Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 143: Blinking Repostition

Chapter 143: Blinking Repostition

Dominating Sovereigns Eye has extracted the Skill - Berserking Force - From the Tree Ent War Guardian.

Berserking Force: Rage seeths within your blood. The more damage you take, the more damage you deal. Physical or magical.

Would you like to merge with - Berserking Force Y/N?

Astrid immediately accepted it, getting rid of Natural Born Swimmer for it. She didn’t plan on getting injured, but it was better to have a sudden power boost in case it did happen.

Next up was all the System notifications from the Berserker, and everything that she had killed after the serpent.

Weightless Levitation has reached maxed level for [ Stage 2 ]

Requirements met for Weightless Levitation [ Stage 3 ]

Weightless Levitation to [ Stage 3 ]

Levitation: From your practice and use of Psychokinesis you can now control the matter within your own body to levitate, instead of your clothes. [ Stage 1 ]

| [ Stage 2 ] - Weightless Levitation: Levitating now uses less mana.

| [ Stage 3 ] - Blinking Reposition: Send out your eyeball and teleport to wherever it is placed. If your eye is destroyed, it is recreated by channelling mana to your socket, thanks to the Dominating Sovereigns Eye Skill.

“Awesome!” Astrid nodded with enthusiasm.

Levitation must have undergone a mutation due to her new Class. It wasn’t a surprise to her as it was a well documented change, even without having such a unique and powerful Class.

But it was the sheer difference in the Skill that had surprised her. It was now entirely different. It was a new path.

Astrid pulled out her void eye. It was a sensation that she still hadn’t gotten used to, but her vision transformed into a birds eye view of the surroundings. But she had also discovered something else.

A connection was formed with not only her void eye, but her Psychokinetic one as well. She hesitated for a moment, before deciding to just commit to it. With a yank, both eyes were removed from their sockets. Strangely, there was no optic nerve. It was as if it didn’t exist in the first place.

The strange vision made her wheezy, it was something that would take some getting used to. Having no eyeballs and all that.

With Blinking Reposition, in mind–the void eye blinked. Her vision stopped for only a fraction of a second before she re-appeared where the eye was.

Her mana container instantly lost around twenty percent of its capacity. Also, it was no longer floating, but it had planted itself back into her eye socket.

Astrid calmed down her excitement from the new Skill and moved onto the rest of the System notifications. It wasn’t clear as to when the tree king was, or if, it was going to open the door.

You have defeated - Berserking Demon Ent. - Level 157

Extra experience is awarded for defeating an enemy levels above!

You have Levelled up!

Oculus Witch Level 101 -> Oculus Witch Level 104

Voidmare Level 101 -> Voidmare Level 104

Gained 30 stat points.

You now have 676 Intelligence.

Skill level up!

Dominating Sovereigns Eye level 1 -> Dominating Sovereigns Eye level 2

Left Eye of Mana level 2 -> Left Eye of Mana level 3

Void Graviton level 9 -> Void Graviton level 10 [ Max ]

Void Storage level 8 -> Void Storage level 9

[ Stage 3 ] Major Image level 3 -> Major Image level 4

[ Stage 3 ] Mind Domination level 3 -> Mind Domination level 4

[ Stage 3 ] Blinking Reposition level 1 -> Blinking Reposition level 2

[ Stage 3 ] Mind Armour level 5 -> Mind Armour level 6

[ Stage 3 ] Mind Barrier level 8 -> Mind Barrier level 9

[ Stage 3 ] Crash level 7 -> Crash level 8

[ Stage 2 ] Psych Warp level 17 -> Psych Warp level 18

[ Stage 3 ] Psych Domain level 2 -> Psych Domain level 3

[ Stage 3 ] Psychic’s Power level 2 -> Psychic’s Power level 3

[ Stage 2 ] Psychokinesis level 10 -> Psychokinesis level 11

[ Stage 2 ] Anti-Disabling Field level 13 -> Anti-Disabling Field level 14

Experience gained!

Void Graviton has reached maxed level for [ Stage 1 ]

Requirements met for Void Graviton [ Stage 2 ]

Evolving Void Graviton to [ Stage 2 ]

Void Graviton: Anything that approaches within a certain distance will slow down.

| Stage 2: Power of Void Graviton has increased. Area-of-effect has widened.

Good. Astrid nodded. It would help even more against speed users. Something that she desperately needed.

Blinking Reposition had overwritten Weightless Levitation just like the other Skills had done.

Astrid exited her System and used Disintegration on the berserker. She wanted it to reach stage 2 as fast as possible in hopes of it being able to destroy everything. It was a hopeful dream, but things were looking up with her new Transcendent Class–anything was possible.

Skill level up!

Disintegration level 2 -> Disintegration level 3

Nodding, Astrid sauntered over to the door as she massaged her throat. If it wasn’t for her voidbent spine, she was certain the berserker would have shattered it completely with a gentle squeeze.

