On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Ten *Contains Status – Shiro 5*

Five Hundred And Ten *Contains Status – Shiro 5*

“I think you should return to the estate with our pair of foxes.” Shiro advised me, seeming concerned, and Asha nodded.

“You look extremely weak. It must be a great burden, taking the pain the sap of my Tree feels. Must you be so impatient? If you collapse, who will lead us?”

“She’s right.” Shiro stated firmly, leaving me no chance to disagree. “Sure, we want to Rank up the Territory as soon as possible, but saving a few hours won’t matter in the long run.”

Shaeula shook her head. She too was exhausted, having aided me to the last drop of her strength, but as she wasn’t under the yoke of Shiro’s Berserk Blessing, her state was far less pitiable than mine. “That is true, but there are indeed-indeed reasons to remain.” Her amber eyes were knowing. “Besides, time is precious. We can rest when-when we are victorious.”

“My thoughts exactly.” I managed a dry laugh. “Though you can cut off the Berserk Blessing on me now, Shiro. I’m not doing any more difficult tasks, now I just want to recover.” Shaeula understands. It isn’t just the extra ether, though I’d love to make us an extra couple of million via resonating and mitigating buffs on Asha’s Tree before I go. No, if I can Rank up Boiling Blood Resonance Link, we can push it harder in future. And I’m feeling it’s close… I was actually rather surprised that it hadn’t Ranked up already, but there was something a little different about a Tree than a person. Sap rather than blood. It’s not entirely dissimilar, but… well, if I do break through, hopefully I’ll be able to raise the Skill faster in future.

As Shiro agreed, the slowly growing pain was cut in half, and I breathed out an exhausted sigh of relief, rubbing at my closed eye. Hyacinth wiped my forehead with gentle care, fussing over me, and behind me Mae barked a laugh, addressing her granddaughter. “A persistent, dedicated man. What say you? Men who are too forceful can often by annoying.”

“You hardly seemed annoyed when he told you of that woman you liked, grandmother.” Nebisuki snorted. “And you let him persuade you to remain. But I myself do adore persistent men. Those who have the charm and strength to match their eagerness, at least.”

Mae merely remained silent, while her granddaughter chuckled. I was finally able to relax, enjoying the atmosphere both here and in the Material, as there Gin-san and Akai were accompanying me through the streets of Kyoto. “Nebisuki, you can go back with Mae. I’ll get Ling to use her ability.” Having made up my mind, and feeling rather sorry for her, despite our previous ill-feelings, I relented. Besides, it’ll be good for Mae’s mental stability. “Just… try not to trouble Eri or her family. She’s still holding a grudge.”

“As well she might.” Nebisuki reached for her pipe, before putting it down with a frown, realising that I wasn’t a fan of the habit. Seeing the look of regret in her eyes, I shook my head.

“You can smoke. Just don’t do it in the house in the Material, you can go outside. I’m not a prude, it’s no worse than drinking, just the smell is a bit unpleasant.”

“I see.” Nebisuki put the stem in her mouth and took a long pull on the pipe, her lungs hissing as she breathed out a cloud of fragrant, blue-grey steam. “Perhaps I shall consider giving up this habit. But right now… I need the calm it brings me.” Her smile was a little sad. “At the time, you were entertaining toys, there to pass a few moments of boredom for the Parade. I did enjoy seeing that old Matriarch discomforted and raging, and I even find myself missing our little Kitsune. He thought he could surpass me, take my Number in the end. Why, even him calling me an old hag seems nostalgic now.”

“Speaking of the Parade, are not-not emissaries coming to collect more-more alcohol today?” Shaeula pointed out to Hyacinth. “We should make-make haste to receive them. The Hyakki Yagyō has gathered many treasures over the long-long years, we should not-not rest until all are in our hands!”

