Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 472: The Emperor is urgent...

Chapter 472: The Emperor is urgent...

"Oh, I'm really used to shaking hands, I don't know... there are already so many believers!"

Looking at the mad students below, Zhang Lan had mixed feelings.

There are emotions, excitement, pride, happiness, and hope...

What's more, it's a thing called responsibility, which is filled in my heart and cannot be dispersed for a long time.

"These are the people I really want to protect!"

The confused heart has finally found its way.

He, Zhang Lan, no longer takes responsibility for protecting the earth, but to protect the thriving group of people in front of him.

Of course, he is not a nanny. The reason why he guards them is because...

Thinking of his plan, Zhang Lan reached down and pressed.

In an instant, there were already nearly 80,000 students underground, and the moment of prohibition stopped everything.

Including breathing, it is impossible.

They are never willing to miss any words of the Blue God, even if it is a punctuation mark!

When Zhang Lan wanted to say something, he seemed to turn around consciously, and the students under him also looked in Zhang Lan's eyes, but found nothing, and there was nothing strange.

Despite the doubts in his heart, no one made a sound, and so quietly accompanied his Blue God waiting, without a trace of impatience.

As long as they can be with the Blue God, even if they just look at it from a distance, they are also very excited.

Waiting quietly for about five or six seconds, several lights flashed on the horizon.

It is a figure wrapped in steel armor.

The speed of these steel bodies came very fast, and they appeared in the line of sight. The next second was a steady stop behind Zhang Lan.

The steel masks bounced off, revealing the faces of Tony and others.

Except for Fury and Phantom as far away as Japan, plus all the layers of [Breakfast Empire] underneath Charles, Qin, and Logan, I finally had the opportunity to gather together again.

Nodded slightly towards several people, Zhang Lan cleared his throat, his eyebrows appeared a little golden, Xianshu Chakra let his voice spread effectively.

Even people who are several kilometers away can hear clearly.

At the same time, the projections of Zhang Lan and others behind him were thrown into the sky. The huge projection of hundreds of meters guarantees that anyone can see clearly.

This is a masterpiece of Mirage far away in Japan.

"Classmates, this is Zhang Lan."

A plain and introductory remark, but it ushered in the wind and tsunami-like cheers.

At the same time, 100,000 people cheered and applauded. The opening of this scale, I am afraid that Zhang Lan is also the first person since ancient times.

The cheers were so loud that Zhang Lan had to squeeze his palm again, and the scene regained the quietness of the needle drop.

"First of all, I am very happy that everyone can join the empire. This is everyones trust in me, trust in us, trust in the empire. Similarly, I guarantee that you will not regret your decision after today!"

Before announcing the theme, I will only make three demands on behalf of individuals.

Although Zhang Lan said only to represent individuals, including Natasha and others behind him, they all raised their ears.

Who is Zhang Lan?

The Blue God of the Dawning Empire!

He represents the individual, that is, as the Blue God, he issued his first publicly released "oracle!"

Therefore, more than one hundred thousand people are all in a ten thousand spirit, waiting for Zhang Lan to continue to speak.

Zhang Lan nodded with satisfaction at the state where everyone was attentive, and then came slowly his three demands.

"This first requirement, I hope you can forget your skin color, race, country, and personal emotions, and treat people around you as people in a country. At dawn, I will never allow any discrimination!"

-"Once there is a discoverer, eternal life will be expelled from dawn, and will never be hired!"

Faced with the first request put forward by Zhang Lanyi's rhetoric, all the people present were stunned. It seemed that he did not expect Zhang Lan to talk about this issue.

This is a problem recently discovered by Zhang Lan.

The mermaids and dragons from day to day are mixed, and naturally they are people with various skin colors.

Human nature is complicated.

Caucasians seem to be born with the same kind of superiority. In their hearts, they are the first class of high-yellow races. As for black slaves?

That is the lowest race.

Among them, the Jews are the most lowly.

Although such signs are few, they are not non-existent.

All the people's thoughts were dispersed at once.

Most people still looked at Zhang Lan with admiring and even admiring eyes, waiting for his follow-up. Only a few people's faces were slightly unnatural, and even caused a little commotion.

Zhang Lan ignored it, and the one less pause was to tell his next request.

"The second requirement, for whatever reason, I would never want to see you screaming at each other and adding fists to your empire."

-"Once there is a discoverer, eternal life will be expelled from dawn, and will never be hired!"

This time, the face changed even more. There were nearly one-fifth of people, and nearly 20,000 people began to commotion.

The original quiet atmosphere was suddenly noisy.

Zhang Lan still ignored it and continued his last request.

"The last requirement is for superhumans, for whatever reason, it is absolutely forbidden for ordinary people of your team to use superpowers."

-"Once there is a discoverer, eternal life will be expelled from dawn, and will never be hired!"

After three consecutive requests, 70,000 of the 100,000 people began to commotion.

Regardless of how you listen, these three requirements are all directed at them.

This can't stop them from being upset.

Most of them have a sense of fear that the alarm will sound, and they start to worry about whether they have done too much.

However, there were also a small number of people who began to communicate quietly.

"Huh~~ This'Blue God' has too much control? How can black slaves compare with us?" a racist sneered.

"You can't say that...but I think I'm going to go over the second one. Don't call me swearing, it's not uncomfortable to die? It's better to go back..." said the swearer, the words gradually Lowered.

"You are all trifles." A brawny man with strong waists complained in a loud voice: "We, as superhumans, have been bullied by the old humans for so long, how come, it's not good to vent after turning over?"

"Yeah, it's not just a few old humans, what's the big deal." A thin tall man echoed, his eyes like a snake, standing upright.

"Killing is an art, how can you reject art?" A woman with a seductive look sneered.


Naturally, there are also counter-arguments.

Some people were dissatisfied, but now they also refuted a few words, but they made the complainers even more dissatisfied.

Oh, Blue God, we dare not openly refute, save you a passerby, dare to teach me?

Above the sky, Zhang Lan looked at the atmosphere below and began to make a noise. He didn't mean to say anything to stop. Instead, Rogers behind wanted to stand up and say something.

As the captain of an army, he knew that the dawn of the empire was only the beginning of its establishment, and the most important thing was to go up and down.

Now with this restriction, I am afraid that a small number of people will leave.

In the 21st century, there are far more people who advocate freedom than people who advocate power.

Seeing that the situation was uncontrollable, if Natasha had been pulling him, Rogers had already rushed out to try to stabilize the situation.

However, Zhang Lan, did he really not encounter this situation?

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