Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

A few seconds passed since the teleportation began . Elias’s heart calmed down and the shivering had stopped when he opened his eyes and found out that he was no longer in that underground room .

The world he was on right now was definitely not Astria as the sky was starry and blood red . The place reeked of blood and you would hear desperate every now and then .

"I’m safe *sigh* . . . anyways, what was that?"

Thinking back to the aura he felt before teleporting, Elias couldn’t help but unconsciously shiver from horror . It was unknown what he took out but a blackboard was put under his feet and he started surfing the gray and destroyed ground as if they were waves .

His speed rose drastically when he started using that weird object . His movements were smooth and no matter how much craters or monsters he bypassed, none were powerful enough to stop him .

Elias didn’t travel for a long time, it was just for a couple of minutes before stopping in front of a red castle that had color matching the bloody sky . The castle wasn’t particularly wide but it was extremely high . Its central tower stretched for more than a mile with a four-armed monster statue in its peak .

Elias hesitated for a second as he stared at the castle, he hid a green coin under his sleeve and entered the castle with an uneasy expression .

The horrors that were seen once he entered the castle’s ground was not something that can be easily forgotten . Hundreds of people with skinny bodies and bloody lashes on their body were carrying rocks or doing hard labors while hideous monsters were guarding them . It was a sight even Elias, who has been here for ages, could never get used to it .

After all, these people were his kin, the same Race as he is yet he can do nothing for them . While gritting his fist, he bypassed the monsters who gave him a contemptuous look before they resumed torturing the slaves .

The smell of blood was present in the air, never leaving it and intensifying every step he took towards the castle . More loud wails echoed from behind the stone walls, ringing in Elias’s ears and igniting his fury but despite all of that, he kept a calm attitude and didn’t show any bit of expression on his old face .

He was, in fact, an old man in his 50’s, with a short gray beard and blue eyes . One look at him and you know he has been extremely handsome when he was young, it’s unfortunate that he was born in the wrong world and at the wrong age .

"Damn useless piece of garbage! *lashing sounds* Do your job properly or just die already!"

A voice he didn’t like to hear rang in his ears . Subconsciously, Elias turned his head only to see a black horror with long muscular arms, brown scales all over its body and a horn erected from its back with a pair of wide bat wings resting on his back . The sight couldn’t be scarier, it was the nightmare of every normal Human .

This monstrosity was using a whip to lash at a middle-aged man who was trying to stand up and carry what seemed to be a blue crystal which pulsated with a light similar to Mana Energy .

"I-I’m sorry! My leg felt numb just a second ago so I couldn’t help but t-trip . "

The monster didn’t even pay attention to what the slave said, it swung its whip and without much strength put in the grip, it easily wrapped the whip around the man’s neck and pulled his head off his neck . A gruesome and gory sight was displayed yet all the other monsters were grinning or laughing as if this was a source of enjoyment .

Elias maintained his expression and after staring for a couple extra seconds, he turned around and entered the castle . Such occurrences appeared daily and it was not one or two times, it’s at least ten times a day . It pains him to witness it but it also helps him remember his purpose and never forget who he is .

For the next part, Elias just used his high Dexterity and a special technique to navigate through the castle and reach its peak . The reason is, he couldn’t bear to see what was inside . Be it living people frozen in mid-air as if they were statues .

People tortured on the side with instruments never seen before and many other things that are better kept unsaid . What’s more is that those monstrosities are enjoying this so much that their laughter never ceased .

There were elderlies, women, children, they were all alive and if they died in the process, they would just be tossed to the side as if they are disposable toys . It’s sad when he knew that with his strength, he can slaughter all of these monsters but not their boss . To put it simply, he would just make his kin suffer even more than this so he decided to hold it in him just for now .

He followed his master’s orders, slaughtered the Emperor of a foreign world and all its soldiers, used a forbidden skill to revive them and manipulate them and albeit feeling a little bad, if it’s for the sake of helping his kin, then no matter the cost, it’s definitely worth it .

A few minutes later, Elias arrived at the castle’s peak, where his master stayed . It was a wide room a the very top, with only one living being there .

Staring at the metal door in front of him and feeling the chilling atmosphere and the ever-so-long silence, he mustered his resolution and pushed the metal door .

What faced the old man was an empty wide room with only a four-armed monster sitting cross-legged in its center . It had four eyes, sharp long scales around its neck, legs and arms and a very long horn erected from its back . It resembled no animal or insect, it could only be described as a living horror .

"It’s you? What are you doing here? It’s too early for you to come here . . . . that means something went wrong?"

"Something u-unexpected happened . I had to retreat immediately . "

The monster stared at Elias for some time, seemingly lost in thought . Its four blood red eyes were too creepy, especially when they are focused on you .