As the two of them bustled off towards the Ring Gate Hub, Hyacinth calling for maids to bring our latest merchandise, a mixture of Fae wines and spirits made from produce from the Spring of Clear Reflections, as well as barrels and bottles of Material alcohol brought over by Ginneka, Nebisuki forgot entirely what she was about to say, merely laughing, embarrassed. “It makes me forget everything, seeing this. Grandmother… Akio is quite correct. This world… it is different now. I cannot regret my deeds, for I did not know any of you then, nor that I would be dependant on your good graces, but…” Her grin was mocking. “I am an investor, no? Just as that annoying, tight-fisted Fae Ffionnan is. I contributed the Bezoar and persuaded the other Numbers to trade what you needed for pleasures. In many ways… I provided you dear grandmother here.”

“I think Aki did most of the work…” Shiro muttered, and Nebisuki merely blew out more smoke, gathering her thoughts, ignoring the jibe.

“I still believe I can claim much credit. But I agree, our paths have crossed with blood. So…” She looked at me sincerely, and I could see the lineage of Tamamo-no-Mae in her, the shape of the face, her eyes, her chest. “…I do appreciate you trusting me. When even my sincere actions, my wishes for you to save grandmother for my own ends, have nearly led you to death. I may be rather shamefully pathetic right now…” She looked down mournfully at her missing leg and shorn tails. “…but ordinary mortals, I could still cause them great harm.”

“Don’t worry, we’re no fools.” I promised. “There’s always somebody about who can put up a fight…”

As soon as I spoke those words Asha shook her head, disappointed. “That is something you needed to leave unsaid. She knows, but also wishes you to understand… that she appreciates it nonetheless.”

“It is fine.” Nebisuki sighed, her two tails waving in a desultory fashion, her ears drooping. “I have a grasp on what sort of man he is. He has much that appeals, but… someone too perfect would be exhausting.” Even Mae cracked a smile at those words. “Besides…” she continued, smirking over at Shaeula in the distance. “It pleases me to no end that Urakaze’s little flower was plucked by such a man. I thought the world bleak, but… there are endless surprises still. Just like your miracles, grandmother.”

“Yes. It seems so.” Mae agreed, noticing the surging build-up of ruby and violet energies around the Gate. “And it also seems our guests from the Parade are arriving. How… nostalgic. It has been a very long time. Now… I shall watch my errant granddaughter, make sure little Hana causes no trouble.”

“How could I? Though I am not restrained through my name forcefully, I can hardly do such.” Nebisuki’s gaze was also fixated on the ring of mushrooms. “But regardless… despite my investments, I understand your caution. We Kitsune have wicked reputations indeed. So I appreciate you will allow me to recuperate in your world. For… I shall not be restored until your return now.”

“I can do it tomorrow….” I began, but she shook her head in denial.

“It is not merely I wish to avoid the pain. I am not grandmother.  I have no iron will and ancient pride.” Mae snorted at that, perhaps remembering how her dignity was as nothing before the slow dissolution of her very spirit. “Though I can endure hardships if brief.” Nebisuki once more ignored Mae. “No, you will be venturing to foreign lands. You feel you should be able to recover there, but… even the powerful such as grandmother can be taken unawares. You should rest and be at your best.”

“She’s right.” Shiro agreed. “How many times has a protagonist been caught out by not being at full strength? We’ve seen it in too many stories.”

“Fine.” I conceded, admitting it was probably wise. “I’ll stick to helping Asha’s Tree and matters that don’t take aether or elemental energies. I admit to being exhausted. First the matter with Mae, and then the multiple tough crafts… I could use a day off.”

“He does listen then?” Nebisuki grinned, and Shiro shrugged.

“Sure, though if something comes up, he’ll try and handle it. Let’s hope nothing does.” Shiro smiled wickedly then. “I’m sure us girls can pamper you. After all, we’re going to miss you. Only Hinata gets to go with you for some of the trip.”

I was saved from answering her by the arrival of our visiting guests, and seeing the two burly Oni, one with skin a deep azure blue, the other a fiery red, arriving, Red with a large sack slung over one shoulder, I buried my exhaustion deep, not wanting to show any weakness. We’re tentative allies now, through trade and mutual interest, but there’s still no need to be careless.

