Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 91: Moonlight Butterfly

Chapter 91: Moonlight Butterfly

Chapter 91: Moonlight Butterfly

The black Gundam aimed the large, oddly shaped bow at Lancelot, and Kururugi immediately unfold the beam shield on the forearm of Lancelot. He also tried to chat with the black Gundam's pilot on the public channel, but the other side did not reply to him.

"Beam shield? Your humorous behavior makes me laugh." The pilot of the black Gundam was actually talking to the public channel as well, but unfortunately, the two sides were not on the same public channel, "This is 'his' heart and soul, 'his' supreme masterpiece, he entrusted it to me by 'him' himself, the only fourth-generation Gundam in the world."

Lancelot drew out its beam saber and burst toward the black Gundam. Its speed, range, and the beam shield on its arm hinted that Britannia had mastered special energy technology.

"Any defense is meaningless in front of this guy." The black Gundam lifted the big bow and made a loading action, but didn't put any ammunition there. The () mark on the display of the black Gundam became more and more dazzling, "Try it if you want to die!"

Something unseen jerked out from the front of the big bow, the aura of death made Kururugi subconsciously dodge. The sea behind him seemed to be hit by a 10,000 ton heavy hammer, emitting a deafening roar and raising huge waves.

As far as the eye could see, the front end of the big bow vibrated two more times in succession. In a critical situation, he displayed a reaction ability beyond his original limit, doing multiple short distance phase changes in succession in the blank of an eye, and two more invisible ammunition brushed against him with two loud noises coming from behind him.

"This kind of power continuous fire?" The Gundam in front of Kururugi was simply challenging his common sense, well he had already dashed his way to the black Gundam and his beam saber cut down harshly, "What is this again?!"

The beam saber was blocked by some kind of barrier invisible to the naked eye, the particle stream bound by the I field and the unknown barrier clashed fiercely, showing an orange glow in the reflection of the sunlight. The polygons on the field were faintly visible spreading outward.

The black Gundam drew a beam saber, backhand up to force Lancelot back, then put away the big bow, fighting Lancelot in close combat again.

In fact, the other party's technical level is similar to Kururugi's, or even weaker, but the black MS was too strong. The black Gundam in front of Kururugi was so incredibly fast that it was no different from cheating for an ordinary MS. Kururugi even had the illusion that he was driving an RGM-79GM rather than the most up-to-date Gundam of Britannia.

"Humph, just a twisted inferior product. Is such a useless piece of iron worthy of being made to look like Gundam? It's simply tarnishing 'his' name." The black Gundam's pilot shook his head in disappointment, "How shameless, let me put an end to you."

The next moment, the black Gundam's speed became even faster, even Kururugi's reaction was almost unable to keep up, and Lancelot lost a hand in a few shots. At this point, his teammates finally arrived, and the Third Knight piloted Tristan Gundam, rushing up to surround the black Gundam with a few other ACEs. Kururugi was lucky to save his life again and returned to the ship in disgrace.

Just after returning to the ship, Kururugi got off the plane and didn't even have time to take a sip of water, then he received the news that the rear of the fleet had been attacked. Their troops had no casualties but suffered heavy losses. He switched to a common MS and rushed to the scene to find that there were no more friendly troops that could move, and the battleships had run away, leaving only a golden Gundam-type MS that was 'sweeping' the battlefield, with a large number of Gundams watching its moves from behind.

"Mother holy sht fuk" Kururugi cursed very rarely, because the most outrageous thing was that there was a battleship-sized fully armed Inle amongst the Gundams, which hooked his bad memories, "Isn't Dr. Lingus dead?!"

At this time, C.C. in Inle was watching Kira performing alone with boredom. The ACEs of the Federation still not showed up, none of them rushed to support, so that the annoyed her could not even find a chance to vent.

Their party has no intention of feuding with the Earth Federation and Misurugi, and Kira, as the only ACE who is used to attack MS's four limbs but not the cockpit, is the most suitable person to take the field.

"Lacus, haven't you found him yet?" She got the communication to the ship and again received a negative reply, "Aznable, is there a problem with the coordinates you gave?"

There was no answer, and C.C. asked again, "Char Aznable on Sinanju, is there a problem with the coordinates you gave?"

"You are looking for Char Aznable, what does it have to do with me, Quattro Bajeena?" answered Char, "No problem, that fortress is not far away, expect to find it after a while after breaking through this fleet."

