Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

Chapter 78: The Foreigner (2)

Chapter 78: The Foreigner (2)

"Um, Yuuto-sama? Your frustration is completely understandable, but perhaps His Eminence also has something in mind"

Ano, Yuuto-sama? O-okori wa go mottomo desu ga, geika ni mo nanika go-kangae ga

Which side are you on? With such thoughts in mind, he ignored Irmaella, who called out to him in a scolding manner. Yuuto started some light stretching to prepare for the match.

At the same time, he pondered. When it came to which side Irmaella was on, it was undoubtedly the other. She was the one who had conducted the hero summoning ritual and held a high position within the Holy King Church. While she appeared empathetic toward Yuuto, her alignment was clearly more in line with Phantony.

With growing frustration and a rough manner, Yuuto also retrieved a weapon that had been provided on the wall. As he took the weapon into his hand, he began to understand. Phantony, the giant, had been casually holding his weapon with one hand, but this sword was originally meant to be wielded with both hands. It was oversized for a one-handed grip, both in terms of balance and for effective swings.

Simultaneously, he thought,

(What? It's lighter than I expected.)

(Nanda. Omotte ita yori karui na.)

Contrary to its heavy appearance, the weapon felt surprisingly light in his hand, which left him somewhat dumbfounded. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the tip and edges of the blade were rounded, suggesting that it wouldn't be very sharp. It was likely a training sword or something of the sort. So that's why it felt so light, huh, he thought.

"Are you ready?"

Junbi wa yoroshii ka?



With his sword hanging casually and his weight leaning to the left, Phantony stood nonchalantly, holding his weapon upright. Yuuto faced him, attempting to mimic a stance he had seen in historical dramas. As Phantony observed Yuuto's posture, he let out a conspicuous sigh.

"...When wielding a sword with both hands, it's best to keep your fists apart. If they're too close together, it will slow your reaction time and weaken your arm strength."

...Ken o ryoute mochi suru toki wa, kobushi doushi o hanasu no ga yoroshikarou. Sonna ni kuttsukete ite wa, kaeshi ga okureru shi ude no chikara mo hairanu.

"S-shut up! This is how I do things!"

U, urusai na! Kore ga ore no yarikata nanda yo!

Although he retorted, Yuuto secretly marveled at his opponent's advice. So thats why he felt some stiffness lingering in his shoulders. He should have chosen kendo as a martial art of choice for his physical education instead if he had known, that feeling of regret appeared late. He remembered he hated the reused, sweat-soaked protective gear, so he opted for judo instead because he is used to soccer when it comes to physical confrontations. But it seemed that choice had come back to haunt him now, in this place.

"Well, fine. Then, let me see your way of doing things, Hero-dono... Begin!!"

Maa, yoi. Dewa, yuusha-dono no yarikata o misete moraou ka Hajimei!!

For the first time, Phantony raised his voice. It was a thunderous shout that could not only be heard but also felt throughout his entire body, causing not only his eardrums to ring but also his skin to tingle. For an ordinary teenager like Yuuto, it would have been unbearable without being driven by anger. In fact, just standing about five meters apart from each other, he couldn't stop sweating. Even though it was just a lightweight training sword, he was facing a human holding a weapon-shaped object. The situation was putting immense pressure on him, much more than he had anticipated.

Yuuto didn't move. No, he couldn't move. The moment he took a step forward, he could envision the massive, bear-like figure leaping toward him.

For a while after the starting signal, time seemed to stand still. Ten seconds? Thirty seconds? Maybe even a minute had passed. Eventually, Phantony casually spoke up.

"Aren't you going to make a move?"

Mairarenu no ka?

"It's my show of respect for your handicap. Ill let you take the initiative."

Hande no rei da. Sente wa yuzuru yo.

It's a lie. Yuuto's aim was a counter, which, unintentionally, was similar to the concept of "Go no Sen" in Kendo, a martial art he wasn't familiar with.

In sports, not just martial arts but in general, seizing the initiative by taking the first move was usually a tactic used by advanced practitioners. It was because making a move often disrupted one's stance or formation, creating openings. So, it was challenging to avoid your opponent's attack and win decisively in one swift move. On the other hand, counterattacking was often considered a strategy for weaker individuals. It involved focusing on defense during a match, waiting for the opponent's move, and then striking when the right moment came. It was relatively less physically demanding as it didn't require maintaining an advantage throughout the match. This strategy was especially effective in sports where a single point or strike could change the outcome dramatically, such as soccer (where scoring a goal could turn the tide) or tennis. Kendo, a sport where the match could be won with a single decisive strike, was no different.

Of course, this was a strategy that even an amateur would think of when using a sword for the first time. Someone with the title of Holy Knights Commander, like Phantony, should have been well aware of it. However, he didnt banter and spoke seriously.

"That's the spirit. Well thenhere I come!!"

Sono iki ya yoshi. De wa aratametemairu!!

Without further ado, the giant's left foot exploded with extraordinary strength. The overwhelming power from his leg smashed into the ground, creating a cloud of dust.

(S-so fa!?)

(Ha, haya!?)

In a rocket-like acceleration, the massive man charged at him, which took Yuuto by surprise. It was expected that he would have incredible explosive power, but the speed of this burst was far beyond what he had anticipated. Counterattacking under these circumstances seemed risky.

A powerful horizontal swing. Yuuto crouched to avoid it, and right after, he heard an unnerving heavy whooshing sound pass overhead. A few strands of his black hair fell in front of his face. He had been grazed. With a bladeless mock sword, the power of this strike was astonishing. It made Yuuto wonder if Phantony was using the same weapon or not; such awe-inspiring strength was on display. He couldn't help but be filled with questions.



Suki arii!!