As if it felt something, the monster suddenly got up and shouted

"What have you done! Foo-"

Before it could finish, a black shadow appeared from inside Elias, the shadow wielded a long black sword that was a bit curved .

The monster crossed its four arms to block the katana while using its leg to kick the incoming enemy . What it didn’t expect is that the opponent suddenly vanished and reappeared behind it with the katana slashing at its back .

. . . . .

In his frustrated and confused state, Arthur chose to lay dormant inside Elias and let him teleport back to is home . In that case, he’ll find a way out of Astria and eliminate this hiding enemy that was controlling the Human Emperor .

He didn’t get the thousands of corpses he intended to posses from Robin, neither did he take Taliya with him as intended . Lots of things have been left unfinished on Astria but an opportunity arose and his most important goal right now is to find a way out of Astria .

He was going to a get that monster which was talking with the black mage but since Elias seemed to be teleporting away, might as well follow him without alerting him and since his Race is special, such thing is easily doable .

The possessing was pretty successful and in no time, Arthur laid dormant inside Elias and shared the same point of view as his victim . The first thing he noticed was the totally different world he appeared on .

The most astonishing thing is the total absence of any kind of Energy, no Mana, no Qi, no Nether Energy . It was like Earth but here, the sky was blood red and the ground seemed rotten and dead .

Elias traveled at a fast speed but Arthur was able to witness everything, he saw no plant or any form of living thing except those wandering monsters that are either killing humans or banging their head on the floor for no apparent reason .

Fortunately, since he possessed Elias, his mind calmed down and the weird state he was in previously had disappeared . It’s no wonder he was desperate to find Lucy, his loneliness coupled with his subdued anger are driving him crazy and he needs a quick solution .

The shock never lessened, especially when the victim arrived on the castle’s ground . Witnessing the sight, Arthur started feeling utter disgust and dislike for these hideous looking monsters .

It’s the first time he ever saw such creatures and he doesn’t remember Zodiak mentioning similar creatures in his notes or books .

Arthur was never an evil person and albeit being dormant and not being able to appraise, he could more or less feel their power . He knew he could kill them easily but this would ruin his plan . It’s an unfortunate thing but he isn’t going to sacrifice his plan for them when he doesn’t even know them .

He arrived in a new world, that’s a fact, but what kind of word, that is the real question . Perhaps it would be better to search for a Spatial tunnel on his own and leave Elias and these monsters alone, however, there is the possibility of not finding any .

To begin with, he doesn’t even know how to find a Spatial tunnel . Thankfully, he had some description about them and a way to locate them, it was not precise but it would work if he used Eclipse Magic .

Eclipse Magic had the Dark Magic and the Void Magic, it’s the perfect way to use the Spatial Magic since he can’t use it individually .

He can also use Void Magic directly but it’s too unstable, at least the Eclipse Magic is not that dangerous .

Arthur was not going to act until he learned something useful but after seeing the living statues and the true nature of such creatures and the possibility of them invading Astria, he was forced to act .

He regarded Astria as his home and he had to admit that he cared for his friends there, he isn’t going to let such evil creatures invade his home and cause chaos .

If he didn’t go to save Alina, maybe he would never have discovered them until it was too late . Better wipe the danger before it comes, at least that’s how Arthur take care of things . No matter how weak the enemy is or how insignificant he is, it had to be eliminated because even a Lv10 mortal can hurt you one way or another, it’s that carelessness that causes tragedies to occur .

When he saw the master of his victim, Arthur waited for a couple of seconds and when a chance arose, he immediately left Elias and charged at the monster with Makaze in hand .

He was able to appraise when he was out and the result was a bit surprising, nonetheless, Arthur didn’t stop and added Natural Lightning around Makaze to deal more damage .

Bucama (Race: Khin (Mutated)): 9th Grade Divine Realm .

’I can manage, it’s not a God . ’

Arthur teleported behind the monster just as he was going to strike him from the front . As the exposed back of the creature was laid in front of him, Arthur didn’t hesitate as he swung his katana at its horn and wings, trying to deal as much damage as possible .

While vibrating uncontrollably, Makaze clashed with the horn, which surprisingly was extremely hard . Makaze couldn’t even damage it, much less cut it .

The horn, in response to Makaze, bent in a weird way and pointed at Arthur and fired an ominous black beam at his face .

Arthur used [Faster Than Death] again and teleported away whilst leaving a Shadow Clone in his place to confuse the enemy .

Obviously, the Shadow Clone received the full blunt attack which was the black beam and died instantly, transforming into dispersing black fog .

