My Vampire System

Chapter 2449 Minny Vs Galen (Part 1)

Minny looked at her little brother in disbelief, she was wondering what would warrant this type of reaction. The two of them always had a good relationship, they looked after each other and hardly ever got into arguments. 

In fact, in a lot of ways, Galen would be more inclined to listen to Minny than Layla sometimes. The only thing she could think of was his age. Currently, Galen was just so competitive about everything. 

They would often be competitive playing catch with each other, or when Minny would show Galen something, and it was something Galen couldn't do, he would spend the next few hours perfecting it until he could best her. 

'Is this just another case of that?' Minny thought. 'After seeing me fight, has Galen's competitive nature come out again?' 

Minny was looking around, there were so many people watching in the crowd, and this wasn't the Talen show, it was a show for all vampires, so she was waiting for either someone to go out there to get Galen, or to at least inform her what to do.

While nothing seemed to be happening, there were a lot of whispers among those in the crowd, wondering how a kid had gotten onto the field, and most importantly why no one was doing anything?

"Wait, I think I've seen him before?" one of the students said. "Isn't that Minny's brother." 

"Hey, I think you're right, I've seen him with their mother from time to time. Holy crap, are we going to see a sibling rivalry fight right now!" 

The talk was spreading, to the point where the other students and parents who had come from outside of the settlement were learning of not just Galen but who Minny was as well. 

"Oh… no wonder she was so powerful, she's the daughter of the Hero Quinn." 

"It makes me wonder if the son is also special. I mean, he would have to be right?" 

"Minny is older, of course she would win in a fight between the two." 

"Yeah, but boys are naturally stronger than women, so you have to take that into account." 

"Boys are stronger than women, so can you beat Minny, I think she would kick your arse before you could even say anything." 

The tension in the crowd was full of excitement, and already the question was popping up in the people's mind, who would win out of these two.

Even Xox, as he looked at the situation, had his own thoughts in his head. 

'That's that damned brat who caught me! He ruined everything and is the reason why I've had to come back here again. I wonder if there is a way I can influence the fight… or hurt him in the process.' Xox thought. 

It would be a hard task, especially with so many people watching and he would have liked to have confirmed a little more, with the others.

"What do we do?" Xander asked. 

"Well, Layla hasn't protested and come out. Maybe she doesn't mind the two of them fighting." Muka replied. "I think it would be an entertaining battle, and I'm pretty sure the two of them know their boundaries." 

"And what if the fight gets out of hand, then who will stop the two? Are you sure we are strong enough to stop them?" Xander asked. 

This was a question that Muka didn't answer immediately because she wasn't sure, and if it came to that, how embarrassing would that be? That the strongest people in the settlement at the moment, were the two in front of them. 

"Well, if you put it like that, then don't you think there is nothing we can do to stop them?" Muka replied. "Kids will be kids, and if they don't resolve this now, they will try to resolve it in the future when the situation would be more likely to get out of hand." 

It looked like a decision had been made, which was why Muka went to speak through the speaker interface.

"An unexpected situation has occurred as currently in the ring, we have the talented Minny Talen and Galen Talen!"

The crowd cheered at the top of their lungs as soon as they heard this. It was clear that they were excited. 

"This was not a planned event." Muka stated, making it clear. "So I will pass it onto the two contestants. If they wish to take part in this battle and give us a show, please, the two of you raise your hand."

It didn't take long for Galen to raise his hand. He understood words well even though he was unable to speak them so well. Then it was up to Minny to start.

"You really want to fight me little brother?" Minny smiled, as she punched her hand into her fist. "Alright, then let me go ahead and show you why I'm the bigger sister. You need to learn a thing or two from your elders." 

Minny knew one thing, that Galen wouldn't use his shadow powers. It was a promise he had made with their mum, and he wasn't the type to break that promise even though he used it once in a while when no one was looking. 

In order to make it fair, Minny wouldn't use her shadow either. She soon raised her hand and the crowd erupted going wild. 

"Very well, the decision has been made, let's thank both Minny and Galen for putting on this show!" Muka shouted. 

Layla on the side was just shaking her head constantly. She hadn't expected this, but with everyone watching, how could she just stop it. If the situation looked like it was getting rough though, she would certainly step in to stop it. 

The crowd began to count down as the timer, went down. 


Immediately, Minny had coated both of her hands in red blood aura. It looked like bloody claws, and she charged forward like she did with the other contestants. She didn't just rely on her speed though. 

Swinging her arms, multiple blood swipes came out, and they had done so fast. 

"Holy crap, she's not holding back, and against her little brother!" 

The reason for this comment was because she hadn't even done this against the other two contestants in the last battle, but Minny knew she at least needed to do this, if she wanted to hit him. 

Galen moved perfectly from side to side, as he avoided the swipes, his small body was flexible as he leaned back and even jumped over a few of them, letting his feet only touch the ground for a moment or two. 

What was amazing as well, was as soon as Galen touched the ground, he would throw a blood swipe of his own. Minny defended herself slamming through the blood swipes. 

Although Minny had thrown nearly triple the amount of blood swipes as Galen, something was clearly noticeable, Galen had avoided all of Minny's blood swipes, whereas every time, Galen's had hit Minny. 

Sure, she had blocked them, but the timing was perfect, he had thrown it just as she would charge toward him, stopping her momentum as she needed to break them. 

"Who would have thought that two kids would be giving us a fight at such a high level." Muka smiled.


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