The onslaught and the force of the sword were tremendous, but they proved counterproductive. Phantony's massive body passed Yuuto as his momentum carried him forward, leaving his back exposed as he planted his left foot on the ground. The sword in his hand was entirely swung, and its return was delayed. In other words, he was vulnerable. Given the difference in body size, agility would favor Yuuto in this situation. If he turned around and delivered a blow, it would undoubtedly land.

Yuuto's overhead strike. His opponent remained showing his back. Its decided

"Close but not quite."


Normally that would be the case. However,



A heavy, dull clash of metal against metal resounded, and before Yuuto's eyes, his swung sword was intercepted in mid-air by another sword, right in front of the enemy's back.

Phantony, with his left arm, had managed to bring his sword behind him and precisely block Yuuto's strike over his shoulder. What was terrifying was that he didn't even glance back at his opponent, as if he had eyes in the back of his head or had foreseen Yuuto's sword path from the beginning. In any case, it was an incredible display of skill and prediction. What was the point of relying on sheer force earlier? It was as if he had been strumming a shamisen while someone else played the tune. If he couldn't dodge and counter an attack of this level, then there was no point in continuing the match. This strike was only a test.

The pinnacle of martial prowess on Omnia, or rather, on the Itucera Continent, the Commander of the Holy Knights Order, Gianfranco Paolo Phantony, could not be so thoughtless as to rely solely on his physique and strength.

"That's why I mentioned earlier that you should separate your fists when gripping the sword. When your shoulders hunch up, it narrows the range of your sword's path. Therefore, it's quite easy to predict. Also, because you're not putting enough strength into it, this awkward stance, with just one left arm, is more than enough to encounter."

Dakara saki hodo, ken no nigiri wa ryou-ken o hanasu beki to moushita dearou. Kata ga chijikomari tachisuji no han'i mo sebamaru. Yue ni shigoku yomi yasui. Chikara mo komoranu kara, kono muri na taisei, hidari ude ippon demo juubun taeuru.

"This guy...!"


"Your transitions are also too slow. Engaging in guard clashes with an opponent who surpasses you in strength is the height of foolishness. If you can't finish off your enemy in a single strike, there's no need to cling to it. Simply return your sword and prepare for the next move."

Kirikae mo osoi. Wanryoku ni masaru aite to tsubaseriai o tsuzukeru nado, gu no kotchou. Teki o shitome rarenanda ichigeki ni miren nado nokosazu, sunao ni ken o modoshite tsugi no te o utsu ga yokarou.

With these words, he turned and pushed Yuuto's body back through their exchanged sword locks. As if effortlessly moving a classroom desk aside during cleaning, he easily pushed back the weight of a single person. Unable to resist, Yuuto took several steps back, creating distance... or rather, it was forced upon him. He had been given the respite to prepare for the next move.

"Don't... underestimate meeee!"

Na, namerunaaaaaaa!

With a spirited yell, Yuuto delivered the next strike as the big man wished. Phantony still kept his sword hanging towards the ground and did not assume a stance. He silently asserted that there was no need for it.

"Ooh, you've adjusted your grip, huh."

Hoo, nigiri wa naosareta ka.

While it irked him to follow the advice of a detested opponent, Yuuto had indeed let go of his fist from the hilt as instructed. It allowed for a bit more freedom in his shoulders, and he understood how the left hand that he had added acted as a fulcrum to increase the power. However, the second strike, sharper than the first, was still effortlessly defended against.

"But this time, your upper body is too tense. The power should come from your legs and lower back. Relax your shoulders, elbows, and wrists even more. That way, you'll gain more speed."

Ga, kondo wa joutai ga rikimi sugite iru. Chikara o ireru no wa ashikoshi da. Kata, hiji, tekubi wa mushiro datsuryoku shite shinayaka ni. Sono hou ga sokudo ga noru.

"Shut, uupppp!"

Uru, seeeeee!

"Another high strike. Your offense is too one-dimensional. You should use different techniques like slashing, sweeping, and thrusting depending on the situation."

Mata joudan ka. Seme-te ga ippentou da na. Kiru nomi dewa naku, joukyou ni oujite, nagu, harau, tsuku to tsukai wakeru beki ka to.

Three, four, five, six

He stopped counting beyond seven. Every strike was with a sword that seemed to be swung carelessly, received, deflected, or blocked. It felt like a bad dream. Reluctantly, Yuuto had followed the advice given to him as his attacks progressed, far surpassing the clumsy initial strike in terms of speed, sharpness, weight, and even the variety of attack methods. It was hard to believe that all of this was being executed by the same human being.

However, despite all this,

"Your feet are planted. Move around more. Because you're smaller than I am, it's best to use your agility to find openings."

Ashi ga tomatte oru zo. Motto ugokimawarareru ga yoi. Onmi wa sessou yori kogara dearu yue, komawari o ikashite kangeki o ukagau no ga tokusaku dearu.

(D-dont joke with me, this bastard...!)

(Fu, fuzakenna yo, kono yarou!)

Yuuto was breathing heavily through his nose, baring his teeth. His expression seemed to be fiercely suppressing something deep inside. However, the emotion he was holding back wasn't anger. If it were, there would be no need to hide it and he could express it freely. What he was feeling was a stronger sense of fear.

(In the meantime... you aren't following a single thing you say, are you!?)

(Sou iu anta wa itte iru koto o nani hitotsu mamotte iya shinai janai ka!?)

Yuuto's frustration with Phantony's contradictory actions was building. The man's sword, in stark contrast to his precise advice, was something else entirely.

You should hold the sword with both hands, he said, but he only held it with his left.

Use your lower body, not your upper body, he advised, but he was clearly relying on his shoulders and arms.

Don't stick to one type of attack, he recommended, but he had been using the same charging strike repeatedly.

