One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 57: [57] Setting the Board

Chapter 57: [57] Setting the Board

[2380 words]

Rest in peace Akira Toriyama.


Damien grabbed the newspaper from the aspiring swordsman's hand; his eyes reading over the bolded words.

"Amethyst Kingdom Crisis: The Sin Incarnate's Latest Excursion!" 

A quick overview of the report left Damien satisfied, it was fairly objective!

The article went over the shady take-over of the island by the Prabna Family, leading to the birth of the Terror of Sabaody. It highlighted her revenge killings and destructive strength showcased at the castle.

"I've never seen the paper to be so neutral to the World Government," Vlad commented, bringing up another copy. "I'm surprised they allowed such a paper to be released."

After all, Aurora's actions led to the death of five Reverie members, a fact that was covered in the report! Beyond that, the main event was the clash between the Black Arm and the Sin Incarnate.

"Colour me impressed, young pirate. I've heard the exploits of Vice Admiral Zephyr; you have well surpassed me in such little time."

Vlad then turned to the quiet girl on the side with a new light.


At the same time, Mihawk's eyes were brighter than usual as he went over the story.

He wanted to grow up fast to reach such levels. After all, the pictures shown showcased the red sun clashing against the Black Arm vividly, highlighting its apocalyptic nature.

Alas, the story then referred to the newly revealed bounties:

-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Veil of the Night' >

< 𝔅 430,000,000 - >


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Sin Incarnate' >

< 𝔅 1,987,600,000 - >



"Ara~ what a scary amount! It won't trouble you too much, right, Damien-kun?" Mina asked with some worry.

Damien shrugged at the number.

Beyond a certain level, bounties were more of a flexing point than anything; there weren't any treasure hunters strong enough to ever claim them.

Aurora, however, was also surprised by the numbers.

"I have never seen such high numbers, even in my days as a Bounty Hunter," she muttered. "They even put a huge reward on my head."

Damien waved his hand to put aside her thoughts. "According to the report: your feats include killing 35 Royals, slaughtering the five Reverie Attendants and obliterating most of G-4."

He smirked at the devious actions, "I bet all those rich nations are demanding your death."

Aurora was a little embarrassed at the list of her actions, masking it with a light cough. Though she was a bounty hunter, she never really did anything so destructive till now. 


However, the new report had one more glaring piece of information.

"The Reverie will be held in the coming year, all but a few months from now. Such an event will make things turbulent for the Nobles," Vlad informed the pirate duo. "I must say, you are developing a habit of turning the world upside down at more critical times."

"Rahaha! I'll take that as a compliment!"


[The Seas]

Naturally, the news made it all over the world; the reception was quite fearful. 

Not too long ago, the fall of Two Overlord of the Seas had spawned wrecking tides that shook up the pirates but pleased the Nobles. 

Yet now, an entire Royal Celebration to rename the prosperous Amethyst Kingdom was raided and left many dead, of them, five were Reverie members. 

As many predicted, it kept both these parties on their toes.

Frustrations and conflicts began to slowly break out as the tense times only continued. The Rocks Pirates were ravaging the New World, some of them even raiding Paradise Sea!

Even marines outside such anarchic seas became scared of the turbulent times; some began to take their vexations on the common folk—an unsettling era; without a doubt, a storm of chaos had arrived!

It was also the dawn of a new powerhouse of the sea: Einar D. Damien!

A name now seen as the heir to evil. A pirate boasting exceptional strength, infernal potential and a tendency to leave nothing but untold ruin in his wake. 


[The Edge of the Island]

"You're already leaving, Damien-kun?"

"I should leave, I don't want them to track me to this island and give you any more difficulties," Damien said to Mina.

She could only smile with some reluctance. "Hawk-chan will be lonely again."

Though her frown warped into a playful one, almost seeming mischievous under Yozora Island' perpetual darkness.

A quick look at her unshaken husband and seeing a similar image in Damien and then landing on the reticent Aurora.

The older woman reached out and grabbed the assassin's hands, pulling her to the sides. A few hushed whispers pervaded the chilly coast while Mina imparted a few thoughts unto Aurora.


Within moments, the latter's eyes brightened with clarity and a thin smile. She snuck a peak at the Sin Incarnate and then returned to a female swordsman.