Shaeula’s maids were ready, and I recognised Klena and one of Ixitt’s daughters, Quaela. She’s a lot more practised than she used to be. I guess Hyacinth is good at whipping the new maids into shape. We need more of them to maintain our dignity both here and back on the Material, it seems. I know Ixitt’s sneaked another bunch of daughters in. He’s persistent, if nothing else…

“Welcome.” Shaeula greeted our guests, though she did sneak a glance at the sack, her eyes glowing. Nodding in satisfaction, she gestured, and Quaela led the maids in offering Red and Blue refreshments, including large cuts of roasted boar, shipped over from Mount Atago. Red grabbed a leg-bone, covered in greasy meat, the skin crisped to perfection, and bit in with his sharp fangs, ripping it apart, while Blue was guzzling a clay jug of strong spirits. She glanced over, only to spot the two Kitsune. She fell silent, eyes wide, and on seeing where she was looking, Red spotted Nebisuki and stomped over, still eating, his teeth shredding meat and bone alike.

“Har. Har. Har.” His laugh was slow and thunderous. “What do we have here? Looks like you have fallen on sorry times, sly fox. I’m gonna struggle to think of what to call you now. Four tails? I only see two. And…” He finished the meat, licking his fingers, before seizing a jug of sake from one trembling maid and gulping it loudly. “Not just me who’s legless…” He laughed again at his crude joke, belching. “Ain’t that right, Blue?” He turned to his companion, slightly smaller but with a chest that rivalled Mae’s, if you adjusted for her far greater height. “Blue?” he said again, puzzled, as she was just frozen, staring open-mouthed at Mae.

“It has been a while. Last time we met I believe I taught you both a harsh lesson in the difference between us.” Mae said languidly, showing no fear, arms crossed under her chest, kimono straining. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was still at her full strength. Is that experience? It’s something I need to emulate.

“Ya old bitch… I mean, fox…” Blue stammered, eyes as wide as saucers. “So ya were still alive then? I did think ya wouldn’t have up and died, too old and too mean…”

Red blinked, before letting out a belly launch, clenching one fist. “Yeah, been a long old time, my bones hurt remembering.” He grinned, tusks jutting up making him appear sinister. “We used to try and take you down whenever we could. Never did win once.”

“Ya know, this ain’t the time for this…” Blue muttered. “…Nebisuki here always said ya weren’t dead. But what brings ya back… and here?” She paused, glancing at Nebisuki again. “And why are ya so cut up, like a damn Ippondatara?”

Ouch? That’s the one-legged Yōkai, right? Stepping up, I forced my near-blind eye open, smiling warmly. “Mae is my honoured guest and will be staying with us a while. As for Nebisuki, she was wounded honourably, but her recouperation will be swift. I assure you. I may not be Bintara, but I’m confident in my healing talents.”

Mae, huh?” Red chuckled, waiting for something. After a moment, where we all stood staring at each other, he repeated himself. “Mae? Mae? This is unexpected. Found yourself a new toy have you, nothing ever changes.”

“Hardly. I am a guest.” Her League surged, and the maids scurried off, the pressure getting to them.

“Cut it out, Red.” Blue interjected, giving him a hard strike across the shoulders. “Ya know I like a good brawl as much as anyone, but… the booze, booze!”

“Ah, that’s right.” Red conceded, and as Mae withdrew her League, letting it settle at a bearable level, he scratched one cheek, laying down the sack of treasures. “Much as I’d love to fight, just like the olden days… if we wreck this place…”

“You’d be dead.” Shiro laughed, enjoying the reunion and the clear tension. Her hair and eyes were blazing with flame, and Tan took over. “I would not have my dwelling soiled by pointless squabbles.”

“I have to agree. Keep it peaceful, please.” I joined in, and Red sighed cavernously.

“I get it. Blue and me, we love a good brawl, but we love grand booze better. And meeting old friends works up quite the thirst.” He laughed once more, massive body shaking with mirth. “So, little man, you met Grand Nurarihyon and lived to tell the tale, and now Mae…”

Mae narrowed her eyes dangerously but said nothing, and Red guffawed, enjoying her reaction. “…is your guest, as she says. Few humans ever met either and lived to speak of it.”

“Though if ya plan to meet that old bastard Ōtakemaru or the sulky Sutoku, ya better be wary. They’re not as welcoming as the boss of the Parade, ya get it? Now, ya must excuse us, we’ve worked up a damn thirst. And we need to get back and tell everyone the news about ya return. Some old friends may want to see ya?”