Move around more with your legs, he suggested, but he was standing still except for his attack steps.

This man seemed to be an eloquent half-knowledgeable expert, but the opposite was true. He completely disregarded all the ironclad rules of swordsmanship he should have learned throughout his life. Despite that, he continued to read Yuuto's attacks, avoid them, and engage without taking a single hit on himself, all with minimal movements and actions. He provided advice suitable for improving the opponent's skill, accompanied by an extra serving of ignoring all that advice.

It was like watching an adult dealing with a playful baby or a small animal. It didn't even seem like he was facing the same human being. Yuuto had been told to fight the Demon King as the Hero, but as far as he knew, the most Demon King-like entity he had ever seen was the monster he was currently facing.

He couldn't win. In fact, he didn't even feel like he could land a hit.

In that moment, something inside the boy snapped.





For the first time during this match, Phantony's eyes widened in surprise. Not because Yuuto had delivered an incredible move at the last moment. On the contrary, it was the worst move he had ever made, and he swung the sword with a recklessness that ignored the advice regarding the grip. It was like passing through a set hurdle rather than overcoming it.

Nevertheless, Phantony's reaction was slightly delayed due to the unexpectedness of the situation. As a result, his response was different from what he had anticipated He shifted his weight to his right foot while deflecting Yuuto's reckless swing.

Yuuto, on the other hand, swung his sword in an unreasonable position, and as the vector of the sword was swept away, he fell towards Phantony's back as if brushing against him. He collided face-first with the ground, unlike the fall he had experienced the previous day. It tasted like blood and soil.


Irmaella, who should have been watching from a position where the sword couldn't reach, rushed over with a concerned expression. Yuuto didn't move. It wasn't because he had hit his head or had nosebleeds. During that brief moment of passing by, he had realized something.

As they brushed past each other, Phantony had tilted his body to the right to block Yuuto's attack and briefly displayed an expression. Wasn't that expression caused by guilt? So, what was the real reason for his guilt? Was it because Yuuto had gotten injured like this? No, that wasn't it. Even though Phantony hadn't used any technique, his attack had been forceful enough that if it had landed, Yuuto would have been injured for sure. It was a strike strong enough to cut hair with a bladeless sword. If it had hit directly without being avoided, a fracture would have been almost certain.

"Th-This is bad! There's blood... I'll heal you right now, okay!? Heal!"

Ta, taihen desu, chi ga ima naoshimasu kara ne!? Hru!

In addition, as Irmaella was doing, it seemed that there were healing magic spells in this world capable of instantly treating injuries. So, there should be even less guilt involved.

Now, as for the true reason behind Phantony's guilt...

"...Right foot."

...Migi ashi.

"Huh? Did you injure your right foot too? I-is it a sprain!?"

E? Migiashi ni mo o-kega o? Ne, nenza deshou ka!?

Ignoring the nonsensical response from the girl who had muttered, the young man got up and directed his gaze back towards the giant. However, there was no longer any fighting spirit in his eyes. Instead, what was there was a sense of defeat and fear. It wasn't the fear of violence; it was the fear of acknowledging the truth he had just realized.

"You, for the first time, you used your right foot just now, right? You put some weight on it just a little, though."

Anta, ima hajimete migiashi o tsukatta yo na? Honno sukoshi, taijuu o kaketa kurai datta kedo.




Phantony didn't deny it.

"Looking back, something was off from the beginning. Your first attack when the match started You kicked the ground with your left foot, and even after that, you landed on your left foot. Doesn't that sound absurd? Normally, when you kick off with your left foot, the right foot comes next. The kicking leg swings back, and the other one comes forward."

Omoi kaeseba, saisho kkara okashikatta nda. Anta wa shiai ga hajimatte saisho no ichigeki jikusoku datta hazu no hidari ashi de jimen o kette, sonogo mo hidariashi de chakuchi shite ita. Bakagete iru yo na? Futsuu, hidari ashi de fumikittara tsugi ni jimen ni tsuku no wa migi ashi daro. Keri ashi ga ushiro ni mawatte, gyaku ni socchi ga mae ni deru nda kara na.


Phantony didn't deny it.

"...Why did you do that?"

...Nande, sonna koto o shita?

"It was part of the initial agreement, thats why."

Sore ga saisho no yakujou dearu kara na.

Phantony affirmed Yuuto's speculation, a speculation that he had hoped would be wrong.

"...If you're so afraid of me, how about we impose some restrictions on myself? In this match, I'll only use my non-dominant side."

...Sonna ni mo sessou ga kowai to iu no nara, kono mi ni seiyaku o kasou dewa nai ka. Kochira wa kono shoubu, kesshite kikiude dewa nai soba shika tsukawan.

That's what was told to him before the match.

Using only the non-dominant side. Not just the arm but also the leg, which Yuuto had taken to mean in a simpler sense of just sealing the dominant arm. However, in reality, it was different. Phantony had indeed fought without using his right arm and right leg. While his right foot touched the ground, it was merely there, not even carrying his weight. In other words, this man had been capable of incredible speed and movement using only the bending and stretching of his left leg. Despite this seemingly superhuman ability, it brought no comfort. The fact remained that Yuuto had been overpowered by an opponent who used only one arm and one leg, regardless of how unnatural that ability was.

His spirit was broken. He couldn't even get up from his sitting position. The attempt to prove something by forcing his opponent to use his right leg resulted in this. What did it matter if he used his right leg that was supposed to be restricted as a handicap? The fact that he was dominated by an opponent who didn't do the simplest things like walking or standing on both legs was what weighed him down the most.

"Hm. Leaving that aside, given your performance in this battle, the fact that the hero summoning hasn't been publicly disclosed might have been a wise decision."