In this split second, when the Shadow was dispersing and the monster was confirming the death of the enemy, Arthur replaced himself with another clone created from the Dark Cloud and possessed an extremely long snake made from long white bones .

It could barely be called a snake as its size was so massive that it covered the whole room . The newly created clone caught the flying Makaze and leaped at the four-armed monster, which was clever enough to realize the trick and shift its attention to its front .

’Let’s begin with getting rid of this castle . ’

The large snake opened its mouth and started spitting huge dark red fireballs randomly, the ancient fire hit every possible place, it burned walls and destroyed floors, nothing could withstand its head .

It didn’t take much time for the four-armed monster to finish the second clone with its back horn . The black beam was just too strong and weird, the clone, albeit being much stronger than the Shadow Clone, was easily extinguished with just one black beam .

The dark nebula was absorbed instantly by the snake which confronted the monster after completely destroying the sky-high tower .

Elias was dumbstruck and petrified, not knowing what to do, he retreated the moment the fight began . He felt the endless tremors as he descended using his blackboard . Not caring what happened, he flicked the green coin which vanished immediately and what replaced it was a green sphere enveloping .

Every monster that met Elias was killed by him, he showed no mercy as he beheaded every last one of them whilst trying to save whoever can be saved .

As for the main fight, two figures were floating high up in the sky as rubbles fell from above and the castle was crumbling . Arthur finally shifted his attention to Bucama, who leaped at him with four dark spears, each one is held by one of its hands .

The snake, which was made of bones, was quickly enveloped by thorny vines all over his body . A sticky purple liquid was coming out of the vines, so was the fangs of the snake which had a very lethal poison .

Arthur was going to fully rely on poisons to finish this monstrosity, there’s no crueler way than this one . By the time Bucama clashed with Arthur, the snake was totally covered with the thorny plants .

With a loud hiss, the snake opened its mouth and used its thirty inch long fangs to bite at Bucama, which crossed its four spears together and created a black tornado that clashed with the fangs .

The black tornado materialized by the four spears and the sharp long fangs soon clashed with each other . An impactful clash that caused the two parties to back away but it was apparent that the snake had a small advantage as it was only pushed back for a tiny bit and managed to withhold the pushing force with its unimaginable strength and large body .

As for Bucama, the monster was angry as it looked at Arthur with its four eyes, glowing with rage . Unfortunately, the monster was suddenly held by the long tail of the snake, which instantly wrapped around its body, stabbing the thorny vines all over its body and injecting endless amounts of lethal poison inside this monstrosity .

However, that was not the end, Arthur tightened his grip on the body and used the whole body of the snake to wrap around the monster, covering it all and crushing its body .

All of this was going smoothly until the snake body began pressing on that long horn sticking out of its back, Arthur felt an ominous aura and a chilling sensation . He didn’t know what that horn was but one thing for sure, it was dangerous .

He knew that it was a bad idea to continue pressing on the horn and trying to shatter it so he backed away with the snake’s body after using the tail to send Bucama flying down until he crashed on the ground, killing a few of his fleeing kin and creating a small hole .

Not even a second later, the hideous creature stood up, unscathed as if nothing happened . With its four raging eyes, it stood there silently for a moment before it began speaking coldly to Arthur

"What are you? What brings you to my world . "

If Arthur didn’t possess Elias, he wouldn’t have understood what Bucama just said . It was a weird language, even in pronunciation but with his unique skill, he learned it instantly . He could use simple telepathy to answer the monster but he decided not to .

He didn’t come here to negotiate or talk, he had one goal for now and that is to eliminate this danger . He could more or less predict why these monsters wanted to invade Astria and if it’s confirmed then part of his hopes will be crushed but at least he would have killed a potential threat to his home .

The snake’s body twirled in the air as it made its way toward the four-armed monster . Bucama, in response to the opponent, stabbed its four spears on the ground and curled itself like a ball .

As the snake was almost upon the enemy, it opened its mouth and spit a small Heavenly Arrow totally made from Dark Magic and White Thunder .

It was quite difficult to get rid of the Void Magic in the Heavenly Arrow but as long as it is a small Heavenly Arrow and it’s not the real one then it can be done .

Arthur was still hellbent on killing Bucama using poison but first, he had to immobilize it in order to slowly kill it . In all his previous attacks, Arthur was reluctant to finish the enemy using his powerful tricks and that is because he wanted the monster to suffer a bit before dying or else his mind would not rest .

The small Heavenly Arrow tore threw the wind barrier as it rushed straight at the four-armed monster . The creature could not react in time as white thunder struck it and Dark Magic penetrated its abdomen, literally pinning its body on the ground with no way of resisting it .

