Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 50: Confession

Chapter 50: Confession

Chapter 50: Confession

Loran has probably never seen such an honest person, and many of his prepared words were blocked by this sentence. Diana couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh at her husband's dumbfounded look.

"Dr. Adrien, don't refuse too soon." The Queen persuaded, "Loran must have his reasons for saying so, how about listening to him finish his words first before making a decision?"

Ade nodded gently.

"Actually, Doctor, you may have misunderstood. As a researcher, your desire to avoid politics is understandable, but I don't mean for you to get involved in political struggles from now on." Loran gave Diana a grateful look, "First of all, regarding the matter of the moon losing TurnA, there are only five people in total, including you, who know about it. Whether for security or stability reasons, I would like you to join the core decision-making level of the Moon."

Simply put, you know too much and must join the team.

"Secondly, we really don't have absolute force deterrence today. Although others don't know, we must be prepared for it. Earth or PLANT, either side as long as there is a ruler who has lost his mind, we will become very passive. I'm not worried about armaments, and there's little we can do with the Moon's resources. It's mainly diplomacy where we have to change some tactics and become more proactive."

"But wouldn't that be obvious?" Ade looked at Loran in disbelief, "Isn't a sudden change in foreign policy just to attract people to guess the reason?"

"Yes. That's why this can't be done by me and Diana. We need someone with a more neutral identity and less obvious political attributes to reach our strategic layout. This person preferably has a high social status and can be recognized for his initiative." Loran gave Ade an apologetic expression, "Doctor, as much as I hate to say it, the moon needs you to take the fall."

"Wait, wait, let me think." Ade thought about Loran's words, "It means that because I'm a political rube, If I do it, people will only think that I'm a nerd fooling around. But my social status was high and I was trusted, so it looks like the moon government has to let me mess around. Is that what you mean by taking the fall for the government?"

"You're right." Loran looked a little embarrassed, "I know it's not good for you, but Diana and I have nothing better to do for now. We'll try to make it up to you as best we can."

"Actually, it's not so much aggravating, and this method sounds unexpectedly feasible." Ade thought about it carefully, "To outsiders, if they don't know about TurnA, they won't associate it with TurnA anyway."

"It would be best if you can understand, Doctor." Loran breathed a sigh of relief, "And the Lunar government, as you should know well, will never allow you to participate in the political struggles. Even your position in Anaheim can continue to be retained, and if you want to build MS, you can also continue to do it. Usually, you just need to show up from time to time, and you don't have to work in the government department. You just need to appear when we need you."

That's a bit of a mess, but the moon was supposed to be the Loran couple's private property, and the couple could play whatever they wanted. And how come it always seems like Loran has my character well figured out? Isn't this condition too appetizing to my character?

"How about it?" Loran looked at him expectantly, "If you agree, you'll be the head of the Science and Technology Department starting tomorrow."

"Wait a minute!" Ade suspected he had misheard, "Does the Ministry of the Science and Technology Department need to handle foreign affairs?"

"But it's too strange for you to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Doctor, it's obvious to the discerning eye that something is wrong." Loran smiled, "And there are some things that can only be done in your capacity, and the Science and Technology Department is the most appropriate place to do it. You'll know the reason when you get your first assignment."

This was the end of Loran's spiel, and then he waited for Ade's reply. To be honest, the pros and cons analysis made little sense, and it was clear that the risks outweighed the benefits. But does staying at Anaheim make him safe? Is everything he does profit-driven? Like the question Diana asked at the beginning, the key here is not what he gets out of it, but what he wants to do for himself. And he really quite likes this place, his home is here.

"Please allow me to do my part for the moon." Ade replied with relief, "I'm in."

"Excellent!" A bright smile appeared on Loran's face, making Ade slightly lost in thought, "Then from tomorrow, you will be Minister Adrien, but that's so awkward, let's just call you Doctor. Since that's the case, we can move on to the next topic. Doctor, I wonder if Miss Lacus has any intention of getting involved in politics?"

"What?" Ade looked uncertainly at Loran and then down to Diana, whose Majesty was still expressionless.

"Miss Lacus is the one you brought back, Doctor. I will not overstep my bounds. If there is no such intention, then this topic will be put to rest." Loran tried to read something from Ade's face, "But if there is, we are willing to help her foster a Clyne faction collaborator within PLANT after the war, and we have some special information about Senator Aznable in our hands. Of course, as before, it will be done by you in your personal capacity. After all, your relationship is a very reasonable motive."

Did Loran also know that Char had a problem? But thinking about Loran's actual age, at least he is at the same age as Lacus's father, it makes sense for him to know something.

"I can go back and ask her if she has the will to do so." Ade made an expression as natural as possible, "But we don't have much of a relationship, huh?"

