Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 71: Inherit the Stars

Chapter 71: Inherit the Stars

Chapter 71: Inherit the Stars

Sinanju landed steadily on the ground, the cockpit opened, and the soldiers on two sides applauded enthusiastically at Lieutenant Colonel Scirocco who walked out of the cockpit. The applause didn't stop until Scirocco waved his hand, then everyone stood at attention.

Just like Brigadier Hymem, the rank has no meaning to the warlord. There are many colonels and generals present, but at this moment, they have to behave respectfully to Scirocco all the same.

"Now, I declare that the final commissioning of Sinanju is successfully completed." Everyone started clapping again, and Scirocco raised his hands to stop them, "The valuable experience gained on Sinanju will become our strength and play an immeasurable role in the next stage of research, and help us achieve our ultimate purpose."

Everyone began to applaud again, and Kamille Bidan standing at the end of the crowd did not applaud, but instead muttered in a low voice, "It was me who was doing the testing work, and now it became as if he was taking credit for it. What a cunning adult."

"Kamille!" Lieutenant Emma Sheen, who was standing beside him, scolded him in a stern whisper, "What are you doing on this occasion? Want to be confined again?"

Kamille tried to say something, but gave up in the end and applauded along with others.

"With the successful example of Sinanju, I believe that the successful development of Gundam will only be a matter of time. At that time, we will announce to the world that the powerful Gundam is not Anaheim's, nor some certain person's monopoly." Scirocco at this time secretly cursed "a certain person" in his heart, "Thank you all for your contribution in this project, and I hope you will continue to work harder and create more glory."

Far away on the moon, Ade's NT radar didn't have any response, but Kamille immediately felt the malice. He whispered to Emma beside him, "Lieutenant Emma, Colonel Scirocco seems to hate Dr. Lingus very much?"

"Shhh!" Emma glared at him, "Be serious, this is not the time for gossip."

"Of course, in addition to you, I would like to give a special thanks to a friend in PLANT who does not want to reveal his name." Scirocco gave a chuckle, "He sent us the Neutron Jammer Canceller, which solved the most important energy problem."

Everyone laughed. Now TITANS has obtained the Neutron Jammer Canceller technology and has no intention of sharing this technology with other countries of the Earth Federation. With this leverage, no one can shake Scirocco's position now.

After that, Scirocco continued and finally finished his speech twenty minutes later, then Scirocco and his men went to the celebration banquet.

"Lieutenant Colonel, are we really doing to use the core system directly?" One of the technical cadres came up to Scirocco at the celebration banquet, asking him about the next stage, "Is it okay to use this unknown system? As a researcher, I can't agree with this approach."

"It's the sponsor's request, and it's a researcher's quality to properly meet the sponsor's request." This person is quite important in the research team, so Scirocco had to explain to him patiently, "Using this NewType-Drive system is the only requirement provided by the sponsor, more precisely, this whole project exists to implement this system."

The researcher nodded in understanding, thanked him, and walked away. Actually, Scirocco was also skeptical about this, a stranger suddenly came up with a mature NT-Drive system just to help him improve his combat power? He is not that naive.

"Is this NT-D system having a function that I don't know about?" He frowned and muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, people who weren't invited to the celebration banquet went back to work, they had no such thing as a half-day vacation. Kamille had no more tasks for the time being and was wandering around with nothing to do, then he was called by Emma to a room.

"Kamille, there is an important thing I need to tell you." Emma looked at him seriously, "I'm going to be transferred to a classified mission and will be away for a while. No one will be taking care of you anymore, so you need to learn to grow up and stop getting into trouble and being confined."

"Hey, how can you do that?" Kamille couldn't take it, "Why? Isn't Lieutenant Emma doing a good job here? Why should you go on some classified mission? The so-called classified mission must be dangerous, right? Can't you refuse it?"

"I can't say that there is danger or not, but the mission is confidential and I can't tell you more details." Emma comforted him and softened her voice a little, "Obeying orders is the duty of a soldier, there is no room for change."

"This is too unreasonable!"

"The army is the place of unreasonable, don't be capricious, Kamille." Emma shook her head helplessly, "Since you've become a member of it, you have to follow its rules. Not everyone will treat you like me."

