Overlord (WN)

Chapter Volume 1 96 part2

Hi Everyone! There were 298 responses and 30% of people wanted to use Archduke! So let us welcome Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown!

Massacre Part 2

Translator: Skythewood, Frostfire10

There was an encampment right in the middle of the plains.

Making a simple fence with felled trees, the tents formed a circle within. And built with other trees were three unstable looking watchtowers leaning lazily within the camp.

The well made tents were set up in the centre, and the dilapidated ones were hung on the outside. However, the number of tents seemed large enough to contain 1000 men, and the encampment was quite large.

The moon was climbing up into the sky, and many men were tired from the long march and fell into deep sleep.

Inside such a quiet encampment, one person's voice could he heard in the centre area.

There, a large fire was burning.

The crimson fire stretched to the sky, and countless sparks fell away into the darkness like stars falling to the ground. The surrounding darkness could not move close to its light.

As the fire burned, there were men waiting for the next watch.

It was not a few men, but a hundred of them. Considering the scale of the camp, this was a small number but their presence was strongly felt amongst the looming darkness. Those men talked amongst themselves as they waited for time to pass. Even if whispering, combined, they made quite the ruckus.

The sound of the camp was created by the conversation of the night watch.

Far on the outskirts the encampment where even that sound could just barely be carried by the wind. In the area between the fence and tents, three soldiers were patrolling.

The three walked with similar lanterns attached to their waist and spears in hand. Their patrol was without caution, and was extremely lacksidacial. However, that, in a way, could not be helped.

On top of this being open grasslands, and it being under the bright moonlight, there was no way that any large number of people could approach. Since there were no shadows of people or beasts, there was no reason to be on guard.

And if it were only the three of them on patrol, they might be more cautious. But they were not the only ones. If they looked around, they could immediately see the lantern light of the other groups.

Basically their night patrol was to patrol the outer rim with a team of three. It was a simple job. They were not even nervous.

They were patrolling along the fence, but they would occasionally stare at their lanterns like they were looking at a troublemaker.

The light from the moon was stronger, and the lantern light was instead creating more shadows. They would like to turn it off and walk, but should they do that, it would signal to the men in the watchtowers that there was an unusual situation. Considering that, they could not turn it off.

One of the soldiers held his spear with his knees as he adjusted his clothes, he then looked up at the starry sky.

"….Isn't it a bit cold?"

His breath did not turn white, but he felt the night steal away his warmth. The man next to him laughed.

"This is quite warm for me though."

In the place that the two were born, this would still be warm. It was a bit envious. The other man smiled at them and spoke.

"Our clothes are bad. It would be nice if we had something thicker."

"Yeah. Thicker ones would be nice."

As simple farmers, there was no way they could have armour if they were not distributed it. The best they could do for protection was thick clothing. Of course, it was questionable if there would be an effect when facing weapons, but it was better than nothing.

"I don't have thick clothing…."

At that downhearted voice, a question was asked.

"What do you do in winter. If you go out in midwinter wearing that, you're gonna die you know?"

Yes. Their village was located in the far north of the Kingdom.

Winter there would cut into one's skin. The man who said that it was cold would probably freeze to death.

"You, you had one earlier right? The patchwork one."

"….I gave that to my brother. In preparation for the harvest."

All of them fell silent and faced downwards. They could not laugh at that. It was something they could not do as farmers. They were in the same situation.

Their voices quietened, and they talked about sensitive subjects.

"….It's slowly getting harder."

"….Ah. The harvest is getting fewer and fewer. I wonder if everyone will end the harvest fine."

"That would be nice. But it's difficult. Having rotten fruits be the first thing you see after returning is the worst. I wanted to avoid that this time."

"Well, we can do nothing except say that we are dead and hide several people. If even a few men can remaining, the harvest will be much better."

"Yeah, nothing but that…. That is dangerous though…."

"Yeah it's dangerous. There's a fine. I heard such a thing happened at the village over."

"But, our current life is dangerous too. Even if we survive the war, we will starve in the village…. Do you want to die like that?"