Fumu. Sore ni shite mo kono tatakai-buri kara suru to, yuusha shoukan no jijitsu. Kouhyou senan de oite, seikai deatta ka.

Yuuto, who was in the state of being a complete loser, was struck by the words of the winner who was grinding his jaw.

"What do you mean...?"

Dou iu, imi da yo?

There was no strength left in Yuuto's voice as he weakly questioned. His tone lacked any resistance, and he seemed on the verge of breaking down, with a feeble and fragile sound in his words.

"Oh, havent you heard it from Irmaella-dono? The hero summoning is a major event that could shake the world. Despite signs of the Demon King's resurrection, conducting it unilaterally without informing neighboring countries could cause diplomatic issues. That's why there was a plan to focus on training you for a while, and only announce the existence of the hero once the impending crisis to humanity becomes widely known"

Aa, Irumaerra-dono kara wa kiite ora renu no ka? Somo, yuusha shoukan wa sekai o yurugasu ichidaiji. Maou fukkatsu no choukou ari to iedo, Omunia dokudan de okonatte wa shuuhen shokoku ni sashisawari mo arou. Yue ni shibaraku no aida wa, onmi o kitaeru koto ni sennen shi, jinrui no kiki ga shuuchi to natte kara yuusha no sonzai o kouhyou suru keikaku datta no dearu ga

And then came the final blow.

"If the world were to know that this is the ability of the summoned hero, there would be a great uproar."

Kore ga shoukan sareta yuusha no jitsuryoku ka to sejin ni shirarereba, sekaijuu ga oosawagi dearou yo.



He shook off Ilmaella's attempts to comfort him and turned his back on both of them before sprinting away.

He couldn't bear it any longer. He had been abruptly brought to this world, burdened with a role he never asked for, and had rebelled against it only to be met with a crushing defeat. He felt utterly miserable, to the point where he didn't want to live.

He longed to return to Japan. But to do that, he needed to confront and defeat the Demon King. He couldn't even win against one of the people who had summoned him. In other words, Yuuto realized that he was trapped in this world, with no way to return home.

As the bitter taste of humiliation and the sourness of despair contorted his face, the boy fled from the training grounds.


"Haah... haah..."

How far had he run? He had somehow found himself in an unfamiliar section of the cathedral. The cathedral was vast, and for him, who had only been here for a short time, unfamiliar places outnumbered familiar ones.

(Having lost my composure, suffered defeat, ran away... and now I'm lost, huh. Hahah)

(Kirete, makete, nigete omake ni maigo ka yo. Hahah)

In return for his feelings of shame, a dry laugh escaped from his lips. It was only his voice that was dry. Tears streamed from his eyes, and the sound of his sniffles echoed constantly.

"samaaa! Yuuto-samaaa!"

From behind, he could hear Irmaellas voice calling his name, most likely she chased after him. However, he didn't want to face her right now. He didn't want to show her his tear-streaked face. His shattered pride stung. Above all, she was the one who had summoned him to this world. He knew she had a kind nature, but given his current emotional turmoil, he didn't know what he might say.

With those thoughts in mind, he hid himself in the shadow of one of the columns lining the hallway.

"Yuuto-samaaa! Where are youuu? Uuh, I thought he went this way, though."

Yuuto-samaaa! Doko desu kaaa!? Uu, kochira no hou e irashite ita to omotta no desu keredo.

As he peeked from the shadows of the column, he saw Ilmaera drooping her shoulders in disappointment. His heart ached. Yesterday, her face had radiated with joy at the success of the summoning, and he had inadvertently clouded that expression. When was the last time someone had placed such expectations on him? While he felt a sense of inconvenience, betraying the trust she had placed in him weighed heavily on his heart. Furthermore, he felt a sense of guilt for hiding from her.

At that time,

"...You're being quite noisy, Irmaella."

...Sawagashii na, Irumaerra.

A voice, somewhat irritating, echoed through the corridor. The owner of the voice approached from the other end of the hallway, deliberately making the marble floor clack with each step. Yuuto stealthily peered in that direction, and involuntarily, his mouth fell open. The man who was walking towards him was dressed in a flashy and ostentatious attire, as if he had adorned himself with gemstones for clothing. He didn't seem like a high-ranking priest, in the exact opposite sense from the big bear-like man from earlier. Only the decorative sash around his neckformally known as a Stolais the same as Phantony's. That means he is probably in the same position as that person.

"If you continue with your thoughtless behavior, it will eventually tarnish my reputation as well, you know? Hmm?"

Omae ga tsutsushimi ni kaketa furumai o sureba, sono akuhyou wa meguri megutte watashi ni made oyobu no da zo? Nn?

Irmaella who was called out stiffened her shoulders.


O, otou-sama

(By Father she meant Irmas? This guy...? Huuh!?))

(Otou-sama, tte Iruma no? Koitsu ga? Ee!?)

Yuuto prevented his voice from escaping by covering his mouth with his hand. On one side was Irmaella, a girl who seemed like she was made of words like pure and lovely, almost unreal in her beauty. On the other side was a man who, despite his flashy attire, left a plain and sinister impression, with nothing particularly memorable about him except for his gaudy clothing. Surprisingly, they didn't resemble each other much for a father and child.

The man known as Irmaella's father directed a persistently clingy voice toward his timid and downcast daughter, to the extent that you could almost hear the onomatopoeia "nechinechi" in his voice.

"By the way, where did the hero go? I heard that he was scheduled to meet with the Holy Knights Commander around now, though..."

Tokoro de, Yuusha-dono wa dochira e mukawareta no dearu ka na? Yotei dewa imagoro, ano seikishi danchou to menkai shite iru to kiita nodaga

"Thats, you see..."

