Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 106: Origin

Chapter 106: Origin

At twelve o'clock at midnight, Dr. Lingus sat on the bed unclothed, pulling up a thin blanket to cover his body, breathing in small gasps. Miss Momoka sat on her knees at the other end of the bed, equally unclothed, with a guilty look on her face, apologizing over and over.

"Ade-san, I'm really very sorry!" Momoka buried her head into the bed, "I actually did this kind of thing to Angelise-sama's beloved, I can only die for my sin!"

"Forget about it, I know you were controlled and didn't do it on purpose." Ade calmly waved his hand, "Don't worry, I won't tell Ange it."

"You are so magnanimous! Worthy of being the male that Her Highness Angelise likes!" The maid's eyes were teary, "Momoka has nothing to repay, so Momoka'll be at your disposal in the future!"

"Suddenly back to this level of intellectual communication, it feels so kind! I will not be stabbed even if I have a harem here, right?" Ade mumbled, "but I have obviously had a good workout recently, the maid lady's vigor is a little too high."

"In order to protect Her Highness Angelise, as the chief maid, I must be strong!"

"Hmm, you heard that? Never mind, it doesn't matter." Ade then threw that question away, "Well, Miss Momoka"

"Just call me Momoka, please!"

"Okay, Momoka. Since this has happened, I think you should compensate me appropriately." Ade deliberated on the words, "I recently learned a new skill, and I'm suffering from the lack of someone to practice the skill with, can you cooperate with me?"

"Is it an experiment like last time?" The maid lady tilted her head, "No problem, please do whatever you need to me!"

After that, Ade and Momoka stayed up all night.

He now had a rough guess about his Geass ability, but the experimental sample was too small to be completely sure. Rather, Ade had probably understood why he had the Guess. In the ICU, when his consciousness was in a mass, he saw Yang Wen-li in a trance. At that time, he really understood his longing.

When it was just after dawn, he stopped the Geass. after a while, Momoka was clearly under control again. Then Embryo appeared and invited him to breakfast.

"Yang, are you satisfied with the gift I gave you?" Embryo gestured with his eyes to Momoka, who was standing behind Ade, "Unlike the old witch who has passed her shelf life, she is a fresh and original Mana's Folk, and I can already make this kind of high-quality creature at will. I can get as many as you want, there is no need to like inferior creatures like the Norma, politician, and old witch."

"Although you will be disliked to death by girls for such objectifying female remarks, I am satisfied with her." Ade nodded approvingly to the maid, "I had a very good time last night."

"That's very nice of you to understand that!" Embryo looked slightly excited, "Do you remember the vision of the perfect creature you once described to me? Having both an angel-like life force and an ego strong enough to produce an AT field, and a NewType-like ability to communicate and understand with others. It's incredible that you presumed the existence of angel and NT under those circumstances just by understanding the world itself!"

"Brainstorming worldview?" Ade was enlightened, "Indeed it is something I would do."

"The People of Mana is what I made according to your vision, but it's not perfect enough, there will be defective products like Norma, and the performance is nowhere near as good as NT and angel." Embryo said as if he was showing off his research results, "It's okay, I've seen the real NT and angel now, and these People of Mana can be discarded. Yang, with your help, we can definitely create a truly perfect race!"

"But what about this one I'm so fond of?" Ade pointed at Momoka, "It's a pity to discard her."

"Then keep it, it's just a toy, it's rare that you like my work." The recognition Ade showed to Momoka made Embryo very happy, "By the way, let me take you to meet your late friend."

Then Ade was led by Embryo to the huge pillar he remembered. They went underground through some hidden entrance until a huge transparent pillar appeared in front of them. Ade estimated the orientation from memory, and this should be directly below the giant pillar on the ground.

The most shocking thing was that there was a huge dragon-shaped creature inside the transparent pillar.

"Please let me make a grand introduction, Yang." Embryo pointed at the dragon-shaped creature and said in a loud voice, "This is your old friend--"

"Doctor, is that you?" A female voice rang out inside Ade's head, "Are you still alive? Please don't give up hope, I haven't given up either."

"Relena." Ade whispered, "She's the first to turn into a dragon?"

"Yes, changing into the form of an unknown being at the expense of herself for the future of all the survivors is so beautiful, it's almost like Madonna!" Embryo enthralled looking at the dragon, no, Relena, "I also thought of capturing noblewomen to satisfy my bad taste, but the reunion with you has awakened me, what is the point of such a boring thing? This is what we are after!"

"What are you after? Relena's changed life form?"

"Yang, you must understand it." Embryo gazed warmly at Ade, "Come, let me see your keen insight into the worldview! This is something that took me decades to understand, but in your case, you should be able to understand it with just one look! You're not like me who relies on cheating, you're the one with real talent!"