"Really sorry. If this continues, I can't feed my family…."

"….I don't want this. I don't want war, really."

"….War can't be helped. The problem is the lack of intelligence of those pieces of shit."

"They are only thinking of squeezing us farmers and telling us to spit out taxes. Those great nobles."

As he spat on the ground, the man spoke in a hushed but forceful voice. It was smothered in hatred.

This was natural of the oppressed.

While they were unhappy that they were gathered here was war, it was for the sake of protecting their country and to quell the fires of war before it reached their village and so they could bear with it. But then tax reductions and rewards would be nice. Without those, and taking the normal amount of tax, it was natural for them to wonder why they suffered.

The three sighed in unison.

Why did they have such a life?

"Well, but, our luck might be good?"


"We are not heading to the warzone."

"We just need to capture a woman called Enri right? ….But why do we need this many people? It's just one woman right?"

"It's because they are the troops of nobles and so all of them have come right? Most aren't from any nearby villages."

"Ah yeah. I felt a few familiar faces."

"And so our luck is—"

—A sudden wind blew past. The tent flaps caught it and fluttered. The torches raised cries of anger at gust of wind that almost extinguished them.

"….What a strong wind."

Unconsciously, they looked in the direction the wind came from. Of course, wind had to form or shape. It was on reflex. Laughing at himself, the man adjusted his blown hair and spoke to his friend.

However, there was no response.

Why were they looking seriously at the other side of the fence?

On the other side of the fence was grasslands. They had looked as they walked, but there was nothing there. If there was, they would not be chatting. Then what?

As the question welled up, he looked at the end of his friends gazes. And he froze.

She probably knew that she was noticed. She raised and offered a greeting.


A woman's voice.

When did she appear in the middle of the grassland?

One village girl. She was standing not far from the wooden barricade.

Beneath the moonlight, her figure was clear.

She was certainly cute, but not a beauty. Her face would be amongst the best in a village. Her clothes were nothing special. Taken as a whole, she was a simple village girl.

If not for the place she were.

"Oi oi…."

To the farmers conscripted as soldiers, this was an impossible scene. Why would a village girl be this far from a village?

It was impossible for a village girl to be standing alone in a place where adventurers patrolled and where encounters with beasts and monsters were common.

If she were armed or had a hundred men with they, they would be worried. But she had no weapons or armour. Only simple hemp clothes, and not even a knife.

A monster?

They had such a thought. Was this not a monster in a village girl's clothing. And their question disappeared.

"Hellos. I'm Blood-Stained Enris."

A strange girl raised her hand in a wave. The words that girl—Enri said, sunk in.

The name Enri, wasn't that the name of the person they— No the nobles said to capture? Why was such a person here?

Their question changed into a sense of dread. And Enri's next words confirmed it.

"Well. Since you wanted to capture me, I came here firsts. And I don't want to be captured, so I'll smash you all to piecess."

She made a bright smile.

Due to the contrast of the bright moonlight and dark night, that smile was extremely creepy.

However, she was alone. They had one thousand men. They could win. As if making fun of those thoughts, Enri spoke.

"By the way—"

Where did they come from? Behind Enri, several hideous goblins appeared.

There were thirty of them. They wore bright red caps and iron shoes. In their hands were axes. Bathed in the moonlight, they shined a light blue.

"—I'm not alones. These are the Red Caps I asked Ainz-sama to summons."

"Enemy attack!! It's Blood-Stained Enri!!"

His friend yelled. So did the man.

"Over here!! Blood-Stained Enri and some monsteeeeers!!"

"Now, let's start with a bangs. <Blow Up Flame>."

With the sound of hitting a water balloon, the encampment brightened in an instant.

One of the watchtowers burst into flames like a giant torch. Several men fell from the top as burnt corpses.

"Over hereeeeeee!!"

As the men yelled in fear, they ran away from Enri.

On top of their desire for war being thin, being shown such a scene made them lose their remaining morale. To them, magic casters were people that wielded unfathomable power and were existences that weapons held no effect against.

How was their luck good?