Damien was not all that interested in their gossip, instead, he crouched down to meet the tiny Mihawk's eyes.

"Hone yourself, Mihawk. It would be a terrible waste if your talent doesn't shine brightly over these seas."

The boy gave a thin smile. His small hands grasped at the much larger sword.


"This is a bit much to accept," Vlad sighed at the sight of the coast. He was talking about the giant Sea Kings that had appeared.

Damien shrugged his thoughts aside. "Consider it an investment. This island's wildlife isn't nutritious enough for a growing boy. Let alone all the missing vitamins from the lack of sunlight."

Of course, Damien, who considered himself a masterful talent manager, wanted the future Strongest Swordsman to reach the highest level. The pirate wished to bring Mihawk under his flag one day, or at least as a reliable ally.

Granting a daily supply of highly nutritious Sea Kings sourced from the Calm Belt was a simple task.


Vlad eventually accepted it, while Mina also finished her chat with Aurora.

"..." Damien blanked at the assassin who matched his eyes with newfound determination, almost as if having acquired some forbidden information.

"Remain prudent, young man."

The family of three hawk-eyed individuals waved at the departing ship. Mihawk just quietly watched, his sharp eyes following the vessel.

A surge of desire to venture out came and went, surmounted by his thoughts to protect Yozora Island. 

The Sea Skimmer ran across the sea and toward the northwest. The weather was decent, bright even, especially in comparison to the eternal night of the island they had just left.

"You seem contemplative, Aurora," Damien said to the girl to his side.

The assassin thinly smiled and shook her head, "It's nothing! Mina-san just gave me some advice on something…"

Damien rolled his eyes.

"Right, whatever. Either way, you're a pirate now, you don't need anyone's permission to do what you want. Well, apart from your Captain."

Aurora nodded thoughtfully.

She then remembered the piece of paper that christened her as a pirate. "A pirate... I never thought I would have such a high bounty," Aurora whispered under her breath, "it's a little exciting."

"Rahaha! That's the spirit!"

She then turned to the male pirate, and asked, "Then… is there anything I can do to help you?"

Damien hummed while relaxing into the leather seat.

A light pause followed by a vague answer: "There is something that suits your particular talents… I'll tell you about it soon."


[Mortem Island]

A freezing chill was currently wrapped around a small part of the island while a scruffy boy lay slumped upside down against a tree, a bored look stitched to his face.

"It's not fair at all, how can Big Bro Damien up and leave to go save a damsel in distress while I have to go through this tortuous training?"

He tossed aside a thick book, sending out a resounding thud. "What kind of a monster came up with this calculus stuff anyway?"

Every yawn and tired breath the boy wheezed out came with a puff of cold air. The white vapour made it look as if he was smoking.

"Kuzan-kun, come eat lunch!"

The boy was still upside down, tilting his head in the direction of Toki's voice. 

Though all of a sudden, he felt the ground shudder, tremble, even. Kuzan looked around and saw the energetic vegetation, even the blades of grass seemed exceptionally vigorous. 

"He's back!"


The ice-boy flew through the island with the grace of his intangibility, a trail of chilled air followed as he made his way to the docks. When he got there, he saw two people stepping off a tiny vessel. 

"Damien-san… and another nee-chan with big bazongas!" 

The boy seemed quite excited as he recalled the news stories. He waved from the high ground, trying to get Damien's attention. 

"Yo Kuzan, you look spirited as always."

The boy audibly scoffed, choosing not to reply. He then stared at Damien, the headlines flashing through his mind. 

"What is it, kid?"

"Big Bro, I heard you disarmed Vice Admiral Zephyr, that's a cool headline right there!" He then gave a toothy grin, "I see you found some nice treasure too."

He poked Damien with his elbow while gesturing to the girl beside him. 

Said pirate rolled his eyes in reply, mercifully sparing the boy off from his beloved bash on the dome. 


The lad turned to Aurora and gave his version of an introduction: "My name is Kuzan. I like to sleep. I also enjoy lying down on a comfy bed with my eyes closed; however, closing my eyes and drifting off to the beyond is just as fun."

He then unwrapped a newspaper. 

"Then, Lady Princess, is it true you have a Logia ability too?" he asked, peaking from the side of the inked paper. 