Ade ignored the look in his eyes and concentrated on reasoning, "The essence of the technique is to absorb Chulip Crystal radiation crystallized inside, Relena became so big is it because of the excessive amount of crystal in her body? You said that this is what we are after, and the excess of crystal content changes the life form, so "

Embryo's eyes grew hotter and hotter.

"If Chulip Crystal's density is too high, it will become something similar to the fruit of life. Relena transformed to be an angel?"

"I knew it! You are Yang, you are Miracle Yang!" Embryo was so happy as if he was taking drugs, "You figured out my decades of research just by looking at it, just by the words I said, you are the real Yang!"

"So Mana's communication network also relies on Relena? The reason you can block satellite signals is also because of her?" Ade immediately understood, "You're planning to reset the world anyway, why don't you just let Relena out?"

"No, not yet." Embryo lamentably refused, "This world is very dangerous, there are a dozen angels looking for me, without this thing to shield my existence, I will be immediately exposed to them. After I have killed all these angels, I will return Relena to you, and then we will create New Type together and rebuild the new world!"

Ade did not immediately agree or refuse, which would either not fit Yang Wen-li's persona or his purpose. He just stared out at the dragon in the transparent pillar and responded in his consciousness, "Relena, it's almost time, you'll be free soon."

The next few days, Ade began to obtain Embryo's good feeling during the day, and do experiments with the maid lady at night, occasionally going to chat with Relena.

Although he said he wanted to obtain Embryo's good feeling, in fact, there was nothing to do. Embryo's good feelings toward Yang Wen-li already reached the maximum, Embryo is more like a twisted fanatic fan who hated the star he likes because of unable to obtain the star's love. As Ade made nice to him, Embryo's heart instead fell deeper and deeper.

One moonlit night, the two visited Relena together again, with Momoka silently followed behind Ade. Embryo was reminiscing with Ade about the happy days at the institute.

"Embryo, I want to hear the story before you met me." Ade walked over to Dawn's Royal Pillar and placed her hand on the pillar wall, turning his head to look at him, "How did you get along in a world without me?"

"You've sensed that?" Embryo didn't look surprised at all, "That's right, it only seems strange that you didn't perceive it with your intelligence."

"Can you tell me about it?"

" I was originally just an ordinary researcher at Mithril, in charge of researching an unknown mineral." Embryo narrated, "Amalgam was the one who manipulated OZ, and Mithril secretly drove the satellite forces against it. Treize went undercover into OZ, but he himself alone cannot fight the great power, and he was eventually expelled from OZ."

"There was no Gundam?"

"There was no Gundam, that was your masterpiece." Embryo gave him a slight smile, "There were wars between Earth and the satellite force for several years, which ended with the defeat of the satellite force. But the peace lasted only a few years before civil war broke out on Earth and the global population plummeted in fratricide. I, as a small researcher, could only watch and do nothing in silence."

"War, only the war never changes." Ade empathized, "It's always the same no matter which world it is."

"Before Earth could be unified again, the Jovians started another war. Earth lost and signed all kinds of unequal treaties." Embryo sneered, "but they did not admit defeat, and repeatedly went to war with the Jovians for twenty years, the entire universe was littered with corpses and the wreckage of warships, and relying on human lives and resources, Earth obtained the final tragic victory. After the war, I was already the director of the Institute as one of the few survivors, and that's when I learned that the Chulip crystal that had just been unearthed on Mars was the mineral I had been studying."

"And then there was an experimental accident." As a professional transmigrator, Ade dared to pass judgment.

"That's right, and then there was an experimental accident." Embryo repeated, "I brought a large number of crystals back to Earth and conducted various studies on this magical substance in Mithril. The experiments lasted for years, and I finally figured out where the tremendous energy contained in Chulip Crystal came from; it was somehow connected internally to an imaginary space of pure energy."

"Dirac Sea," Ade murmured in his mind.

"Disappointment with the human world and curiosity about the unknown drove me to explore bravely, and I inadvertently detonated the crystal during one of my experiments. But I did not die on the spot, and my soul, or my consciousness, entered the Void Space. When I came back to my senses, I found myself at the scene of some experimental accident thirty-five years ago."

"Crap, reborn?" Ade couldn't help but exclaim, "You're the main character, right?"

"That's what I thought." Embryo nodded, "I was surprised to find that I remembered everything thirty-five years later, but I wasn't sure if I had seen the future or if I had been replaced by the future me. I chose the latter. Yang, what would you have chosen if it were you?"

"I would probably choose the former."

"So." Embryo was thoughtfully silent for a short while and continued, "In addition to me, there are also some babies who came out at the same time were also affected and could hear the voices thirty-five years later, this is the Black Technology you are talking about."