Swearing at themselves, the men ran as they repeatedly cried out. All the while thinking, as long as someone came, he would be used as a shield to protect themselves.

"Blood-Stained Enri used magiiiic!!"

"Over hereeeeeee!"

As she looked at the men with a smile, but also a cold glint in her eyes, she rubbed her face a few times. Confirming that her mask was not off, she apathetically ordered the Red Caps.

"Go. Kill most of them. But leave the bodies as intact as possible. Ainz-sama wants to recover them for experiments."


Once the Red Caps responded in unison, they slowly walked towards the encampment.

"….Most of thems you know? We have to let some of them live so that they never attack Blood-Stained Enri again you knows?"

The Red Caps nodded and dashed out. Their voices were filled with bloodlust.

"….Hmm, will they really not kill everyone?"

Hearing the constant stream of screams and wails, she was worried. However, that ended a mere seven minutes later.

By that time, the encampment was soaked in blood, and ten shadows managed to limp out.

Over one thousand humans, were killed by a mere thirty monsters.

In just seven minutes.

Killing humans that were not all charging at them, but also the ones running away and trying to hide, it was like a joke. One that showed the sheer difference in ability.

"This is suitable for Blood-Stained Enris."

As she looked at the Red Caps in front of her, she whispered to herself.

The caps on their head reeked of blood. She narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

"Um nows, you will keep an eye on this place. It would be a waste if they were carried off by wild animals. I'll head backs and get some people to collect this."

Seeing that the Red Caps bowed in response, the woman dashed away. Her destination was of course, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

The woman was running on two legs at first, but beneath the moonlight, her figure slowly changed to a beast with four.

After a few seconds, a wolf dashed through the plains.

Three days later— Early morning.

About the time when the morning sun shone upon the ground.

Even in the place called the Katze Plains, the sun gave them its mercy. The Katze Plains had the scent of freshly turned earth despite having little to no plants growing.

It was also known for being a dangerous place where undead monsters came out at sundown.

In such a flat place, there was a massive eye catching building.

Surrounding it was a large and sturdy wall made of thick logs. On the other side of the wall flew countless flags. Of these, the most numerous were the flags bearing the insignia of the Baharuth Empire.

There were countless of them set up. It was natural. This was the garrison that could hold even 60,000 knights.

The Empire had mobilized 60,000 knights for this operation. The garrison could house all of them, which itself spoke volumes about the base's size.

It was not an overstatement to call it a solid castrum.

Large amounts of earth was piled together to form a strong defense that was difficult to destroy. While similar hills did exist in the plains, they were not as effective as this one. This pile of earth was the result of magic.

Even the Baharuth Empire, which had adopted a national strategy of increasing the number of their magic casters, could not complete work like this in a short time.

This pile of earth was the result of several years of the Empire's war. The result of making encampments in the same place and using magic to make earthen defenses.

The Kingdom had no answer to the creation of this castrum, simply because they had no spare manpower or resources to attack the garrison. Without using magic, it would be a large project to return the earth to normal, and attention would have to be paid to the undead that appeared.

Basically, ignoring it would be financially easier.

Three Hippogriffs flew in the skies above that massive castrum. They began with a wide aerial orbit, followed by a slow descent. Any knight would know that this was the ceremonial descent of the Royal Air Guard, troops under the Emperor's direct command.

An emissary of the Empire was about to land.

The three Hippogriffs and the ones on their backs landed in a corner of the castrum.

There, ten knights were already waiting. It was a suitable number of people considering that they were welcoming a messenger of emissary of the Empire.

One fully armoured man jumped from the back of the Hippogriff and landed as the other knights felt shock run through them.

Once he removed his helmet and revealed his handsome features, everyone immediately knew who he was. No, they would know even if he kept it on. Just by looking at his special armour.

The wind lightly tossed his blond hair, and his eyes were as blue as the sea. His mouth, which suggested an iron will, was tightly shut. He was the picture of the perfect knight.

There was no knight who did not know who this man was. More importantly, there was nobody who did not know about the full plate armor he wore. It was made of the rare metal adamantite, and further enchanted with powerful magic. There were only a few suits of armor like this in the Empire.