When they were talking, Kira finally encountered a more powerful enemy, who took him a lot of effort to chop down his MS's four limbs.

"The man that Mr. Kira just took out seems to be very strong, he might be an ACE, why don't we pick him up and see who he is? The concentration of Minovsky Particles here is high, no one will know if we pick him up." After Shinn finished speaking, he volunteered to rush forward and pick up the wreckage of the MS piloted by Kururugi, and after a while, his excited voice came from the ship, "Jackpot! It's the Seventh Knight of Britannia!"

"Is it that Japanese knight of the round table, the one recommended by both Euphemia and Cornelia?" Char thought for a while, "Mrs. Lingus, I have an offer, I will give you Unicorn Gundam for free, accordingly, I want this knight in exchange, what do you think?"

Lacus doesn't know what Char wants to do, but for the sake of him calling her "Mrs. Lingus", she decided to give him a favor, "He's just a burden to us, and Ade must be very interested in Unicorn. A very reasonable proposal, certainly no problem."

C.C. was getting annoyed listening to their conversation, "You guys can prepare some tea and snacks and talk here, I have urgent business to go first."

After she said that, she directly drove Inle out. Lacus helplessly commanded everyone to follow behind. The way was unimpeded, and TITANS and Britannia's chain of command seemed to be paralyzed, completely giving up on blocking them.

It was only when they were about to fly through the entire fleet that they discovered the culprit. It was a black Gundam that they hadn't seen before that was harvesting battleships and MSs at an incredible speed. The moment the black Gundam spotted them, it turned around and charged towards them.

"The black Gundam is hostile to us and cannot be avoided." C.C. informed everyone, "It's a very strong MS, to save time, let's take it down together."

"Here comes another bunch of imitations." The black Gundam's pilot continued to speak to the empty public channel, "But these ones have a few of 'his' styles in their appearance. Let me try your strength."

"Stand down." An MS that looks completely different from everyone's drawing style suddenly appeared in front of the black Gundam, the black Gundam stopped immediately, "These MSs are probably the highest end of combat power in this world, at this point in time. Let me test them to see for myself how different they are from 'his' work."

"As ordered, Embryo-sama." After saying that, the black Gundam directly left the battlefield and flew away.

"In front of my MS, you are all as weak as ants, making it impossible for me to come to the right conclusion." Embryo's voice rang out in the correct public channel, "I'll use only 10% of my strength, you can use all your strength to attack me together!"

Arsenal was filled with sadness as everyone's spiritual mentor, Mr. Ade, was leaving again just after returning. Now that Commander Gill has basically grown dissipated and drank all day, but thanks to Ade-san's previous sage advice, the squadron leaders were still trying their best to maintain the base. What made everyone happy was that there had been no missions for a long time recently, and what made everyone angry was that Mr. Ade was still alone with Ange at the end of the day.

"Well, I'm going back, Friday." He didn't know how to say goodbye to Ange, and could only say in the plainest words, "See you later."

Ange didn't say anything, just looked at him with her small-animal-like wounded eyes, but it was more powerful than any words and made Ade's heart very upset.

"I'll be back after I've dealt with my family affairs." He very much wished that the maid lady was here so that the atmosphere would not have to be this embarrassing, "I will definitely come back come back to liberate you and them."

"You have two wives, how long will it take you to get done them? It's also very possible to forget that there are so many people waiting for you here at that time, right?" Ange finally spoke, "Where is your home? Tell me the address, I'll come to you if you don't come to me."

"Uh-" he stared dumbfounded at Ange, and her eyes told him that she was serious, "I thought you couldn't get out of here?"

"Anyway, now that the commander doesn't care about things and everyone's been brainwashed by you, it wouldn't be very difficult to transform the PM and go to the outside world, would it?" Ange showed a smug look, "How about that? Intimidated by my wisdom, right?"

Ade opened his mouth, speechless.

"So don't you think about things like running away and not coming back, I'm telling you, there's no running away." Ange took out a small slip of paper from her pocket and shook it, "I got your name down this time, I remember you said you were famous outside here, right? Just get out there and ask anyone, there will be ways to find you."

"I live above the moon, how are you going to get there?"

"I have seen TV shows." Ange grunted, "Have you seen the kind of emotional programs that look for unfaithful lovers? There must be similar TV shows out there, right? At that time, I will go to the TV show and cry in front of everyone, that famous Lingus played me and dumped me, then the whole world would help me to find you."

