Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 85: The Gundam You Ordered Has Arrived

Chapter 85: The Gundam You Ordered Has Arrived

Chapter 85: The Gundam You Ordered Has Arrived

Finished training, Ange in the base aimlessly looking for her maid. Although Inspector Emma had already explained to everyone that Ade was only a civilian, she still sent her maid to follow him just in case.

She turned around but didn't find them, so she decided to go back to the dormitory area to take a look. Walking to the door of Ade's room, she heard the sound of conversation coming from inside.

"What are you doing hiding in your room in the middle of the day?" Ange thought of something and uneasily pressed her ear to the door. "No, it can't be."

"I didn't expect it to be this big." It was Ade's voice, "Was it this big since you were a kid?"

"It was smaller when I was small, and it gets bigger slowly after I grow up." This was the voice of her cute maid.

"Is it? Let me take a closer look." Ade's voice paused for a moment, "Can you raise your hand and move it?"

"Is that so?" Momoka did what she was told to do.

"Yes, that's it. Is it okay if I touch it?" Ange felt very confused listening to their talk.

"It's okay, please." I can't bear it! Momoka was really cheated by him too!

"Ade, you're too much!" Ange angrily pushed open the door of the room, only to see the two of them standing face to face fully clothed, and Momoka was emitting a glow-like barrier from her hands, " ha?! What the hell?!"

"What do you think?" Ade looked coldly at the young girl, "Miss Friday, how about explaining what was too much? Or is your dirty brain thinking of something unimaginable?"

Ange opened her mouth, blushed, not knowing what to say.

"You don't believe in my character, I understand it." Ade made a face like 'Dude, I'm disappointed in you', "Don't you have any trust in your own maids as well? Do you know how sad Momoka is to be doubted by her master like this? To take a step back, Miss Momoka's strength is much higher than mine, how can I do anything to her? Where is your intelligence?"

Ange's face became even redder.

"Forget it, I won't say it, always criticizing you makes you even less confident." Ade gestured outside with his eyes, "Momoka and I still have some unfinished business, please close the door from outside the room, thanks."

Ange nodded her head dizzily, walked outside the room and closed the door, then stood in the hallway for a while. After a while, as the people passing by pointed at her, she suddenly realized something, "No, that's not right. How did I get outside?"

She pushed the door open again, "Humph, you almost fooled me. If you didn't do anything unspeakable, you wouldn't care if someone was watching, right?"

"Then sit down." Ade said indifferently, "If you want to see it, you can just say it. How do I know you want to see it if you don't say it? If you want to see it, I will show it to you. It is not possible to say that you want to see but I do not let you see, you do not want to see but I have to let you see. What are you waiting for? Sit down."

"Hey?" Ange came back to her senses and sat down honestly on the chair, "Oh."

Only the maid lady hid her mouth and laughed very happily the whole time.

The experiment continued, and in Ange's confused eyes, Ade threw things, threw water, blew air, and even let Ange fire two shots at the barrier that the maid had made, which proved that the barrier was strong enough to resist even the kinetic energy of a bullet. Finally, Ade touched it lightly with his hand and the barrier disappeared.

Next, he did some things that Ange could not understand, some of which seemed rather obscene to Ange, but considering that she would be criticized for her low IQ again if she pointed it out, Ange skimmed and decided not to say anything. After it was all done, he started pacing back and forth in the room, his brow furrowed, looking like he was thinking about something complicated, and his mouth murmured something Ange did not understand at all.

"NewType with only the communication function, it can only be marked but can not mark others. Since so, how can it achieve the communication function? Not p2p direct connection, is it by the transit station? Then where is the transit station and what is the medium? And what is NewType's connection medium? I surprisingly never thought of this before, what a failure."

"The field against physical defense can be negated by free will, is it the wall of the heart? But why could it deny the reality so easily? Was there an external increase? This is simply an inferior version of the artificial angel, are there angels in this worldview? The will determines the matter, so this is actually a materialistic world?"

"Misurugi is full of such people, that is to say, there is a country of inferior NewTypes plus inferior angels. Is it genetically customized or catalyzed by a special device, or both? Considering that the country is closed for secrecy, if this is the secret research result of this country, then the final boss of this country is far stronger than Creuset."

"However, if this is the final hidden BOSS, his appearance is too easy and too early "

Ade just keep pacing there, murmuring something as his face became more and more serious. Ange looked at him helplessly and was about to ask, but the maid stopped her and shook her head silently.

Ade suddenly stopped and looked up at her, "Friday, is this where all the Normas found in the country will be sent? No ones left out?"

"Well, yes." Ange nodded, then muttered in a small voice, "It's definitely intentional to call me by the wrong name at this time."

"A genetic mutation with a not low probability, an inferior and unstable artificial human. I know what the final BOSS is." He clapped his hands, facing Momoka and Ange, "Momoka, thank you for your cooperation today, it helped me a lot. Well, Friday, do you have anything else?"

"What's your attitude?" Ange felt unhappy and left, "Momoka, let's go and let him play by himself."

"You are too kind." The maid raised a bow to him with a smile on her face, "Please don't mind His Highness's rudeness, in fact, Her Highness Angelise and you are getting along very well, please continue to get along with Her Highness Angelise in this way in the future."

"Don't say unnecessary words!" Ange turned around and pulled Momoka outside, "I don't want to get along with such a person! I don't care about him. Let's see if he's going to get pressed to the ground and do something by others!"