Mae sniffed, shrugging. “If I am not too busy with my own affairs, and they cause no trouble.” she conceded, and as the maids carried forwards a massive barrel of whiskey, that held nearly five hundred litres, the tense atmosphere dissipated, and Shaeula quickly started negotiating a price, Asha shot me a concerned look, and I let her lead me off to one side, where I could sit and watch the proceedings, leaning my weary head against her chest, while she stroked my hair. Red glanced over, grinning toothily, but then went back to haggling, so I relaxed, diverting most of my attention to Kyoto again, where Akai was touching the fabric of a white summer dress, making noises of appreciation.

“Are you sure you shouldn’t take a rest, Akio-kun?” Gin-san asked me, not for the first time. I was wearing a mask and sunglasses to avoid being recognised, but I did look rather dreadful.

“This is restful enough. With our stats, just walking around isn’t too bad, is it? And matters are more relaxed back in Tokyo.”

“I still can’t get over how you can be in two places at once. Though, thinking about it…” Gin-san smiled, considering something. “…if Sun Wukong was a real God, perhaps his Favour would allow one to clone themselves? Though I believe his origins are rather more fictitious.”

“Who can say? Many people would consider a lot of mythical beings fiction, but we know they aren’t. I’ve met a number of Kami and even actual Gods.” Seeing Akai looking troubled, torn between the white dress and a pink one next to it, I gave some advice. “I think the white one would look nicer with your skin tone. That pink’s a bit too garish. If you really like pink, how about…” I cast my gaze around the store. “That one… no, it’s a bit too daringly cut, you suit cute more than sexy, I think. How about this one?” I took a dress off the rack and passed it to her.

Akai hesitated for a moment, before taking it and holding it up to her body. Seeing her hesitating, I advised her to try it on in the changing room, and she clutched the clothes to her chest, glancing around before scurrying off, head down.

“She’s so timid.” I laughed, finding her cute, like a younger sister. “Hard to believe she’s a phoenix, or powerful in battle.”

“Some strength can only be shown in crisis.” Gin-san said piously. “Akai’s jumpy and easily flustered, like a little chick, but when threatened her flame burns all. But…” He looked at me, amused. “You seem to have a way with girls, Akio-kun. A lot more makes sense now.”

“Hardly.” I snorted. “It’s just that Shaeula, my sis and the others love shopping. Well, Shiro’s a bit of a slob who prefers to just order white jeans and t-shirts off the internet, but I’m breaking her of that habit now. Most of the girls are eager to grab clothes, jewellery, makeup, and all sorts of accessories. And of course they want me to like them. Trust me, you can’t just say things look nice, you have to help them choose, which usually mans picking the one they like and helping them justify it.”

“I see. The life of a married man is hard.” Gin-san smirked.

“I’m not married yet…”

“But your fate is sealed. Even if you wanted to back out, with you marrying the daughters of Takatsukasa and Tsumura houses, you’d have to flee the country.” he pointed out, and I shrugged.

“I know that. Not that I have any objections to marriage, in fact I’m looking forward to it, which I never thought I’d say only a few months ago. But even so, despite everything, I’m still a man, so talk of marriage makes me nervous. Anyway… changing the subject… how do you manage with Akai?”

“She’s not too hard to look after, apart from the money. I have the shrine maidens of Kinkaku-ji and other nearby Amaterasu shrines play with her and normally they’d take her shopping.” As we talked, he explained his routine of care for Akai. Obviously, she had to train too, though she didn’t like fighting at all, but she could be persuaded to venture out into the surrounding areas around Kyoto outside Haru’s Territory, where numerous monsters lurked.

“I don’t know…” Akai came rushing back, both dresses in hand, pouting, cheeks puffed out adorably. “I like them both!”

“That’s easy then.” I decided I could spoil her. Akai was a crucial component of the Kyoto defence, so deserved a reward. “I’ll treat you to them both, okay?”

“Really?” Akai blinked her big eyes at me, and I nodded. With a delighted little skipping hop, she flounced over to the counter, and I quickly paid. Honestly, these aren’t even that pricey, now that my girls have to hang around in circles with Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi everything they buy has to be quality.