Sore wa, sono

"Your response is rather hesitant. Answer firmly. Isn't this your father's question? Hmm? Gratitude to one's ancestors and filial piety towards one's parents are also duties of the followers of the Holy King's faith, you know? Well, judging from your reaction, it seems like things didn't go well, did they? Kukuku."

Hagire ga warui zo, shikkari kotae yo. Kono chichi no toi dewa nai ka. Nn? Fuso e no kansha to oya e no chuukou mo, seiou kyouto no gimu dearu zo? Maa, sono hannou kara suru to, dou ni mo fushubi deatta to mieru ga naa. Kukuku.

A voice that was unmistakably full of amusement.

"Listen, Irmaella. It was the Callandra family who led and achieved the hero summoning. Absolutely, without a doubt, not the Holy Knights led by that sweaty barbarian! I suppose you also understand the significance of this achievement?"

Yoi ka, Irumaerra yo. Yuusha shoukan o shudou shi nashitogeta no wa, warera Karandora-ke da. Danjite, sou danjite, ano asekusai yaban-jin ni hikiirareta seikishidan nado dewa nai! Kono kouseki no juudai-sa wa, omae ni mo wakatte orou?

"...Of course, Father. To call forth the hero and assist in their sacred duty is an honor for the followers of the Holy King's faith."

...Mochiron desu, otou-sama. Yuusha-sama o o-yobi matsuri, sono seimu ni chikarazoe suru wa, seiou kyouto no homare desu.

"That's right, that's right! Therefore, we don't want any unnecessary interference in the Demon King's subjugation. We, who have been involved in this matter from the beginning, must shield the hero from irrelevant distractions and ensure that his sacredness remains untarnished. As the saint who conducted the summoning and entered into a contract, your role is to serve as a supporting character to that person from another world. Stick by his side and protect him, understand?"

Sou darou tomo, sou darou tomo! Yue ni, maou toubatsu ni yokei na sashideguchi ga hasamareru no wa konomashikunai to iu mono. Koto no hatsugi kara kan'yo shite iru ware ware koso ga, yuusha-dono o iranu zatsuon kara saegiri, sono seisei o otoshimeru koto no nai you ni seneba naran Omae wa shoukan o toriokonai keiyaku o kawashita seijo to shite, ano isekai-jin no wakiyaku o tsutomeru no ga yakume. Shikkari to haritsuite, o-mamori o shite yare yo?

Listening to this conversation made his stomach feel sick. The vulgar manner of speech, far from what one would expect from a clergyman, made his ears feel tainted. Above all, what bothered him most was that the reason he had been summoned to this other world was rooted in the base and selfish ambition of a man who shamelessly sang praises to himself.

(What the hell is that...)

(Nandayo, sore)

With just the sound of a voice and an outstretched hand, he had been summoned to another world, burdened with the role of a hero. He was subjected to torment under the guise of testing his strength. And now, on top of it all, is this. He was nothing more than a pawn in the power games of corrupt politicians, given the title of a hero.

(Whats a hero? What...!)

(Nani ga yuusha da. Nani ga!)

*TL Note: Help I dont know how to best express the above sentence in english T^T Like I know the meaning but struggling to translate it.

He engraved the curses he had repeated countless times throughout the day into his heart once again.

Callandra continued in a good mood, unaware that he was earning disappointment and scorn from the hero in question.

"Yes, yes. I wouldnt mind if you go all the way as well, you know? It may sound unsavory for a priestess to engage in premarital relations, but after all, the partner is none other than the honorable and graaateful Hero-dono. If it leads to raising a virtuous child, who can strongly object? It could also serve as a bond between our families, and you've admired the fairytale hero since you were a child, haven't you?"

Sou sou. Nandattara, yukitsuku tokoro made itte shimatte mo kamawan zo? Seishoku-sha ga konzen koushou to iu no wa kikoe ga warui ga, aite wa nanise, homare takaku arigataaai Yuusha-dono da. Toku no takai ko o naseru to araba, shuui mo sou tsuyoku wa iemai. Touke to no kasugai ni mo narou shi, omae mo chiisai koro kara otogi banashi no Yuusha-sama ni, taisou akogareteita dewa nai ka

That's enough. Stop it. Yuuto sat down weakly, hugging his knees in the shadow of a pillar, and closed his eyes, blocking his ears.

...Because of that, he missed it. The sight of the daughter tightly clutching the hem of her nun's robe and enduring her father's unbearable nonsense. When she weakly said,

"Please, stop..."

Mou, yamete kudasai

and the pained expression she had.

How much time had passed? Sometime without notice, the despicable man named Callandra had left. In the corridor, only the girl standing in the middle and the boy hiding behind the pillar remained.

Eventually, the boy slowly stood up and walked out into the corridor.

"Ah! Yuuto-sama, so you were here!"

Ah! Yuuto-sama, kochira ni oide deshita no desu ne!

Irmaella's expression suddenly brightened. Yuuto couldn't help but find it insincere, and he had a negative impression of it. Now, her face appeared to him as nothing more than a scheming one hiding different emotions behind her smile.

His insight was only partially accurate. However, he didn't understand what emotions she was concealing behind her smile.

"...I heard the conversation, Irmaella."

...Hanashi wa kiiteita yo, Irumaerra.



The girl's face showed a bewildered expression in response to the boy's words. It wasn't clear whether it was because she had been asked about a topic she didn't want to discuss or because the affectionate nickname she hoped he would use hadn't been used.

"For the sake of your family's honor, so that old man Phantony doesn't lay a hand on me... Haha, I can laugh at myself. Of course, it's like that, isn't it? A girl I just met yesterday wouldn't be kind to someone like me without any ulterior motives."