"What a member? It's not like I'm in this shithole because I want to be! If it wasn't for that man I wouldn't have that kind of father!" Kamille waved his fist hatefully, "If you don't tell me, I'll just go to hack it myself. TITANS' computer system is like a sieve, I can figure out this so-called secret mission in a minute."


Emma slapped him with a serious look, "Do you know what you're talking about, Kamille? This is not funny and you will go to the court-martial if you do that. You're playing with your life."

"Don't be impulsive, be an adult, right? Lieutenant Emma, you've said that many times." Kamille was very calm about the fact that he had been slapped, as if he was used to it, "I know. I'm just talking and I won't really do it."

After saying that, he turned around and left the room, leaving Emma standing in place with a complicated look on her face.

"A court-martial? There's no way that's going to happen." He muttered in a low voice in a deserted place, "This plan is so important, and I am the only NT available, how can I be court-martialed. At most, I'll be put in confinement, I've seen through the tactics of these adults."

"I've seen through your tactics." Athrun sneered at Ade, "Trying to brainwash me with these books, are you? It's a pity that the highly educated me will not be brainwashed by such simple means."

Ade wanted to laugh at him with the fact that he had been brainwashed by Char, but saying it at this time would only anger Athrun. So he just thought about it in his heart and didn't say it.

"No, I didn't expect you to read all of them, and it is simply not realistic to finish reading all of them." Ade fished out another data disk from his pocket and handed it to Athrun, "Here's a paper with ten expository questions. I'll come back and check it after two weeks, and if your answer can make me satisfied, you can go back to PLANT. Those books are reference materials to help you answer the questions."

"Hum? Can I go back?" The sudden good news made Athrun show a stunned expression, and then he lowered his head sadly, "But my father is dead, he is no longer there, and Aznable-sama is also missing. Where am I going back to? There is no place for me to go back."

"Even if Speaker Zala is gone, your home is still there, right? PLANT is still your homeland, right? How can you say that there is no place for you to go back?" Ade said with a serious look, "Is what you have experienced and learned all this time in vain? We don't need any destinations. We just need to keep moving forward. As long as you don't stop, the road will continue."

" That's right, Doctor, you're right, I'm not going to stop." The words made Athrun ponder for a long time, and then he looked up, "Just finish these questions, right? But how do I know what kind of answer you want?"

"As long as the answers are reasonable and self-explanatory, you don't have to care what I want. First of all, you need to convince yourself." Ade replied indifferently, which was what he had been asking of Shinn, "Getting the answer is not the point, the point is to help you strengthen the ability to think logically and judge right from wrong."

Confirming that Athrun had finally accepted the status quo, Ade left and go to Loran. By the way, this paper was designed by Shinn. Ade himself doesn't have the time to do this.

In addition to Mineva, Hi--Gundam's design has also reached the final stage, which requires him to do the final communication with Londo Bell, including but not limited to some fine-tuning of the MS according to Amuro's operating habits.

In addition to that, Hyzenthlays' repair is nearing completion, and although he felt it unpropitious, he stuffed a psycho-frame into his cockpit following Amuro's advice. He searched it carefully on the Internet, there was not a satellite or anything else called Axis. To take a step back, even if there really is a satellite falling down from the sky, he will not go to push it back. His home is on the moon.

This time, he had actually communicated with Haman beforehand. No matter what happens two weeks later, he will send Athrun back. He was actually here to officially inform Athrun that he can go home after two weeks. The paper is purely to help Athrun raise his IQ, as well as to satisfy his own bad taste.

"But Speaker Karn is a little too kind to us." Loran looked at him with a complicated expression, "You'll be happy with today's latest news, Doctor, Speaker Karn agreed to hand over us the blueprint of the Neutron Jammer Canceller."

"Wait, she agreed?" Ade pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, "I just mentioned it in the list, is Athrun Zala worth that much?"

His mind is now full of new ideas about how to build the best Gundam with the Neutron Jammer Canceller. There are so many things he can do at one time, he feels he is completely out of time. He can only say sorry Lacus, because he won't have that much time to accompany her now. After all, how could any girls in the world be more interesting than Gundam?

"Speaker Karn also mentioned two conditions. One is to give PLANT economic aid. After all, the consumption of the war plus the defeat reparations give her too much pressure." Loran looked Ade straight in the eye, "The other is that she wants you to hand over Athrun personally after two weeks. Doctor, she said there are some things she wants you to know, and only by talking to you face to face, you can judge if it's true or not."



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