This was but a small doable feat that Arthur could do, his stats were outrageously high and dealing with a peak Divine Realm should never be a problem even if the opponent is a bit strange or stronger than what the appraisal indicates .

Arthur’s overall strength should match Delia if not a bit stronger and if he uses Rizaki then that is a whole other matter .

Bucama, full of surprise and disbelief, stared at the arrow pinning it down and coughed blood continuously . The Godly Thunder was invading its body and smiting its organs and the Dark Magic was consuming its life force .

Slowly descending toward the creature, Arthur left the snake body and stored into his ring then stared at the hideous being in front of him .

"I’ll give you a chance if you tell me the location of one Spatial Tunnel . "

Hearing the unfamiliar Human speaking its language, the monster was first surprised then confused . With eyes burning with hatred and rage, the creature still kept a rather calm expression albeit its eyes that was betraying it and replied to Arthur

"*cough* Spatial Tunnel? *cough* you came to the wrong world *cough* *cough* you think I would try to invade your world if such a thing existed here? Are you that weak or pretend not to *cough*notice it?

There’s no Energy here! We were a *cough* forsaken and thrown in this hell but we learned how to cope with it, *cough* *cough* invented our own energy and became the dominant Race, we even killed all other living Races and left the weakest ones to control yet after acquiring so much power, Fate is still not willing to accept us! *cough* *cough* hahahah

I never *cough* thought there will be someone dumb enough *cough* to come to my world!"

’Just like I guessed . ’

Arthur was not moved by what he heard, he just felt a bit disappointed, however, one look at this broken world and it is quite apparent that the existence of Spatial Tunnel is rather unlikely . Even a desolate world like Astria is much better than such a prison like this place .

Just as Arthur was going to shower Bucama with all kinds of poisons he possesses . A bright blue light flashed on his left, it resembled the one that he saw when Elias used a teleportation circle .

The reaction of the monster was much more surprising than Arthur’s . Its eyes glowed with a blood-red light and its four-armed started smashing the arrow in a crazed manner as if it didn’t care about its arms, it just wanted to break free .

"T-that fool! HE REALLY IS DOING IT!"

While looking to the left, the monster banged its arms at the arrow but it wasn’t helping at all, no matter how much it banged the bulging muscular arms, it couldn’t scratch or disperse the condensed Dark Magic .

. . . .

A couple of hundred meters away from Arthur and Bucama, Elias stood in a large blue circle with fifty or so people with him . They all stood close to him and stared fearfully at the surroundings . The place was littered with Khin corpses, no matter where they looked, there was a beheaded corpse .

Elias resolutely activated the big teleportation circle whilst the green coin protected them from the mage Khin monsters that were throwing ranged skills from afar .

This teleportation circle was the one Bucama was going to use to teleport all the Khin army with it but it didn’t use it yet cause the preparation wasn’t ready yet, or so thought the four-armed creature .

Fortunately, Elias was able to alter the destination and use it as a transportation means to take as many people as possible, this way, they wouldn’t be tortured daily and the hellish life would be no more .

He knew that Arthur somehow followed him and he was thankful towards him but he wasn’t going to wait for him to start the teleportation . If sacrificing their savior is what it costs to live freely then so be it .

. . . .

Arthur sensed that something was off, the ground was heavily shaking and the sky was turning darker and darker, these were definitely no good signs . He abandoned the thought of finishing Bucama slowly, the arrow will kill it anyways .

He darted off toward the bright blue light on the East and transformed into lightning to arrive faster . With such speed, the distance of a couple hundred meters would be crossed in a split second, literally yet even such Godlike speed was not enough .

Nothing can be faster than teleportation, that blue light was the indication that the teleportation has begun . As Arthur tried to grab Elias, his hand passed through the old man’s head as if he didn’t exist there .

Apologetically, the old man nodded his head to Arthur to express his thanks but he still felt a bit fearful after seeing the cold eyes of Arthur that glowed with gray light and the black flames burning around him .

" . . . So you used me to get your people out, good! Good!"

Arthur didn’t linger there any extra second, he turned around and charged to the West, heading to the small teleportation circle that Elias appeared on when he arrived in this world .

There may still be a chance, he didn’t need an explanation to know that this world is literally crumbling after Elias did whatever that blue light was . The ground was being opened in half and skies were falling .

As he was charging toward the West, Arthur noticed a thick red beam of light, it was like a pillar penetrating the dark sky . Just one look was enough for him to know that Bucama did that as it originated from where he left the monster .

Either way, he wasn’t going to bother as time was of the essence, the destruction of this world was happening at a faster pace, especially when Elias disappeared with his people .