The young woman in question was a little caught off-guard by the odd yet energetic self-introduction. "Well, you can call me Aurora. And yes, I am a Logia user of the Aether-Aether Fruit."

She offered out her hand as a demonstration. Kuzan watched with great focus as he saw the hand turn into an aetherial cloud of deep purple colour.

"Cool! It's so mystical!"

Aurora could not help but smile at his bright response. After being stuck in the slaving road of vengeance and dwelling in the Underworld, she had forgotten such innocence still existed.


Damien was pleased with their interaction, though his eyes eventually turned to the girl who had arrived from the island.

"Toki, you're here too."

However, he did not get the reply as expected.

Aurora narrowed her eyes at the green-haired girl who had arrived, leaving Toki somewhat uncomfortable.

Kuzan backed up as he felt the tension pervade the atmosphere, retreating to Damien. "What's wrong with them?" he fearfully asked.

The Sin Incarnate did not have a chance to answer as he was hit with some sharp questions.

"Damien-san, I didn't know you were bringing guests."

"Damien, who is this girl?"

Toki's gaze was more confused, whereas Aurora's was laced with a degree of speculation, culminating in palpable tension.


Kuzan, who had for the first time felt this sensation could not help but retreat further and cried out, "Girls can be scary!" 


"Aurora-san, that is so tragic," Toki said with sympathy dripping from her eyes. She sat next to the assassin who also seemed oddly close.

"Thank you, Toki," Aurora sincerely replied, "though your story is worse than mine, lost in time for centuries with no place to call home."

Damien, who sat a little further away, was confused.

Somehow the two girls had become the best of friends after the hearty lunch. Something about both of them being princesses thrown off from their treasured lives by a tragedy and forced into a life of grave difficulty.


"Well, since we're all acquainted, I think it's about time to talk about the future," Damien stated. 

His crimson pupils reflected the fiery nature of the coming months, settling a more solemn atmosphere.

The words drew the others' attention as they looked toward him attentively. 

Damien went on to say, "First, in a few days, Toki and I will sail to the Land of Wano through the Calm Belt."

He then turned his head to meet the boy. "Kuzan, your task is to remain here and focus on your training and studies."

Damien ignored the ice boy who frantically fell to the ground and continued. 

"Aurora, your task won't be simple."

The girl did not seem phased: "I'll do it," she firmly responded. 

Damien nodded and outlined what he had in mind.

"This hellish era has only just begun and it's beyond anyone's grasp."

"Unlike most rash and reckless pirates, I actually want to be the one steering the ship," Damien boldly declared. "There is one existence in the Grand Line that can affect the turbulent tides… whilst being inconspicuous from a distance."

The air of mystery in the pirate's words drew the curiosity of the three others present.

"A force that you are familiar with," Damien said, glancing at the purple-haired girl.

Aurora narrowed her eyes, connecting the dots: "You want the Underworld."

Damien smiled in response.

"That's right, the one string that weaves its way through not just the endless sea of pirates but even the World Government and the Navy is the Underworld and its shady Emperors!"

"Considering my name and connection to Rocks, the Government would never allow me to gain a foothold in the shady waters of the Underworld."

He gestured to the girl. "That's where you come in."


The assassin paused momentarily, taking in the gravity of the objective.

"The Underworld is a vast network of crime and dark business. Where should I begin?" she asked, lacking hesitation.

"Black Fish Barro, the man who reached out to you in the past," Damien replied. "For now, I want you to go and scout his little underground stronghold at Unso Island; familiarize yourself with his territory and empire."

Aurora nodded, recalling the figure of the Underworld Emperor.

It was the same man who attempted to forge her into his weapon by tapping into her despair; putting a price on her sole purpose of existence to become the Terror of Sabaody, that is, until Damien came.

She nodded in understanding, her eyes showcasing the determination to not fail at her first task. 

Damien clapped his hands as a declaration. "Alright then, that's it for now!"

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

Bounties are relative to the era their in. Law, Luffy, Kid and Blackbeard are the main top dogs of the Worst Generation, hence 3B berries. Whereas Damien is in the era with a solid dozen such pirates.

As for the Underworld, Doflamingo quite literally made an empire for himself as Joker. Damien did go for the shady seas in the previous version of the story, but things are quite different this time around.

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