Power and Wealth

Chapter 34

Power and WealthChapter 34 – confessing his love for Aunt Xuan!

Dong Xuebing’s apartment.


Dong Xuebing placed a pillow on the bed and let Qu Yunxuantake off her heels. She took the pillow and put it under her chin before lyingface down on the bed comfortably. Dong Xuebing also took off his slippers andkneel beside her on the bed. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders andstart his massage. “Neck is very important. You must take care of it. When youare working, you must not stay in the same position for too long. You have tomove about once in a while. Is this strength okay?”

Qu Yunxuan’s head was buried in the pillow and uttered areply: “It’s good. Thank you.”

“It’s all my fault.”

“I said it is not your fault. Ah...... That’s the aching spot.Softer.”

Dong Xuebing reduced his strength and continued to massagethat spot. “Is this okay?”

“Ah...... Okay......”

Dong Xuebing was organizing his words in his mind on how toconfess to Qu Yunxuan while massaging. At the same time, his eyes werewondering about Qu Yunxuan’s body. Qu Yunxuan was facing down and will not knowwhere he was looking. So, Dong Xuebing looked at the back of her ears, neck,back, waist, bums, legs....... Qu Yunxuan does not only look beautiful from thefront. Even her back view was pretty.

“Are you tired? Do you want to rest?”

“I’m fine. I will massage your back too.”

“It’s fine. You should be tired from working all day. Youshould rest early.”

“It’s fine. The muscles in your neck and back are linked. Iwill have you relax your back muscle.” Dong Xuebing was memorized by herbeautiful back and does not want to stop touching her. He enjoys the feeling ofrubbing her back. He slowly moved his hands from her shoulders to her back.

Qu Yunxuan was also enjoying the massage. She was makingsome sounds from the relaxing massage.

Dong Xuebing could not control himself and suddenly said:“Aunt Xuan....... I love you.”

Ah.... I finally said it.

Qu Yunxuan’s body stiffed and did not say a word.

Dong Xuebing could not see her facial expression. Hecontinued: “A few years ago when my mum and I shifted here, I had secretlyadmired you. It’s true. I...... I am not good with words and don’t know how toexpress my feelings well. I just want you to know that I really, really, likeyou. Aunt Xuan....... Errrrr...... Can you be my girlfriend?”

Qu Yunxuan continued to keep quiet.

The silence was torture to Dong Xuebing. His face was allred.

After a while, Qu Yunxuann sat up and looked at him. “XiaoBing, I’m sorry. I always see you as my younger brother.”

Damn. Rejected. Dong Xuebing felt disappointed. But he knewhis place and was already prepared to be rejected. It would be a miracle if QuYunxuan accepted him now. Dong Xuebing wanted to know the reason why sherejected him. “Aunt Xuan, don’t use brother as an excuse to reject me. I reallywant to know what I am lacking. Is it my looks? Ok. I do not look good enoughto be with you......” Penniless and no good looks. These were the things thatcaused Dong Xuebing’s lack of self-esteem.

Qu Yunxuan interrupted him. “I am not that shallow. It isnot about your looks.”

“No?” Dong Xuebing asked. “Then what is it?”

Qu Yunxuan did not look at him and faced the direction ofthe window. She said apologetically: “I only feel that you are not my type. Howshould I put it? Looks are given by God. No one can do anything with it. Butyou can make up the lack of looks with other things. Maybe it’s our thinking. Iknow these are some of your habits. But I can only accept clean and tidy men. Icannot accept men with long fingernails. My boyfriend must be cleanly shaved,and his hair must be tidy. It is now about his looks.”

In the past, Dong Xuebing had given up on himself. He didnot take care of himself and did not cut his nails, shave or combed his hair.

Damn. Points were deducted from all these minor details?



The scene changed.

Qu Yunxuan face was in front of him with a confusedexpression. “What?”

Dong Xuebing battered his eyes and asked. “Errr.... What was Isaying?”

“I don’t know.” Qu Yunxuan replied. “You just called myname. What do you want to tell me?”

Dong Xuebing was relieved. He immediately smiled: “Nothing...I only want to ask if I am pressing too hard.” Lucky. A bit more, it will bemore than 1 minute.

“Hahaha, it is just right. Our Xiao Bing is also good atmassage.”

Dong Xuebing wanted to massage Qu Yunxuan a while more. Buthe saw his fingernails on her back, and he instinctively retracts his hands.“That’s all for now. You have some water and rest for a while. We will continuelater. I will go and take a shower first.”

Qu Yunxuan laughed at him. “Go. Oh, wear that suit for me tosee.”


Dong Xuebing rushed out of the room with one hand coveringthe stubbles. He took the newly bought suit and went into the bathroom. Heswitched on the lights, closed the door and grabbed his shaver to shave. Hethen uses a nail clipper to cut all his nails short before taking a quickshower. He combed and used a hairdryer to style his hair neatly.

Ok. All done.

Dong Xuebing looked at himself in the mirror. He had a cleanand tidy look. He walked out of the bathroom after changing into his suit.

Qu Yunxuan was playing with her iPhone 4 again in the livingroom. “Why did you change in the bathroom? I came out of the room was for youto change in there...... Eh?” She paused when she saw Dong Xuebing. She wassurprised. “When did you shave? Your hair......” She did not notice Dong Xuebing’ssuit first. Instead, she noticed his stubbles and hair. So, it’s true. Shelikes men who look clean and tidy. She was not lying just now. It was all thesesmall details that will attract her.

Dong Xuebing was overjoyed. “My shaver was spoilt and can’tshave properly. It is the same for my hairdryer and nail clippers. I had boughtnew ones when I got my salary. In the future, I will not be so untidy. I can’tstand being so untidy. I like to look clean and tidy.” He lifted both his handsand showed his clean nails.

Qu Yunxuan nodded and stepped forward to straighten hiscollar. “I still thought you don’t like to cut your nails and shave. So, it wasbecause your shaver and nail clippers are spoilt. You look so much betternow....” Qu Yunxuan looked at him from head to toes and smiled. “Handsome......”

Hahaha, I had successfully left a good impression with AuntXuan!

Dong Xuanbing was thinking of confessing to Aunt Xuan again.

He hopes he will succeed the next time.

Translator’snotes: It’s a waste for him to use his powers to find out what Aunt Xuan likes.He is wasting his power on stupid things.

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