My Succubus System

Chapter 210: 210

Chapter 210: 210

Chapter 210 : Backlash

*Wh-what the fu--* Agni could scarcely finish her thought as her knees buckled and her blood pressure dropped tremendously. Her vision blurred and she became light-headed almost instantly. It happened so quickly that she had very little time to relish her accomplishment. Her knees hit the ground hard, causing a stinging pain to jar upwards through her kneecaps. But she couldn't feel it, not really as her mind began to swim.

"Agni? Agni!" Zura's visage resembled fish goggles for the red-headed succubus as her frame began to slouch. She had been saved from being rendered unconscious due to her own willpower, but soon another problem arose.

A spurt and splatter, of blood no less, trickled down her face. Her nose was bleeding, practically gushing as her blood pressure rose again, just as dramatically. She leaned forward, her hand reaching to collect the red liquid subconsciously as she felt a warm sensation rolling down her upper lip and chin.

"This is serious." She could hear a young woman say.

"Does this always happen?" Another girl asked.

"No. Give me a handkerchief. Does anyone have one?" This time it was Zura's voice. Agni could feel the warmth of her hand against her shoulder blade, rubbing assuringly. Though things felt dim, Agni could tell her vision was slowly normalizing. The loss of equilibrium had begun to subside as well.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Zura asked, more concern showing at this point. She pressed the handkerchief to Agni's nose to stem the trickling flow of blood. By this point it was proving unnecessary. Agni could already feel her body normalizing. That is for the throbbing pain in her head. That felt more like a persistent pressure which gradually lessened like a slowly expanding vice grip.

"I- I'm fine. I think." She murmured. One sight at the pool of blood on the ground caused Agni to think twice at that statement, however.

*T-that's a lot of blood.*

"I-I..." The voice was sudden, quivering and full of emotion." I hate my life!" Michelle shouted, her fists clenched as if she half expected her voice to die within her throat.

"I... I hate my life. I, oh Gods. Thank you. Thank you!" She said as tears began to stream down her cheeks. Soon both Michelle and Agni were on their knees, each for a different reason. Michelle's friends crowded around her, some kneeling and the closest of them hugging her profusely.

"It worked." Zura remarked, her heart feeling less heavy at the sight of their tearful embrace. Though Agni's head still hurt, her heart felt significantly lighter.

*This kind of thing is pretty nice too.* She thought as her heart began to flutter at the wholesome sight unfolding before her. The group of women took a few moments to gather themselves, a moment that Zura deemed necessary. For healing of multiple hearts. After Michelle's torrent of tears lessened and Agni could finally stand on her own two feet, Zura turned her attention to the matter at hand.

"Michelle. It seems like you were being controlled against your will. Can you explain clearly so that we can understand?" Zura said as she knelt in front of the young woman and clasped her hand.

The woman known as Michelle removed her hood for the first time, revealing her dirty-blond locks of hair which curled neatly around her cheeks. Her face was red and damp from tears as she pushed away the wetness with her palms.

"Yes. It's.. it's so much I don't know where to start. He-- that man. He's nothing like what he seems. He's crazy!" She nearly shouted as more tears streamed up from her eyes.

"Shh. It's okay. Just take your time and explain it to me." Zura said as she hugged the young woman, pulling her head into a waiting bosom.

"I'm just so happy. So happy to finally be free." She sobbed.

"You don't know what it's like, to be a prisoner in your own body, your own mind." Michelle said through her quivering sobs.

"It's okay. Start from the beginning. What happened the day you went missing? Terra said you went to the Memento Mori chapel. Is that correct?" Zura asked, looking at 'Terra' for confirmation. The green haired woman shook her head affirmatively as Michelle began to speak.

"Mhm. We were looking for new clients. I saw a group of men and gave them a few fliers like we were supposed to do but..." Michelle hesitated for a brief moment, as if she regretted her decisions.

"I...I agreed to go party with them. I know, you always told us never to take single dates, much less group dates away from the chapel but.." Michelle's voice trailed off as a single tear streamed along her cheek.