The annihilation was fastening by the second, as Arthur was bypassing lands after lands, which shattered or was devoured by the open ground, he soon arrived near the small teleportation circle which Elias used to appear here .

The problem was, he doesn’t know how to activate it . If it was a normal one then he simply needed to inject Mana but Elias did much more than that to make it work .

By the time he started pondering on what to do, the ground under the circle began shaking and some cracks appeared, the sky was literally falling and if he does nothing, Arthur is going to be devoured, just like everything else .

Arthur focused his attention on his Dantian and gathered all his remaining Nether Energy . The Dark Anguish circulated through his body and black flames started burning his body yet dealing no damage .

’This should hold on for a while . ’

Arthur raised his hands and did some strange black seals with his hands on the air and said

"Darkness shall fall, naught shall be done!"

As the incantation was done, a cubic barrier jet black was formed around Arthur, its size was not that big, only five cubic meters in height and length but that was only the appearance .

The Cube also enveloped a bit of the ground for the circle not to shatter . The shaking stopped and a small area around Arthur stopped shattering and whatever was eating the word couldn’t cross his cube .

Arthur could see what’s happening outside but the outsiders would only see an ominous dark cube, if it was a sphere then anyone would mistake it as a black hole .

Everything around the cube was destroyed, in just seconds, it was only a floating black cube with distortions in space all around it and the rumbling sound of the shattering sky .

Once he laid the cube, which was one of the techniques related to the Dark Anguish-technique, Arthur turned his attention to the blue circle on the ground and tried to imitate what Elias did .

The old man chanted for a short time before he injected some Mana in the circle, it seemed like an easy process but Arthur knew that a small mistake would lead him to nowhere or even the Void if it worked, that is .

Remembering something he experienced was no big deal with such high intelligence, within seconds words were coming out of Arthur’s mouth, some were incomprehensible while others sounded weird, almost like gibberish .

It didn’t take a long time for him to finish the chant, he soon followed by injecting a bit of Mana to the blue circle and waited for a reaction . . . . which never happened .

Seconds passed yet nothing occurred, there was only a confused Arthur standing motionless and staring at the teleportation circle .

He thought it might be because of the cracks but that it didn’t seem to be the case as he could feel a bit of Mana inside the circle, maybe its what’s channeling it .

Time was slowly running out as his Nether Energy was being consumed to keep him safe but that won’t last long . The cube created a small space, just like what the Grim Reaper did previously but this was a smaller and weaker version . With the constant strong pressure from the outside and his lack of Energy, it will shatter sooner or later .

"This can’t be happening . Think Arthur, think!"

Countless plans surged his mind but each was more dangerous and risky than the other . He could choose one but the probability of surviving is meager . If he gets engulfed by the Void, he either wander endlessly or dies from the powerful explosion that’s happening .

Either way, it’s not a good outcome . The dark cube was beginning to crack and Arthur began feeling some strange heaviness weighing him down, making him unable to breathe properly or think straightly .

’Here it comes!’

With but a few seconds left but he is exposed bare to what’s about to come, Arthur decided to risk it all . He took one of the two last remaining perfect corpses for him, the silver wolf one and instantly possessed it without hesitation .

[Transmutation] was activated along with all the other passives which could be used, none were spared and the agonizing Mental didn’t lag behind either, it struck Arthur’s mind and made him feel dizzy for the first few seconds .

*Crack* *Crack!*

The cube shattered and the small space vanished, Arthur felt a surge of unstoppable pressure pushing him behind with no ways of resisting it .

With a loud howl, two wide flaming wings appeared on the wolf’s back, the wings flapped nonstop and helped Arthur resist the pushing pressure, he dared not look behind . Even for someone who has complete resistance to Fire, he could feel a deadly heat coming from behind .

Boulders, dust and even air were pushed to the same direction, all clustered together into a ball or just being devoured by something .

’Damn! All this for a girl I don’t even know!’


The green lightning wolf ran against the pushing force, managing to overcome the strong pressure but wound after wound appeared on its body as spatial tears would appear everywhere and even a small one would kill an Immortal Realm like Arthur .

Arthur’s attention was focused on one direction, his goal was to not lose sight of the blue circle . Obviously, it had disappeared but not its Spatial Tunnel, it wouldn’t vanish that fast, he wanted to ride the tunnel before it disappears, it is a difficult thing to achieve with all the destruction that’s happening but it’s not an impossible feat .

He just had to find it before the grand explosion happens, because at that time, even with multiple bodies, he won’t survive and even if he did, his soul itself would be hurt by the impact, he would be severely weakened and would just wander into the devouring Void .

[Griffin’s Bloody Switch]: You choose one specific stats to reduce its value by 90% and add 50% of that value to another stats .

