Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 149: Birth of the Evolution Stone

Chapter 149: Birth of the Evolution Stone

Astrid knew she only had a moment to finish off the bird king. The mountain golem would regain its speed, and the haloed man was still hurtling toward the hill at high speed.

She needed to kill it quickly, and she only had one attack that was able to reap the monster's life in a heartbeat.

Since her clone was stronger than herself, her twin controlled the dark matter within the palm. The expressions changed on the monster's face at the sight of the agglomerating purple, starry light.

All that was left was to disable the almost dragon-like bird’s movement. Thankfully, the voidbent thread was already flying towards the beast at high speed. As fast as Astrid could control it with Psychokinesis, that was.

The bird attempted to dodge it, but Astrid was more than capable of following the monster with the thread. She twitched her mind, and it continued right in the path of the bird king.

Realising the thread was being controlled, the king of the skies stopped for a mere second, and flapped its wings. A blast of air surged forth and slammed into the thread.

Astrid smirked. Of course she knew the damned bird would try such a thing. Controlling the matter within the air, she strained her mind as it was reaching the outermost limit of her range.

A faint sharp pain stabbed into her eye as she accelerated the liquid mana within her eye, and focused. IN an instant, she connected to the matter, and [Crashed] it.

The two forces of air, and exploded matter, battled each-other for only a moment, but it was evident that Astrid was losing out in the duel. The string suspended in the air for a moment, before it began falling backwards.

Astrid had guessed that it would be the case, but she glanced at the incoming mountain golem, and instead of panicking, she smirked.

All kings had pride, right?

Her guess was true. The bird king squealed a piercing screech and beat its wings, it ignored the falling bundle of metal string, and surged toward her. It didn’t want to lose to the mountain golem–its lifelong enemy.

However, the moment the bird passed the string, Astrid re-connected to the bundle of wire, and fired it upward.

The monster was about to dodge, but Astrid [Crashed] the air. This time, it wasn’t just one explosion. One followed right after the other, and despite the beating of the monster's wings, the momentum continued.

Astrid hoped the string wouldn’t break, but the unique properties of voidbent made it incredibly resilient. The metal string coiled around the beasts might wings.

It thrashed in mid-air, but the more it struggled, the tighter the string became.

It wasn’t strong enough to cut into the monster flesh, but it was enough to disable its flight capabilities. Without the wings, it helplessly fell down.

The moment Astrid was waiting for presented itself. Her clone was busy holding–and charging–a powerful dark matter sphere of energy.

Astrid gazed at the falling bird, unsure of where to throw the chaotic energy ball. It was then that an idea flashed within her mind. If she couldn’t connect to the high speed projectile as it moved through the air, then why didn’t she just connect to it while it was in her clone's hand?

Despite having the plan, her heart jumped in excitement. The mountain king was bowling toward her, it was so close that she could feel the earth tremble under its movement.

Not only that, the haloed man was approaching closer. The mana surged around him. It was only a matter of seconds before he attacked.

Astrid’s palms turned itchy as she immediately connected to the dark matter sphere. Her clone fired it at the bird king. The dense ball filled with a chaotic energy that was never seen before, screamed toward the falling monster.

It travelled so fast that Astrid could only see a purple trail in the sky. If it wasn’t for her already being connected to the attack, she would have never been able to connect to it in mid flight.

Her initial worries rang true. The attack was simply too powerful for her to accurately strike a distant enemy. Not at her current Level, anyway.

The mana within her eye flared. Astrid yanked the mass of dark matter downward. A red drop emerged at the corner of her eye, and trickled down. It was the downside of controlling more mana than her mind could handle.

However, through her previous experiences–she was well aware of the risks–and how far she could take it.

Astrid grunted, then slammed her mind into the top of the dark matter. It was struck down and blasted a hole straight through the bird king’s chest. The heart vanished and only the vessels remained. Blood poured out from the pipes.

It didn’t take long for the prehistoric looking bird to crash to the ground.

You defeated a - Bird King - level 206!

Despite her victory, she had no time to admire her handy work as the mountain golem was upon her. But that wasn’t all. A horrid stench of rotten eggs assaulted her senses.

Her eyeball shot out of her socket and immediately used Blinking Reposition.

Astrid felt her body's matter to warp and the next moment she opened her eyes, she was a dozen metres to the side. Her eyes twitched to

Time remaining until the birth of the evolution stone: 0:26s

The moment her body changed positions–she dodged the incoming attacks.