"Michelle. It's okay. You're safe now, and among friends." Zura said, offering comfort during her time of need. This, in turn, gave Michelle the courage she needed to continue her story.

"It's just they seemed so friendly and amicable. They weren't handsy like a lot of the guys. I got a good vibe, and you always say to go with your intuition. I just.. I don't know, maybe I got caught up in the moment. Anyway, I followed them back to the chapel. Memento Mori, I mean."

"Only it didn't look like a chapel. It looked more like a club on the inside. We went in and partied, and had a few drinks. Then they invited me to the V.I.P. and then things got strange." Michelle said, her tone changing as she recalled the events which led her to the current predicament.

"There was this man. He...he's like a monster in human skin. He just attacked me with no provocation. These long black tendrils shot out and pierced my chest. That's all I remember before I passed out."

"Wait..." Agni said, her attention sharpening to the utmost.

"Did you say black tendrils?"

"Y-yeah. Why?" Michelle asked.

"Did he have bronzed skin? White hair with silver strands?" Agni then asked. Michelle's expression told Agni all that she needed to know.

"How did you know that?" Michelle asked.

"Zura. You saw him tonight too. With Gaines, after the auction." Agni said as she slowly got to her feet. Her balance was off, but that didn't matter. She could feel a fire growing as blood fiercely pumped through her veins.

"That's Zipher. Zipher Enrei. He's evil. Absolutely evil." Michelle said, her face draining of its warmth. The expression on her face suggested that she was remembering unpleasant things. Zura could feel the way Michelle's body reacted to the mention of this man, uncontrollable shakes which felt like spasms. She was immediately reminded of a small animal consumed by fear.

"This confirms it." Agni whispered to herself as she thought back to her brief encounter with Gaines and his companions. Yet, there were so many questions remaining.

"Michelle. What happened after you reached the V.I.P. section?" Zura asked. She could feel Michelle's hands tighten around the fabric of her dress, but Zura felt she should keep the young woman focused. While Agni was right, it was confirmation of someone linked to Gaines, that didn't necessarily mean the man himself was involved.

"Well. Like I said, he attacked me. And I felt my body seize up, I couldn't move. And then.." Michelle's voice trailed off for a moment. She paused, her face contorting momentarily as she glanced downward. The sound of dripping blood splattered against the cobblestone street.

"Wh-what? No. I.. I thought it was broken. I.. I thought I was fr--" Michelle's words were swallowed by the mind rending pain which overtook her body. She froze as the light in her eyes dimmed momentarily. Then she lurched forward, knocking Zura away in the process.

"Michelle? Michelle, what's wrong?" Zura said as she moved towards the young woman. Michelle's back arched as she began to move unnaturally. It reminded Agni of a cat releasing a hairball. Only it wasn't hair. It was blood -- at least it looked like blood. The reddish liquid was thick and rancorous, the second it splashed forth from the woman's mouth it took on a blackish color.

There was so much fluid, too much. The blond's eyes bulged so wide that Agni thought they would burst. The veins popped, quickly turning the woman's eyes a lighter tint of blood red. Even as this occurred blood spewed forth from her mouth, then her ears. Amidst her anguish Michelle attempted to shout and scream, but these verbal protests were drowned out by the suffocating stream of black blood.

She leaned forward, desperate to stop the pain ravaging her body while everyone near could only look on in horror. Michelle tried to crawl away, a last ditch attempt to put some distance between those she loved and herself -- but it was in vain. She made it no further than a meter before black flames began to erupt from her body. The flames came forth from the inside, causing punctures in her flesh as jets of black flame and blood shot outwards.

"Get away from her, quickly!" Zura shouted. The two girls who initially refused to abandon their friend had little time to react as Michelle's body burst into flames. The mass of fire was so large, so encompassing that it created a blazing sphere. The woman known as Terra grimaced as she was caught up in the sudden expansion. The other friend was sent flying several meters into the air.

"Zu-ra--" This was Michelle's last word as her body was consumed by the black flames of second death. Amidst the unbelievable sight Agni swore she took notice of bead-sized tears which defied gravity, the last of which burned to embers along with Michelle's body.

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