The wearer of this armor was one of the highest-ranking knights in the Empire.

He was one of the Empire's Four Knights, "Violent Gale" Nimble Ark Dale Anock.

"I seek your supreme commander. Do you know where he is?"

Nimble asked the arriving knight in a sharp yet refreshing tone.

"Yes. As he is busy with the preparations for today's war, I have representing General Kabein who is heading here now."

"I see. Then… has the Archduke arrived here as well?"

"Sir! No sir! The Archduke has not been sighted here."


Nimble sighed in relief. Then, another man arrived.

He was an old man whose hair was pure white, and he had a dignified air about him.

Although he was armored like all the other knights, he gave off a completely different impression from them. One could say that he looked like a noble, rather than a soldier.

One could feel that the man surrounded by several bodyguards had a certain authority to him.

"Welcome, Nimble."

The broad smile on his face made him seem even more like a noble than a knight. His voice was calm, far too out of place on a grim place like the battlefield.

"General Kabien."

Nimble responded in the approved ceremonial fashion.

Natel Inyem Sua Kabein.

He was a noble who had been overshadowed by others, but the previous Emperor had recognized him for his talents and placed him in command of the Second Legion. Although he was not possessed of martial valor as a person, he was famed for his ability to command, with rumors saying that he had never lost a battle. With him in command, the Second Legion enjoyed very high morale.

In fact, the knights accompanying Kabein were unable to hide their respect for him in every move they made.

"I am very grateful the the highest ranked commander of this expedition, the general, is willing to meet me."

The Imperial Army was divided into eight legions, and every legion's commanding officer was bestowed the title of "general". The general of the First Legion was known as the Field Marshal, and he was the commander-in-chief of the entire Imperial Army.

If the First Legion ― if the Field Marshal was not present, the general of the next legion would assume his position as the overall commanding officer. That was to say, General Kabein of the Second Legion was in command of the entire Imperial Army.

"No, no, Nimble. Dispense with the formalities. You're here on his Imperial Majesty's orders, right? You're not under my command. You need only speak to me as an equal."

Even as he said that, Nimble smiled bitterly.

The Imperial Army was loyal first to the Emperor, and then the Field Marshal. Kabein was beneath, third in line.

Then what position were the Empire's strongest Four Knights?

Considering that they were under the direct command of the Emperor, they were equivalent to a general. However, in terms of age, experience and prestige, none of them were equal to Kabein. It was very difficult for him to treat Kabein as merely an equal unless an outsider were present.

Seeing Nimble's troubled face, Kabein smiled.

"Well, did I say the impossible? Well even I would be angry if one did not take a mission seriously. Now, let's end the small talk. Nimble, why are you here today?"

"Yes, it is not an important reason. My mission is to meet with the Archduke to hand him a letter, and burn his fighting prowess into my mind."

"Ooh, the Archduke. I have a question, when will he arrive? The Kingdom has began to arrange their troops. The battle will begin soon."

The Archduke will begin the war.

That was the mission Jircniv had given him before his expedition.

There was one difficult problem.

Depending on the situation, he might have to obey the Archduke's orders.

"Well Nimble. Just who is the Archduke?"

Kabein asked the question he had on his mind.

It was not just Kabein, anyone who had some level of authority in the Empire wondered this as well.

Who was Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown?

The Empire was currently using various methods to cut away the power of the Nobles. The large portion of the finance of the current expedition was ordered to be paid by them. This was to tighten the noose around their necks.

And as if time was flowing backwards, the new and greatest position of Archduke was created for a man.

According to rumours, he was a powerful magic caster and had extreme firepower. And that even Fluder was so attracted by it that he had thrown away his position to become his disciple.

Of course, Kabein was not clear whether this was truth or lies. The only certain thing was that Fluder had left his position. And it seems that he had indeed become that man's disciple.


Nimble made no response. The knights saw that and thought that it was a state secret. However, Kabein, who had an excellent eye, saw that the silence was caused by confusion and fear.