" you came up with it yourself?"

"Most by me, and Momoka added some details." Ange patted her chest, "Are you impressed with my intelligence?"

"Impressed." Ade found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take her eyes off of her chest, "Impressed indeed."

"Hey, where are you looking?" Ange followed Ade's line of sight and looked down, instantly roaring, "Shame on you! And you say you don't like big breasts! I think that's just a lie you made up to lower my guard, right?"

"Ade-san!" At that moment, Salia pushed open the door of the room and panted. She was still wearing her pilot's uniform, her forehead, chest, abdomen and inner thighs were sweating, it was obvious that she just got off her PM and ran over here, "I was on patrol and found people fighting on the sea not far away, all of them were driving the Mobile Suits similar to yours!"

"I see, good job." Ade patted Salia's shoulder, "Go take a shower and change your clothes, I'll check it out. Also, tell everyone to stay in Arsenal and never go out, it's dangerous out there."

Salia nodded and went away, Ade turned to Ange, "It seems the farewell ceremony is going to end early, I'll go to see what's going on, you just stay here."

Ange impulsively blurted out, "I'll go with you!"

"Stuffing two people in the cockpit will only affect my play." He calmly refused, "There's no point to go with me in your PM either, Villkiss is too weak. I can handle it on my own."

Ange frowned, but Ade here could not agree to take her.

After saying goodbye to her, he drove Hyzenthlays quickly towards the location described by Salia. The radar radius of the PM was small, which meant that a large number of MSs had entered Arsenal's territorial waters, and such information made him worried. For example, in case it was TITANS's force, and now the final Boss was not at home, he pondered what he could do to protect everyone.

As he flew, the concentration of Minovsky particles in the atmosphere begins to rise, and he could see the wreckage of warships floating on the sea. At the same time, he felt the presence of Char.

"Char." He pulled Char into his mind space, "How did so many people die? Who did it?"

"Lingus, you're finally here." Char was used to this too, "We encountered an extremely powerful MS, completely out of our league. On my advice, we all chose to retreat for now and are currently hiding not far behind the battlefield. I'm with your two ladies, should I tell them of your presence now?"

"Not yet, wait until I return to tell them myself." Ade was a bit diffident after hearing the word "two", "Extremely powerful? What does that mean? How many of you are there? What does the other side look like?"

Before Char could answer, the scene of battle appeared in Ade's vision. It looked like countless Britannia and TITANS' MSs were joining hands to besiege something, or rather being besieged by something. There were several enemies, quite small in size, flying around at speeds that were almost impossible to keep up with the naked eye, while constantly shooting beam cannons. The beam cannons were also incomprehensibly powerful, any MS being brushed would immediately explode.

This is not a battle at all, it is more appropriately called a sadistic killing.

"How weak are you, what a waste of my time." An unrecognizable voice rang out from the public channel, "Just in time for the last vermin to arrive, inferior creatures who dare to violate my territory, let me finish you off together."

Then the several small things that were flying around came together and spelled out the shape of an MS, which was something he had been thinking about day and night before. He instantly reacted and yelled at Char, "Don't leave the ship, run now!"

The feeling of danger was transmitted to Char along with his consciousness, making Char's body sweat, "Lingus, what did you see-"

"Cut the crap and run!" He just desperately conveyed this one thought, "No matter what reason you use, convince Lacus and C.C. to run now!"

Char was worthy of being one of the most powerful NTs. After only two sentences, he brought Ade the news that he had successfully convinced everyone and that the ships were disengaging. Ade flew in a different direction. If the other side chose to pursue him, he did not want to draw the BOSS to his wives.

The next second, a misty and dazzling glow lit up in front of him, as if a Butterfly stirred its seven-colored wings and danced under the moonlight. The glow expanded rapidly outward and soon crossed Ade, wrapping the entire battlefield. People in the midst of the glow were moved to suffocation by the fantastic scenery, and even their bodies gradually became part of the beauty, until they were completely integrated into it, leaving no trace.

After an unknown period of time, the glow gradually dissipated, and only two MSs remained on the vast sea, and everything else seemed as if they had never existed.

"Oh? You can survive from Moonlight Butterfly, I still underestimated you." That MS moved to Hyzenthlays with an incredibly fast speed, "This MS, I remember it was called Lingus?"

