Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 124: Meeting the Great No-Eyed One

Chapter 124: Meeting the Great No-Eyed One

Her floating eyes returned to her face as a sudden weakness overtook her body, but she couldn’t show it. The crazy psycho’s had surrounded her on every flank.

At her question, they all looked at each other before erupting in a cacophony of cheers and excitement.

"You are the Eye Queen!"

"Yes, the Eye Queen!"

"Rip the eyes from my sockets, my Queen!"

The screaming became more intense as one of the began smashing their skulls against the hardened tree. "Eyes, eyes, eyes." He chanted.

They are damned psychos! Astrid thought.

"Oh Astrid I have a name for you!" Pupil exclaimed in happiness.

"This isn't a good time, Pupil." Astrid twitched her brows.

"But it is! How does Psycho Eye Queen sound? Besides, I like these guys, they're awesome!"

Psycho Eye Queen… It has a nice ring to it. Astrid nodded in thought before shaking her head, no, she was getting caught up in their insane madness!

Astrid sighed. "Okay, then what is the Eye Queen?"

"The queen that pulls out eyes!"

"The Eye Queen!"

"Rip the eyes from my skull!" The man continued to bash his skull against the tree.

"Oh screw it!" Astrid snarled as her psychic mana rushed forward and pulled out the eyes from the psycho's sockets.

Blood splashed out as he let out a manic laughter. The mana within his body swirled as the power within increased.

"YESS!" He screamed and pumped his fists into the air repeatedly.

"Glory to the Eye Queen!"

"Me next!"

The shouts continued. It was clear she wasn't going to get her answers any time soon, so she attempted the opposite method.

"Alright, no eyeball pulling for anyone until I know what is going on here!" Astrid admonished them as if they were children.

The psycho's looked at each other in loss, before one of them spoke out.

"You must come back with us and talk to the Great No-Eyed One, he is our chief!"

"You must! The way he strips the flesh from the bone is a work of art!"

“He makes popsicles from blood and flesh, they are delectable!”


"Rip out my eyes!"

"Okay that’s enough!" Astrid shouted. "Lead the way."

"Yes my queen, right this way!"

Some of the psycho's turned to lead Astrid further within the jungle, while the others began chopping into the driader's bones.

Their happy screams filled the jungle as it echoed against the dense foliage.

She decided to return to their home with them. At first Astrid was concerned that they would betray her, but judging by their worship and the fact that her powers seemed to empower them somehow, she would be safe. Hopefully.

Besides, if they treated her as their Queen, then she would give them orders. The jungle was too large for her to search for her team without some help, if she relied just on herself, it would take too long to find them.

Astrid had to recruit them. Their knowledge of this land was of great use to her. It was worth the gamble. She just hoped they wouldn't try and eat her…

The trip to their home took longer than she expected. It was at least a six hour long hike with her empowering her body with matter control. The psycho's were fast, they clearly didn't believe in stealth as they screamed and shouted throughout the jungle. They were ecstatic at Astrid's arrival.

She gazed at the no eyed ones, they were even faster than the others, although clumsy. They would sprint and slam into the trees, then continued their charge once more. Although, the more they travelled, they seemed to gain an acute awareness of their surroundings.

Astrid wondered how it worked. Was it due to her power, or was it just having their eyes removed that made them stronger?

But that wouldn't make sense considering they could just remove them themselves. It looked like she had to do more experimentation. More Eyeball Pulling.

“A hound!” One of the psycho’s screamed.

A couple of them sprinted at high speed and caught the wolf-like creature by the scruff of its neck. She could see where they got the impression that it was a dog, it had dog-like ears and the face resembled one. If it wasn’t for the scorpion tail at the back. It attempted to sting the psycho’s but it seemed they had experience with the creature as they avoided it from the beast’s blind spot.

Level 98 - Vorlaki.

One of the psycho’s let out a silly laugh as he petted it. “There’s a cute houndy! Pet the cute houndy for good luck!” He shouted and snarled at the others within the group, then he looked at Astrid and bowed. His voice changed to one with a meekness to it. “My Queen, touch it for good luck! It’s fluffy!”

Astrid had to admit, it did look fluffy. It was as if it was calling her name. She waltzed forward and stroked the Vorlaki. The fur was like nothing she had ever felt before. She was half tempted to bring it back home with her.

She wanted a pet. Astrid smiled.

Well, she had to admit the psycho’s were quickly growing on her.It seemed they had a sweet side to them. Hidden somewhere deep behind the madness.

People that liked fluffy things were to be trusted.

“The Eye Queen has smiled, the graced one likes the softness!” One psycho said. “Skin it boys!”

“Yesh,” One of the psycho’s said as saliva dripped from his mouth. “Itsh a cute one. Can I rip itsh flesh from itsh bones? Drink itsh marrow and bathe in itsh blood? Oh can I Eye Queen? Please?”

Or not. Astrid sighed.

