Elder was surrounded by sturdy armor with intricate designs and glowing symbols.

It was magic armor!

"This is armor that absorbs all physical attacks!" The Goblin Elder laughed. "Nothing can penetrate through this armor!"

Ambrose sprang forward with sweat glistening on his forehead.

He grabbed his bicep with his left hand and felt the reassuring weight of his sword in his right.

Then, his muscles swelled as he smashed his foot to the ground and swung the sword in a wide arc.

"Slash of the Three Worlds!"

The Goblin Elder put its left hand forward, and from the armor, a shield emerged that covered his hand.

Cling—the sword smashed into the shield with a resounding clash.

"Zahahaha!" The Goblin Elder laughed mockingly. "A pathetic attack! You have truly exhausted yourself, fool!"

Ambrose threw a left-handed punch, catching the laughing Goblin Elder by surprise.

Smack—the punch connected with the Goblin Elder's face, causing it to stumble backwards.

After a few steps backward, the Goblin Elder stopped and touched its cheek.

Its laughter slowly faded away, even though the punch didn't really do any damage.

In goblin culture, it was considered a sign of disrespect to punch someone in the face.

Weapons and kicks were okay, but punches to the face were seen as a personal affront.

"You will pay for that..." The Goblin Elder waved the cane, regained control of the goblins, and then forced them to unleash an all-out attack against the black-haired human!

"You will pay for that...with blood!"

"Haha, your numbers sure have dwindled!" Ambrose laughed and reached out to his inventory.

"Huh?" The Goblin Elder turned around, and to his shock, there were only ten goblins left, most of them injured!

Swoosh—Ambrose pulled out another Black Sword from his inventory.

He crossed the swords, drawing an X in the air.

"A-attack!" Still, the Elder Goblin made them attack.

The goblins charged forward without any weapons in hand.

They hadn't brought their weapons to the meal, as they imagined that they would already be eating the poor prisoners.

"Slash of the Three Worlds..."

He sprung forward and unleashed a powerful swing with his swords.

The arc of destruction swept over the goblins like an unstoppable plague, decimating their ranks within seconds.

As the blood spilled over the ground, the Goblin Elder tightened the grip on its walking cane, a dire expression on the face.

"Just you and me, huh..." Ambrose smiled and wiped off the sweat. "So much for your army."

"It doesn't matter." The Elder Goblin said and pointed the cane at the face of the human. "They did their job, and that was to exhaust you."

"No loyalty among goblins, huh? Well, humans aren't much different!" Ambrose jumped forward and slammed his swords down, but the Elder quickly blocked them with the shield.

"The goblins are born to serve the elder. They were born to serve me!" The Goblin Elder screamed and swung its cane around before casting several spells.

First, the elder summoned a gust of wind that pushed Ambrose a few steps backward and then sent a wave of fire towards him.

Ambrose lifted his swords and cut straight through the fire.

As he emerged from the fire, the corners of his clothes were burning, but he didn't seem to care as he ran forward and started delivering quick downward slashes.

"Ngh!" The Goblin Elder walked backward while blocking the strikes with the cane and shield.

"Ahhh!" Ambrose continued hammering his swords down, but the shield and the cane didn't seem to shatter no matter how hard he tried.

The Goblin Elder suddenly crouched, its knees sinking towards the ground, and then suddenly swept Ambrose's legs underneath him with a timely low kick.

Ambrose crashed on the ground back-first, his breath knocked out of him.

The Goblin Elder smashed its cane down, but Ambrose side-rolled to avoid it and then jumped back to his feet.

"High Pain!" He rushed forward and smashed his sword down, only to get blocked again.

However, he didn't seem to be dispirited as he took one step backward and put his sword in an overhead stance.

"Basic Slash!"

Swoosh, cling—the sword smashed into the sturdy shield.

"Weak!" The Goblin Elder shouted and pushed Ambrose back with a shove.

"Dual Basic Slash!" Ambrose lifted both Black Swords above his head and brought them down, but the Goblin Elder nimbly dodged them and cast several spells at the same time.

The spells shot forward like bullets.

"Dual Basic Parry!" Ambrose crossed his swords in front of him and deflected the bullet-like spells.

However, the force of the impact sent him tumbling backwards, but as soon as he stopped rolling, he jumped back to his feet.

But his legs seemed to weigh tons; even dragging them behind him seemed like a monumental task.

The Goblin Elder shot forward and used its cane like a sword, delivering powerful blows at Ambrose.

Ambrose gritted his teeth and continued using Dual Basic Parry, but soon he couldn't keep up the speed and was struck in the chest.

The power of the strike sent him crashing into a wall.

"Ngh!" Ambrose spat out saliva, his vision blurry and his body aching.

"Huuh... huuh..." The Goblin Elder panted heavily; even it was not spared from the brunt of the long fight.

Using tons of spells and mind-control had exhausted it both physically and mentally.

"You have been defeated." The Goblin Elder laughed. "However, I do not plan on killing you yet. You are not enough to fill my belly. I still desire that red-eyed human. I want to have her eyes. They are mine!"

"I will find her, bring her back here, and eat her as a main course while you are the desert!"

Ambrose raised his head and laughed.

"Hahahahaha, cough, hahahaha..." While laughing and coughing, he stood up from the wall. "Are you serious game?"

"What?" The Goblin Elder looked strangely at the human.

Ambrose chuckled and shook his head.

His interface hovered in front of him.

[Level: 51]

"Ahh..." Ambrose chuckled and pointed his sword at the Goblin Elder. "You really shouldn't have let me kill all your minions. Now I have sixty stat points to spend!"

"What?" The Goblin Elder frowned.

Ambrose smiled mysteriously and assigned the stats to increase his dexterity, stamina, and strength.

[STR: 100 -> 105]

[STA: 45 -> 60]

[DEX: 60 -> 100]

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