With those purchased, Akai clutched the bag tightly and began looking at straw hats. After we had bought one, and she was wearing it on her head cheerfully, we took a break, and sitting in a café overlooking the Kyoto Imperial Palace, Akai was eating from a jumbo parfait, easily big enough for four ordinary girls, while Gin-san and I enjoyed a beer. This is relaxing. And matters are in hand in Tokyo too.

Shiro had joined in on spoiling me while Shaeula and Hyacinth handled the negotiations. It actually went better with Mae there, her presence both excited and scared the two Oni, and Red quipped that seeing her again drove him to drink. Our Etherite stock was replenished, and we also received precious metals, gems and materials from slain monsters and Yōkai for crafting. It’s not exactly cheap selling such large quantities of expensive booze, but once the factory is running, money should flood into our coffers, so spiritual resources trump material ones for sure.

“Isn’t that difficult?” I asked Akai, as with her unusually hot body temperature, the ice-cream melted as she tried to eat it, but she shook her head. ”No, it’s fine. Cold is delicious!” She spooned a mouthful of melted cream and chocolate into her mouth, making a gasp of pleasure.

Looking around Kyoto, which still mourned the near thousand dead, as there were floral tributes and incense sticks still left at the sites, I once more affirmed my desire to prevent it happening again. Seeing my changing attitude, Gin-san patted my shoulder gently, the older man, who had been so arrogant when we first met, trying to bring me under his command, smiling knowingly.

“Don’t worry, everything that can be done has been, and we’ve planned for everything we can think of. Yasaka-san has been asking questions constantly, in between your errands. Unfortunately, we don’t have much to go on, but… look, we trust in the Gods. They gave us this chance, but all we can do is our best. Besides…” He took a swig of beer, before continuing. “…we are but mortal. And even those of us who aren’t, like Akai…” He glanced over at the girl as she drank a big gulp of her melon soda, before she started spooning ravenously at the parfait again, ropes of melted cream scattering. “… or indeed your Yōkai… are all still living beings. As Avalokiteśvara says, the greatest mercy the vast Universe bestows on us is we are not omnipotent. All we can do is our best, and if we fail, then so be it. That doesn’t mean we won’t feel regret, but… it is in the trying that we show our true compassion.” He finished his beer, sighing contentedly. “Of course, such ramblings likely seem foolish to you youngsters.”

“You’re not that much older than me, Gin-san.” I pointed out, and he snorted, amused.

“True, compared to that old fox Yasuhide, I’m still in my prime. And now I’m a powerful voice in the Ministry, my ambitions are secured. So don’t worry, Akio-kun. I’m the last man standing, what with Yasuhide having retired and Ren mourning his fool of a son. I’ll not let all that slip from my grasp now. Another beer?”

“I want cake!” Akai declared, even though she hadn’t finished her parfait yet, but since it was a pleasant afternoon, the breeze chilly but not unpleasant, I shrugged.

“Sure, why not.” I waved over the waitress, who looked at Akai in amazement, quipping she wished she could be as slim as her while eating so much, and soon fresh beers and cake were on the table, more soda for Akai as well.

Back in the Boundary, Red and Blue had left, hoisting great barrels weighing over half a ton apiece over their shoulders, bottles strapped to them. Once they departed, Mae had sighed in relief, finally showing her weakness, so I had sent her and Nebisuki back to our estate after Ling arrived, fresh from sending people to and from the Boundary elsewhere. That reminds me… need to keep an eye on the time.

“Excellent spoils, I am most-most pleased.” Shaeula grinned, as she helped her maids sort through the treasures. “We can most-most certainly replace our expenditures. We used a great deal of materials today.”

“That we did.” I yawned, my head still resting on Asha’s chest, though Shiro’s hair was tickling me. Speaking of Shiro, she suddenly clenched her fist and let out a yelp of delight. As she did so, I bolted upright, the pain from the Berserk Blessing I was suppressing for Asha’s Tree spiking up. Seeing that, Shiro’s joy faded a little.

“Sorry Aki, I didn’t think. But I’m damn sure I Ranked the Skill up. Which is something to celebrate. Want me to stop it now?”

