Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 74: A Pale and Bitter Harmony

Chapter 74: A Pale and Bitter Harmony

Chapter 74: A Pale and Bitter Harmony

"Ha?" Sazabi looked as if it had a sudden flameout, "You, how do you "

"Adrien already told me about your twisted emotions and motives." Amuro won't just stand still and chat, "Go, Fin Funnel!"

The wing-like thing on Hi- Gundam's back spread out into six wing-like Funnels and engaged in a fierce attack with Shazabi's Funnels. Amuro and Char, with their excellent spatial perception and superb manipulation skills, showed off their skills and grabbed control of the battlefield every inch of the way.

"Adrien Lingus? He can actually find this only after a few short meetings? Terrible NT ability." Char gritted his teeth, "Your Funnels seems slightly stronger, but let me tell you, the difference in MS performance is not the key to deciding the battle!"

Sazabi had been flying for a long distance before encountering Hi- Gundam, and there was very little energy left in the extra fuel reservoir on its back. Char decisively separated the nearly empty fuel tank, and the weight of Sazabi snapped lighter, closing in at a suddenly faster speed, while the cannon at the waist of the MS body swept wildly, suppressing Amuro's alignment.

"Comparing driving skill with me, an active-duty soldier, after being a Senator for so long?" Amuro launched the inflatable dummy hidden inside Hi- Gundam's arm out to draw attention while using the shield on MS's left arm to parry the shots, "You're too cocky!"

His Winged Funnels deftly avoided the shots from different angles, accurately shoots down Sazabis Funnels one by one, then flew back to Amuro's side. The I-fields between the Funnels were interlinked, forming a transparent cube that wrapped Hi- Gundam in, which Sazabi's beam cannon could not penetrate.

"His design is full of strange and weird features." Sazabi raised the high-powered beam rifle to fire at the cube as Char charged, "but Funnels also has a cap on energy, and that won't change."

When the thick particle beam was about to hit the I-field, the winged Funnels suddenly scattered in all directions, and the particle beam hit in vain. But at that moment, Char finally flew closed to H- Gundam as he had hoped, and Sazabi, holding two beam sabers in each of its hands, swung up in a frenzy.

Amuro was forced to throw away his shield and pulled out his beam saber. After exchanging several attacks and defenses, H- Gundam suddenly stretched out its left arm to block Sazabi's beam saber.

"Have you lost your mind, Amuro?" Char was shocked, but his attacks did not slow down at all.

Sazabi chopped at Hi-v Gundam's left arm with full force, but the beam shield that suddenly unfolded from Hi-v Gundam's forearm blocked the attack perfectly, and taking this opportunity, Amuro cut off Sazabi's left leg and left arm with a backhanded lift. Sazabi flew up and kicked Hi- Gundam away, retreating backward as fast as it could.

"This Gundam even equipped with a beam shield on such compact arm structure?" Sazabi had only one hand left, so Char threw away his beam saber and replaced it with a beam axe, "Are all MSs made by Lingus monsters?!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" The shield that was previously dropped by Amuro suddenly moved on its own, the beam cannon and four rockets hidden inside the shield launched a sneak attack on Char from behind him, "It's over, Char!"

Char's NT instincts allowed him to avoid the sniping of the beam cannon in the nick of time, but the rockets still hit him and a series of explosions occurred on Sazabi.

"Oh no, the monitor is broken! How did this happen?"

Amuro pulled out the large beam saber on Hi-v Gundam's back, flying forward to cut Sazabi into two pieces with one slash, by the way, it grabbed the cockpit that was about to escape from the head of Sazabi.

"Eh, let's say you win." Char's cockpit was immobilized by Hi-v Gundam's grip, "But you can't stop Junius 7's fall. How much time has it been? Even without thrusters, even with inertia alone, it can enter the range of the Earth's gravity."

On the other hand, inside Junius 7, when Shinn finished destroying the thrusters and prepared to place the explosives, he found Aker still outside killing Zakus.

