Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 126: The Eye-Queen

Chapter 126: The Eye-Queen

Astrid removed her control over the Great No-Eyed One’s memories, and turned her memories to the book grandly placed upon the pillar.

With her memory, she created an exact replica of the book. From the remembrance of her touch, to the dusty smell of the cover, to the blank pages.

It took her a few times to get it right, then, she finished by forging the eye on the cover with her imagination. As she gazed at the created eye, without her doing so, a black X scored itself into its pupil. It looked back at her as she felt a slight sting within her left eye.

Since her mind was strongest within Mind Domain, now was time to ask a certain someone a question.

“Pupil, what do you feel right now?” Astrid stood in front of the book, and glanced her touch across the eye.

“It feels… familiar.”

“Like you’ve been here before?”

“No... Astrid, what do you feel like when you are with your mum and dad?”

Astrid was taken aback by the question, but she replied without hesitation. There was no need to think about her answer. “Warmth, safety, love… annoyance.” Astrid smiled at the reminiscence of her parents.

Pupil’s sense of longing bore down on her mind as she touched the eye on the book. It was a strange feeling, it was the same whenever she thought of her parents.

“Do you think this Eye Queen could have fused with one of your relatives?”

“I’m not sure. But… It feels like it. I’m feeling sleepy, Astrid…”

“Go to sleep then.” Astrid shook her head.

“Mm–” Pupil’s voice cut off as he could no longer handle the mental strain.

So the other Psychokinetic class within the so-called Eye Queen could be closely related to Pupil. Astrid thought for a moment.

But for some reason, it wasn’t sitting well with her. Astrid didn’t know why, but she felt that it was an impossibility. No, the book was telling her that was the case. It was the same feeling as when she had first integrated with Pupil.

Astrid opened the book to the first page, yet still, there was nothing. Flicking through them, they were all the same.

Just what the hell am I doing wrong? Astrid flared her psychic mana and slammed her fist on the pillar.

As she did so, a very faint line of pitch black ink displayed itself on the front page. Widening her eyes, she flared her psychic mana even more as the faint outline of words appeared. However, it was still too faint.

Frowning, she cranked her mana container to the maximum as it surged to her head without remorse. She felt a dull droning pain within her mind, but she continued regardless. She wanted answers.

Without her knowing, the eye on the cover spiralled in place. The rotating X spun so fast that it was like a knife slicing into existence itself, then Astrid felt her mind slip.

She thought that her Mind Domain had cancelled, but she was wrong. Astrid gazed around at the new scenery in wonder.

The land was entirely barren, void of anything that could describe it as such. In the distance was a woman with long, rising hair. Her psychic power seemed to warp reality itself as she moved through the so-called land. Only, it was clear to Astrid this wasn’t land, but she was floating in space. Somewhere within the void of nothingness.

As the woman was moving through space without a care in the world, she suddenly glanced over in her direction.

Astrid felt as if the air within her lungs was sucked out. The woman didn’t have an appearance, or not that she could see. The only reason she knew it was a woman, was because of her outlined figure. Or perhaps the woman didn’t allow her to gain a peak, whatever it was, her face and body was completely blacked out. Only one thing was clear, the woman had no eyes.

Instead, they spiralled around her. Then, one shot toward her and stared at her own eye. The eye blinked with an X marked within. She recalled the eye back to her.

“My little other half.” She said, her voice was just like the surrounding space. Ethereal, and void of any emotions. She sounded bored. It was as if she had experienced everything life had to offer and she was merely wandering through space and time trying to find something. Anything.

“It’s not yet time for us to meet.” Within her pitch black appearance, a white grin akin to a shadow spread on her face. She raised her hands and a thousand eyes blotted out the entirety of the void.

Each one had their own characteristics. Some had lines scored throughout, some were colourful, and others shone with a primal radiance that seemed to be from the very birth of time.

Astrid felt a jolting pain within her void eye, and closed her eyes in agony.

The moment her eyes opened again, she was back in front of the book. The world returned to normal as Astrid lost feeling in her legs. Not from fear, but because the entirety of her mana container was sapped until there was nothing left. She attempted to grab hold of the pillar, but her limbs refused to listen to her orders. Her head slammed into the platform and crashed to the floor.

Along with the pain, she saw stars in her vision. Although they weren’t the grand ones she had seen within the void, rather she was just lightheaded.

“Progenitor, are you okay?” The Great No-Eyed One sprinted toward her in a panic.

Astrid placed her arm over her head. It was too bright.

