Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 115: Witch and Paramecium (Q)

Chapter 115: Witch and Paramecium (Q)

PS: Merry Christmas

Chapter 115: Witch and Paramecium (Q)

C.C. woke up alone in her bed.

She had always been like this, when she fell asleep or when she woke up, she was never alone. By chance, from one day in the past, she began to try to get used to being with someone, to the feeling of having her hair pressed by someone when she opened her eyes. When she gradually became obsessed with this life, the person who gave her this warmth told her, "Please change your habits back."

"The best way to not be rejected is to reject others first." She stared blankly at the familiar and unfamiliar ceiling, "I accidentally forgot it."

She squinted on the bed for a while longer before she got up with difficulty, walked to the closet, and opened the door, trying to find a dress from it that she had worn relatively few times.

Wearing nice clothes was probably one of the few pleasures in her boring life, and no matter how time moved forward, there would always be new clothes. Whenever she changed into a new dress, she would have the delusion that time had flowed on her, and this feeling made her addicted.

However, one day, she found new meaning in the matter of changing clothes. How interesting was it that a young boy, only fourteen years old, would look at her with the admiring eyes of a male? She started buying more clothes, changing into better-looking clothes, and wearing fewer clothes at home just to get all kinds of different reactions from him. It was as if she got some kind of unspeakable novelty and satisfaction from it and was happy with it.

But just like everything in the world expires, clothes expire too. No matter how nice a piece of clothing is, after it has been worn many times, the clothing has expired for the person looking at it.

"So I am also expired." She looked in the mirror and smiled to herself, "Is this a surprise?"

C.C., who was dressed and freshened up, walked into the empty living room. Ade took Ange out of the office and Lacus went to work. She was the only one in the house when there was no Momoka before, and she didn't feel any less lonely now that there were two people in the house. Even if there were a dozen more maids, the loneliness would not be reduced in the slightest.

"Momoka, aren't you lonely at home alone?" She asked casually, "Every day."

"It is the duty of a good maid to wait for her master to return!" Momoka smiled sweetly, "And Miss C.C. is home too, I'm not alone."

C.C. could certainly hear another layer of meaning under the maid lady's smile.

"Waiting for the master to return." She read in a low voice, "And what am I, a maid? Or a slave girl?"

After lunch, C.C. slumped on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch the series she had been following. The show wasn't really interesting, and the full episodes were actually available online, but she didn't know how to spend her time if she didn't watch it.

Momoka was cleaning beside her, and she insisted on cleaning all the places every day even though the house was already clean. Maybe she doesn't know how to spend her time either, C.C. thought silently.

The TV show soon finished, and she changed the channel to the next one she was following, and then the next one after that. Soon all the dramas she was catching were finished, and she began to press the remote control constantly to change channels. Just two more hours of this and it would be time for dinner, so that the afternoon could be consumed without so much pain.

She still preferred TV to the Internet, because the Internet required her to find information herself, while the TV was just playing - she didn't know what she was looking for.

As she wearily pressed the remote control, the dcor of the house came into her view from the afterglow.

She remembered the place where they had first lived, small but spacious for two people. The house was so plain that there was no atmosphere of home in it at all, and it was she who bought the necessities of life to the house little by little. Not just him, but she herself began to call that place home. At that time, she looked forward to going back every year immensely.

And here, there was everything and nothing she needed to buy, but she always felt as if she was a guest in someone else's home. Maybe not letting Momoka clean her room was the last thing she held on to.

Time passed slowly, and Momoka finally started cooking dinner. The maid lady hummed lightly as if she was doing something very happy.

Momoka must be very fond of Ange, is it such a happy thing to have someone you like to eat the dinner you made? C.C. thought with some bewilderment.

"Momoka, I'll do it." So she said on a whim, "I'll make dinner today."

She could cook, of course; it was hard for her to even think of what she didn't know how to do. But all the same, it took her a long time to figure out how to cook. Fortunately, she has the kind of body that heals quickly, whether she cuts her finger with a knife or burns her skin with hot oil. So even without Momoka's help, she did it all alone.

