Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 453: Subsystem development

Chapter 453: Subsystem development

This chapter is a separate update for "Xiao Tao 9527".

Solved the crucial problem, and then there are some detailed problems.

Zhang Lan skipped all the contents of the empire building, saying: "I believe you, you don't have to ask me." The words moved everyone.

Only Phantom knew in his heart that Zhang Lan wouldn't worry about the wrong direction in this direction.

Zhang Lan just checked them lazily.

Moreover, Zhang Lan also has full trust in the people in front of him.

Since then, Zhang Lan has solved three problems.

First, the country's main income issue.

"What do you think is the core of our empire?" Zhang Lan asked everyone.

"Technology, the technological civilization of Atlantis that surpasses the civilization of the earth." Phantom's first reaction.

"Weapons can subdue all kinds of weapons in the world." Tony really has weapons development in his mind.

"Ninjutsu, this cultivable system is unique to our empire." Harry's answer was slightly more reliable.

"Will... it's blue, after all, he's on the earth and is god!" Katie replied weakly.

"Actually, I think it is the fighting strength of our group of people." Johnny habitually showed off his muscles.

The other people's answers were all related to the above categories, but none of them answered Zhang Lan's heart.

Only Fury said with a firm tone: "It is a superhuman, and the superhuman that will join our empire in the future is our most precious asset."

Fury's answer brightened Zhang Lan's eyes.

Jiang Guoran is still old and spicy. I think the problem is deep.

After giving Fury an appreciative look, Zhang Lan continued to follow the topic.

"Fery is right, the first purpose of [Breaking Dawn Empire] was established to contain this group of superhumans, naturally they are the absolute core."

We are only sheltering and providing them with room to grow, but we are not taking care of them like a nanny.

So, they also need to contribute to their empire.

"According to my idea, in the name of our empire, accept tasks from all over the world, and then distribute to these people with super ability to complete, not only can get commissions, but also hone them, why not For it."

In fact, this is just copying the Ninja Village system in "Naruto".

However, this has a more appropriate ranking for Fury and others.

"Is it an international mercenary?" Fury frowned. "But, if it's an assassination, we..."

"Furi, you have to let go of your thinking." Zhang Lan said that he can be happy to beat Furi: "In superhumans, it is not only the superpowers of combat."

They have super brains and can complete a project research faster than others.

Some people who are familiar with the Internet can be employed as national cyber security consultants.

In the past, superhumans were not trusted by people, so their talents could not be used, and now, they have our empire as a guarantee, they will have the opportunity to show their talents.

"Trust me, this model will promote the earth to enter an era of great explosion, and the earth will soon enter the age of the universe."

Facing the blueprint drawn by Zhang Lan, Fury and others all stared at Zhang Lan with their eyes open.

Isn't this their wish?

Whether it is to surround the earth, or other desires, only when you become stronger can you better see your dreams.

Thus, the main source of income of the country is thus finalized.

As for the second problem, that is, they collectively do not understand the use of the subsystem.

For the so-called energy points and rule fragments, they even tried to use science to explain them.

This time, Zhang Lan was circled.

Use science to explain?

The ghost knows how to explain it!

As a last resort, Zhang Lan can only describe the system according to the vocabulary they can understand.

"Simply put, the energy point is like the currency we use now. He is the basic unit of the system to exchange items. The way to get it is to let more people recognize you."

"And the more capable people recognize you, the more energy points you get."

"Tony, if someone buys nuclear bombs with you, will you sell them?"

"Um... of course not, how can this thing be sold casually." Tony rejected it without thinking: "But if it is you, I can give you some."

"Well, almost the same, if someone adds some chips, such as a s rule fragment?" Zhang Lan continued to metaphor.

"Um... how much do you want?" Tony was more direct.

Zhang Lan was speechless: "... Tony, what about your morality?"

Tony shrugged: "I am now troubled by this, and what can be solved by the transaction is not a problem."

"Well... in a nutshell, the rule fragment is to buy some hard currency for valuables, and he can open your exchange authority, which is probably what it looks like."

There are two ways to obtain regular fragments, one is reward and the other is redemption.

"Complete the system's tasks, you can get rewards, it may be directly finished products such as blood relay, ninjutsu, or it may be regular fragments."

And if there is something valuable, such as Conaxs Lizard Elixir, it will be directly exchanged for the rule fragments according to the rating.

"Of course, the same item will be valuable only for the first time, no matter how much it will be useless afterwards~~ Specific things, you will study it later."

Zhang Lan chose to skip this stage in order to give everyone a simple idea.

The third issue is the usefulness of the system for each of them.

On this side, Zhang Lan can only provide them with some ideas.

For example, Conas, who is good at biological pharmacy, can study ninjutsu drugs such as military food pills and three-color pills.

Tony, who already has the semi-finished products of scientific ninjas, can continue to study the technology in this area and perfectly combine ninja and technology.

Rhett's own superpowers allow him to have countless possibilities. He can focus on the ability of ninjutsu to cooperate with his own abilities, or the deficiency of physical skills to improve his own lethality.


Zhang Lan's proposal is like opening a door for everyone, so everyone has to admire it.

Moreover, Zhang Lan made a crucial point.

That is the system, which has the learning ability and can put the things you have contacted on the exchange list.

Such as Edman alloy, vibration gold, blue gold, perfect lizard potion...

These are all found in the exchange list, but the price is expensive.

Edelman alloy requires two b-level rule fragments to start the purchase.

Zhenjin two a, blue gold two s.

However, it is undeniable that this gives everyone a broader space for development.

For a time, everyone was again interested in discussing the future development.

Riding on the enthusiasm of everyone, Zhang Lan secretly touched Katie's little hand and took Katie out of the hall.

Next, it's time for the two of them.

Zhang Lan intends to give Katie a separate private tutoring.

Absolutely private.

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