"Is this the power of Zeta Gundam? You are surely the Doctor's child! Fantastic!" Zeta's excellent mobility allowed Aker to do all sorts of cool moves, and he let loose a chant on the friendly channel while killing, "Today, I am I can beat anyone even the"

"Captain Aker!" Shinn couldn't help but interrupt Aker, "Mission, mission!"

"I'm certainly not getting carried away." Aker quickly got rid of the pursuit of the Zakus, and no one dared to pursue him in return, "Roger, move immediately."

Shortly after, the MSs that had been assigned missions earlier rejoined after completing their respective objectives. The operation went smoothly, mainly because the combat power ratio was very unfriendly to the enemy side. They quickly broke out to the outside of Junius 7, at which point, Amuro just got down of Char. In fact, there weren't many enemy soldiers left.

"Amuro, mission accomplished." Aker spoke up first, "Char Aznable?"

Hi- Gundam held up the cockpit in its hand and gestured, "Here it is, let's start blasting."

Each MS detonated the explosives set before, and Junius 7 was immediately bombarded by incessant attacks. However, the huge satellite still fell towards the direction of Earth at a steady speed. The MSs and several battleships poured ammunition at the satellite, but their attacks were too negligible for such a huge size.

"I told you, it's too late." Char took his helmet off and pulled his collar, "Use your head to do the math and you'll know, I'm the one who won!"

Before he finished his words, Akama suddenly rushed out from the formation of battleships, drove extremely close to Junius 7, and precisely fired its main gun at the part where the detonation was unsuccessful before. The powerful force became the last straw that breaks the camelback, and Junius 7 finally broke in two from it, and the second half of it began to drift off toward outer space.

"Bright, well done, well done!" Char couldn't help but exclaim, and then let out a loud laugh, "But this is the end! The remaining half is enough, and at this distance, it will enter the atmosphere in twenty minutes at most. Go ahead, Junius 7, with that forbidden memory! Hahahahahahaha!"

"What's so funny?" Hi- Gundam sped towards the front of Junius 7, "It's just a satellite, let me push it back!"

"Are you crazy? Don't do anything stupid!" Char was dumbfounded.

"I believe in what Adrien handed me." Hi- Gundam came to the front of the satellite, pressed Char's cockpit against the satellite's shell, and fired up its thrusters, "This Hi- Gundam isn't just for show!"

At this moment, Ade was on board with everyone else looking out at the bridge.

"What's Captain Ray doing?" Lacus asked him suspiciously, "Is he pushing the satellite with his Gundam?"

"Amuro!" Ade darted over to Mayu and got on Amuro's comms as fast as he could, "Get back! Immediately! This kind of thing is absurd, irrational, non-materialistic, and impossible!"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Amuro's voice was full of confidence, "Just leave it to me, Adrien, it might be possible with the power of Hi- Gundam!"

"Hi-v Gundam was made by me! I say it can't!" Ade was so anxious. He didn't want to lose Amuro as a friend no matter what, "Do you know how much work I've put in to try to explain this god damn worldview? Gundam can't push the satellite back! Absolutely impossible! It's just a waste of time!"

"Then let me just say I believe in you more than you do." Amuro smiled brightly, "That's it. I'll see you later."

After saying that, he cut off the communication.

"I admire his awareness and courage." Lacus came forward and shook Ade's hand, "But that's impossible, right?"

"Of course it's impossible!" Ade annoyed, pointing his other hand at the satellite outside, "This speed, this mass, this momentum! What is Gundam's thrust? It's just a junior high school math problem. That's impossible! Hell, why is this plot?!"

"Doctor, I'm sorry about that." Uraki followed to access the bridge communication, "The new V2 was just built, but it might be broken by me again."

"Kou?" Ade immediately turned around with a hint of trembling in his voice, "Don't be impulsive, there's no point in what Amuro is doing. Return now, return to the ship immediately! That's an order!"

"But I'm still quite satisfied to finally have a chance this time." Uraki's voice was a bit happy, "My family and friends are on Earth, I can only try it. Just deduct V2's money from my insurance money. I have quite a lot of insurance money and I think it's enough to pay for it, so please transfer the rest to my family, Doctor."

"I don't want any insurance money, I want you! Kou!" He shouted angrily.