"The Black Technology is actually caused by you "

"Due to these Whispered, the world has become more chaotic. I tried to use my knowledge to correct the trajectory of history, but the effect was minimal, and everything still ran wildly towards war and death." Embryo bowed his head, "At the end of the day, I was desperate to replicate that explosion exactly, and was lucky enough to start from scratch again."

"And then the infinite loop " A common trope, Ade guessed it right away, "How many times in total so far?"

"I haven't counted, probably thousands of years." Embryo showed a painful look, "I have accumulated various techniques, tried countless methods, still can not stop the war. Each time, the end is more or less the same. Finally, I realized that it was not me who was at fault, but the world. So I decided to destroy these ugly and inferior creatures and create beautiful creatures that will never start wars."

"Don't forget, you're human too." Ade thought silently, "You're already broken."

"I finally designed a boson jumping device, and mastered the artificial man technology, and made up my mind that this is the last time I will start over. When I return to the past, I will immediately start working on creating PMs and destroying the world." Embryo gazed at Ade, "When I came out of the Void Space this time, you followed me out."

"I came out from Dirac Sea?" Ade was taken aback, "Wait, you knew from the beginning that I was from outside?"

"Yes. This unexpected development delighted me who was bored with the world." A smile appeared again on Embryo's face, "I have been silently observing the trajectory of your life, and everything has been too surprising for me. The height of your vision, the way you think, is different from those inferior creatures. You are the real human! As soon as you entered Mithril, I couldn't wait to find you, all your whims impacted my three views, enlightened my wisdom, I felt that my thousand years life was simply wasting time!"

"So you want to create a new world with me?"

"That's right, those old-world wastes who have fought each other for thousands of years are not qualified to drag you down, the New Type and the new society you mentioned are our future!" The more Embryo said, the more excited he became, "I made two PMs, just for you and me respectively. Although you took one for yourself, it's okay, you gave back TurnX to me. We are even."

"More than even," Ade secretly complained in his heart, "It's almost like an exchange of tokens of affection."

"Yang, I'm running out of back roads, and there's no guarantee I'll be able to do it again this time." Embryo stared at him nervously, "Last time, you rejected me mercilessly, but this time, you already know the cause and effect. I'll ask you again, will you come with me?"

Ade wanted to say, "I'm sorry, you're not a good person." But that would be a breakdown, so he closed his mouth and pretended to be thinking.

"So that's how it is after all." Embryo sensed something keenly and shook his head sadly, "You will still betray me in the end, I have said so much to you, but it's just a waste of effort. Would you rather choose those inferior creatures than choosing to create a new world with me? All these days together, were you just acting in front of me?"

Ade did not answer, but used Relena as a signal amplifier to talk to the people in the sky, "Hey, Tiffa, are you there? I can't talk anymore, hasn't Char done anything yet?"

"Hello, Mr. Ade." Tiffa replied politely, " Garrod and I are in position, may I ask who Mr. Char is?"

"Sorry, I'm saying Quattro."

"Mr. Quattro is already in motion."

"The target is at my current location, you guide Garrod over. There is a huge pillar on the ground, you can barely spot it at that height, just knock out the part on the surface, wait for my signal later."

"Garrod is a little nervous." Tiffa responded, "But I trust him, no problem."

"Is it in your calculations that an unwanted guest has arrived at my door?" Facing the Ade who had been silent for a long time, Embryo suddenly spoke, "But in front of absolute power, conspiracy and trickery are meaningless. I'll go and deal with it, we'll talk about our business when I return. It seems that I was too gentle with you, I should have used some fierce tactics at the beginning, so that you wouldn't have spare energy to remember those monkeys."

He snapped his fingers and Momoka quickly clipped one of Ade's hands behind his back, and Ade could only scream "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch". Embryo nodded in satisfaction and left the underground with stride, leaving only Ade and Momoka in the place.

After Embryo disappeared, Ade also snapped his fingers in a pretentious manner, and Miss maid released him in response and apologized desperately as soon as she regained her freedom.

"No wonder he keeps snapping his fingers, it does look cool." Ade sighed, "Momoka, don't apologize, let's hurry up and leave as fast as we can."

"Fastest speed?" The maid lady froze in thought for a moment, "Ade-san, I'm sorry!"

After saying that, she picked up Ade with incredible speed and ran towards the exit of the ground.

At this time, the DX was floating silently in the night sky that was out of reach of the naked eye.

"Such a distance and such a small target, I lack confidence." Garrod scratched his head in embarrassment, "Doctor said that the main target is a much smaller one, meaning that there is only this one chance to practice?"

Tiffa did not say anything, just quietly stared at him, but this alone seemed to give him endless courage. The last clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing a bright moon behind the clouds.

"The moon is finally out " Tiffa looked up at the sky and held Garrod's hand, "Garrod, I lend you the power."

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