Martial Online.

Chapter 215 Hopes

Chapter 215 Hopes

"Mmh..." Ambrose sleepily muttered while feeling like he had one foot in the realm of dreams and another foot in reality.

However, after a while, he ventured further away from the realm of dreams, about to become fully awake.

As his eyes fluttered, he began to make out the familiar surroundings of the room.

He pinched his nose bridge and shook his head gently to wake himself up.

'That was a nice sleep...' He thought and let out a short yawn. 'I haven't slept that well for a long time. I didn't know I was that sleep-deprived.'

He then casually moved his head to the side, planning to lay on his side for a while, but then his nose touched a soft and pointy nose.

It startled him as he quickly realized that Bella was sleeping right next to him, their bodies almost in contact and their lips only inches apart.

His heart skipped a beat as he gazed into her peaceful, sleeping face.

'That startled me...' He pulled his head back but subconsciously glanced at her rosy lips before sitting up and taking a deep breath.

He then moved the blanket off of him and quietly slid out of bed.

After entering the bathroom, he stared at his reflection in the mirror, turned on the sink, and began washing his face.

As he splashed the water on his face, he couldn't help but remember yesterday.

'That was one busy day.' He closed the sink, dried up his face with a towel, and looked at his face in the mirror.

He had barely had a moment to himself, always going from one place to the next and fighting constantly.

'Yesterday, I reached a hundred in both Vitality and Dexterity. I should log off soon and see what has changed in my body.'

He felt optimistic that his disease, Humanoid Imperfecta, was finally cured, but he still kept his expectations low.

Knock, knock.

"Jesse, are you there?"

He turned to the door, hearing the knocking and Bella's sweet voice.

"Yes, one moment." He finished drying up his face and then left the bathroom.

"I just wondered if you had left already." Bella smiled after the door opened, revealing Ambrose standing there with a towel in his hand.

"Left where?" Ambrose asked curiously and put the towel over his shoulder.

"I thought you would be leaving today after rescuing me." Bella fiddled with her fingers. "You have a bounty on your head, after all. I now know why you didn't stay in Yatagarasu back then."

"Yeah, that..." Ambrose shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the bed, then put his shoes on. "I don't plan to leave yet. There is something I must do."

"Oh really?" Bella curiously looked at him. "What is it?"

"Well, first of all, I received a scroll from an old friend, and it includes a few things that I need to learn. I won't leave before I have learned it all, and I also have to think about where to go."

"I see." Bella nodded with a smile on her face. "How long do you think it will take?"

"I have no idea how hard it is to learn them or if I even can." Ambrose said with a shallow chuckle.

There was a time when he couldn't learn skills because of his lack of intelligence and dexterity.

He doubted the Mortal Style was as simple as the Rich's Basic Style.

"I'll plan on staying in this room for a while. I can't really go outside in case this town's guards recognize me."

"I understand." Bella chirped happily and then asked. "I plan on visiting the market and making some food. Do you want something?"

"Mm, anything you make is fine for me." Ambrose replied with a smile. "I'll plan on visiting reality now, so I might be out for a few hours."

"Sure, take your time!" Bella waved happily, took her handbag, and left the inn's room.

Ambrose then opened his interface and pressed the log out button.


"Ugh!" Jesse slammed his eyes open and felt an immediate urgency to visit the bathroom to do both numbers 1 and 2.

After a while, the toilet flushing sound came from the bathroom, and then Jesse left the bathroom with a relieved expression.

'This is beginning to annoy me. I wish there was a way for me to empty my bladder inside the game without always having a rather unpleasant exit from the game.'

Jesse then went to change his clothes and sat down on the gaming chair before booting up his game.

Out of curiosity, he wanted to check the current stats of his videos.

Soon, the stat tab was open, showing the stats of both of his videos.


[The Method to Acquire an Upgraded Class]

[Views: 31,894,222]

[Comments: 21,945]

[Like Ratio: 61,00%]


[Challenge Vs. Olympos]

[Views: 45,035,921]

[Comments: 59,424]

[Like Ratio: 79,99%]


'Nice increase.' Jesse nodded happily and then checked his subscription count.

[Subscribers: 1,094,017]

'It's rising rather slowly now, but it's still amazing.' He smiled and then closed the computer.

He knew he had to continue making videos so he wouldn't lose his current popularity and subscribers.

It was common for people who gained sudden success to start losing subscribers and viewers if they didn't upload videos regularly.

It was the same case for those who pumped out dozens of videos every day, hoping for any of them to get featured. Those kinds of ForeverTubers often faded into obscurity.

After standing up from the gaming chair, he went to the bedside table, where a new phone wrapped in plastic was.

'This looks like a brand new model.' He unwrapped the phone and looked at the high-tech phone that looked like it cost more than his entire PC setup.

'They shouldn't have.' He sighed.

It was unfamiliar feeling for him to get spoiled like this by his parents, but he would be lying if he said it didn't feel good.

It made him happy inside.

He then moved over to the wardrobe and took out the sturdy-looking wooden stick.

It was something he had used as a training sword, and he knew it was durable enough to break an arm if enough force was used.

'Let's test dexterity.' He went into an offensive stance.

In the empty air in front of him, an illusionary figure appeared, carrying a sword and shield.

Jesse stood forward and began spinning the wooden stick around him, brushing past his shoulders as he executed a series of quick and precise movements.

His fingers nimbly maneuvered the stick, effortlessly transitioning between strikes and blocks.

He then lifted the stick over his head and whispered. "Slash of the Six Worlds!"

Swoosh—the stick smashed through the illusionary figure, breaking through the shield and sword.

'Yes, my dexterity has increased by tons!' He laughed with a triumphant smile. 'My swordsmanship has indeed increased plenty, especially after reaching a hundred in dexterity!'

After smiling and laughing at the incredible progress he had made with his swordsmanship, he remembered there was one thing he still had to test.

'Vitality...' Jesse took a deep breath and extended his arm forward.

'One way to make sure.' He raised the stick high in the air, aiming it at his left arm.

'Please, I hope it worked.'

After his last prayers, he slammed his eyes open and shouted. "Basic Slash!"

Swoosh—the wooden stick smashed down at full force, striking his left arm with a loud thud.

Smack—the silence fell over the room as the wooden stick flew from his hand and crashed into the ground.

"A-argh!" Jesse screamed loudly and clutched his arm in agony, his whole body throbbing in pain.

"It didn't... work!" He cried out, his voice filled with frustration and disappointment. "Fuuck!"

His hopes were crushed with that single blow.

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