"Doctor, my life has become meaningful to hear you say that." Then Uraki laughed and hung up the communication.

"Why, it doesn't make sense? It's simply inexplicable!" Ade covered his forehead, "That's right, Shinn! Mayu, call your brother immediately!"

The communication is on.

"Shinn! It's me, return to the ship at once!" Ade almost growled out, "That's an order! Return to the ship immediately!"

"Mr. Adrien, you have no right to give me orders, we don't have a leader-member relation." Shinn said mischievously, "Please respect my free will, that's what Adrien-san always says, right?"

"You know what I mean, there's no time to play on words with you!" Ade impatiently tapped the panel under his hand, "Think about Mayu, think about Stella, your lover and sister are on the moon, the satellite has nothing to do with you!"

"Mr. Adrien, you used to tell me that people have to be self-aware, we're not hot-blooded idiots living in a cartoon, there's always something that can't be done." Shinn's voice was refreshing, "I already know this very well, but I found out again that there are things that you have to do even if you know you can't do them, like this thing now."

"I did not teach you this kind of sophistry! Just come back!"

"That must be because Adrien-san taught me too well that I'm able to learn by example." Shinn smiled coyly, "Mayu, your brother is going to be a hero."

"That's not a hero, it's a martyr! Shinn!" Ade grabbed Mayu's shoulders, "Are you watching your brother go crazy too? Say something!"

"Ade-san " Mayu looked up at him sadly, "I will always believe in my brother."

"Crazy! All of you are crazy! Use your brains to think about it! What's the meaning to do this?!" Ade let go of Mayu and grabbed his hair hard. Lacus didn't move an inch from his side, watching him with a worried look.

I still feel sorry for Mayu, but Adrien-san will take care of her, right? Well, I hope she and Stella won't quarrel again.

"Shinn?" Ade jerked his head up, but it couldn't be, the communication had just been cut off and Shinn wasn't a NewType, " Then who am I listening to?"

Lacus grabbed his arm nervously, "Ade, what's wrong? You look like you're having a hard time, what happened?"

Oh no, I haven't had time to read the r18 MS Girl mangas I downloaded before, what should I do if someone finds them from my computer? I want to die! Uh, by the way, it was so strange. Did the doctor just confess to me? But I am not gay. What should I do?

"Kou?" He stared vacantly at the universe, "Is that you?"

"Ade, Ade?" Lacus clenched her lips and shook the arm of the man beside her hard, "Can you hear me? Don't scare me."

You don't know what's on Earth! People don't have a future on Earth! No matter what you say, I still want to believe in the possibility of humans

"Stop it, it's noisy." Ade covered his head in pain and shrunk his body into a ball, "Can you be quiet?"

"Ade, answer me!" Lacus cupped his face and looked straight into his unfocused pupils, "What should I do"

I am a man who turns the impossible into possible! Pushing the satellite is just a piece of cake. Beauty, believe me, this is not suicide, but for the survival and future of mankind!

"Please," his body began to spasm, "please stop saying that "

This kind of thing is impossible right but what if it becomes true the heroes of the One Year War are together with us there is nothing to be afraid of oh I just hope that it won't smash to my hometown aren't you a PLANT pilot what are you doing here I do not know my body itself moved up what are you Zakus doing here just go back Zaku is also powerful we also have human rights okay is it so proud to drive Gundam ah I was going to get married after I go home oooo holy shit don't say this well-known meme at this time shit I will die this time it's all your fault no Zaku can't do it I can't hold on I will go first now Captain Bright said that we can change our MS to Jegan behind us is Earth can we really stop it don't look back as if I'm afraid of death come on whose math is good can you calculate how long it will fall to Earth idiot this is a physics problem fuck you I'm not an idiot you are an idiot you are born to be an -

"Shut up! Get the hell out of my head!"

Lacus took a deep breath, hugged him with all her strength, and kissed him on the lips with tears in her eyes. Then gradually, focus finally appeared in his eyes, and the world began to quiet down. The young girl felt the person in her arms finally stop shaking. She left his lips, staring at him with tears.


