Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 108: New Ship

Chapter 108: New Ship

Astrid looked around. If Freya was correct, which she had no doubt she was. Then there must be multiple tracker blockers located around.

They were probably even following her right this moment, blocking any information channels. She tried to look for them, but it was impossible. They were either shrouded from sight entirely, or were looking from afar. Or maybe she was using another method entirely?

As Astrid gazed at the different assortment of boats, both large and small, she thought it was all rather quick.

No way Lisa and the others managed to sell the items already to buy the boat, I mean the auction is a few days away. Advanced payment, perhaps? Astrid thought.

She looked left and right, before sighing in defeat. It was too densely populated to make out where they may be.

Astrid was hoping that she would hear Brett over the clamour of fishermen, but even that must have been drowned out. It was hard to imagine that man being quiet for more than two minutes.

Then there was Rachelle, her piercing voice when she was drunk was unmatched. But she was actually quite reserved and quiet… until Brett pissed her off that was. Then all hell broke loose.

Astrid chuckled just thinking about the warm memories.

With no other way, she activated Psych Domain and launched it all around her. It spread all over the docks, but it was unable to go further than the far end of them.

She had already committed her team's figures into memory, and it helped that she was looking for a group of six. If they were all together that was.

It didn’t take long before the matter settled and her vision landed on a man that was lounging with his back against a wall.

He was within an enormous boat, far larger than the rickety, rusty old thing that Daniel and the others used to have. The man had his back against a housing shell on the boat, it went down into the middle of the boat where she assumed it was the living quarters.

He was busy fiddling with a knife out of boredom. One moment he would twirl it in the air, and the next he would be spinning the tip against the wooden ship handrails… Until another slender man told him off.

Brett and Daniel, or is it Losef? Astrid thought.

It was hard to tell as they both had similar body types, although Losef was a little larger, and taller. But the matter made it difficult to fully create an image. It wasn’t perfect, not with her current level of control, and the distance, anyway.

Astrid ran through the crowd, making sure not to bash into workers as she passed by. The last thing she wanted was to crash into a crate of fish and reek for the entire day.

Oh, I need to learn how to remove smells. That way even Bellona can’t attack me, bio warfare is assault, after all. Astrid mischievously thought.

Astrid reached the dock on the far left in a few moments and laid her eyes on the boat that she had seen from her Psych Domain. Brett and Lisa, being the most perceptive of the bunch, were already waving in her direction with smiles on their faces.

They then pointed at the boat.

Are they proud of their find? Astrid chuckled.

It was indeed a good find. Boats of high quality were hard to come by as they were a highly sought after item, with the world being flooded and all. They were often swooped up by the highest bidder. It was another reason why becoming a Seafarer or Wayfarer was a prized occupation on Rebirth.

It not only gave another life for the less fortunate, but they also provided the boats and equipment they could never afford if they were to go solo.

Astrid waved and rushed forward. Her boot struck against the moist, hard wood plank floor of the dock. It was obviously treated with something for it not to rot after such a long time. Or maybe it was made from a special type of wood, she didn’t know.

“Hey lass–”

Lisa jabbed Brett to the ribs.

“Welcome to your new vessel.” Lisa smiled.

They know who I am even with my cloak on. Well I guess they were already expecting me. Making sure there isn’t any stray eavesdropping. Lisa is always careful, unlike a certain someone. Astrid wryly shook her head at Brett.

“You don’t have to worry, I have people holding back anyone that may want to spy.” Astrid said with pride. “Have you got a name for it yet?” She climbed up and onto the boat.

It was massive, designed to travel long distances and capable of resisting against some of the harshest of waves. Armour plates were bolted securely to the hard wood of the boat that would protect against any small and medium ocean monsters. Even the keel of the boat, or ship, was reinforced by a special grade of metal just by the first glance.

It had a sizable housing area near the back of the ship, it consisted of three floors and she saw Daniel through the reinforced glass window at the top. He waved with a cheeky smile.

Not only that, but it also travelled down into the main body of the ship, where her first guess about it being the living quarters was correct.

Daniel slid open the strong window.

“We were waiting on you for that,” Daniel said as he stroked the wheel.

“Already taken over as captain I see?” Astrid joked as she clambered up and onto the ship.

Daniel laughed. “You’re more than welcome to take that position?”