Cost: 50 Mental Power (Permanently)

[Mother Of All]: The user can produce Golden threats, unbreakable yet soft .

Cost: 10 Mental Power per second .

Arthur both of these techniques the second he spotted a Tunnel a distance away from him . The problem was that the wolf’s body was being pushed back so he had to rely on there albeit that the cost is Mental Power .

At least the second one didn’t take them permanently, still, the cost was outrageous so it doesn’t matter . The lightning Wolf spit golden threads that stretched to its back and began pouring on it like crazy until it formed a golden circle .

Arthur also strengthened the circle with his own threads and activated Griffin’s Bloody Switch to add to his Vitality by sacrificing his Wisdom . When his Agility was boosted by millions, the Wolf transformed into a green streak that bypassed the Spatial Tears and the devouring Void .

When he was almost there, the golden threads had already made a gigantic sphere, or to be more precise, it looked a bit like the tip of a cannon .

When Arthur was rejoicing due to the Tunnel being within his reach, a force similar to sturdy iron wall crushed the wolf’s body and literally sent it flying hundreds of kilometers away but this was the good part, the worst part is that his Health was reduced by 70% and the left flaming wing dispersed which reduced his Speed yet again .

What followed was a blinding light similar to the one created by Rizaki’s, at that split second, Arthur realized that he’s doomed if he’s engulfed by it .

He abandoned all thoughts of flying to the Tunnel and used the Griffin’s skill three times in a row to add all the stats into his intelligence . The golden threads brightened a lot, illuminating the gloomy surroundings, they also became fast and more beautiful to look at .

As he was being pushed back, Arthur focused his absolute attention on creating the thing on his back, the process took but a few seconds, however, few seconds were all it took for the pushing force to send him flying thousands upon thousands of kilometers .

. . . .

Exactly thirty seconds later, Arthur was almost going to crash into an extremely big orb that was devouring everything and emitting a blinding light and a deadly heat . He knew that it’s going to explode soon yet he could not resist, not after he gave up on his Strength and Agility Stats .

When that half minute was done, the lightning wolf now had a large golden cannon on its back, it was twice its size and looked breathtaking .

’It’s ready! Now let’s try it and hope it works! Please . . . . ’

With all of his hopes stacked on the cannon, Arthur closed his eyes, cut off his hearing and activated [Rinotsu] using the Wind Attribute .

The skill was used inside the cannon, which quickly made an engine-like sound and fired the compressing air which just exploded .

The explosion was nothing compared to what’s happening Arthur . Albeit noticing that he was not pushed against the force with that try, Arthur was not angry or sad as he felt his body advance a few inches .

’84 . 9 left, alright then’


Ten million Mana points, that’s what Arthur just consumed to powerup a Rinotsu using the Wind Attribute, the force of the explosion which was fired by the cannon pushed Arthur way ahead and further from the bright orb .

The pushing force was strengthening by the second so Arthur didn’t wait for it to lose its momentum, twenty million Mana points were used again to use a third Rinotsu .

Fortunately, he can use it again if he is in the wolf’s body with the help of [Blood For Blood] .

Blood For Blood: By sacrificing continuous Mental Power, the user could ignore the cooldown of a chosen skill .

Cost: 150 Mental Power for each use .

Falling a few Grades or even a Realm is much better than dying or suffering an endless hell . He regretted every thought of saving Alina, he never thought it’ll end up like this . It was foolish to come unprepared but the original criminal is Elias, who caused this world destruction by launching the big teleportation circle at the cost of this world’s essence coupled with Stored weird Energies .

First thing he does is killing that bastard when he goes back to Astria, but that was rather unlikely as Elias, more than anyone, knew that there are people who can beat him and be the clever geezer he was, he must have thought of a plan of some sort and teleported his kin to a safer place .

. . . .

The distance between him and the Spatial Tunnel was shortening with every use but Arthur’s Mana pool was almost not recovering due to the absence of Energy in this godforsaken world .


The golden cannon started cracking after four shots so Arthur could only expand his remaining 38 million Mana points into one last Rinotsu .

For the last time, and the last hope, Arthur used the ancient flames in Rinotsu, creating a deafening explosion and shattering the golden cannon the second it was shot . A dark Red beam appeared in between the Spatial tears, burning boulders and destroying flying lands, even the Void could not contain it or devour it, it was like a moving calamity .

Arthur on the hand was literally pushed ahead with no way of moving a finger due to the intensity of the force pushing him, in comparison, the earlier force was nothing, it was like comparing the strength of a mouse to an elephant’s .