"Ade-san, the central collision point of the satellite's descent is estimated." Mayu's helpless voice rang out from the bridge, "Near Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, Honshu Island, Japanese Islands!"

"Ikari, we just got the latest news from Londo Bell." Fuyutsuki Kouzou stood straight with his arms folded, "Junius 7's falling point is directly above us. Bad luck."

"It's not a coincidence." Ikari Gendou crossed his arms below his nose, "It's an attack at us. Fuyutsuki, our enemy is more than just angels."

"Everything depends on how much mass the satellite can remnant." Fuyutsuki looked down at the floor, "If we are lucky, the Final Dogma can survive."

"As I said, it's not a coincidence." Ikari Gendou's voice was cold and bone-chilling, "The Final Dogma can't survive. The plan ended early."

"Then it's too late to try to run away now, right? How long do we still have?" Fuyutsuki looked at his old friend, "Aren't you going to do something about it, Ikari?"

Ikari Gendou was silent for a long time, " Get Shinji over here."

"An artificial satellite will land exactly directly above us." Lilith's voice projected in the minds of C.C. and Kaworu Nagisa, "The target is me. I won't be able to survive."

"If we run now, counting the time to leave this place " Kaworu Nagisa tilted his head and thought for a moment, "It's a pity that it's too late."

"How could this happen?" C.C. shook her head unacceptably, her long silky hair swaying along with her, "Just giving me hope and immediately giving me despair, this kind of thing "

"You humans call this, well, predestination, right?" Kaworu Nagisa seemed unconcerned about his death, smiling as usual, "Interesting coincidence, or not?"

"Why, why?" C.C. let out a pained whisper, "It's so hard, so hard to be happy again!"

Then he began to hear voices again, "Hey, let's do the deed, shall we?"

Still from the same voice, "Why don't you ask the magic conch?"

Followed by still her, "By the way, no night crawling allowed this year either."

Strange, how is she again, "A satellite hitting the earth should be able to kill me."

Why is it always her, "At least take the initiative at times like this I'll leave it to you?"

Finally, she whispered, "The contract stands, Mr. Paramecium."

"Lacus, I feel so bad." Ade left from the young girl's embrace and walked towards the outside of the bridge with his hand on his forehead, "I'm going to my room to lie down for a while."

"I'll stay with you." The young girl extended her arm towards him.

"They need you here." He turned his back on the young girl and shook his head, "Tell me what's going on later, I want first-hand information."

Lacus watched his back disappear from sight for a moment. She hesitated, but finally chose to sit back in her seat and continue watching the satellite.

The efforts of Amuro Ray and the others were pointless. Junius 7 continued to move steadily toward Earth. In less than ten minutes, it would fall into the atmosphere, but those MSs had no intention of retreating. Did they really intend to fight to the death?

Lacus watched for a while, and suddenly, a puzzling palpitation rushed to her heart, exactly the same as the last time in the Genesis event!

She gave the command as fast as she could, "Mayu, close all MS entry and exit channels!"

However, Mayu looked like she was about to cry out, "Miss Lacus, Hyzenthlays has just "

"I'm sorry, it's really not like my style to do such a thing." Ade tapped the communication into the bridge, his voice rang out with a hint of relief, "But I have a reason to do it."

"Liar! Actor!" Lacus hissed without grace, "Ade, get back here!"

"The design and plan for the MS remodel are on the computer in my office, just take them all to Loran." Hyzenthlays flew towards the satellite in her vision, "The boot password is Alice's birthday. You can ask Loran, he knows."

"You said it yourself, it's impossible! What are you doing now?!"

"As for Audrey, well, please try to coax her for me. Kids are not easy to cheat nowadays." He laughed lightly, "Nothing else is important, right? Think about it, I really have a quite simple interpersonal relationship."

"Please, don't do this "

"I'm hanging up. If I say more, my determination will be shaken by you. You are actually very important in my heart."

"Liar, I do not believe, come back !"

"Oh, by the way, the last sentence. I have been playing dumb and never said it, in fact, I was just too embarrassed," he said before cutting off the communication, "I love you."

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