Naruto- Secret Sage

Rasengan experiments and accident

Rasengan experiments and accident

Naturally the [rasengan] was an easier technique to learn and use thanks to this difference. Not easy but easier, important distinction there. What I couldn't understand about the technique however was how seemingly no one had managed to add elemental release to the technique even after nearly a decade and a half. The closest attempt to my knowledge was the [lightning cutter] of Kakashi that he made by trying to add lightning nature to the [rasengan]. Thing was though that the only real issue with the technique elementally was that you couldn't add a chakra nature to it AFTER it had been formed.-

If you simply used pure elemental chakra though to form the [rasengan] it worked easily with some proper control over the energy itself. Interestingly though the shape and function of the [rasengan] changed depending on the element used to create it. Wind release created a sort of shuriken shape that rotated around the orb. Lightning release was a little more tricky due to the very nature of that element wanting to be unrestrained. When pulled off however the form the [rasengan] took was a bright blue spear with the orb set right in the center of the handle.-

The water release form was surprisingly a larger orb with the [rasengan] orb in it's core. At first glance I had just assumed that I had created a bigger [rasengan] as it appeared nearly the same but in truth the fast moving water that rotated rapidly in compression around the orb merely LOOKED like the base technique. The earth release variant was odd as it appeared like a brown cannon ball. Appearance wise that was it, functionally it was anything but so simple. Fire release was much like lightning in that it was a bit tricky to pull off but the form it took was a shield oddly enough.-

What each of these [rasengan] were capable of however proved that the technique definitely would have hit S rank if someone had created these variant before now. The lightning spear version basically teleported into and through whatever was unlucky enough to get between it and the ground it would eventually sink into and disappear. The way it worked was that the rotational forces that make up a normal [rasengan] were sent into spiral formation like the most dangerous drill to ever exist.-

This extreme rotational spiral literally displaced anything it touched violently to the side as if to spit in the face of aerodynamics. Matter doesn't want to flow away from it but rather is forcefully made to do so. There was no defending against this thing unless you somehow used an equal and opposite rotational lightning release jutsu. Next up on the list was the wind release version that was just as nasty if not more so. This one despite appearing like a fancy shuriken was the sort of thing even I wanted to detonate far away from me.-

See what it did was fly at the target much like a normal if abnormally fast moving shuriken. That wasn't the horrifically dangerous part though, no that was after it hit the target. Upon impact you the caster had one of two options, first you let it hold shape in which case it would cut pretty much anything it hit in half. Second however was that you could detonate the thing which create trillions of microscopic wind blades going in every direction for a wide area. This wasn't a matter of simply killing your target so much as erasing them on a cellular level, nasty business.-

Water release just sort of exploded into billions of needles moving like bullets in every direction from the epicenter. In simple terms it was perfect for killing groups of enemies, not weak but pretty lackluster. The earth release version was terrifying and I directly labeled it a forbidden technique the moment I saw what it did. Upon impact it detonated into a bright dome in which EVERYTHING inside it was immediately fossilized. Plants, animals, people it didn't discriminate and turned everything it touched to stone in that whole area. Destruction I was fine with I could fix destruction but there was no repairing the effects of this technique.-

Fire release had the most annoying effects if you had to fight someone using it. That shield shape wasn't for show as if anything struck the face of the thing all that power found an outlet in whatever direction that attack came from. It was a whole damn massive tornado of fire released that I couldn't see anyone dodging with it's speed. Unless you were fireproof this technique made melee a VERY bad idea. Thanks to this blast of fire the technique also doubled as a fantastic jutsu deflector.-

I also attempted to make a yin and yang chakra version of the technique but it didn't actually do anything so I assume that it wasn't applicable in that case. An interesting thing to mention was that it wasn't possible to use both my chakra armor and [rasengan] simultaneously. The two techniques violently rejected each other and I almost died when I made the attempt. I'm talking most of my skin and muscle on the right side of my body being stripped off in an instant when the chakra detonated. My organs were heavily damaged and my ribs were cracked in several places.-

Honestly if my body wasn't stupidly resilient I likely would have croaked right there but my vitality and self applied medical techniques just barely let me fix my torso enough before death could come a knocking. My sensei was less than pleased when she discovered how badly I had fucked myself up with what was in hindsight not that great an idea to begin with. Recovery was painful and long with even my body needing almost an entire month to right everything wrong with it. I didn't get away unscathed even after that as my entire right side minus my face was scarred horribly.-

"Theres nothing that can be done about those scars. Whatever you did warped your skin cells in the effected area so while they seem to function more or less the same as before their appearance is off." my sensei said seriously.

I nodded "Given how bad the detonation was I'm lucky to get away with merely skin level disfigurement. Honestly I hadn't expected that the [rasengan] and my chakra armor would have such a poor interaction." I said seriously.

"From the way you mention it it sounded almost like the the two techniques attempted to meld and it caused the layered chakra to grow unstable and rip apart everything around it which in this case meant you." she said and I had to agree.

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