“No, we must not kill fluffy things!” Astrid shouted.

“We must not kill fluffy things!” All the psycho’s chanted at once, repeating her words as if they were the gospel.

“But I will bestow another favour!” Astrid said as she ripped out the slobbering psycho’s eyes.

Power surged within him as he screamed in delight.

After refusing to do another batch of eyeball pulling, they walked for a couple more hours until one of the Psycho’s shouted.

“We’re here, Eye Queen!”

They entered an enormous valley that had mountainous walls on each side that protected them from all flanks. Within, houses made of rock, and strong logs were built in the thousands as they sprawled all over the valley floor.

Some psycho’s were busy skinning animals, while others bashed hot metal against an anvil to create weapons and armour.

But, it was the massive opened hut that warranted Astrid’s attention. The psycho’s were all sitting in a circle. They had masks strapped to their faces and rubber tubes were connected to a hulking cauldron within the middle of the floor. A fire raged underneath as the overpowering stench of herbs wafted through the valley.

A man in the middle that was larger than the rest by a few heads and had scars etched into his body as if they were tattoos was currently adding things to the cauldron. He stirred it with a large wooden oar-like stick.

The fumes travelled from the cauldron, into the masks the psycho’s were wearing. As they ingested the smoke, their eyes turned red, and they screamed in excitement. Their arms and hands trembled as they smacked the ground. While a crystal clear sludge travelled from one of the larger tubes, and was packaged into hundreds of pointed syringes.

Drugs? Astrid thought.

There also seemed to be a hierarchy going around the drugs. With a check of Identify, the weaker ones inhaled the fumes, while the strong ones injected themselves with the clearer liquid.

So the weaker ones get the dregs, while the stronger are granted the higher quality drugs? They aren’t just psycho’s, they’re damned drugged up psycho’s… Astrid thought as the group of crazed savages brought her further within the valley.

Astrid felt all the eyes glued to her body. Thousands of them.

I better act the part. I am the Psycho Eye Queen after all. Astrid chuckled and connected to the eyes of one of the closest psycho’s and ripped out the eyes from his skull.

Then, she controlled the eyes to rotate around her.

“Glory to the Eye Queen!” The psycho’s that had taken her here screamed and shouted.

Her appearance, and actions, caused the others to kneel down in worship.

They must have a mural or something? I wonder if there are any answers here? Astrid shuddered at the thought, that must be it.

The reason they recognised her must be because their ancestors had witnessed someone of her Class before. They had probably saved the tribe, or ripped out their eyes, causing their strength to soar. The thought of another Psychokinetic like her filled her with excitement.

She waltzed forward with a hop in her step as she was taken in front of a large building just next to the deep cave. It was made of scrap sheet metals that a blacksmith had bashed with nothing but a hammer to flatten it and rock. Two towers were attached to either side as they loomed above.

A few psycho’s were standing watch. They cheered as she approached.

The cave is where they must get the metal for their buildings, then this building should be where the chief is? What did they call him again… The great no eyed one. Do I need to pay respects? Astrid thought before she shook her head. No, she was the Queen here, she had to act like it.

For good measure, she yanked the eyes from the Psycho’s up on the towers, and added them to her spiralling collection.

It didn’t feel strange to nonchalantly ripped out their eyes. But the feeling of their ellation and happiness was kind of… addicting? It was difficult to put her finger on it, it was just that she didn’t feel bad about it. It felt natural, as if she was born to do it. Like something was in her blood.

As she entered the building, the Psycho’s cheering became muffled from the mix of metal and rock walls.

Rusted sawblades and poorly done artwork seemingly painted from blood were the usual decorations within the building. Oh, and the odd skulls that were impaled into the wall with metal pins.

Oddly enough, she still preferred it over Florrie’s family manor and the other high nobles. Such over the top gaudy decorations designed to overinflate their ego was discomforting. But maybe that was because she was used to the dull and worn ornaments from her family house.

She walked by one of the rooms and glanced inside. Only to realise that it was immediately a mistake.

Two psycho’s were beating each other up until blood spilled onto the rugged carpet. The other people around them were cheering while injecting the drugs into their veins.

Once the drug took effect, their veins bulged while their screams only got more excitable.

A mad house. Astrid shook her head as the eyeballs closely orbited around her body.

Quickening her steps, she was brought into a wide hall filled with rusted metal and bones of various races that they had presumably survived against, or slaughtered. It was hard to tell with the bunch of psycho’s.

Sitting within a throne of bones was a man of considerable size. Double of Astrid’s height. He wore only a tattered loincloth with bone ornaments, and although the man had no eyes, the darkness shone from within them.

He stood up as an overwhelming strength surged toward her like a storm. The air dropped to a staggering degree and ice pulsated around him. The darkness from within his hollowed sockets turned to that of a spiralling frigid storm.

He was the chief of the Psycho’s. The Great No-Eyed One.

Was he friend or foe?

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