No one knows how many injuries she suffered for this table, because Miss C.C. would have been uninjured. Everyone thought so, even she thought so.

The sound of the door opening came from the foyer, and she didn't turn around, waiting for Ade to let out a surprised cry and maybe hug her from behind. But she heard only the footsteps of two people, judging by the lightness of their steps, Ange and Mineva.

"Ade is having a dinner party with some male friends tonight." Ange said aloud, "Not coming back for dinner."

For a moment, C.C. wanted to throw the object in her hand out in annoyance. After a moment, even that annoyance expired.

After another moment, Lacus returned from work. Ange relayed the news to her that Ade would not come back for dinner today, and Lacus nodded expressionlessly to indicate that she knew.

Lately, Lacus had been like this, not approving, not opposing, not active, not resisting. She does all the work she needs to do, but she also never takes the initiative to please anyone. Someone can fuck whoever he wants at night, she will not ask him in any case.

This is probably the last of her dignity? Is probably the most painful thing. C.C. thought chillily.

Four women sat at the table, and it was Ange who initiated the conversation, while C.C. and Lacus only answered passively.

"C.C., you've known Ade the longest and know him the best, right?" Ange looked to her, "He has a birthday coming up and I don't know what to get him as a gift, do you know what he likes?"

"Knowing someone doesn't mean anything, people change." C.C. replied, "Today he likes this, tomorrow he can like something else."

Ange didn't get it, maybe she will later, C.C. thought cantankerously.

"Ade never has a birthday." Lacus said despondently, "Of course, like C.C. said, maybe he's starting to have one from this year, too."

"Never has a birthday?" Ange looked surprised, "Why?"

"Yeah, why?" C.C. mumbled and repeated, "What's the point of knowing?"

After the meal, Momoka began to clean the dishes, Mineva went back to write homework, Lacus returned to her home, and Ange played her phone in the living room while waiting for Ade to come back. C.C. didn't find anything to do, so she decided to sleep earlier today.

In the middle of the night, C.C. woke up in a haze. She reached out and grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand and turned it on to check the time. The sudden light in the darkness made her squint slightly - it was only 2:00 am.

"I really shouldn't have gone to bed too early." She muttered to herself and casually tapped an icon on her phone, and a voice she knew too well to be familiar rang out in the empty room.

"C.C. is my waifu she is so cute and lovely I will smash his dog head if anyone dares to object to it!"

She laughed softly and pressed the phone off and put it back on the nightstand, climbing out of bed with the intention of going to the kitchen to find something to drink.

When she passed the door to Ade's room, she suddenly forgot that she was thirsty and stood motionless in the doorway. The faint sound of gasping and shouting came to her ears in waves, not because the house was poorly insulated, but because her hearing was too good.

"Ange, of course, it's Ange." She leaned helplessly against the wall, listening to the incoherent sounds, "It's always Ange."

She couldn't remember how she got back to her room, and as she lay back in bed, the echoes in her head still lingered.

"Ade" she curled her body and brought her right hand down, her legs clenching unconsciously, "Mmmm, mmmm "

She thought back to the first time she had accidentally been caught by him changing her clothes, and how his eyes had almost fallen out.

She recalls their first time, the way he surrendered at the slightest touch on the night of New Year's.

She thought back to the way she looked when she was physically exhausted for the first time and went limp in bed.

She thought back to

With a jerk, everything came to a screeching halt and her mind went blank, followed by an endless emptiness.

C.C. relaxed flat on her back, raised her right hand to her eyes, looked at the sticky silk threads between her fingers, and her ethereal and helpless voice rang through the room, "What the hell am I doing "

Ade woke up next to Ange.

