Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 99: Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru

Chapter 99: Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru

Chapter 99: Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru

This was Ade's second boson jump, and the difference in skill between the two jumps was obvious. The last time he used Villkiss to jump, it took only a split second to complete, and he felt nothing the whole time. This time, the jump took a long time, and it also gave him a slight sense of vertigo.

"Wait, this is still on Earth, right?" He looked out at the view from the bridge and spoke out in surprise, "I thought there was a coordinate for the satellite area outside the atmosphere?"

"There's something we need to show you." Chang Wufei gave Ange a wink and turned to go, "Little girl, carry the doctor out with your miniplane."

Ange agreed absentmindedly and followed in silence. She had been distracted since that day, and Ade had asked her countless times, but she just wouldn't say what the problem was, and she tried not to touch Ade a bit at her best during these days.

He spent the night at Ange's side and found that she would occasionally talk in her sleep. Most of them are meaningless, with crying grunts. He can only hear the content of "mother, what I really am", "Villkiss can not be useful. Sorry" and the most frequent words were "Ade, help me".

Chang Wufei got on Nataku, Ange and Ade mounted Villkiss. Ade habitually hugged Ange's waist, the girl shrank as if frightened, and this small thoughtless action made his heart twitch.

The two MSs flew a short distance in the air, and Ade immediately saw what Chang Wufei wanted him to see - it was the MS wreckage all over the ground. The amount was just too much, too much to count, and if one MS was like a plastic bag, this was a garbage disposal plant on the outskirts of town.

"This is where the big showdown will take place, and where we were defeated." Chang Wufei's voice was still calm, "After the battle, I placed the MS wreckage left behind by my important comrades here as well. The doctor often said the most important thing about a team is to be together, look, it should not be difficult to find."

He soon knew what Chang Wufei meant by saying not difficult to find, "Laevatein, BLACK SELENA, Tallgeese"

"It seems that your memory is almost restored, Doctor." Chang Wufei seemed to be infected as well. His voice became a little lower, "You recognized these MSs at a glance, this is good news."

"why are you showing me this?"

"To strengthen your resolve and make you more aware of what you're up against." Chang Wufei paused for a moment, "These are the last words recovered from the Chief's cockpit, and what Zechs Merquise said is supposed to be this. There's only one sentence, I can't understand it, you might be able to understand it, Doctor."

Then a voice Ade had never heard before rang out on the channel, a short sentence that ended in a few seconds.

" This boss is a little too powerful." Ade leaned against Ange's back somewhat feebly, "Is it okay to have such a strong boss at a time like this?"

"It looks like you understand what the Chief means, Doctor." Altron Gundam started to return, "This is done, let's go back."

The bosonic jump also seemed to have a drain on the jumpers responsible for navigation and positioning, and Salamandinay reported to Chang Wufei that she needed another break. For the rest of the day, Ade considered Treize's words, but every now and then the sight of MS wreckage all over the ground would force itself into his mind.

"Doesn't it hurt your conscience to toss an NT like that " he said to himself.

The second jump took them directly to the universe, and from the bridge, they could see the moon in the distance. Sometime later, Iserlohn stopped at the moon and everyone changed into their spacesuits. Chang Wufei drove Nataku, and they hadn't worked out how to use Villkiss in the universe, Ade and Ange took a small shuttle.

The group flew around the bare surface of the moon for a while, and only a few buildings appeared in view. Chang Wufei's shaky voice rang out on the channel, "Impossible, where's the headquarters base? Where is that big base?"

The duo followed Chang Wufei and landed outside a building that he called the headquarters building. As soon as Ade stepped off the shuttle, he could see a series of obvious footprints leading away from the main entrance of the building, and he unconsciously moved after them, with everyone following him. Only Ade and Chang Wufei are accustomed to the moon's gravity and can walk naturally, Ange walking up and down bouncing, looking quite a bit funny.

The footprints did not extend too far, and it did not take long before Ade found a small mound at the end of the footprints with a sign erected on it, and he read out the words on the sign, "Tenkawa Akito."

Chang Wufei made no comment, but simply walked up to the mound and closed his eyes in silence. When he finished his silent mourning, the group returned to the building in silence.

The building's energy system was still running, the lighting and oxygen cycle were working properly, and everyone took off their helmets with confidence that there was no odor in the air. The two followed Chang Wufei around the building for a while and finally found the room they wanted. There was a huge screen in the room, and a prominent red button on the console below the screen, with the words neatly written next to the button, "Do not press."

