Power and Wealth

Chapter 78

Power and WealthChapter 78 – Holding Aunt Xuan’s hand

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“Come, let’s have a toast for Xiao Bing’s promotion.”

“Ok. Thank you.”

“Hurry up and eat. Try my braised pork belly.”

“Wow...... it’s hot and delicious.”

“Eat more. Have some fish too.”

Dong Xuebing let out a loud burp after dinner and sat at thesofa with Aunt Xuan to watch the news. In the past, Dong Xuebing seldom watchTV. It was because there were no TV in his university hostel and his family waspoor. Whenever he has free time, he will be working part-time to make endsmeet. He does not have the time to think of the current affairs. But now, DongXuebing was a leader, and he changed. He needs to take note of the currentaffairs as this will be useful for his future prospect.

On TV, the Central Government officials were talking abouthousing reforms.

Qu Yunxuan laughed and teased Dong Xuebing. “Our Xiao Bingis interested in news now?”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “I need to work hard for my future.”

“My advice to you is not to aim too high.” Qu Yunxuancrossed her legs. But she remembered she was wearing a short slip dress and shequickly closed her legs and playfully pinched Dong Xuebing’s nose. “You must belucky to get promoted, and you must cherish this opportunity. You must secureyour position first and don’t think of climbing up too soon. Your foundations aretoo week and lack the experience. Take one step at a time.”

Dong Xuebing slowly nodded. “I know. I will try not to makeany mistakes first.”

“That’s right. It is not easy to be a leader. You have totake care of your relationships with others.”

The news ended, and after the advertisements, it was theweather report.

While watching the weather report, Qu Yunxuan was rubbingher the back of her neck. “It will be cold tomorrow? Remember to wear moreclothes tomorrow.”

Dong Xuebing acknowledged and looked at Qu Yunxuan’s neckcuriously. “Are you having shoulder aches? Is it because of dinner just now? Isaid I will help you, but you refused.”

“It’s not about making dinner. These few days I am very busywith work and have no time to rest.”

“Here, sit straight. I will massage your shoulders.”

“Hehe, no need. I will be fine after a good night sleep.”

“We are so close, you don’t need to be so polite to me.Hurry and sit upright.”

“Ok...... Fine. After the massage can you help me do Gua Sha?”

“Ok.” Dong Xuebing had designs on Qu Yunxuan. He was not farfrom fulfilling Aunt Xuan’s dream of setting up her own company. Now, he aimedto get into Aunt Xuan’s good books, and this way, she will agree to be hisgirlfriend in the future. Dong Xuebing took out the Gua Sha oil and scrapper.He dripped a few drops of oil on Aunt Xuan’s neck and start the Gua Sha. “AuntXuan, if you have neck aches in the future, let me know. I will help you withGua Sha or massage.”

Qu Yunxuan, who was sitting upright with her head face down,smiled. “Ok. Thank you.”

“There is no need to thank me. You have been cooking anddoing the laundry for me these two months. I should be the one thanking you.”Dong Xuebing was standing behind the backrest of the sofa, looking at QuYunxuan’s fair neck. She was leaning slightly forward, and Dong Xuebing couldsee the fullness of her bosom through the opening of her dress from the top.Dong Xuebing could feel his temperature rising. His first reaction was totiptoe to try to see more of Qu Yunxuan.

“Xiao Bing, is it done?”

Dong Xuebing quickly looked away and replied. “Yes. It isvery red.”

Qu Yunxuan bunched up her hair and said. “My left shoulder isaching the most. Help me, Gua Sha, that part.”

“Ok...... Ah...... It’s all purple now. You caught a wind?”

“Maybe it’s because I forgot to close the windows last night.”

The last time when Dong Xuebing massaged Qu Yunxuan wasthrough her clothes. But this time, he was rubbing her smooth back. The feelingwas different. After Dong Xuebing performed Gua Sha on Qu Yunxuan’s neck andupper back, his hand was aching.

“You are tired? Take a break.” Qu Yunxuan grabbed his handand massaged it.

“It’s fine. Are you feeling better?”

“Yes. I can feel the knots on my neck loosen.”

Dong Xuebing knew that Qu Yunxuan’s impression of him hadincreased. It might not be a lot, but it was better than none. He knew it willtake time for her to change her impression of him. He looked at Qu Yunxuan, whowas gently massaging his hand. He could feel the warmth of her hands, and hethought to himself. ‘Is this considered holding hands? Huh? This should not beholding hands. Sighed...... when can I hold her hands?’

Dong Xuebing asked himself the same question again. DoesAunt Xuan like him?

Dong Xuebing had asked Qu Yunxuan whether if she wouldconsider dating him after she set up her own company, during his secondconfession in the hospital. Qu Yunxuan did not answer him and avoided thequestion. She should like me, but she was too shy to admit it....... But herreaction might also be she does not like me and did not want to reject me directly.......

Does she like me or not?

How does she feel about me? Could it be that she is inbetween?

Qu Yunxuan released his hand and smiled: “Ok. You watch TVby yourself. I will go and soak the beans, and we will have beans porridgetomorrow morning.”

The TV was playing the opening theme song of a drama. The melodyis gentle and sweet.

Dong Xuebing felt it was a pleasant ambiance. He blinked andmustered his courage to grab Qu Yunxuan’s hand. He wants to see if she willallow him to hold her hands. If she allows, that means she likes Dong Xuebing.But if she shies away, that means...... nothing. She might not mean anything evenif she dodged.

Half a second......

One second......

Dong Xuebing’s fingers held Qu Yunxuan tightly. He waslooking forward to her reaction.

Qu Yunxuan looked at him sternly and retracted her hand.“What are you doing? You have no respect for your elder! Are you looking for abeating?”

She hides from me!

She still does not accept me!

Dong Xuebing immediately said the magic word silently.BACK!!!


“I will go and soak the beans, and we will have beansporridge tomorrow morning.”

“Ok. Add more barley rice. I like to eat barley rice.”


Dong Xuebing!

You still need to try harder!

Translator’snotes: I have put in a link to the Gua Sha treatment below. I have not tried itbefore, but someone told me that it was effective.

Gua Sha



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