Ie no meiyo no tame, Fantni no ossan ni tedashi sarenai tame haha, jibun de jibun ga waraeru yo. Sorya sou da yo na. Kinoukyou atta bakari no onna no ko ga ore nanka ni, nan no kangae mo nashi ni yasashiku shite kureru hazu nante nai ka.

A chuckle with a tinge of bitterness welled up from the depths of his heart. Looking back, he had entertained quite a naive idea. Being summoned to another world as a hero and getting all the attention from a beautiful girl just for that? What a clichd and dreamy scenario. If he had seen something like that back in Japan, he would have scoffed at it as a childish fantasy devoid of reality. Above all, what made him laugh was the fact that he himself was even more gullible than a child, falling for such a trick.

As the boy wore a self-deprecating smile, the girl trembled and gasped, struggling to find her words.

"N-no, it's not like that... I'm not, I'm not like that"

Chi, chigaimasu sonna, watashi wa, watashi wa sonna

"Then why did you summon me!?"

Jaa, nande ore o yobidashita nda yo!?

With a loud thud, Irmaella's body was slammed against the pillar. His hand still gripping her collar, he realized with a vague sense of detachment that it was his own hand. He thought to himself that he must have lost control due to his anger. It felt like his body was moving on its own due to intense rage, as if his consciousness had split between reason and impulse. In the midst of all this, Yuuto listened to the insults spewing from his own mouth.

"I! am just a high school student! A Japanese! I've never even fought before! I don't have any reason to fight for you people from another world! You summoned me for your own convenience, and if I'm weak, you look down on me...! Just who do you think you are, Irmaella?! Huuh!?"

Ore wa! Tada no koukousei de, nihon-jin de! Tatakai nante shita koto mo nai nda yo! Omaera isekai-jin no tame ni tatakatte yaru riyuu mo da! Sore o kattena tsugou de yobidashite, yowakattara mikudashite! Naa, omae wa nani-sama no tsumoridatta nda Irumaerra? Aan!?

"Ah, uh..."

A, u

"Hahaha, there was no need to ask, right? Your dad is a big shot in this religion, and you're literally a saint, aren't you!? You dont care in the slightest about a commoner from a completely different world, right!!? Isn't that right, huuh?! ...Say something!!"

Hahaha, kiku made mo nakatta yo na? Omae no oyaji wa koko no shuukyou no o-erai-san de, go-honnin wa seijo-sama da mon na!? Moji doori ni chigau sekai no shomin no kotonan za, shitta kocchanakattan daro!! Sou nan daro, ee!? Nan toka ie yo!!

I'm such an idiot, he thought as if it's someone else's problem. Even if she was told to say something, her throat was being constricted, and she was being pushed against the pillar. She couldn't even breathe, let alone speak. Nevertheless, this seemed like what they called a surge of adrenaline. His brain's limiters had been removed due to the excitement. Even though she was a slender girl, it was unbelievable that he was lifting a person with his own strength. It would have been nice if this had happened when he was fighting that Phantony guy...

While his thoughts continued to escape from reality, his body kept tormenting the girl in front of him. He might even end up killing her like this. At the moment he thought that,


Something came flying from the side and struck his face, causing Yuuto to tumble to the floor.


"Cough cough, cough!"

Kaha keho, keho!

As he heard his own silly screams and the coughing voice of the released Irmaella, he whipped his aching body to get up.

In the corridor, someone new had appeared unnoticed. A tall, beautiful woman with a long, blonde ponytail. Judging from her facial features and body, she appeared to be in her mid-twenties, an adult woman, but her expression was so youthful. This person had expertly frozen in place in a posture where she had raised her long legs and swung a high kick. It seemed that this woman had kicked Yuuto in the face and came to Irmaella's rescue.

Facing the dumbfounded boy and girl, the woman, who had suddenly appeared, finally lowered her kicking leg and spoke with a bemused expression.

"Hmm, who would have thought I'd witness a female priestess and young male having a lover's spat in the Grand Cathedral's hallway... Omnia has certainly come a long way in recent times."

Uumu, yomoya dai-seidou no rouka de onna shisai ga wakai otoko to chiwagenka to wa saikin no Omunia wa zuibun to susunde iru no da na.

Her words were strangely detached, as if the poisonous atmosphere had been removed.

(One thing after another... What is it now?)

(Tsugi kara tsugi e to nan nanda yo, kondo wa?)

Yuuto sent a cautious gaze while feeling his cheek swelling. In response, the mysterious blonde woman smiled with an amused expression.


Let's go back in time by about ten minutes.

After Yuuto and Irmaella, who was chasing him, left the training ground, Phantony stood there for a while, gazing in the direction they had gone. Eventually, he let out a deep sigh and released the sword he held in his hand.

"...Seriously, I didn't want the people from another nation to know about that."

...Hontou ni, takoku no mono ni wa shiraretaku nakatta na, Are wa.


With a heavy sound that resonated in the abdomen, the sword plunged into the ground.

Actually, he handicapped himself by wielding a heavier weapon, apart from the constraints he mentioned Its not like that. As mentioned multiple times, the Holy Knights Order of Omnia were an elite group selected from knights of various countries on the continent. They were a gathering of the finest knights among knights. Naturally, their training was extremely rigorous. For example, during training, they used practice swords that were heavier and more unwieldy than those used in actual combat.

Of course, since the same training ground was shared by everyone, the sword Yuuto held was of the same type as the one Phantony used. A heavy sword that made even those who were eagerly starting their first training as aspiring Holy Knights stumble due to its excessive weight

And without knowing that, Erimiya Yuuto had picked up that sword and fought with it, even going so far as to describe its weight as "light and unreliable."

"The power of a hero, huh?"

Yuusha no chikara, ka.

There was a hint of awe in the mutterings of the Holy Knights Commander, the symbol of the Omnia Empire's military power.