She needed more defence.

Her hand brushed up against the door. She could feel the words indented within the roots under her finger. They were so smooth, as if it was either created with them in mind, or it was etched by something with incredible control.

Whatever it was, the fact was that the door didn’t open.

Astrid let out an annoyed breath before standing in the middle of the room for a while. She didn’t want to be too close to the walls, just in case monsters emerged. Who knows, it wasn’t certain if the berserker was the only guardian.

The last thing she wanted was a raging, steroid infused monster to drop on her head.

The golden haired girl began tapping her foot against the floor. Nothing was happening. It had already been what… Five minutes? She couldn’t wait that long.

Instead, Astrid yanked out her eyes and Leivated on the spot. She couldn’t sit still with nothing to do. Her palms were already itching. It was time to finish her voidbent metal examination.

The goal? To transfuse her metallic bones into a form-fitting armour.

Without waiting any longer, Astrid created a clone and grabbed its wrist. She sunk her mind into the body.

Now that she had evolved her Class, and with the extra power of Dominating Sovereigns Eye, everything was so much clearer now. As if she had just upgraded from a cracked magnifying glass, to a high-grade one specialised in inspecting bacteria.

With the clone acting as her own body–everything was the same. From the cells, to the bone structure, down to the molecules of matter. She could now test on her own body without the risk of damaging her own.

Astrid grinned at the revelation and began her work. She pushed the purple metal from the bones and urged it to assimilate with the skin. The dark purple appeared on the skin, only for it to deteriorate the next moment.

She could only see the skin turn to dust, then the clone disappeared.

Steeling herself, Astrid re-created another clone and began all over again. This time however, she upped the Constitution of the clone to match her own. Maybe that’s where she went wrong.

Attempting it again, the skin wasn’t as brittle as last time. She was almost getting there as the voidbent metal took up more surface area of the skin. But the result was the same.

Next time she increased her own body's strength and constitution by altering the mana through Omni-Kinesis–then formed another clone. In just a moment, she had formed an entire arm worthy of being called a second layer of skin. However, a moment of carelessness and all her effort disappeared as the body broke down. It didn’t help that her control in another body was lessened–although it was a clone–still wasn’t the same as using her own body.

It would be a long and arduous process.

A few hours had passed. Astrid didn’t need to guess. Rather, she knew exactly how much time was passing by because of the mission.

Time remaining until the birth of the evolution stone: 28:43:54

Astrid gazed at the clone in front of her as the purple armour on the skin was like a stream-lined humanoid that had no features. Although, the legs were still wearing the black leggings that Astrid always wore.

She was about to continue her experimentation when the rooted door began trembling. The words on the roots shone a pink hue, then slowly groaned open.

Dust fell from the ceiling as the doors fully opened.

As the cloud settled, Astrid gazed in wonder at the enormous tree that was placed within the new cavern. Pink petals had grown from the tree’s branches, but they were slowly falling–and for a long time at that. The once lush leaves of pink had mostly fallen to the floor, creating a blanket of colour at the base. Along with hundreds of mushrooms of the same colour.

Astrid was about to head on in, but she wanted to finish her assimilation first with her voibent armour. If there was another guardian, then it could mean the difference between life or death. Especially if she couldn’t use her flight to her advantage within that cramped room.

Moving back a bit further to increase her chances of reacting in time in case something shot out from the room. She sent her mind into her own body this time. With the extra control over her own body, it should be easier–and faster–than with the clones.

Time was of the essence.

The metal shifted from her bones, through her blood-stream, and into her flesh. It was a strange feeling, like an alien object was burrowing through her body and wanted to escape to the other side.

Biting her lip, the metal emerged onto the flesh of her arm and spread with ease. The smoothness elicited a relieved breath of moist air as Astrid sped up the process with confidence.

It wasn’t long before her entire body was encased in the durable purple metal.

You have gained the Title - Void Metal Emergence: Now you look like a proper warrior! Armour and all!

| 50 added Intelligence

| 35 added Constitution

| Void Skills used while covered in Voidbent armour have their damage increased by 50%

Oh finally a Title upgrade. Astrid smiled and swapped out the Blade Thrower! Title for the new one she had just gained. It would be a very nice upgrade in strength for her most powerful moves, and she didn’t plan on being out of the armour for very long either. Unless there was fire.

Now let's face this thing. Slamming her fist into her opened palm, she Levitated forward, and into the room.

She wasn’t surprised, but the door slammed shut behind her as she grinned at the ploy. Doors and shutting themselves. Astrid had become used to after delving within the dungeons now. It seemed to be a recurring occurrence.

Level ??? - Tree King

Astrid inspected the tree. A crack was heard, then two eyes opened up from the strong, metallic tree trunk.

They were entirely wooden and an ancient aura spilled forth from them. She was about to yank them from their sockets, but instead, the monster stopped her in her tracks.

The tree king spoke.

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