The mountain king was the first to launch its attack as it was the closest. Rock spikes formed from the earth pierced up like a hundred lances from a shock cavalry charge. The crunching from the ground, and the colliding of rock, made it a devastating attack.

However, the rock lances lasted a mere second before a gaseous cloud exploded. It caused the earthen spikes to fragment and pierce the surroundings like propelled shrapnel.

Earth sprinkled against Astrid’s Mind Barrier, but it wasn’t strong enough to do any sort of damage.

The air settled from the explosion of rock and gas. Despite the gas explosion, the mountain king stood atop the hill–right next to the pillar.

Time remaining until the birth of the evolution stone: 0:19s

Nineteen seconds remained. Astrid clenched her palm into a fist, hard enough to whiten her knuckles. Time was running out, but she didn’t have the close quarters capabilities the mountain king had to contest against it.

There was also the threat of the haloed man, who made it obvious that he was vying for the reward. Clouds of gas surged forward like an apocalyptic tide.

He continuously clicked his finger as the explosions erupted against the golem. Rock fragments flew from his body as if it was covered in a hardened shell. Yet, its stalwart body remained. It was as if the king was a lone mountain fighting against the erosion of time.

Of course, they weren’t the only ones on the battlefield.

A buzz-saw zipped across the land as an incredibly tall man wearing some sort of gas mask sprinted across the warring creatures.

Astrid’s support had arrived. She was hoping that it wouldn’t be Leena and the others. The last thing she wanted was for them to get injured because of her own greed.

If anyone was going to get harmed–it would be her. She would take full responsibility since it was of her own desire.

Is what she thought, but specs of matter entered the peak of her Psych Domain range.

Brett, Bellona, and Leena were bolting in her direction. They seemed to be shouting something, but Astrid couldn’t hear it. Instead, a lone figure entered her sight from the other end of the hill.

From the hidden side of the pillar, a familiar face was hidden behind a large rock.

Jonathan? Astrid’s eyes widened. The idiot is going to get himself killed!

Frowning, Astrid flew toward the evolution stone at high speed, only for a cloud of gas to block her path.

“Screw off!” Astrid yelled and immediately [Crashed] the gaseous matter. Her Mind Barrier shrugged off the explosion she created, and launched herself forward.

Time remaining until the birth of the evolution stone: 0:10s

If she could help it, she didn’t want a familiar face to die. Her mind flashed to the appearance of his mother. Zoe Warren was a sweet woman that cared deeply for her son. Astrid recalled the time she had given her some ice-cream during a house visit.

No mother wanted to lose a son, besides, Astrid liked her frozen treats.

Astrid and her clone sent multiple [Crashes] at the mountain king who was busy fending off against the haloed man’s gas attacks.

Set upon by two sides, the mountain growled–which coming from a rock creature–was highly unsettling. Solid earth climbed up its legs like a tree and its roots, then blended in with the dense rock of its body.

Then, it raised its fists high up in the air and ignored the explosions assaulting its body. It exhaled a steam of what appeared to be dirt, or dust, and slammed its fists against the ground. The earth split. The king as its centre, spikes of an unusual rock surged outward.

The haloed man approached at high velocity. He had the same problems as Astrid had, a mage was at risk at close-quarters. But if he wanted the reward, he had to take a risk.

The spikes pierced upward, but there was a range limit. It failed to reach both Astrid, and the masked leader. Thankfully, it didn’t seem to be aware of Jonathan, or he simply wasn’t a threat.

Astrid was expecting that to be it, but she was wrong.

Time remaining until the birth of the evolution stone: 0:05s

The temperature within the air underwent a massive change. Before Astrid could react, the heat had penetrated her voidbent bones.

With haste, Astrid re-called her armour as the sudden heat almost boiled her alive. Even with her armour gone, she could still feel it within her bones. The voidbents weakness to fire was evident as Astrid grit her teeth.

Getting a closer look, the spikes had hundreds, or thousands of holes within the spikes. What followed the heat was a sprouting red and orange. It spurted into the air and lashed around the surrounding area like a whip.

The lava was like a blade steeped in a forge. But that wasn’t all. A sudden force of gravity pulled Astrid and the haloed man along with it.

Earth control, gravity, lava. Astrid grit her teeth and ordered more mana to urge her forward.

Despite the blades of lava threatening her life, the stone they were all battling for had emerged.

Time remaining until the birth of the evolution stone: 0:00s

The stone of evolution has been birthed. Grab it to evolve.

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