The terror of that young man went beyond the unconsciously demonstrated physical strength. During the match, he followed the numerous pieces of advice sent by Phantony, reluctantly but effectively improving the power and precision of each of his attacks. But still, where in the world can one find someone who can learn and master techniques relying solely on advice, without any examples, repetition, or even in the midst of combat?

Humans used the recycled term to describe such individualsgeniuses.

Whether he was summoned as a hero due to his talent or was granted it by the heavens upon being summoned as a hero, either way, the thought of him growing and accumulating power was terrifying.

He couldn't help but think how fortunate it was that they hadn't publicly announced the summoning of a hero. The situation on the continent was like a powder keg placed next to an oil barrel. Arquell's expansion, St. Gallen seeking revenge, and Morbaehr quietly watching for opportunities between the two... In such circumstances, how many countries would have taken Omnia's warning of the return of the Demon King seriously?

Moreover, what would have happened if they had publicly disclosed that they possessed a human weapon called a hero? Arquell would have likely tried to incorporate him into their camp using alliances as a shield, and St. Gallen would have also attempted to seize him under the pretext of the threat of monsters. Morbaehr? Those people were truly unpredictable. He was confident they would have done nothing good with a well-oiled tongue serving as a spark.

Amidst such individuals, Phantony wasn't auspicious enough to believe that humanity could have united across borders and fought against the threat of demons. First of all, even in Omnia, political divisions had carved rifts in society like chasms.

It had been a headache. And unfortunately, the source of the headache hadn't been just the handling of the hero.

"...By the way, do you not find it inappropriate to be peeping around?"

...Tokoro de kikou. Nozoki mi nado shite, hashitanai to wa omowarenu no ka?

Sharp eyes were directed towards a section of the wall surrounding the training ground. There, a woman was perched on the edge of the wall, using it as a vantage point, with the blue sky behind her.

"Hmm, it seems there are many elderly gentlemen around me who say such things. Just when I thought one disappeared last year, it has increased by another this year."

Fuumu, dou ni mo watashi no shuui ni wa, sono you ni ossharu nenpai no kata ga ookute komaru. Kyonen ni hitori hetta to omoiki ya, kotoshi mata hitori fuete shimau to wa na.

She said while landing gracefully on the ground. She was Elisha Rosmond Balbastre, a candidate for the position of Holy Knight recommended by the Arquell Kingdom, a woman who excelled like no other in practical skills but was, at the same time, an unprecedented underachiever in academic pursuits.

Phantony approached her with long strides and looked at her with an even more stern gaze.

"Lady Balbastre, about that boy"

Barubasutoru-kyou, ano shounen ni tsuite no koto daga

"No, no, I was merely observing. I couldn't hear what His Eminence was discussing at all."

Iya iya, watashi wa tada miteita dake. Geika-ra ga nani o hanashite orareta ka made wa, ikkou ni kikoemasenan da na.

With that, Elisha let her gaze wander upwards at an angle.

It's a lie, huh. He instinctively felt. It was the same reaction as when she had stumbled in her response during training. Behind that gesture was probably a reluctance to answer straightforwardly. The magic she excelled at was water and wind, and she should have been able to pick up distant conversations by capturing the vibrations in the air. She should have already heard about Omnia's secret of summoning a hero.

However, he decided not to pursue that point in this situation.

"Very well. Then, from here on, It'll be just me talking to myself."

Yoroshii. Dewa, koko kara saki wa hitorigoto da.



Elisha replied, her demeanor shifting from aloof to a more submissive posture. She kneeled gracefully and lowered her head, adopting an attitude of listening to what he had to say. He acknowledged this with a glance but turned his face away. From this point on, what he was about to reveal was meant to be a monologue. The person beside him assumed a respectful posture to listen to the content, but it was not his concern.

"Lord Yuuto Erimiyathat boy is currently in the midst of anger, frustration, and bewilderment. He was brought to this country against his will, burdened with a great responsibility, and after rebelling, he was subdued. His distrust of the Omnian upper echelons must be quite substantial."

Yuuto Erimiya-kyouano shounen wa ima, ikari to zasetsu-kan, soshite touwaku no tadanaka ni aru no darou. Nozomazu shite kono kuni ni manekareta ageku, tainin o oshitsukerare, hanpatsu shita ageku ni tataki fuserareta tokoro na no dakara na. Omunia jousou-bu e no fushin-kan wa, soutou na mono dearou yo.

"I see, I see."

Fumu fumu.

For some reason, came a response, but even so, it was just his monologue.

"In those times, how comforting it would be to have someone to vent those negative emotions to or share them with, I wonder? Oh, speaking of which, there was someone with talent but no recognition in academics, a foreigner in the Omnian Holy Knights Order who was treated poorly, if I recall."

Sono you na toki, akkanjou o hakidasu aite ya kyouyuu dekiru mono ga oreba, dore dake ki ga yasumaru no dearou na? Otto, sou ieba dearu ga, jitsuryoku koso aru ga gakugyou-men ga hyouka sarezu, Omunia no seikishi-dan de hiyameshi o kuwa sarete iru takoku-jin ga dokoka ni ita you na oboe ga.

"Yes, indeed. With someone like that, the hero... cough, that young man might be more open to confiding."

Sou desu na. Kayou na jinbutsu deareba yuusha gohon, ano shounen mo kokoro o hiraki yasui no dewa to omoimasu.

"I myself can't help but feel sorry for that Holy Knight candidate. It's a bit frustrating to see someone with talent struggle in areas where they're not proficient. If only they could achieve some new accomplishments, it might serve as an exception enough to remove the 'candidate' label."