A person who could make the Four Knights quiver in fear.

Kabein could not imagine what sort of person that would be. No, it would be easier to understand if his observations and guesses were incorrect. That the Four Knights were afraid of that man.

As Kabein was thinking such thoughts, one knight ran over.

The emblem engraved on his breastplate showed that he was of a high position within the knights. And he was running over here alone.


"What's going on? Is it an emergency?"

"Sir! A carriage flying the flag of the Archduke has arrived at the main gate. What should we do?"

The knight's eyes turned to Nimble. Kabein looked at him as well. On his part, Nimble nodded.

"Understood, let them through."

"Sir! Then… do we need to inspect the carriage?"

Nobody could enter the castrum without being cleared by the sentries. The normal procedure was to use magic to check the personnel in question, to ensure they were not intruders disguised by illusions. This was the standard procedure in the country where magic casters had become a pillar of the country.

Thus it was natural for even the Archduke to be investigated, normally. Why did this knight purposely come over to ask?

Kabein glanced to Nimble again. His reply was what he expected.

"General. The Archduke is an important person. I believe you know this, but please, let him pass without trouble, please."

"….There is no need to ask. Let the Archduke pass immediately."


The knight replied immediately. And Kabein felt relief emanate off of him. Did a carriage that could cause the knight to waver appear? Kabein could not stop his curiosity to see such a terrifying thing.

And his curiosity of the Archduke that demanded such treatment only grew.

An amazing carriage slowly moved towards Kabein as if being guided. And without looking away, Nimble spoke.

"Everyone, please present arms."

What, Kabein's expression said. According to the law, the Archduke may be of a higher position. And depending on the situation, he may have to listen to the Archduke’s orders.

And that was why if he was included in the army with his current position, the chain of command would be disrupted. That was why it was rare to present arms on the battlefield. Should they see their commander present arms, they would be under the impression that that person was higher in rank.

That was the tacit understanding in war.

And besides that, he was ordered to present arms, a right that was reserved only for the Emperor.

It was an unreasonable request, but looking at Nimble's expression and attitude, he was not doing this because he wanted to. Basically the Archduke was a man who should be treated as such. And this was probably related to the right to command the army that only the Emperor could give.

"Gentlemen, please present your arms."

Hearing Kabein's order, the conflicted knights heaved sighs of relief. If it was an order, they just had to follow it. There was no need to think. Seeing Nimble become relieved as well, Kabein removed his helm and prepared to present arms.

As everyone removed their helms, the carriage came slowly to a stop.

Kabein had only one word for the carriage in front of them, stupendous.

There was probably no other carriage like it in the Empire. It's intricate decorations stuck out in various places. It was a bit over the top, but that was the viewpoint of an ex-commoner, Kabein who had lived a plain life. If it were a noble, they would probably have different thoughts.

He could tell that the Archduke’s treasury was on another level at a glance.

The coachman was indeed strange. Kabein nodded as he saw how the knight was worried.

The coachman was completely covered in a crimson hood. His face was hidden in shadow, and while he did not even glance towards them, he gave off a strange air.

His few movements made him feel more like a golem that human.

And under the gazes of everyone, the carriage door opened and one man came out. Seeing that man, Kabein and the knights were shocked.

It was an old man.

His previous white robe was changed to a black one and several sparkling crystals hung from his neck. The waves of magic emanating from his staff splashed against Kabein and the knights' skin. His two hands each had a ring with a large gem embedded into it and his gloves shined golden.

It was impossible to mistake this man. He was the magic caster that the Empire was proud of. And yet he abdicated his position as the Head Magic Caster to become the Archduke’s disciple.

Fluder Paradyne.

The strongest magic caster that could leave his name in history.

It was true that Kabein, and some of the knights, heard about Fluder becoming the Archduke’s disciple. However, they did not think that they would meet here.

The magic caster of magic casters in the Empire that had been working for it since they were children. After he had thrown aside his job to become the Archduke’s disciple, even in the battlefield, it still felt that he out ranked all of them.

Fluder ignored the shocked Kabein and spoke towards the carriage

"Master, we have arrived."

