Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 93 Ruins (Part 3)

Valery looked at the crumbled wall in front of her with a shocked expression on her face.

After the shadow bullet struck the wall and a large portion of it crumbled, a hidden area appeared there.

'Hidden ruins' Valery muttered inwardly and was about to go there when she remembered about Evan and looked back.

But she was startled a little when she saw, he was sittings on his keens and his face was pale while blood was coming out from his nose.

'Was he thinking something indecent while attacking?' Valery thought when she saw blood coming out from Evan's nose.

She went towards him and noticed he was also looking at the crumbled wall.

"Are you alright?" Valery asked him after she came near him.

Evan who was shocked after seeing the hidden passage behind the wall took a deep breath and nodded his head.

He took out a healing potion and gulped it down.

Evan felt a refreshing feeling spreading all over his body, and his headache started to lessen.

Valery looked at Evan and thought about asking just what was that streak of black light, but she remembered what happened when they arrived on the fifth floor and shook her head.

She looked at the crumbled wall and said, "I didn't expect we will find hidden ruins here"

Evan who had just drank the potion heard her and raised an eyebrow, "what are ruins?"

"Do you remember the things I told you about the higher world when we were coming here?" instead of answering Valery asked Evan.

Evan was confused why she asked this but he nodded his head.

"From where do you think that information comes?" Valery said and continued, "you should know if a person uses the tower of ascension he can't come back here, so there is no way for people of our world to know about the things of the higher world"

"Yet despite this fact, we still know some things about the higher world. Do you ever think from where we get that information?" Valery looked at him and asked.

Evan shook his head and didn't dare say he thought she got that information from a strange organization or cult.

But suddenly something clicked in his mind and he said in a shocked voice," are you saying you get that information from a dungeon that also had a hidden passage just like that".

Valery nodded her head and said, " there are some dungeons that have these kinds of special hidden areas. People called these areas ruins, and inside them, you can find many things"

"Some ruins contain information like I have told you before, some have artifacts, some have information about the recipe of the new potion, and many more things"

Evan who heard her furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the hidden passage.

Seeing the furrowed eyebrows of Evan Valery understood what he was thinking and said, "you must be wondering why information about ruins is not available anywhere, right?"

Evan didn't deny it and nodded his head.

"It's because ruins can only be found inside dungeons that are C rank or above, and as you know dungeons that are above D+ rank are controlled by either large guilds or hunter associations. These guilds and hunter associations prevent information about ruins from leaking out. If a new ruin is found inside a dungeon, the guild that controls that dungeon will try to hide it" Valery said.

"Why do they hide this information?" Evan asked since he didn't understand this fact.

"Runis are very important and can give you a massive advantage against other guilds if you find something important inside it. It is normal for them to hide information about them, and use it only for themselves"

Evan doesn't know what to say hearing her, large guild and hunter associations are basically monopolizing the ruins for themselves.

But suddenly he caught one point and his eyes narrowed.

'Why is she saying ruins can only be found inside dungeons that are C rank or above?' Evan thought because the shadow kingdom dungeon where he sacrificed his physique is a D-rank dungeon, and that hidden passage was also a ruin.

"Are you sure ruins can only be found inside dungeons that are C rank or above?" Evan asked Valery to confirm he didn't hear wrong.

"In the history of Arora world, no one ever found ruins inside a dungeon that is below C rank, so most of the people believe they can only be found inside the dungeons that are C rank or above," Valery said while shrugging her shoulders.

'Then am I the first person who found the ruins inside a dungeon that is below C rank' Evan wondered but since he doesn't have much information about it he just shook his head and decided to think about it later.

There is a much more important matter to attend to.

"So what should we do?" Evan asked Valery

"What do you mean?" Valery asked with a confused expression.

"I mean this," Evan said and pointed towards the hidden passage, "this dungeon is under the control of 'Silver Star Guild' so should we enter in it or not?"

"Of course, we are going to enter," Valery said instantly, "Since we found it we are definitely going to enter"

"Won't we get into trouble with silver star guild if we enter into it?"

"Don't worry about them, I can take care of it" Valery said in a confident-filled voice.

'Her background must be quite good if she is so confident' Evan thought and if he has to guess he will have two guesses about her identity.

First, she is the daughter of the person who is guild leader of the silver star guild.

Second, she is the holy daughter or the grand priest of some kind of strange cult.

'If my guess is right I should stop meeting her because these kinds of people are the magnet for troubles' Evan thought and shook his head.

"Let me recover my mana before we enter" since Valery was taking full responsibility Evan had no problem entering the ruins so he agreed without hesitation.

Valery nodded her head hearing him since she can see he was almost out of mana.

While Evan was recovering, a person who was the trouble he just thought about appeared outside the frost-world dungeon.

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