The unfathomable distance that was separating Arthur and the Spatial Tunnel was crossed in mere seconds . With his Mana Pool totally Empty and no present Mana to recover, Arthur could only rely on what’s left of his Strength and Vitality to overcome the Spatial Tears and force his body to divert for a bit and head for the Tunnel .

Fortunately, with the help of the earlier explosive blast created by Rinotsu, Arthur was able to more or less arrive near his destination . Although he achieved his goal, just when he was a few meters away, the long-awaited explosion of the gigantic orb has finally occurred .

As if the light that it was emanating was not bright enough, at the moment of the main explosion, a white blinding ray of light covered Arthur’s vision just as he opened his eyes and the next thing he felt was a heat that immediately extinguished his remaining wing and deactivated [Transmutation] by consuming the green lightning .

With a final push, Arthur was able to use the main explosion and his earlier momentum to enter the tunnel but not after the wolf’s body was ripped to shreds and devoured by the Void .

He only entered the Tunnel with his real body, which was ejected from the wolf’s . It is the first time he dies inside a corpse . if he didn’t possess the wolf

If he didn’t possess the wolf and didn’t have those countless passives activated then he would have long since died due to the Spatial Tears and the dangerous Void . With his Mana Pool empty, His stats lowered and in an exhausted Mental State, Arthur abandoned any thought of controlling his body and let the Tunnel drift him to its destination by its own .

His main body was intact at first but as seconds passed, the wounds he suffered inside the wolf’s body began appearing, he was in a disastrous state, literally and he had no power left to move properly .

The good thing is that his Mana began regenerating at a rapid pace by absorbing scattered Mana which helped him greatly as he made use of this to use simple yet effective Healing Skills .

It was a one minute trip but for Arthur, it seemed like a one-year trip . He thought of many things, his weakness, his helplessness in such a situation, his wife Lucy, who he missed so much . If she were with him, maybe he would have been more careful, maybe things wouldn’t have gone wrong, so many things would have been different yet there are no ifs in life .

When the short trip was finally over, Arthur appeared in a destroyed room, it looked a bit similar to the one Elias teleported from but the only difference is that rubbles and dust were all over the place .

With the bit of strength he managed to muster, Arthur got up and looked around only to realize that he was back at the same place . Albeit receiving all these injuries, he breathed a sigh of relief as he was back in a safe place .

He didn’t linger there any longer, he left through the door, or what was left of it, and arrived at the shattered mansion in no time .

The place was still broken and dusty, just like he left it, with corpses all over the place and its reeking smell of blood, if not for the golden broken pillars and some structures that were still left, anyone would think this was a place where a bloody war occurred and not the mansion of the Humen Emperor .

Without sparing a glance to the deceased soldiers, Arthur left the mansion and spread his Sense as far as he could only to be surprised when he sensed someone not far away but his surprise soon turned into astonishment and anger as he sensed the second presence .

His Mana was recovering at an astonishing speed but he had to rely on his body for now . He retrieved Makaze and held it tightly whilst staring at a specific direction .

"Looks like I need to rely on you again, friend . "

In response, the black katana vibrated intensely and black flames started burning on all of its edges, seemingly ready to cut anything in its way .

Arthur took one final breath before he squeezed every last bit of strength he got and darted to the North .

. . . . .

The Royal Garden, which once was one of the most beautiful things is now dyed with blood, the breathtaking flowers died and the trees were cut down or destroyed by either sharp weapons or from the previous explosion .

Taliya had decided to wait a bit longer for Arthur, she had inspected the dark room underground but found nothing except that blue circle . She knew its function yet didn’t know how to activate it, furthermore, she had to evacuate as the roof was falling and the ground kept shaking . She couldn’t die in such a place after going all the way here .

She had high hopes for Arthur and wished he would return with Alina but an hour passed and still, nothing happened .

After waiting for so long and hearing or seeing nothing, dejected, Taliya could only shake her head in sadness and remorse and turn around to leave .

She felt a bit bad for involving Arthur and causing him to suffer so much . She didn’t know what happened to him but by the look of it, it doesn’t seem to be going well, just by the fact that he didn’t return . But she felt sadder for Alina, who is still young yet had to suffer at the hands of the filthy humans just because she had special origins .

Seeing the destruction and rubbles all over, her mood worsened . With the death knight next to her, Taliya left the mansion and was just about to leave the main gates, which didn’t exist anymore, when she heard a loud explosion just a hundred meters away from her .

Before she could see what just happened, another explosion happened a distance away from the first one and this continued for a few more times before it stopped .

. . . .

Arthur somehow managed to catch up to whoever is aiming for Taliya, with Makaze in his hands, he used [Faster Than Death] to appear next to Bucama and swung the sword, cutting one of the monster’s arms . Arthur then lifted his free hand and fire a dark red flaming ball which instantly hit the hideous creature due to the distance between them being just a couple of inches .