"Ah, yes, my disciple."

A reply came from inside as a man slowly appeared.

He wore similar clothes as Fluder.

He wore a black robe, clutched a staff that was well crafted yet not gaudy, and a silver necklace. However, his face was covered in a strange mask.

The most eye catching parts were his hands.

The left gauntlet was an evil-looking thing that resembled the hand of some demonic lifeform. It seemed to be made out of some sort of ominous black metal which was covered in twisted thorns. Its fingertips were sharpened into points, and the dirty radiance surrounding it seemed vaguely metallic, but resembled some sort of strange secretion. Just a single look filled all who saw it with a distasteful feeling, like their very souls were rejecting it.

In contrast, the right gauntlet looked like the pure, immaculate hand of a maiden. It was white in color and its slender proportions were covered in elaborate gold embroidery, which further emphasized its exquisite beauty. It drew the eye like bees to honey, and just like seeing a world-class beauty, the onlookers felt like they might lose their souls to it.

Kabein immediately understood. Not with his heart, but with his soul.

That this was the magic caster the Emperor was wary of.

That this man required the utmost respect.

The knights near him shivered as if being pierced by ice. The ones looking at him from afar made audible gulps.

The heat that accompanied the beginning of war, and its accompanying hustle and bustle all disappeared.

With just one person.

Just by one mask-wearing noble appearing, their skin felt like it would freeze over.

No matter how many wars, how many monsters or how many strong opponents one faced, they would all feel a fear like that of a child being scolded by a parent.

As everything fell silent, the sound of a ramp being placed blasted in the air. No, it was their instincts as animals that forced them to focus on every detail that made it such a loud sound.

"Is he human…."

The whispers echoed loudly in the silence.

However, all the humans present agreed with that voice that disappeared into the wind. There was no way that a human would strongly activate their primal instincts to this level.

Ainz slowly stepped onto the earth as he pushed aside his mantle. His black mantle fluttered, as if it were a pair of black wings.

"W, wel, welcome, Archduke."

Nimble kneeled and bowed his head. His voice wavered, clearly in fear.

Yes. One of the Empire's strongest, the Four Knights, was quivering in fear. However, no one thought it was strange. They were doing the same thing after all.

The Archduke.

The man sitting the position that did not exist until now.

A great magic caster whose power made even Fluder submit.

Everyone here understood this from the bottom of their hearts and souls.

"….Everyone, present arms."

As if pulled by the downward facing Nimble's voice, everyone quickly kneeled. Every those who were not present, and those who happened to see this, all felt a sense of panic.

As silence fell, a muffled voice rang.

"….Thank you, raise your heads."

However, no one did so.

As silence fell again, the same voice could be heard.

"Raise your heads. Or rather, I don't mind if you stand."

Everyone raised their heads and stood up at his voice. Or rather they shot up.

"I am Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown. I shall be imposing on you from now on."

Rather than an asking tone, his voice was imposing. However, everyone thought that it was natural.

As they did so, Nimble spoke.

"….Welcome to the castrum, Frontier Marquis Gown."

Ainz gazed curiously at Nimble, and asked Fluder.

"….Fluder. He is?"

"Yes. One of the Empire's strongest, the Four Knights. [Fierce Gale], Nimble Ark Dale Anock."


"Of course, in the Empire."

A dry laugh echoed out.

"Fluder. We of Nazarick are also part of the Empire."

"Oh, my apologies. Can I evaluate him based on that…. Then. He is a simple knight."

It was pitiful. However, Nimble remained silent. He did not even feel vexed.

It was natural.

After seeing the power of Nazarick and the true face of the man beneath the mask, he could not say anything. However, this was not because the heart of Fierce Gale had broken.

Would a human become frustrated if they lost to an elephant in tug of war? Would anyone be angry if they lost to a dolphin in a swimming contest?

Defeat was natural.

Nimble was silent because he accepted this.

The race called humans, could not defeat Ainz Ooal Gown."