The most noticeable thing was a complete white bone lying in the corner of the room.

Chang Wufei's body trembled a little. Ade walked to the white bone and crouched down, looked at the pistol that had fallen to the ground next to the skeleton, examined the bullet inside the skull, and covered his hand over the palm bone and whispered, "Nice to meet you, Dr. Yang Wen-li."

Ange suddenly whimpered for some reason, covering her mouth to try not to make a sound.

Without looking at the skeleton again, Ade moved to the screen and "snapped" the red button, and the big screen lit up. The person who appeared on it was a middle-aged man who looked 30 or 40 years old, with black hair and black pupils, and a plain appearance.

"Please answer a question in the correct language, if the answer is correct, the video will continue to play; if the answer is wrong, this video will be immediately and permanently destroyed." The person on the screen began to speak, his voice came out from the console, "If you do not want this valuable information to disappear, no matter who you are, even if it is Embryo himself, please leave this room quietly, and it will be automatically shut down in five minutes."

Then the person in the video was silent for about thirty seconds, seemingly giving the respondent a chance to leave. Thirty seconds later, he spoke again, "Please tell me, if you were to describe yourself with an animal or a plant, what would you choose?"

The question was so simple that Ade even had somehow guessed the existence of this question. If he were to give himself the ultimate encryption, the question must be this. He shouted out the answer in Chinese.

The video obviously skipped frames and seemed to cut to another segment as the man said again, "Thirty seconds for everyone, please let the others out. There is no coercion this time, it's all up to you, thank you for your cooperation."

Chang Wufei did not hesitate to go outside, Ange hesitated and followed.

"Ange stays." Ade said without looking back, "You're not the others."

Ange hesitated for a moment and silently stood next to him. By now she had stopped crying, but her eyes were still red. During the long thirty seconds, she glanced now and then at the white bones in the corner of the room, and then at Ade, with a complicated look.

"I don't know if this video will ever be shown, but I'm still pretending that the right person actually appeared in front of the screen." The man on the screen said, "Hello, my name is Yang Wen-li. Nice to meet you too, Lingus."

"He, how does he know your name?" Ange looked incredulous.

"I'll start with the conclusion straight away. I failed." Dr. Yang closed his eyes in pain, "Failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed."

"You are already dead, so don't play the meme that only the two of us know." Ade said despondently to the screen.

Dr. Yang also tacitly stopped the pointless retelling, opened his eyes, "At the beginning, my life was very smooth, transmigrated into the Gundam world many years ago before the plot started. There is a future technology database in my brain, and I can recruit ACEs by speaking some unknown lines from animes. Although I completely do not know the principle, I'm able to make the strongest and most up-to-date MSs. I'm like the luckiest protagonist in the novel. When I found out that the thing in my head is actually the so-called black technology, it is already too late."

"You were misled by the world view, I get it, I don't blame you."

"I started to try not to rely on the black technology, but have almost forgotten how to solve problems on my own. These pieces of knowledge weren't even mine, it was the black technology that gave me the delusion that I was omnipotent. Now that I think about it, the feeling of superiority made me vaguely treat everyone as NPCs in my heart, making me feel little sense of belonging to this world at all, and I was probably broken when I agreed to let Teresa do the experiment."

"I understand that feeling," Ade whispered to himself. "Thank you, C.C. "

"You can ask Relena about the other things, she's the most reliable of the people left behind. I begin to know that my heart will also feel pain when I'm dying, but it has not helped. Live is really too painful, I wanted to kill myself, but Akito convinced me, said that he was willing to do the last bet. It turns out that he is the main character, but not me." Dr. Yang smiled to himself, "Gundam DX I left is something that can break TurnX's defense. I do not know how to hit it, you figure it out yourself."

"What an irresponsible transmigrator."

"After Akito took the fake dead me back to the moon, we have been searching for the existence of parallel worlds. We were doing random jumps with TurnA, using various inexplicable keywords as beacons, and finally was using Chulip crystal as a keyword to find the world over there. But I never figured it out, even if there is also this thing over there, is the name the same?"

"I warned you not to determine the first female lead youself, she hasn't been online for a long time." Ade couldn't help but laugh out loud after pondering for a moment, "No such coincidence, Chulip Crystal C.C.?"