With his state being so bad, Arthur couldn’t afford to relax . As the monster was sent flying away, he followed after it with a few teleports and appeared behind it while it was still trying to stabilize itself .

Again, Makaze stabbed the back of the monster, where its horn used to be, this time, it was met with no resistance . Blood gushed out and a gaping wound was formed by the sharp katana but that was not all .

Arthur injected Natural Lightning and his special black flames and made them invade Bucama’s body and destroy its cells one by one, aiming for the Dantian and Meridians .

Honestly, Arthur was confused and surprised at how this monster managed to come here . His knowledge of that foreign world was limited so perhaps there was an extra teleportation circle but how did Bucama manage to reach it so fast with all those Spatial Tears .

It definitely had something to do with that weird horn and the red beam which penetrated the sky, nevertheless, what is done cannot be undone and this monstrosity has to be killed on the spot!

. . . .

With only two arms remaining, Bucama got up and stared angrily at Arthur . It received severe injuries due to the destruction of its world and it was in a very bad state . As it found a prey to absorb, Arthur attacked out of nowhere .

Fortunately for Bucama, Arthur was also injured all over his body which made them in worse states . With a disgusting grin, the monster stared back at Arthur and shrugged its arms while saying

"Friend, I can see why you want to kill me but let’s stop for now . Don’t you see our states? Fighting further would be meaningless . In return, I can promise you that I will leave this place as soon as I recover . "

Although the creature was speaking to him, Arthur ignored it and ordered the death knight to take Taliya further . It was apparent that Bucama needs her for something and if having her means it can recover then she retreats immediately .

When he was in the Spatial Tunnel, Arthur tried many times to enter the ARK but it didn’t work no matter how much he said the word . Even when he was rushing here, it didn’t work either . It’s either malfunctioning or he is still in battle mode but he didn’t know how to leave that mode as the System never mentioned it or specified how .

. . .

As she was in total disbelief of the calamity that appeared before her eyes, Taliya snapped out of it when the Death Knight grabbed her and put her on its shoulder then it jumped away from the monster while taking big strides similar to wide jumps on each step . The Knight only stopped when Taliya struggled and slashed continuously with her short blades .

Due to the shock, Taliya didn’t have time to glance at the second figure but she knew it was Arthur, as far as she knew, he’s the only one strong enough to fight such a monster .

. . .

As the monster kept speaking nonsense and making peace treaties on its own, two thick black flaming chains sprang out of the ground and wrapped around the monster instantly, making him unable to move a finger .

Arthur held Makaze with his two hands and didn’t waste a second, he teleported in front of Bucama and used [Thousand Waves] straight at the monster’s chest .

With such a close distance, coupled with a sharp blade and a peerless wielder, Bucama was literally cut in two vertically and you could see its four eyes filled with disbelief, unwillingness, and anger .

’poof’ ’poof’

Two pieces lifelessly fell on the ground, not moving . the chains dispersed soon enough and what was left was a panting Arthur who was bending on one knee and using Makaze as support .

Such a strong strike could not be resisted by Bucama, which was already injured and weakened .

Despite winning, Arthur still felt regret over the stupid decisions he made, at least he managed to clear the danger . As he was about to get up and leave the place before more unwanted enemies come, the two pieces of Bucama shined with red light and the remaining scales vibrated and exploded and created countless tiny sharp pieces which struck everything in the small area around the monster’s body .

Arthur, who could not react in time, was left defenseless against this . The sharp pieces were just about to hit him when a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed him by the back of his head then darted away from the area .

The shadow was even faster than the pieces as it barely saved Arthur from being hit .

. . . .

Taliya, who was confused and still scared of the monster, mustered her courage and decided to head back . Her resolve strengthened when the Death Knight suddenly dispersed and vanished from sight .

The distance the knight crossed when it grabbed her was a bit far so she pushed her speed to the maximum to return to the mansion yet again but as she was almost there, a tall figure appeared in front of her .

With a long black hair, a bronze skin and a two-handed large axe on his shoulders, Jackob smiled at Taliya and said

"Now now, what is the Head Maid of the Demon Royalty doing here?"

Although the MoonStar sect is in the West and didn’t expand further, Taliya fully know who Jackob was, she also knew his Strength and immense brute power .

She held her two short blades and stared coldly at Jackob without uttering a word .

"Those are two dangerous blades missy, I would recommend you to not be so careless, as long as you cooperate, nothing will happen to you . "

As he said that, Jackob held his axe and pointed it at Taliya as his two eyes glowed with a hazy red light . . . .

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