“No, I can handle it. You and Asha will just have to keep me distracted.”

“You hear that?” Shiro grinned. “Hyacinth, Shaeula, hurry up and count that. Better yet, leave it to the maids… this is more important!”

As she was speaking, Asha gently turned my head until I was facing her, her yellow eyes gentle, and she softly pressed her lips against mine. I opened my mouth a little, and her tongue slid in. I responded, and after a moist, tender kiss we pulled apart, only for Shiro to grab me and seize my lips firmly, her own tongue darting around mine. We too parted after some wet, breathy kisses, a thin bridge of saliva linking us.

“No way Asha gets all the fun. Better hurry, girls, or you’ll miss out!” Shiro winked at them, and Shaeula, abandoning her dignity, waved to her maids.

“Continue cataloguing all-all our spoils. Hyacinth and I will check it when we are done!”

There’s definitely worse ways to recuperate. My thoughts scattered as Shaeula leapt onto my lap, small bottom pressed against me, and she too forcefully took my lips, Hyacinth following behind eagerly, her silver-violet eyes shining with lust… Yes, definitely worse ways…


“I’m sorry.” Akai said, as she skipped back towards Kinkaku-ji, glancing back at Gin-san and me. Her red eyes were glimmering with little tears, and her pout made her beautiful face look more childish than usual. She pulled her hair around her, only to stop, looking unsure, before making up her mind.

“It’s all right.” I said, but Akai shook her head rapidly.

“No it’s not. I thought you were scary. But you’re not bad. Even though you feel weird.” she persisted, gently sniffing. “So many elements, it’s not clean, not pure, but…” It seemed even Akai wasn’t aware of what she wanted to say, but I understood. So did Gin-san, who smiled at her, a trace of exasperation on his face.

“I think Akai has very sensitive spiritual senses. And perhaps because she is a mere chick, she is particularly attuned to danger, strong spiritual beings. And you’re certainly that, aren’t you?”

Akai nodded. “Very strong, very dangerous. If I fight… I won’t win.” Akai said, and she shivered, before looking down at the bags she carried. “But I was wrong. You’re not bad.” she repeated.

“I’d hope not. I won’t hurt you, Akai. I suppose phoenix are solitary creatures in the myth, so it makes sense they’d need to be alert for potential dangers, especially when young.” I accepted her apology with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. And I know it must be hard, cooped up with this old man.” I pointed at Gin-san, who snorted derisively.

“You can come and play in Tokyo, it’s not the same, but we do have a café in the Boundary. You can at least have some ice cream.” I promised, and she brightened, before looking at me, really looking at me. She pursed her lips, and then nodded, seemingly confirming something with herself.

She reached up and tugged on one of her long, brown hairs. With a yank, she pulled it free, and it transformed into a tiny, soft-looking feather, which immediately burst into flame, a brilliant crimson tinged with purple. She then scuttled over and offered me it. I opened my Eye to check it, only to realise I still couldn’t see properly. Akai reached up, stretching, and patted my shoulder with her free hand.

“Take it. I’m sorry.” Akai pressed the feather into my hand. “Today was fun, Akai is full for once! Those who feed me are nice.”

“With an attitude like that, you’ll be lured into someone’s van…” Gin-san muttered, but I ignored him.

“Are you sure?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Yes, you’re all beat up. It must hurt. I hate pain. So… Akai makes it go away!” And with that she folded my fist around the feather, and I was immediately wreathed in flame as it burst into light, vanishing in a spray of energy. It’s lucky we are in a back alley and…

My thoughts scattered as the flames, instead of hurting, felt warm and soothing, like drifting to sleep in a hot spring. My fatigue vanished, energy flooding through me, and the pain in my head and the disastrous state of my Eye was reversed, my vision clearing. I blinked a few times, while in the Boundary everyone was shocked at how my state recovered, before continuing to kiss and hug me.

“There, all better.” Akai said, satisfied, twirling away. “Come oooooon.” she complained to Gin-san. “We should go home. I want to put these away.” She rattled the bags at him, as he sighed. Glancing at me again, Akai smiled brilliantly. “See you later, Akio!”