Sessou to shite mo, ano sei-kishi kouho no koto wa kokorogurushiku omotte oru. Namaji saikaku ga aru dake ni, fuete na men ni ashi o torarete mogaku-sama o mite iru no wa, shoushou jirettai. Nazo tegara demo arata ni tatereba, kouho no nimonji o hazusu ni taru tokurei to naru no dearu ga.

"I see, I see. For example, guiding the lost young man and nurturing him into an admirable youth... is that it?"

Naruhodo naruhodo. Tatoeba, mayoeru shounen no kura o hiraite zendou shi, rippa na wakamono ni sodatete miseru toka desu na?

Establish contact with Yuuto, gain his trust, and personally train him. It's unofficial, but if successful, there's the prospect of an official Holy Knight position as a rewardthat's essentially the directive.

"His Eminence the Cardinal has a tough job, doesn't he? Going out of his way to play the role of the hated one."

Suukikyou-geika mo taihen desu na. Wazawaza nikumare-yaku o katte derareru to wa.

"In every era, young people grow by opposing the detestable adults... Oh, this is just the rambling of a middle-aged man."

Itsu no jidai mo, wakamono to wa nikurashii otona ni tachimukau koto de seichou shite iku mono yo Otto, kore wa chuunen otoko no hitorigoto dearu zo.

Funny how I'm doing something quite elaborate, Phantony self-mocked.

In the first place, there were inherent flaws in the method of summoning individuals from another world and appointing them as heroes to fight. In fact, there had been minor and major disputes during the past two summonings. Disregarding the lessons from the past and optimistically believing that one could simply assign a good-looking girl to them to make them obedient like Emilio Callandra, was the height of foolishness. It was evident that emotional conflicts would arise sooner or later.

So, they should use this to their advantage instead. From Phantony's perspective, the boy summoned as a hero was, despite his youth, a man. Young people with vigor and obstinacy tend to grow stronger the more you challenge them. Of course, he was well aware of the risks of breaking or distorting them. Therefore, to ensure that didn't happen, he decided to send Elisha as a mentor who would personally guide him.

(If possible, I'd like to entrust it to Irmaella-dono...)

(Dekireba, Irumaerra-dono ni makasetai tokoro na no daga)

He immediately dismissed that thought. It would be practically impossible. The young girl carried the burden of having executed the summoning, and she was still too young and inexperienced. Her charisma as a saint would only be effective on devout Holy King worshippers, and it would be difficult to guide a young man who seemed completely devoid of any religious inclination.

"However, you're asking for quite a challenging task. It seems this Holy Knight candidate only moves according to her own will. Are you sure it's alright to entrust a promising youngster to such a free-spirited individual?"

Shikashi, nakanaka ni muri nandai o ossharu. Kudan no sei-kishi kouho to yara wa onore no omou doori ni shika ugokanai to miemasu. So no you na honpou na ningen ni, shourai aru wakamono o takushite mo yoroshii no desu ka?

You're one to talk, Phantony suppressed the words that almost escaped his throat.

"Sometimes, someone a bit unconventional may be more compatible than someone overly virtuous. That's how it is with young people like him."

Kyuukutsu na hodo ni mohan-teki na deai yori, tashou wa katayaburi na hou ga uma mo au darou. Ano kurai no wakamono to wa sou iu mono da.

Especially now, he probably wanted to avoid sounding preachy or sanctimonious. That's why this woman, who could be considered a living example of a maverick, was the most suitable candidate. She was of Arquell descent, and despite her near-excommunication from the noble family, that did raise some concerns, but her temperament was far from politics. Rather than leaving her isolated and unknowingly approached by others, they should incorporate her and make her an ally.

"...Now then, it's about time for both of us to get back to work. Sometimes, you know, young men with turbulent emotions and energy to spare tend to act without thinking. Don't you think?"

...Sate, otagai shigoto ni modoru jikan dewa nai ka na. Toki ni, da. Areta seishin to tairyoku to o moteamashite iru wakai otoko to iu no wa, nani o suru ka wakaran to omowanu ka ne?

"It's a common occurrence with inexperienced recruits. They lash out at the people around them, especially women. If someone like the Empire's Saintess were to be on the receiving end, it would be quite troublesome."

Keiken no asai shinpei ni wa yoku aru koto desu na. Kangae mo nashi ni tejika na ningen, sore mo onna ni atarichirasu. Moshimo koukoku no seijo-sama nado ni, sono te ga nobitara taihen desu na.

"Lady Balbastre, as a 'responsible adult,' you must correct such behavior. This is an advice from a 'bad adult'... So hurry."

Barubasutoru-kyou. Yoi otona to shite wa, sono you na ayamachi wa tamete yaraneba narumai. Kore wa warui otona kara no chuukoku da Isoge yo.



As soon as she spoke, Elisha's presence vanished like the wind. She must have hurriedly headed towards Yuuto and the others.

Left alone, Phantony gazed up at the sky with a face filled with melancholy.

"To not have any choice but to incite the young ones, even to the point of pushing them into new schemes... Lord, you also issue sinful commands."

Wakamono-ra o, atara hakarigoto ni kakete made, takitsukeneba naran to wa Aruji yo, anata mo tsumibukai koto o o-meiji ni narareru.

He was sure that after his death, he would likely descend into hell. Despite this certainty, he let out a sigh and did nothing more.

The sky, seemingly unaware of the thoughts of those living on the ground, continued to maintain its unchanged blue hue.


To be continued...

TL Note:

As expected, a hero must be OP, huh. Its likely that Tullius will have a hard time in the future But I like his character. He feels real in my opinion. Not like the usual isekaid hero who just willingly and bravely accepts strangers requests to slay the Demon King. Very interesting.

This chapter was brought to you by my patrons, Sier, McConnaheyhey, TheHunt3r Gaming, and Viks. Thank you very much!

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