“She won’t be able to tell the wheel from the anchor,” Brett joked. “I bet she’d crash our brand spanking new ship right back into Rebirth’s stalwart walls.”

“That’s a bet I’m willing to take,” Astrid said. “Besides, who said anything about steering it?”

“Oh now that’s an idea.” Brett’s eyes widened. “Hey, couldn’t you make it a flying ship?”

“I could, in theory.” Astrid looked at the ship and calculated if she was able to move it.

She didn’t want to try here for obvious reasons.

It was around twenty-five metres long and wide enough to fit two houses next to each other. It would probably make her nose bleed a lot, but she imagined she could lift it up with enough effort on her part.

And when I’m stronger, I’ll truly be able to make it fly. What a sight that would be. Astrid trembled in excitement.

Her team would be the very first to traverse the skies on a ship made for water. They would be able to beat any other team that was contesting a town against them. Especially when the waves were high past the summer period.

Even small waves were capable of slowing down a ship, although not by much. But it would lessen another staggering cost for the ships and that was the price of fuel. The science classes had figured out how to use the sea water and convert it into fuel for the ships. But it was still in its infant stage, and wasn’t powerful enough to fight against the choppy, monstrous waves of the frigid winter.

Having the fastest boat or ship was of incredible importance when intel arrived of potential hidden artefacts within towns. It often meant who was able to get into a town first and take the rewards before anyone else was able to enter.

It also reduced the risk of being robbed if a team was able to get out of there before others arrived.

But, Astrid also wanted to witness the sight the moment intel got out for all of the adventurers. Because most of them had the same information lines, they would get it all at the same time.

Hundreds of boats and ships of all different shapes and sizes would travel as fast as they could out of the harbour. All contending for a slice of the pie.

It was also where the rich and powerful just kept on obtaining more money, and more power. While those who had faulty boats, or smaller engines, would be left in the dust.

That was why many didn’t bother following the intel and would travel on their own in hopes to strike it big. However, it often resulted in loss.

Both monetary, and with their own lives.

Traversing down into random towns without proper preparation was a brutal risk for would be adventurers.

“That would be a sight to see…” Brett looked up into the sky as if he was imagining something. “What do you think Rob, do you think she could lift it up with your weight added on?”

“Mmm.” Rob grumbled as he took a step forward.

Brett flinched and moved behind Astrid.

“Rob,” Brett spat. “Do you just resort to violence?”

Rachelle scoffed as she appeared from within the living quarters. “Coming from an assassin?”

“Your whole class revolves around violence,” she continued. “Rather cheap to be saying that isn’t it?”

“At least I act like a gentleman on the outside.” Brett said.

Astrid couldn’t help but break out in laughter at the absurd comment.

“Anyway.” Brett coughed. “Where’s that maid of yours?”

“Oh.” Rachelle displayed a sly smile. “Someone has a crush on the vicious battle-maid?”

“What?” Brett scoffed, and itched his head. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m just concerned for Astrid. You know, having to do chores and that all by herself.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Astrid frowned.

Brett giggled and backed away from Astrid.

“Did I miss anything, my lady?” Leena arrived with an enormous backpack strapped securely to her back.

Astrid could only imagine how much stuff she had within that one bag. Well, it wasn’t hard to imagine, she had seen it last mission. It was probably filled with enough resources to last them both a month out at sea.

“Nothing much–”

“We were just talking about a rabid rat.” Rachelle glared at Brett.

“Oh.” Leena raised her brows. “I should have something for that.”

She slung the bag off her back as it slammed into the floor.

“It’s okay.” Astrid chuckled. “It’s gone now.”

“Ah, okay, my lady.”

Brett mumbled with his head lowered. “Why am I always getting bullied?”

Everyone couldn’t help but smile while Leena was looking at them in confusion.

“Is that it then?” Losef was wrapping rope from the palm of his hand around his elbow, creating a coil.

“No,” Astrid said, “we're still waiting for one or two more.”

“A woman?” Brett’s lowered head snapped upward.

Astrid looked back at the dock as a woman in a scarlet and gold robe approached them. As she neared the boat, she launched her pack into the boat as Rob quickly caught it.

"We heading out then?” Bellona cracked her knuckles, her glistening grin was visible under her hood.

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