"TurnX " Ade sucked in a breath of cold air.

"You actually know TurnX?"Embryo was in deep thought, "How? How is it possible? I did such a perfect job this time, where did I leak information?"

Fortunately, Char had already left the sensing range, leaving him with no worries. It is impossible to run away, even resistance is meaningless, the next is to see how long he can talk. Think optimistically, maybe he can take out the boss with his language arts?

"Know TurnX, and can build Gundam, is there such a possibility? No, it's not possible, it's never possible." Embryo hesitated for a long time and suddenly said in a loud voice, "Your life is like a candle in the wind!" (PS: This is a meme from Duel Monsters, but unfortunately, I don't play Duel Monsters and I failed to find its original English translation.)

"That is not for sure!" Ade answered without thinking, and then froze, "Wait, what did you say?"

"I guessed it, I guessed it!" Embryo suddenly let out a crazy laugh, "It's really you, it's really you! You're not dead! You really didn't die!"

"How did you know about this meme?" Ade was confused by the final BOSS's behavior, "Who are you? Where are you from?"

"Such a wonderful coincidence, such a delicious development, this world is so wonderful!" Embryo was ravished with joy, "Happiness has come so suddenly, what should I do?"

"How is the world wonderful? How can it be happy?" Ade understood every word, but when put them into sentences, it was completely incomprehensible, "Why does it sound so gay? I'm warning you, I'm not gay!"

"Of course I know you are not gay, your wife is so cute and lovely and you will smash anyone's head if they dare to object to it!" Embryo laughed indulgently, "More than one person objected, but you didn't smash anyone's head, too bad, what a shame!"

"Police, there's a pervert here." Ade sighed breathlessly, "A psychopath who can't communicate at all. I prefer to face Creuset here."

"I want to experience the thrill of killing you immediately, but also want to take you back to slowly torture you. The most distressing thing is that there is only one of you, how can I choose when I'm so confused?" Embryo hesitated for a few seconds, "Ah, I can't wait, let me kill you now. If you can survive, we'll move on to the second option. Yes, that's my happy decision!"

With that said, TurnX once again split into nine and attacked Hyzenthlays with a speed that the naked eye could barely react to. Ade did not even make a decent resistance, Hyzenthlays lost its head and limbs one after another, followed by all the cameras and propellers were broken. Relying on the Minovsky floating system, it can still barely fly, but that's all, it's impossible to even move.

The nine parts of TurnX were once again combined into one, and all its guns were silently aimed at Hyzenthlays who was floating in the air silently and couldn't move at all. Embryo closed his eyes and gently pulled the trigger, humming a song and enjoying this last moment. Of course, he knew something had flown in front of him, but so what? This crap can't distract him, and there wouldn't be anything more important in the world than to enjoy this moment to him.

Ade looked at the empty display, froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered, "Alice, unchain all restrictions."

"Ade, something is approaching from behind!" Alice immediately shouted, "Fifteen seconds to contact!"

"Behind?" He looked backward, "Which side is the behind?"

"Arsenal's side!"

"Arsenal?" All the calmness instantly collapsed, he used the fastest speed to switch to the public channel of Arsenal, "Ange, get back! Now!"

"Why do you keep ignoring me, you bastard?! It's too late to say that now!" Her attacks were all blocked by that strange field on that strange black MS, the other side was so confident that he simply ignored her. Ange was shaking with fear, but still rushed towards Hyzenthlays with her eyes closed, "I don't know what I'm doing either!"

"I have spent thousands of years just for this moment and have no more regrets." Embryo pulled the trigger hard, "Let me witness the end of you!"

Several incredibly powerful cannons of the black Gundam roared at the same time with thick particles streams flowing toward Hyzenthlays. At the last moment, Villkiss crashed headlong into the middle of the streams and Hyzenthlays, the fuselage suddenly glowing with an imperceptible blue light. In the next instant, Hyzenthlays and Villkiss disappeared at the same time, and the particle streams flew unimpeded through the air into the distance.

"Oh, space jumped?" Embryo stared at the empty sea, "It's more interesting to have this plot. It's really a waste to kill you just like that."

Being amused, Embryo began to return.

"Angelise? Wouldn't that be a with him?" He showed an excited smile, "Oh, time, go faster! I can't wait to play that episode!"

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