He is now familiar with the feeling of sleeping with someone beside him, and even now he is a little uncomfortable to sleep alone again instead, which is probably considered evidence of his growing fondness for this world. Ange has short shoulder-length hair now, so her hair will not be accidentally pressed in sleep, but he is now confident that when Ange's hair grows some more, he will still not press her hair.

He kissed Ange who was still in a daze, moved her hands and feet wrapped around his body with difficulty, get out of bed to pack last night's clothes thrown everywhere. After finishing dressing, he piled the dirty clothes into a pile for Momoka to deal with later, and then found Ange's underwear and placed them next to her pillow. He patted the girl's cheek affectionately and went to wash.

Ange doesn't care what she wears, generally, she wears whatever Ade throws at her. Ade unexpectedly found this to be quite interesting, and would occasionally match her clothes to his own liking. Of course, sometimes Momoka would secretly tell him that a certain outfit was terrible, and he would take note of it silently.

When he came to the living room, Lacus had already gone to work, Momoka was preparing lunch, and only C.C. was still lying on the sofa watching TV.

"Good morning." He greeted the other person briskly.

"It's not early." C.C. responded nonchalantly, "It's lunch soon."

C.C. was basically always like this, and he didn't think it was strange, going back to his room to prepare what he needed for the afternoon.

While he was writing and drawing, Ange finally sat up, rubbing her eyes. The young girl skillfully grabbed the bra by the pillow and after a few breathless tosses, she pouted, "Ade, come help."

"It's not like you don't know how." Ade said without raising his head, "Do it yourself."

"I'm not awake." Ange waved her bra, "Ade come help, come help! Come help!"

"You." He helplessly put down his pen and sat on the edge of the bed to dress her, "Do you take me for Momoka? To make me do that?"

"I'm happy to do it." Ange hummed lightly, "Giving you a chance to take advantage, it's obvious that you've earned a lot, okay?"

"Since you have said so " Ade's hand stopped, "Wouldn't I lose a lot if I don't take advantage of it?"


The duo frolicked for a while longer and did some healthy "morning exercises" before Ange finally got dressed.

By the time they left the room, Momoka's lunch was ready. The maid lady's cooking was superb as always, and although it's sorry to say this to Lacus, Ade thought Momoka's cooking was a bit better.

After the meal, C.C. found him, "Ade, go shopping with me this afternoon."

"Sorry, C.C., I have an appointment with Loran and Diana this afternoon. It's about SEELE." He showed an expression of apology, "Why don't we do it next time? I'll definitely accompany you next time. If it's something urgent, it's okay to ask Momoka to buy it for you."

"Next time ah " C.C. lowered her head, thinking something, then raised her head and smiled at him relieved, "Well, next time, quite good, then next time."

In the afternoon, he took Ange out to the Loran couple. Ange, of course, was Ange.

He praised Friday for the fact that Ange had brought the girls of Arsenal back to the moon, but he didn't want them tied to himself from then on. He encouraged the girls to go out and find jobs, or introduced them to suitable jobs. In short, to start a life of their own. He helped them from the beginning out of compassion, never wanting to have a big harem and then fuck everyone.

Very few of them were unwilling to go out and find work, so he sent them to work on Iserlohn.

After meeting with the Loran couple, Diana took him to the moon's core database. Earlier, after a long talk between him and Diana - which was really a re-telling of what had been given to Haman - Diana promised to open up to him the full minutes of previous SEELE meetings, and he intended to listen to them from start to finish.

So of course, he got back late again today, and he had dinner with Loran and Diana.

When he got home, Mineva and Lacus were both sitting in the living room, except for one person who was missing. Lacus shielded her eyes with her arm and leaned back disheveledly on the sofa. When Mineva saw Ade enter, she ran up to him and timidly slipped a piece of paper into his hand.

On the paper was neatly written the following passage.

I didn't know how to say goodbye to the person I couldn't lose in my life, so I left without saying goodbye. And I won't say I'm sorry, because I'm not sorry to you.

I'm still a witch, but you're not a paramecium anymore.

Let's part ways.


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