NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 155: Heading Towards the Grator

Chapter 155: Heading Towards the Grator

Despite the need for dark points later on to use the scroll, he had to look further beyond his two feet. Bloom placed the bid and waited patiently while the NPC kept speaking about how to advance and how to deal with the Grator monster.

And Bloom just ignored him.

"Finally," just in less than ten minutes the auction ended and he got the scroll he wanted. "I hope you're right," he said to the NPC, making him stop his blabbery and glance weirdly towards Bloom.

"Right about what?" he asked, yet Bloom just ignored him. He hurriedly took the scroll out and examined it.

It was a brand new red scroll that had three knots on it. "Investigate," Bloom muttered and the next moment the details of the scroll appeared in front of him.

"purgatory fire scroll: dark scroll cursed by many and desired by most. Rare item. Can be used infinitely. Each time will cost the user fifty thousand points to be used. When used, a purgatory fire will assault any hostile being around the player in one mile radius. Can be used for an unlimited number of times. The purgatory fire will eat away ten thousand Hp from the targets per second for ten seconds. After it ends, the targets will have an additional burning effect, losing five thousand Hp each second for the next ten seconds."

He read the description more than once before muttering:

"I can only use it a couple of times so far," he shook his head and then stored the scroll.

"What's that?" the NPC pointed to Bloom's hands, the ones that held the scroll just now.

"It's nothing," Bloom didn't say much before adding, "let's go, we have a quest to finish."

"What about the Grator?" the NPC was still skeptical about going out there without proper strategy. "Do you have a solution other than total wipeout?"

"Sure," Bloom nodded, "c'mon, we wasted enough time already."

"We didn't even waste a whole day yet!" the NPC wasn't that enthusiastic as much as Bloom who was now considering something.

"I have what?" he opened his auction interface to get a sudden scare! He just spent five hundred thousand points and should have around one hundred and fifty thousand.

Yet the number he saw was already exceeding five hundred thousand!

"Wow, I love this game, hehehe," he laughed and the NPC just eyed him in weird glances. "This is just perfect," Bloom didn't hesitate anymore as he took out his bow and released a hundred arrows turning one hundred monsters into his pets.

Just as he did that, the monsters started to roar, attacking everything that moved in the seventh layer. Bloom didn't slow down as he closely followed them while these monsters acted like his tip of the spear.

As for his dolls, they continued gathering up the dark sand again.

"This won't work," along the way the NPC kept repeating his complaints over and over until Bloom was mad at him. "Can you stop whining? You're such a big man, so man up!"

"This won't work," the NPC stubbornly repeated the phrase again.

"Sigh," Bloom shook his head, "you're such a helpless guy."

Bloom ignored him while walking after his pets. In two hours they managed to clear the entire forest while Bloom gained twenty thousand dark points out of the fallen monsters.

"Let's see if this damn monster is around," Bloom muttered and the NPC just kept whining on the side.

They crossed the safe zone without any pause while Bloom stopped on the edge of the eighth forest. "As expected," he muttered before taking his bow and released a hundred arrows to turn one hundred monsters to his pets.

When his pets entered the eighth layer, they were treated with hostility from every other monster there. The groups in this forest were tightly packed, while each group had around one hundred monsters each.

With the addition of the new pets, and the order Bloom gave to the thousand dolls of his; the fight started to be quite balanced.

"You" the NPC was just shocked to see what Bloom did. "And you dare to call yourself a man? Hiding behind girls to fight for you!"

"They are my weapons, and this is the proper way to treat them," Bloom just said before stepping into the eighth layer.

He didn't participate in the fight, nor summoning his clones. He kept walking slowly behind while releasing arrows from time to time to replace those fallen ones.

During the next four hours, they met thousands of monsters and they were all killed; yet not a single Grator appeared.

Bloom was dying to try out his new scroll. During these hours, three more quests were completed and he gained three hundred thousand more dark points.

As he gained all these points, he didn't keep his hand anymore and released one hundred arrows to add more to his army of pets. When he reached the next safe zone, his pets stabilized at two hundred and fifty, while his dolls had some losses and were now seven hundred only.

"Sigh, you are such a heartless man!" the NPC didn't stop nagging him and Bloom just ignored him. "Move out to the next layer," Bloom didn't hesitate to make his army move.

"What are you on fire for? Let's first scout the area and see if that monster was around," the NPC complained, yet Bloom moved forward and didn't change his orders.

The ninth layer could be best described as a sea of monsters. When Bloom noticed the dense population of these monsters, he was tempted to try out his new toy, but he refrained.

"The higher the monster's grade, the wiser they become," Bloom reminded himself with the famous rule of the games.

"Tsk, see? In less than one hour we lost half of the beauties!" the NPC complained, before adding, "and your pets are almost extinct. Why don't you use this magical bow of yours and replace them?"

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