Ange said so, but still let Momoka secretly monitor Ade, and instructed her "I do not allow other people to touch my thing", "You can only come to save him when he is about to be killed".

After several days, Momoka reported that Ade had neither been forced nor beaten, much to Ange's disappointment. She waited reluctantly for a few more days, still nothing happened, so she simply withdrew Momoka's surveillance.

The next days were uneventful. Until one day, she suddenly reacted to the fact that all her teammates had changed their attitudes towards her, and even the ones who were previously hostile to her were now pleasant to her. Unaware of this, she ordered Momoka to inquire it, but heard the shocking truth from the maid's mouth.

"Your Highness Angelise, in fact, a member of the second squadron went to him on the first day after removing Ade-san's protection." Momoka told her, "She entered Ade-san's room for two hours before coming out, and came out in tears, murmuring things like 'It was so nice to meet Ade-san'."

"Huh?" Ange cleared her ears with her fingers, "Momoka, you are not mistaken, right?"

"After that, there were girls going to look for him every day, sometimes even several people together." The maid lady continued her narration with a smile on her face, "All of them came out of Ade-san's room after a few hours, and their reactions were all similar."

"Is he a devil, is he?" Ange gulped, "Could my teammates also"

According to Momoka, at first, a red-haired girl in the first squadron went to his room with an arrogant look and came out a few hours later hugging and crying. Then a blue-haired girl went to revenge the red-haired girl, after a few hours, she came out, crying with a happy smile. Then Salia the squadron leader went to question him, after a few hours, she came out and only knew saying "Ade-san said", and "Ade-san said". The rest of the team went to look for his troubles one by one, and eventually, the whole team became what they are now.

Ange found Salia, hoping Momoka had gotten the wrong information.

"Ade-san is also a person who likes to read books, and he said that girls who love to read books are admirable." Salia said with respect, "He also said that girls who like to read teenage manga are dreamers, and he was even willing to discuss the plots of teenage manga with me. He knew everything and helped me with many of the problems I encountered as a team leader. He also said that being needed by others is a basic human aspiration, but the more important thing is "

Ange couldn't listen any longer. She felt that Salia had been brainwashed, so she then went to find the red-haired girl and the blue-haired girl.

"You are a princess who was born with everything, you would not understand it." The red-haired girl said with a sad look, "But Mr. Ade understands me, he has also had this experience, he understands this pain, this despair, and this struggle."

"Mr. Ade told me what a true friend is." The blue-haired girl with a satisfied look, "He also told me what it takes to make a friend, and he was even willing to be my friend. I realize now that I was wrong all along and that Mr. Ade was right. I was so stupid, really."

The same conversation happened to Ange and each of her teammates.

"It's so, so scary, is this what he's really made of?" Ange shivered, "This base is about to fall, Momoka, what should I do?"

"Your Highness, you don't need to do anything." Momoka smiled and said, "If you don't understand, why don't you just go and ask him?"

Ange hesitated for a long time and decided to follow Momoka's advice. When she barged right into Ade's room, there was a girl from the third squadron in the room, and she kicked her out without saying a word. When the girl was thrown out, she was very upset and kept saying things like, "He is not your personal property even if you pay for it!" and "Let's club together to buy Mr. Ade back."

"What the hell are you doing?" Ange slapped the table in anger, making a "pop, pop, pop" sound, "Want to turn the whole base into your harem?"

"Don't slander me! I'm pure and innocent, okay? I didn't touch a single girl in the entire base." Ade looked at her innocently, "Didn't I say before? I would help you solve the interpersonal problems among your teammates before I ran away? Look, isn't everyone treating you much better now?"

"it seems to be?" Ange immediately changed the topic back, "No, no, no, that one just now is not even from our squadron, right? It has nothing to do with what you're talking about."

"These girls were looking for me themselves, most of them have some mental illness, so I helped guide them a little. Or that? I can't just throw them out, right?" Ade rightfully replied, "And I find you're right, you do have the highest IQ in this base."

"Right? I told you so!" Ange nodded happily, then realized something, "But why are you so pleasant to them, and only call me Friday? Are you deliberately targeting me?"

"Is it? I don't think so." Ade looked down and thought about it, "Maybe you're too easy to bully, so I just couldn't control myself?"

"You're too much! I'm sure you have a go at me!" Ange stared at him viciously and squeezed her knuckles, "I'm going to make you understand today that intelligence isn't all I have!"

"I'll warn you in advance, you're a girl! Behave like a lady!" Ade stared at her fearlessly, because his NT Radar didn't ring at all, indicating that she wasn't really going to beat him.

"You are now my private property, I can do whatever I want, no one will come to save you even if you scream!" Ange said and suddenly stopped, the vicious expression disappearing from her face, "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly put on a serious expression? I'm not really going to hit you."

Ade still had that same look, not moving a muscle.

"Just kidding, I was joking. Why are you like this? Can't you even afford a joke? Can't I resist even if you bully me?" Ange waited again, but Ade still did not respond, "Okay, okay, I'm wrong, I'm wrong."

"Didn't you say that this place is not exposed?" Ade suddenly spoke up.

"Huh? Yes." Ange nodded, "I got rid of that big white guy before and didn't expose the base. So what's going on with you?"

"He has found this place. I can't show up here, so use your brain to think of a solution yourself. I still owe you a favor, don't die."

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