Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

At that moment when Lucy heard Delia, she really felt like killing her or ripping her to shreds . The damn goddess didn’t speak earlier when she clearly stated that they needed those money bills but here she is now telling her that .

Lucy had some suspicions that Delia is just lying to get out of here hastily and she didn’t fully trust the Holy Goddess, what’s more, is that there is already a buyer in front of her, so what’s there to lose except a few useless diamonds?

"Can I have a look at the diamonds?"

Whilst stretching her bony and old hand, Lady Sinsu asked Lucy, her tone was neither arrogant nor domineering, it was a bit hoarse and low, clearly indicating the age of the speaker without having too look at him .

Lucy didn’t mind and with a wave of her hand, small nail-sized diamonds floated and gently landed on the outstretched hand of the old woman which made her even more surprised .

’Are they one of them?’

The first thought of Sinyu is that Lucy is one of those people who gained special abilities as the diamonds clearly appeared out of nowhere so it must be one of those magical items that are found in the dungeons .

Lady Sinyu didn’t think much about it at first, as whoever Lucy was, it has nothing to do with her, their relationship was not that deep or strong for her to ask that . They were just a buyer and a seller who met at the right place and at the right time .

A couple of minutes quickly passed, Sinyu was totally immersed in checking the diamonds and from the second her eyes landed on those precious diamonds in her hands, she couldn’t or didn’t want to let go of them, she was even reluctant to stop gazing at them luster .

Unlike the old lady, Lucy was not going to wait the whole day, neither was the bored Delia who acted out of her own way and used a bit of magic to move the little diamonds from the clutched hand of Sinyu and made them float back to Lucy but what surprised her is that the old lady quickly closed her hand and caught them back with an anxious look .

After making sure she still held them, Lady Sinyu gazed at Lucy with cheerful eyes and said happily

"State your price, I’ll buy all of them . If you have more I’ll still buy all!"

There was no bit of hesitation in her tone, it didn’t seem like she was going to buy a couple of diamonds but more like a dedicated soldier who is prepared to immediately hand over his life to protect his honor and country . Such an expectant look would make anyone uneasy or uncomfortable but Lucy .

In return for the passionate and excited gaze of the old woman, Lucy just kept an expressionless face and stared back at the other party with a somewhat cold look . It wasn’t intentional but with the techniques, she’s practicing, her Yin body and personality, such a look is to be expected . To anyone but her friends, especially Saly or Arthur, she would unintentionally have that cold demeanor around her .

Since she had to give a price, Lucy decided on that price based on the diamond’s price on Astria and just said that but just replaced Gold Coins with whatever money is used here, however, that was the first and biggest mistake she did as Gold and Money bills are completely different .

One Gold Coin may not be a lot but a million gold coins are not equal to a million dollars, not in the slightest . On Earth, the price of the gold is based on its purity and weight, so imagine a chunk of gold made from a million gold coins, it would literally be priceless, it could be said that 1% of that chunk is a million dollars if not more .

"I’ll sell them all for a million . "

Even after hearing the price, Sinyu didn’t seem to mind and instantly replied

"A million won? Or dollar?"

Lucy thought for a second before adding

" . . . Dollar . "

For Lucy, these diamonds combined are not worth a million gold coins but on Earth, it’s worth much more but since she’s still new to the world, it can’t be helped .

Very soon, Lady Sinyu took out a small paper which seemed to be a stack of checks and took one then wrote 1,000,000 and circled the ’Dollar’ option on the right corner of it then she handed the paper to Lucy and continued playing and feeling the diamonds .

As for Lucy, no matter how much she learned from this world, there are countless things she never saw or heard of, such as this check . The first thing she thought is that she was scammed or made a fool of . Fortunately, she didn’t erupt immediately, instead, her look became colder and a chilling aura was emitted from her two beautiful but sharp blood red eyes .

" . . . . What’s this?"

Lucy chilling aura coupled with her question snapped the old woman from her fantasies and plans for her new diamonds . She lifted her head and couldn’t help but tremble for a second from the look she was getting .

"I, It’s a check . "

No matter how much Sinyu thought, she couldn’t understand why would Lucy give her that look and ask that weird question . Even if she came from a poor family, the concept of checks is still known albeit not used by poor people .

" . . . . . And what’s a check?"

The more Sinyu listened the more confused she became, for a second, she thought that Lucy wanted more money or the diamonds back, she was afraid, however, she still remained calm and went back to her composed look after a few seconds passed . While calmly putting the diamonds away, she stared back at the somewhat angry Lucy and explained .

"A check is to facilitate money trading . No one can travel around with a million-dollar every day, so checks are used, you can take it to a bank and they’ll give you the cash . "

Lucy was still suspicious but she calmed down after hearing that and nodded, after all, it made sense since no one had a storage ring in here . Some wore rings but none of them were magical rings that had storages, if Arthur was here, he would surely mock her and say ’Ahh, it’s a shame all those points wasted on the intelligence stats’ Then he’ll get ditched by her for some time of course .

Just like the diamonds appeared out of nowhere earlier, the check vanished into thin air in front of the confused Sinyu which made her ascertain her previous suspicions about Lucy being one of ’them’ .

The car finally parked followed by Lady Linyu speaking

"Pleased to meet you . If you have more, don’t hesitate to contact me . "

As she said that, she gave a small card to Lucy who accepted it and gazed at it . All there was on the card is a telephone number and an address .

’So it’s a business card . ’

Such cards were commonly used by merchants in Astria so she recognized it immediately, it was a bit different though . On Astria, there was no telephone number but the name of the merchant and the cities he’ll be traveling to coupled with where exactly he’ll do the trades .

Lucy didn’t add another word and prepared to get off the car with Delia but the hesitant Sinyu couldn’t remain silent anymore and spoke again

"Excuse me, could you be a Hero?"

People with special abilities were called either a Hero or an adventurer, there were some exceptions of course, like the flame emperor who earned his special title but those were too sparse .

’A Hero?’ Better than a Hero, it would suit Lucy more if she is called a demon lord or demon king as she is literally a demon .

Lucy understood the lady’s question but she didn’t speak, she merely shook his head and left the car with Delia but the old woman was quite persistent when she received such answer, she became even more excited than before and added

"Since that’s the case, are you interested in joining my team?"

There were a lot of people who didn’t join the IHO (International Hero Company) and prefer working alone or under sponsors who pay them even if they don’t come back with any magical items or do any progress . Lady Sinyu’s was had one of those teams under her, she was their sponsor but they were still registered into IHO . Finding one or two rogue Heroes would benefit her a lot, even if they are not willing to do much, just their presence is enough .

"I want to hear the details . "

Lucy wanted to find such proposal, she sought fame for now but she didn’t want to do it too suddenly, after all, it would be easy for her to just go destroy a city and be famous all over the world as a bad person . No, she wanted to slowly gain fame and climb all the way til she reaches the same place as Claudia, then she would gain her trust and just stay still whilst patiently waiting for her dear husband to come back .

"Currently I have something to do, how about tomorrow morning at my place?"

Lucy replied with a nod and the two soon parted ways . The lady’s car went to the opposite side, as for Lucy and Delia, the teleported near the closest bank to exchange the check for cash .

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