The strongest human hero that Nimble knew, Fluder Paradyne, had thrown himself to the feet of Ainz. It was impossible for humans to defeat such an existence.

"….It would have been better if I told Jircniv. He could have put on something nicer—"


"What is it Fluder?"

"That person's armour is the best in the Empire, and there is nothing better."

"….Does Jircniv not put enough money into magic?"

"—Frontier Marquis. Shall we end it there?"

The tension raised several levels.

Excluding Ainz and Fluder, everyone's brows dampened with sweat.

I'm dead.

Kabein believed that.

He would die. But still, due to his loyalty for Jircniv, he had to make a correction.

"I understand your position, but do you not think that these words are suitable for comrades who will soon be fighting together? And His Excellency does provide enough funds. If you still think so, do you not believe that it is the fault of the one in charge until now?"

Kabein sent Fluder a gaze that transmitted his thoughts.

It was ironic. Isn't your disciple useless. If he said that much, the Archduke's anger was guaranteed. However, as long as he did something, the Archduke would become the weapon of the Emperor.

That loyalty quashed Kabein's fear.

"….Fight together?"

At Ainz's troubled words, Kabein frowned slightly.

Why was that the point he was complaining about? Why did he not say anything about Kabein's sarcasm?

"Why, do I have to fight together with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Firstly, do you know that I have permission to start off the war?"

"….I have heard that from the Emperor?"

"Then there is no need to fight together."

They did not understand each other's words.

When the two were filled with questions, Fluder spoke out.

"My master is saying this. He shall end this war with his own troops, the Empire's are not needed."

Silence fell.

Such audacious words.

The Kingdom was sending out two hundred thousand troops. How many troops would one need to face that many?

Ignoring the shocked Kabein, Nimble politely took out a letter from his breast pocket. The seal on top of the wax was that of the Emperor.

"Archduke. I have a letter from the Emperor."

Hearing that, Ainz fell to one knee.

It was an extremely natural act, and was a sight to behold.

The one shocked by the show of loyalty was Nimble. He honestly did not believe that he would see such a sight.

It was natural. Could such a powerful existence, with such powerful subordinates, truly submit himself to the Emperor? Nimble could only imagine him casually taking the letter from his hands with a tinge of disdain.

They could not believe that such a high ranking person would make such a loyal gesture so naturally.

He had heard from Baziwood that Ainz was an extremely wise person. It appeared that his etiquette was perfect as well.

Ainz asked the shaken Nimble.

"Will you not read it out?"

Nimble realised that he was stuck in his own thoughts."

"Apologies. This is a personal letter from the Emperor to the Archduke, and so I have no authority to read it."

"I would have liked you to say that earlier."

"M, my apologies!"

After Ainz had muttered his dissatisfaction, Nimble apologised.

This was indeed Nimble's fault. If one heard that the Emperor had a letter for them on the battlefield, it would not be strange for it to be taken as an important order. Then apart from extreme situations, it was expected to show one's loyalty for the Emperor.

Ainz's expression of loyalty strengthened Kabein and the knights' good impression of him. While their fear was strong, and he felt arrogant, he could show respect at appropriate times. The image of him being a splendid person was burnt into their minds.

It was the same thing as a person who normally did bad things suddenly acting nice which caused others to think that he was actually a nice person.

Ainz stood up, took the letter from Nimble and casually pocketed it without opening it. This caused Nimble to raise a cry of surprise.

"If I don't read it now?"

Ainz gazed at Nimble.

"W, what?"

"….Hmm, well, this. It's a letter from a friend, and so I shall read it slowly when I have time."

"I see. That makes sense."

Kabein added in from the side.

It was understandable as he had not come to war as a friend, but as the Archduke.

"It seems you are quite the reasonable person. Fluder? It seems I said too much earlier. I have just become a noble of the Empire. I have yet to learn about the details of the magic system within the Empire."

"N, no. I sincerely apologise for my rude words earlier."

"Hmm? Did you say anything rude?"


Such a generous person.

Kabein felt pure admiration. It meant that he had no forgotten his disciple's previous position and apologised for going overboard.

"Fluder, did he say something rude earlier?"