The whole experience within the… book. Had opened her eyes to a lot of things. “My little other half.” It could mean many things, but she wondered if it had something to do with her Class evolution. If that was the case, only after evolving her Class would she be considered complete. Whether that was the answer or not, she didn’t know.

Then her other words, “It’s not yet time for us to meet.” That obviously meant that she wasn’t strong enough yet to read the entirety of the book. But what would happen when she was able to read it all? Did that mean she would be considered complete?

Astrid had come looking for answers, but she left with more questions. Well, with the book in hand, her answers would slowly, but gradually reveal themselves as she obtained more strength.

Astrid just hoped that it wouldn’t take long. Besides all of her questions, the woman looked–cool. Was that her limit? Wandering around the vast cosmos without a care in the world. Although, she really didn’t want to become bored.

Smirking, she groaned in pain. “Just get me a mana potion.”

Great No-Eyed One nodded and spirited away, he soon returned with a syringe with a sloshing blue liquid within.

"So, did the great Eye Queen say anything?"

Astrid had no reason to hide it and explained it all to him. He stood rooted to the spot for a moment.

Astrid didn’t even have the mental energy to use Identify, but she doubted the man wanted to harm her. His devotion was clear as day.

“Can you use it?” Astrid asked. “I don’t have the strength too–”

Before she could even ready herself, the Great No-Eyed One jabbed it into her leg. Instantly, it felt as if she had been reborn as she sat straight up.

“What is that stuff?”

The Great No-Eyed One chuckled with pride. “It is one of our greatest batches of drugs. It’s our specialty.” He placed his fists on his hips.

“Can I have more of them?” Astrid asked.

“Of course!” Great No-Eyed One said in glee. “We have a lot more where that came from. Our expertly crazed stim-makers are the absolute best within Abexar!”

“Wait, Abexar?”

“Yes, this planet, progenitor.”

“You say that as if there’s more planets?”

“Of course there is.”

“Don’t say that as if I'm stupid, Great No-Eyed One.”

“I wouldn’t do such a thing!” The Great No-Eyed One waved his hands.

“Tell me more about this world.” Astrid levitated herself back to her feet. “And the surrounding planets, for that matter.”

“This great jungle you are within is the Great Primal Avemoth’s domain; its name is Eyamos. It spans an area greater than most kingdoms within Abexar. Some say that this world was created with the Eyamos jungle in mind, although that’s mere speculation. Our records were wiped long ago.”

Astrid grabbed hold of the book, but a sudden thought entered her mind. If she took it, wouldn’t the others lose their ritual of gaining a Great No-Eyed One? She pondered for a moment, before glancing at the psycho leader.

“What would you do if I had to take this book?” Astrid said.

“Huh?” The Great No-Eyed One looked at her, then the book in worry. “You need to take it?”

Astrid explained what had happened within the domain to him, and about her words. She was expecting him to refuse, after all, it was the one reason that their people had lived long enough within this monster infested dungeon. Well, Eyamos. But his next actions took her by surprise.

He bowed his head. “If the progenitor needs it.”

“Is it really okay?” Astrid asked

“It is,” He said. “It is clear the Eye Queen wishes for you to catch up with her. You need the book to do that, yes?”

Astrid nodded. “But what about the gift of Eyeball Pulling?”

His eyes moved, whether he was smiling or not, it was difficult to tell behind the mask. “We are a damned race. We should have been wiped out long ago if not for the Eye Queen’s grace. She helped us and our ancestors survive. The fact we can see the Eye Queens progenitor in the flesh is our greatest glory. It would be a kindness to release us from the madness within.”

“Maybe there’s something I could do?” Astrid gnawed on her lip. Damning an entire race was an incredible weight to bear for her desire of strength.

“Progenitor,” The Great No-Eyed One said, his voice radiated with strength. “The Eye Queen was once, or still is, the most powerful being to ever exist within the vast cosmos. But even the strongest can make mistakes. Her greatest one was condemning us to a life of madness. Help undo her mistake.”

Astrid thought about it more. She couldn’t speak from experience of the psycho’s, but only the Great No-Eyed One was capable of holding back his inner insanity. No one else had the luxury of obtaining the so-called blessing of the Eye Queen as it was a one time use.

She dipped her head, only to snap it back up once more. “Then I’ll pull out all their eyes and take you all with me.”

Astrid didn’t know how to accomplish it, or if it was possible, but she would try.

The Great No-Eyed One had a vacant expression for only a millisecond before he nodded. "That would be great!"

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