"Oh, yeah?" Loran looked at him playfully, "Then I suggest you get a grip, it would be very beneficial not only to the moon, but to Doctor yourself. Allow me to say one more thing, Miss Lacus is beautiful, sweet-voiced, capable, and a good cook. She is a good girl, and in my opinion a good match for you, Doctor."

Ade remembered that Loran knew C.C. at a very early age, right? And he should also be generally aware of my relationship with C.C.. So what is the situation with this statement? Could it be that Lacus somehow won Loran over?

But it's brave to praise another woman like that in front of his wife. Diana expressionlessly looked at Loran, and Loran did not find the look. Ade laughed in his heart.

"So you became an official?" C.C. looked at the person in the video with some surprise, "I never thought that a guy like you can also become an official, the moon is really an incredible place."

"What do you mean by a guy like me?" Ade felt both funny and annoyed. "Have you always had some kind of prejudice against my ability? And it doesn't require me to do anything, just show my face once a week. I'm getting paid for not doing anything!"

"Isn't Loran a little too good for you?" C.C. looked at Ade teasingly, "I remember you complimenting him on how 'pretty' he is? You finally couldn't resist your desire while I was away? Be careful Diana will find you in trouble."

"Don't talk nonsense, no kidding." Ade laughed, then and took a deep breath, "By the way, C.C., I have something very important that I have to explain to you "

"Wait." C.C. interrupted Ade, her expression suddenly became alert, "Your room rearranged? You cleaned it yourself? The furnishings have also been changed? You've become so diligent?"

"I did a clean sweep." Ade reflexively answered the question quickly, followed by a somewhat remorseful look, " when will you come back? It's been so long."

"I don't know. Japan is in a lot of trouble right now, it may take some more days for me to solve it out." C.C. surveyed the room behind Ade and didn't see anything unusual, "But this matter is very important, and I will definitely finish it before I go back. I can protect myself, you don't have to worry. What were you going to say just now?"

" nothing, let's talk about it next time."

After talking for a while, C.C. hung up the video call. She always felt that something was wrong, but couldn't find it. She had rarely had this experience, and couldn't analyze the answer from her past experience. Feeling a bit irritated, she decided to go out for a short walk.

"Ah, Miss C.C., good afternoon." She met Shinn and Mayu, who greeted her politely.

She thought Shinn had just taken Mayu for a walk around the pier. C.C. stopped and nodded casually in return.

"Miss C.C., we just met a very interesting couple!" Mayu seemed like she wanted to chat with her, "There was a boy about the same age as my brother, well, maybe a little younger? A boy with black hair, who was also pushing his sister in a wheelchair. What a coincidence! But that brother and sister are a little more pathetic. His sister seems to be blind."

"What's the name?" C.C. drifted off a little.

"I didn't ask around, I just heard them call each other brother and sister when I passed by." Shinn looked at her with some confusion, "Is it someone Miss C.C. knows? It might still be possible to go back now, they should still be in that area."

"From the description, they sound like the children of a pair of old acquaintances, I may have met them when the siblings were small." C.C. then returned to normal, "But that was many years ago. Never mind."

"Oh." Shinn nodded even though he didn't understand what was going on, "Well, Miss C.C., how long will it take us to get back? Stella she you know that."

Stella has been getting weaker and weaker because she stopped using the medication for a while, and now C.C. doesn't even need to send someone to keep an eye on her. Since two days ago, she has been falling into a coma for a few hours every day, and Shinn is very worried. The young girl may not last at this rate, and she must get advanced medical help.

C.C. thought carefully for a while and finally sighed, "You guys go back to the moon first, I don't know how long it will take on my side. Driving Bule-eyes White Dragon back, it is impossible to buy a ticket for Stella if you take the Mass Driver."

"But what's Miss C.C. going to do after that?" Mayu was worried, "Japan is not peaceful now either, is it?"

"After that, I'll go straight to TOKYO-3, I know that place very well, I've been there many times." C.C. smiled at Mayu lightly. This little girl is genuinely worried for her, "There is always a way to go back, I have a lot of experience in life on Earth, you do not need to worry. If you want, you can come back and pick me up later."

"Then let's get ready to leave in the next two days!" Shinn looked excited. He was spending longer and longer time with Stella recently, "Uraki-san used to be in the regular army, I think he knows how to drive a spaceship, right? I learned a little in military school back then. As long as we can go back to the moon, Stella, Stella can definitely get well!"

Now that Ade has become a government official, he will be able to help Stella get the best treatment, right? C.C. thought about it and thought there was no problem.

"By the way, I will tell Uraki the password of the ship later." Uraki has sold his life for Ade, he should be the most reliable, "You all should listen to his command."

Asuka siblings understandably did not ask why. After a while, C.C. found Uraki, gave him an account of what had happened and arranged the next task for him, and told him that the password for the spaceship was -


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