“Yeah, see you later!” I grinned, waving, and she waved back. Gin-san wryly wished me a good evening, and as I watched them reach Kinkaku-ji, I stretched, feeling relieved. Though it’s only fixed my injuries and healed my physical exhaustion. I’m still low on aether and elements. It sure was miraculous though. Is that phoenix flames in action? Checking that nobody was around, I dismissed my Material body, leaving my only consciousness in the Boundary, where with my strength restored, I was close to a breakthrough.

“All right, it was fun, and I appreciate it, but I need to concentrate.” I patted Shaeula on the bottom as I picked her up off my lap and set her down, and stroked Hyacinth’s hair for a moment, while she hummed contentedly.

Closing my eyes, I felt the fury of the Berserk Blessing Of Blood surging through Asha’s Tree, slowly growing stronger. Much of it was flowing into me, mitigating the strain on the Tree’s circulatory system, which was ponderous, slow yet powerful, and entirely unlike mine. The girls gave me some space, watching, and after around an hour of refining my control, my renewed Eye displayed a message, the letters seeming a brighter, more brilliant amber than usual.

Your Skill, Boiling Blood Resonance Link has increased from Rank 2 to Rank 3. Your Boiling Blood and that of those you resonate with will be moderately strengthened, and the distance at which a Link can be maintained increases. You can further mitigate the backlash of others who are suffering from the effects of Boiling Blood, or similar destructively strengthening effects, and the damage that you experience on their behalf will be mitigated further, reducing the injury and pain you suffer.

Asha smiled, and her Tree seemed happy, branches dipping, seeming to move in the breeze, but of course there was no wind in the Boundary, ordinarily. “The discomfort my Tree feels has reduced. Have no fear, it is not currently harmful, thanks to your efforts. I would not risk it, or me, or my daughters yet to be.” Asha touched her stomach tenderly. “Just as you can bear pain without harm, so can we, and a Tree is majestic, yet lives in a slower world than we do.” She paused, suddenly enlightened. “It is much like you do, with your split selves. We match.” She seemed pleased with the realisation.

“All right, that’s fine and all, but he’s paired with my Skill, so it’s time we synergised!” Shiro complained, hands on her hips, and with a smile I lit up my Eye, appraising her. At the same time, now I was refreshed, I summoned my Material body, ready to go meet Kana at the construction site, as I promised I would watch her work…

Shiratori Himeko

Bonded Kin

Divine Medium: Taṇhā, the Thirsty

Chosen Of Anesidora, Bringer Of Gifts

[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]


725 749




730 755




961 991


21 22


980 1004




964 988




940 970




3367 3540


35 36


[Material Skills]

[Aetheric Skills]




Silver Cord

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Divine False Moon And Star Chakra Network

Rank 5

Noble (5)

Principle (7)

Divine Spark

Rank 3

Noble (5)

Law (8)

Adherence Manipulation

Rank 3

Noble (5)

Law (8)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 6

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Flame Manipulation

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Ether Healing

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Intangible Skills]

[Unique Skills]

Lovers' Link

Rank 7 Rank 8

Noble (5) Imperious (6)

Artifice (6)

Divine Possession: Taṇhā

Rank 4

Legendary (7)

Law (8)

Flames Of Thirst And Famine

Rank 3

Imperious (6)

Artifice (6)

Alluring The Buddha

Rank 2

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)

Blessing Of Many Gifts

Rank 5

Legendary (7)

Law (8)

Blessings From The Box

Rank 5

Legendary (7)

Law (8)

Berserk Blessing Of Blood

Rank 1 Rank 2

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)


61 63


Divine Medium 11/20 Mortal Spark 5/30

Fae-Bonded 2/20 3/10 Mediator Of ?????????? 1/10 2/10

Shiro hadn’t changed much since the battles at Choe-Museon, but her strange Mediator Class had gone up, as had Lovers’ Link, though she was still bitter about it lagging behind, declaring that she would have to drag me to bed and talk body to body until the multiverse realised she was serious. Rolling my eyes, amazed that such different women could all have the same reaction to the same issue, I set that aside and began further experiments on Shiro’s buffs…

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