Fluder answered with a smile. He understood his master's intention and thus responded according to his will.

"No. Nothing at all."

"—My gratitude, Archduke."

In response, Ainz waved his hand. It was nothing. That was what he was saying.

"Hm? Hmm, well, now if you want to do that, they let's do it. Then as I want to begin preparations for war, will you mind if I call my troops over?"

"Of course, Archduke." Kabein's voice was filled with visible approval. "However, when will they be able to arrive? If more time is needed, I have to talk with the other generals after all."

Ainz tilted his head.

"….Before that, how will the war proceed?"

"It is a prearranged war with the Kingdom, and thus we have taken formation like that of a battle. This time, the generals will meet on the battlefield and make the final proclamations. Afterwards, the battle will start."

"I see…. So the final proclamations will have nothing to do with me right?"

"Yes, but if you wish for it, there will be no problems if you announce it."

"….No, that's fine. I have one role. Release the first attack on the Kingdom. Now, that is enough of my questions. In response to yours, allow me to answer, General. They will arrive now."

"What do you mean, Archduke?"

Ignoring the questioning gazes, Ainz chanted magic. It was <Message>.

"—Shalltear. Open <Gate> and call the troops over." Ainz's eyes within the mask gazed at Kabein. "Now, General. Apologies for the suddenness, but could you let my troops enter?"

Kabein made a dubious face as he felt something connect and heard a voice. This was an emergency <Message> from the magic caster located at the watchtower.

"General Kabein! Troops have been seen at the rear!"

Hearing that, Kabein looked at Ainz. He knew the answer, but he had to confirm.

"Whose troops?"

"The flag is…. The Archduke's! It was suddenly stuck out from a dark hole!"

A dark hole? A question formed in his head. However, since the Archduke’s troops were here, they could not be kept waiting outside. And the person in question had asked for permission to call for his troops, and keeping them waiting could be taken as a show of contempt.

"I see…. Then open the gates and invite them." Kabein's gaze flickered to the gate. "How many are there?"

"Ab, about three hundred."

Few. Kabein thought that. The Empire had sixty thousand, the Kingdom, two hundred thousand. This was too few.

Kabein glanced at Ainz out of the corner of his eye.

There was probably a reason why he had called for only three hundred men.

As the door was slowly opened, that thought flashed through Kabein's mind.

The door opened—

—And everything fell silent.

The excitement of war was blown out of water. A silent heavy atmosphere ruled the land. As if silence had exploded.

The only things that could be heard was the voice of something unknown and defeaning silence.

The eyes of the knights that peeked out through the slits were all staring at one thing.

That was the new noble that was often in rumours.

The troops of Ainz Ooal Gown. Their numbers were small. About three hundred. However, no one was foolish enough to laugh at them.

The troops were a strange sight.

Probably due to the contrast between black and white.

The white was a three metre long collection of human bones. Countless bones were interconnected to form the shape of a quadruped with a long neck, a dragon. And it slowly moved forward.

The black was a two metre tall knight riding on top. Their left hands held a giant tower shield that hid three quarters of their body, and their right hands held a flamberge. The black armour that covered their giant bodies were engraved in crimson patterns that resembled blood vessels.

They moved in unison without reigns, as if the knight and the dragon beneath were of one mind.

The knights knew the name of the undead that was shaped like a dragon.

This was as the knights were tasked with monster extermination within their borders.

It was important to tell the difference between an enemy that could be defeated and one that could not be, and thus knowledge of monsters was highly prized. The knights had attended lectures. Amongst the knowledge that was hammered into them, one of them was the name of this undead.

It cannot be defeated so do not engage. If this monster is seen, immediately hire the best adventurers.

That was the evaluation of the monster known as the Skeletal Dragon.

Then what were the fearful creatures riding them?

If there was one of them, the surroundings would not be this silent.

The number of the troops of the dead numbered— three hundred.

While their numbers were small, each could match a thousand men.

"This is my army, general."

Seeing the speechless figures of the knights and Kabein, Ainz enthusiastically introduced them.

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