Naruto System In Marvel World

: 295th buy one get one free

: 295th buy one get one free

"No! Kill! You! Oath-no-for-people!!!"

"Every one, every thing related to this matter, even if you are the president, I will definitely kill you!!!"

The scarlet light emerged from Zhang Lan's eyes, and the extremely lethality activated the writing wheel eyes, facing the soldiers rushing over there, the golden armor appeared on his body, and the holy cloth was fully armed.

From now on, stop him, kill!

Over there, the surrounding soldiers held a strange weapon in their hands. It was a straight firearm like a rifle, but the muzzle was unusually large enough to see the rifle inside.

Straight, without any bending.

In a country like the United States where guns are not forbidden, everyone knows that guns must have twisted rifles, so that the fired bullets will rotate and have greater penetration and lethality.

Now, they do see the straight bore that was only available before the fifteenth century!

Subconsciously, they just listed this peculiar gun as a new weapon.

Zhang Lan just glanced at it, and learned that this is an energy weapon, which was identified by the system as level d.

In terms of earth technology, this is an unprecedented leap.


Want to break through the defense of the Holy Cloth?


Without even taking care of it, Zhang Lan strode forward, preparing to ignore the soldiers in front of him, and walk straight to the children who had never responded.

The more the children did not respond, the more distressed Zhang Lan was.

This shows that the brainwashing plan of the United States was undoubtedly successful. Correspondingly, how failed was Zhang Lan's belief in the government!

"This... is my fault!"

Sorrowful people are very difficult to understand.

They will make any movements and attacks to vent their anger.

The soldiers who came around, as if they didn't know Zhang Lan, shouted: "Hold your head with both hands, hurry! This is the last warning! Otherwise we have the right to shoot directly!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Lan really stood down and his hoarse voice sounded.

"Oh? You guys...have the fire authorization in this genius academy?"

The soldiers all laughed when they heard it.

"Haha, where is this dumpling?"

"Is it a new mutant?"

"It should be, or you won't ask such a silly question."

The soldiers laughed at each other, as for Zhang Lan who could burst through the door in front of him?

It doesnt mean, even if they are more powerful, they have been tamed.

I saw one of the soldiers took out a remote control, which had only two buttons, red and blue. He smiled and pressed the red button towards Zhang Lanbao. The soldiers around him were all smiling, as if they were going to watch a show. .

Even a small number of soldiers have dropped the muzzle in their hands, and they feel that there is no need for vigilance.

Only one of the soldiers, he frowned, stared at Zhang Lan's face, and seemed to remember what he was-he was the only soldier in the audience who did not raise a gun.

However, five seconds passed and nothing was found.

Not only the people before the live broadcast, but Zhang Lan, who was in a rage, frowned, not knowing what the soldier was doing.

The next moment, Zhang Lan was swallowed by anger again!

I saw the soldier holding the remote control, looked at the remote control in his hand very puzzled, and pressed a few times towards Zhang Lan, still nothing happened. Click the red button.

Immediately, the child who was pointed at the moment was holding his head and slamming himself on the ground. His body twitched slightly and frequently, but there was no slight sound.

Zhang Lan, who was writing round eyes, could clearly see that the child's neck was tightly fitted with a silver-white collar.

Obviously, the remote control in the soldier's hand must have controlled this collar!

The people around the child saw that all were shaking.

In Zhang Lan's eyes, anger erupted like substance.

That soldier was still wondering why Zhang Lan was already acting when he failed for the person in front of him.

On the spot, Zhang Lan suddenly split a dozen figures in his body, seemingly slowly charging towards the ten soldiers. The people before the live broadcast felt that this action was too slow, but the soldiers were all surprised by that. Dao Dao figure punched his head with a punch.

It seems slow, but it is the illusion of extreme speed.

That soldier was the beginning of his head. Zhang Lan had already returned to the same place. There was no trace of dirt on his body. He held an energy weapon and the remote control in his left and right hands.

Only the soldier who didn't raise a gun from beginning to end stood there alone, at a loss.

Pressing the blue button towards the child who twitched on the ground, sure enough, the child stopped twitching immediately, trembling slightly from the ground, struggling to stand up, and returning to the standard military posture.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lan was already about to crush his teeth.

What kind of experience is it possible for a child who is still in the play grade to be banned?


With a strong right hand, Zhang Lan crushed the remote control in his hand and said with a trembling voice.

"Phantom...Can you remove the collar around their neck?"

"I'm sorry~~blue." The phantom sound immediately sounded: "I tried it when it was launched, but it was completely loaded manually and was killed by mechanical welding. It didn't seem to be planned to take it down. Ever."

Zhang Lan heard that he quietly took out the sandstorm pot, and the violent sand flow surged out.

He intends to violently dismantle the collars on these people's necks!


"Excuse me, are you Zhang Lan?" The voice of the remaining soldier hesitated: "The collar on their neck has a special setting. Once the outside is violently disassembled, it will explode if it enters any random circle within a hundred meters."

Hearing this, Zhang Bluetooth root was bitten and bleeding.

The heart can be blamed, the heart can be blamed! ! !

In order to prevent rebellion to the greatest extent, the government not only designed to violently dismantle the automatic explosion, but also any collar within 100 meters will also explode!

Simply put, buy one get one free.

This, let those who want to try, directly dispel the idea that touched it.

Superhumans are not as selfish as humans. Because the number is small, they cherish their companions even more-especially the superhumans of the original Xavier College.

The chest was extremely undulating, and Zhang Lan directed the sand flow to continue rushing out, wrapping the children of that phalanx together with the remaining soldiers.

[Sand Cage] Formed in one thought.

In the distance, a large number of soldiers swarmed in.

Far away, it was already scattered energy rays shooting towards Zhang Lan. The quasi-head is not very good. When shooting on the metal ground on one side, a pothole appeared immediately, and the edge of the pothole slowly flowed. Red metal juice.

The lethality is evident!


"Mysterious Man" is worth 500 starting coins.

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