"I met a big shot over there, and I was supposed to be expelled as an alien foreigner, but it seems Embryo steal into there as well, so I formed a temporary united front with her. I was allowed to smuggle a little something over, but I need to help her deal with Embryo. If you turn your back on the alliance, there will be a dozen equally formidable big shots looking for you in retaliation. Of course, after the alliance is completed, these big shots are still your enemies, so you take care of yourself. Well, guess which one is the one who allied with me?"

"Lilith " Ade gritted his teeth, "No wonder she had to run to Japan, she even hid it from me for so long! I must teach her a lesson after I get back."

"Then six years after the war, Akito sent the base here, the microwave transmission center, TurnA, and Villkiss to that world. The consumption is really too much. Akito lost his five senses," Dr. Yang sighed, showing sadness, "but he can not rest yet, in order to avoid being found by Embryo, as planned, 28 years after the war, we need to do another jump."

Ade converted quickly, "U.C. 0072, the year of my transmigration."

"According to the agreement with Lilith, I offer her a pure soul, and she helps me make a perfect body. I will delete my memories after transmigration, give her a new self, she will give me a natural Coordinator body, for my revenge. But I really want to leave some of my own mark, what do you think about the eyes?" Dr. Yang pointed off the screen and pointed to himself, "So get it, you are me and I am you."

Ange behind him lowered her head in pain and trembled uncontrollably, Ade looked at the screen with full attention without turning around, only responding coldly, "I am not you."

"Incidentally, you should be reincarnated into the Lingus family, the reason why I chose this family is that I think the last name is too interesting." Dr. Yang smiled reluctantly, "Then you will have the perfect start: a natural Coordinator body plus TurnA plus the strongest ally Lilith. You should have a better life than me and bigger hope to win."

"TurnA doesn't work at all, Lilith said hello to me and then did nothing." Ade shook his head helplessly, "If you don't have the talent, don't play these tricks."

"I'll lose all my previous memories after the last jump, but I'll leave myself with instructions and hope I can live until I finish these arrangements." Dr. Yang smiled bitterly, "Otherwise, it will be very ugly to die here with Akito. If other people see us, they may think it is a queer martyrdom."

"You did very well." Ade thought about the small mound and murmured, "This you are also very strong after losing the memory."

"If I had finished setting up at that time, a drawer should have popped up by now." The words just fell, a drawer popped out of the console, containing a helmet-like thing, "Please put him on, inside is all my remaining things. Wear it, you can get all my knowledge and memories, including my memories of Teresa and Ruri. Of course, you can also press the red button again, these things will be completely deleted, I believe I will make the right choice."

After saying that, the video is fixed there, there is no follow-up. Ade let out a long breath and looked sadly at the white bones in the corner of the room, "Did you go crazy after losing all your memories and then kill yourself?"

Ange looked at him in a daze and slightly raised her hand to pull him back, but it was as if her body was bound by something and she couldn't move.

"Ange, what exactly do you think I am?" He didn't know if he was talking to someone or talking to himself, "Am I him? Or some kind of prop created to avenge? Or maybe just a vessel prepared to meet his reincarnation? I can become him by putting this thing on?"

Ange lifted her arm with all her strength and held his hand helplessly.

"I have a tight system of knowledge in my head, and I don't need to know the so-called black knowledge, which can't be explained at all. I have lovers of my own, and I don't need feelings I've never experienced myself." He let go of Ange's hand and slowly walked towards the console, "You can be my cheat, my golden finger, my grandfather in the ring, but you can only not be me."

Ange looked as if being struck by lightning and suddenly cried out, so sad as if her heart was going to break.

"It's painful to be trapped in a computer, isn't it?" He murmured softly and put his hand on the red button, "Go on, go and reunite with them."

Then, he pressed it with determination and force.

The screen went black for a moment, and suddenly on the screen appeared an old man in his fifties, who still seemed to be Dr. Yang.

"Please don't take away my memories, please." He cried and sobbed like a child, "Thank you."

Then the screen shifted, a progress bar went through in two seconds, and the display went completely black.

Ade was silent for a few seconds, turned around and hugged the tearful Ange, pressing his forehead to hers.

"Ade." Ange spoke with a sob, "I, I don't know what I am."

"You're Friday." He replied softly.

"An, Ange, not Friday." The young girl cried while discontentedly tilting his forehead, "I, I don't know how Vi, Vllkiss is going to work either, it's not helpful at all, at all."

