Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 68 Cursed Skill

Evan just looked at his status window without blinking his eyes like he had just seen a ghost.

---) Devourer :-???? (the skill is not compatible with the human body and can't be used by you)

Coughed ***

Evan coughed out blood seeing what was in front of his eyes.

He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. It was too much for his fragile young heart.

"Fu*k" after one minute of silence like a switch was turned on Evan came out from his shock state and shouted out loud, "what hell you mean I can't use this skill".

"Doesn't I have mana and I can use any skill as long as I have mana. What it has to do with me being a human? I want to file a complaint to gm"

"This script is wrong."

Evan continued his rant for one more minute before calming down.

---) Devourer :-???? (the skill is not compatible with the human body and can't be used by you)

"I can't use it because this skill is not compatible with the human body" Evan read the notification again and took a deep breath.

He took out his phone and searched about how the devourer skill of the black ogre works.

When Evan finished reading how the skill of the black ogre worked he suddenly felt lucky that he can't use this skill.

Black ogres can eat any monster or human and then turn it into energy to increase their level. This is an innate skill of black ogres, because of this skill the entire metabolism system of black ogres is completely different from humans.

Whenever a black ogre eats a monster its metabolism system will act with its devourer skill and will increase the level of its core in accordance with the power of the monster it ate.

This skill is quite formidable but there is also a down break of this skill.

Because of this skill whenever a black ogre eats something most of the energy that it got after eating will be used to increase the level of its core.

Since most of the energy will be used to increase the level of its core it will always feel hungry. No matter how much it eats, it will never be able to calm down its hunger and will always be in constant need of food.

That's why many people called black ogres cursed monsters who can never feel peace.

There was even a video on the internet when he saw the video Evan felt a chill run down his spine and felt quite lucky he can't use this skill.

In the video, a black ogre was trapped in a cage.

For the first two days, the black ogre was fine, and just tried to break the cage and came out from it. But when it wasn't able to come out from the cage, it started to eat itself because of hunger.

Shocking thing was that since the black ogre had regeneration skill the part it ate will regenerate after some time and it will eat it again.

Evan felt this scene was quite eerie like he was watching a horror movie. Although the black ogre still died later since it wasn't able to use the regeneration skill after it ran out of mana.

"Holy sh*t" after reading and watching the video Evan stood up and ran out of his room.

Evan came back to his room after fifteen minutes while holding an x-ray in his hand.

After reading how the devourer skill work Evan quickly went to the medical hall of the academy to take a look at his metabolism system.

Although it already said he can't use the skill he still wanted to make sure there is nothing wrong with his body.

"If I had known there are these kinds of side effects for a skill I would have never tried to absorb the black ogre core using my monarch core" Evan muttered and suddenly felt lucky that he can't use this skill.

Who wants to feel hunger for all eternity?

Yes, the skill is good and will have helped him greatly improve his speed of progress, but Evan doesn't want to always feel hungry just because he wanted to improve the speed of his progress.

It will be a torcher for him.

"I thought with the help of this skill I will not have to worry about cores but looks like now I can only improve using cores" Evan sighed and massaged his temples.

Just thinking about the cores he needs to improve gave him a massive headache.

More than one hundred C rank core just to improve the level of his monarch core. Then more cores to improve the level of his prime core.

Evan can't even think how long it will take him to gather this many cores.

He knew he is being hasty after all, it's not even one month since the moment he got his monarch core and he is already at D rank.

From F rank to D rank, it took him less than a month. Other hunters have to spend years for reaching this level because they need to stabilize their foundation after the breakthrough.

Compare to them Evan doesn't need to do anything like this, although he needs more than two times of the cores than a normal hunter he can still progress faster than them.

"I should take it easy for some time let's try to reach C rank first maybe with the help of my job class it will be more easy for me to hunt high-rank monsters and I might be able to progress even faster" Evan muttered and closed his eyes.

"I never thought this dammed skill will be a cursed skill" Evan cursed and try to forget about what just happened.

But suddenly Evan remembered something and he stood up abruptly.

"How," Evan said in disbelief, and then an elated expression appeared on his face "how can I forget about it? I am truly an idiot"

---) Devourer :-???? (the skill is not compatible with the human body and can't be used by you)

Evan once again looked at the skill and his lips curled upwards forming a big smile, "although I can't use this skill currently I can still try to..."

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