"Girls don't go to war, I'll figure it out." He rubbed her nose affectionately.

"So can I, can I like you "

"You must like me, no one else." After saying that, his mouth blocked Ange's mouth.

They don't know how long it took, but Miss Friday, who was feeling a little oxygen deprived, finally got in touch with fresh air and breathed heavily.

"My jaw is so sore." The young girl complained, "And why are you so skilled at it?"

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"Pretend I didn't ask." Ange lifted her hand to wipe the tear tracks, "There are still his bones in the room, it's too weird to kiss here."

"Let's pack him up together." Ade kissed the young girl lightly on her tear-stains, "He's a poor man."

After that, the two found Chang Wufei in the very far front room. Chang Wufei got a container, and Ade and Ange packed up the bones by hand.

"You decide." He handed Chang Wufei the container, "You are the one who is qualified to decide where to bury him, I am not."

Chang Wufei took the container with mixed feelings.

"Wufei." Ade asked on a whim, "What would you think if, and I mean if, Dr. Yang preached to you all those great truths he didn't believe himself?"

"What does it matter?" Chang Wufei looked at the container, "It's a fact that everyone was saved by him."

"So." Ade smiled gratefully, "That may not be appropriate for me to say, but thanks."

"There's nothing inappropriate about it." Chang Wufei shook his head, "By the way, I found a jump coordinate here that I haven't seen before, do you know where it is, Doctor?"

"The moon of that world." He answered without hesitation, "Can you send me and Ange back? It's just me and Ange, you guys don't make any rash moves for now, the situation is still unclear."

"With this scale of continuous jumping, that girl needs to get some rest." Chang Wufei thought about it, "We'll go back to Earth first. I'll go and bury him, and send you back in three days."

Ade readily agreed. The boson jump was really handy stuff, and by the end of the night, Ade was back in the colony's room.

"Ange." He looked at the young girl who was sitting restrainedly on the edge of the bed, and his own heart was pounding as if for the first time, "We're back from the moon."

"Oh, oh." The young girl gulped with a red face and put her hands to her clothes, "Then-"

"Be good, be good, don't move."

The words seemed to have some magic power, Ange surprisingly stopped moving.

"I've told you, this is my pleasure."

"Can't you see I'm struggling? Move a little, Miss Friday."

"Ange! Not Friday! And you're the one who told me not to move!"

"I heard it would hurt, and I won't hit you if it really hurts, so do it."

"Hey, don't ruin the atmosphere! I am now suddenly worried about being killed by your subconscious punch!"

"No way really hey, you're really useless."


"Sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that."


"What do you say, I listen to you."

"Then you do this, and then this, and then this."

"Hey-? This, this kind of thing is too strange, right? Ade, don't you go too far!"

"Good girl, behave."

"Oh, oh. Well, is that so?"

"Ade, tell me, what's my name? Hint, it's not Friday~"


"That's the right answer, how clever!"

"You've been stealing my lines pretty badly lately."

"Heh heh."

"Ade, I still can't sleep."

"You haven't been able to sleep many times."

"But you also can't sleep many times, ah, don't I have the initiative?"

"Isn't it taught in the palace? It seems I need to give you a general medical knowledge."

"I won't listen! I won't listen!"

"Ha, ha, do you know it's wrong?"

"Well, I know it's wrong~"

"Then what do you say?"

"You can bully me as much as you want, I will definitely not resist~"

" Then you do this first."

Three days later, Ade, who was depressed and had a sore back, and Ange, who was energetic and refreshed, said goodbye to the people of the colony and jumped directly back to the moon with Salamandinay's help.

After complex calculations and fine-tuning for the original coordinates, the two appeared in the sky above the outskirts of the city in Villkiss. Under Ade's command, Ange parked Villkiss in his own warehouse, and the two quickly bailed out before the police arrived.

They didn't know what day it was. Wearing sunglasses, Ade holding Ange walked down the familiar street with mixed feelings. Suddenly, a cordial wave of consciousness entered his mind, and he said hello to the other party, who also cheered up.

"Ange, come on, let's take you to meet someone." He pulled Ange up and headed in the direction he sensed, "I told you, it's my daughter."

"Daughter, daughter." Ange thought of something and suddenly felt guilty.

A few moments later, appears in front of the two is Mineva, the cute little girl holding two girls' hands in each of her hands.

The NT radar in his head alarmed frantically, Ade muttered in a small voice, "The next chapter should be the grand finale."

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