Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 154: A Noble Discovery

Chapter 154: A Noble Discovery

Astrid flared the mana within her eye and stopped the bleeding from her accumulated wounds, especially the ones from inside her body.

“What happened?” Leena said with concern written across her face. She took out a Rare health potion from a small satchel attached to her waist and placed it into Astrid’s hand.

Astrid uncorked the potion, then swallowed the contents within. The taste was horrid, but at least the warm feeling overtaking her body put her at ease. From the depths within, she could feel the wounds being restored.

Taking a gentle breath, she could still feel soreness from her lungs, but it would heal with time.

Astrid thought what to say, but just decided to tell about what happened with the psychos, and the book she obtained from the Eye-Queen.

Of course, she hid the fact that she obtained a Transcendent Class. She wasn’t comfortable giving that information away until she knew more about it. Especially with ears everywhere.

After she finished her story, they simply gazed at her with mouths agape. They couldn’t stop looking at the eerie eyeballs floating behind her back, and each time they blinked, it was like they had a mind of their own–sentience.

“What is with you?” Brett couldn’t help but say.

“What do you mean?” Astrid blinked along with the floating eyes.

“Your class--What the hell did you choose? And the fact you’re Level one-hundred already–and beating these monsters on top of it.” Brett gawked, but he wasn’t the only one. Everyone was looking at her with questioning eyes. “What do the Sinwens feed you?”

“I chose the Class - Oculus Witch,” Astrid said, although she omitted the fact it was at the Transcendent tier.

“Oculus Witch?” Leena scratched her head. “I’ve never heard of it, not in the Sinwen library, anyway.”

“Why does it sound so fitting?” Bellona added.

“You guys are mean.” Astrid pouted.

“Eye-Queens disciple.” The Great No-Eyed one approached with the psychos in tow. Brett and the others placed up their guard, although Astrid was familiar with them, to them, they were psychotic strangers. “The invaders have escaped, should we chase them? It would be a good time to eradicate them from our vicinity.”

Astrid tilted her head for a second. She had to admit, the choice of eradicating them didn’t really fill her with much excitement. After all, if they were all dead, who would she face?

That would be boring.

“No, but tell me about Avemoth.”

Brett and the others looked at each-other again before Brett said, “You’re already thinking about hunting the big bad? Give us a break here.”

“Brett is right my lady, we have been fighting for days on end,” Leena continued. “We need time to rest and recover, especially Brett. Don’t let his bravado make you think otherwise.”

Astrid took a good look at Brett. It was true. His eyes were dim, and his three limbs trembled. Although minutely, she could just barely make it out despite his best efforts to mask it.

“You’re an idiot,” Astrid sighed. “Why did you get your arm removed?”

“Oh yeah, because I definitely asked them to do it.” Brett stuck out his neck in anger.

“Alright listen up everyone for our plan of action, you too psychos!” Astrid addressed everyone and shouted. She ignored the crazed cheering of her new troops. “We’ll go back to the base, rest, then find that stupid Avemoth and, slay it in its home. Once I retrieve its eyes and find the gateway back home, I’ll bring you all with me!”

“You make it sound so easy.” Bellona exhaled a breath in defeat.

“Oh Calum, you’re still alive!” Astrid grinned as she faced the heavily injured young man.

Calum’s shoulders deflated. “Did you just realise?”

“What about you?” Astrid ignored the question filed with helplessness and looked at Jonathan.

“What about me?” He asked.

Astrid looked around in an attempt to spot his Seafarer team, but no-one was there. Nor did she spot anything in the distance with Psych Domain. “Well you don’t seem to have a team.”

Jonathan stood rooted for a second before he gazed around in the surrounding area. “No, I guess I don’t.”

“Then you can come with us, or don’t, I’m still angry at you, you know?” Astrid frowned and stomped on the ground.

“I will, and thank you, Astrid.”

“Oh look who has grown, I still remember you trying to flirt with Leena, day in, day out! If it wasn’t that, it was running about with your posse looking down on others.” Astrid scowled.

“I’m aware of my shortcomings,” Jonathan continued and turned to Leena. “Sorry, I must have caused you discomfort--It was never my intention.”

“No harm done.” Leena shook her head as if it didn’t bother her in the first place.

“This is the Great No-Eyed One, he’ll take you to the base. I just need to finish up here.” Astrid walked over to the mountain king and tore out its eyes, then she finished by using Disintegration on the body.

She repeated the process with the other kings, and then finished by returning to the haloed man’s body.

Skill level up!

Disintegration level 5 -> Disintegration level 9

Dominating Sovereigns Eye has extracted the Skill - Solid Restructure - From the Mountain King.

Solid Restructure: Anything you create with earth as the foundational element has its strength increased by 150%.

Would you like to merge with - Solid Restructure Y/N?

Astrid chose against it, although a thought did surface within her mind once she saw the Skill. If she used Matter Absorption, could she change her Mind Barrier into a more solid state, for instance, like earth?

It was something to test later on while everyone was resting.

Next up was the eyes of the big draconic looking bird.

Dominating Sovereigns Eye has extracted the Skill - Born for Flight - From the Bird King.

Born for Flight: if you have a Skill for flight, increase your airborne speed by 100%.

Would you like to merge with - Born for flight Y/N?

Oh that’s a good one! Astrid beamed, it would effectively double her speed within the air, although it wasn’t technically a movement Skill, the effect was pretty much the same.

For her and her survivability, it was a good choice. She decided to change it for Ice Blood.

Astrid would lose out on the extra utility of having her [Crashes] freeze the enemy, but having increased mobility meant she could dodge more attacks, and gain the distance she needed to fight freely.

Ice Blood -> Born For Flight

Immediately testing the ability, she shot up into the air with increased speed. Without having Mind Barrier activated, her increased speed caused the air to buffet her air.

Raising up into the air, she then fell down. Tears wicked away from the corner of her eye as she swooped down with crazy momentum.

As the ground rapidly neared, she connected to the matter in her body and gave it a powerful pull. Her body halted just a couple feet above the ground.

That was close. Astrid chuckled, then looked at the other System message. It was the last Skill stolen from the kings.

Dominating Sovereigns Eye has extracted the Skill - Inborn Might - From the Ape King.

Inborn Might: The primal might of an ape king is not something to be ignored. Increases Strength by 75% and Constitution by 50%

Would you like to merge with - Inborn Might Y/N?

Well, it seemed not every Skill would be one that she would need. Although as much as she loved fighting close quarters because of all her training, she wanted to stay clear of it.

She had to stick to what she was best at, and that was medium ranged magic attacks/control. The increased flight speed only reinforced that thought.

Besides, she was waiting for a passive Skill to increase her Intelligence by a percentage–that was what she truly wanted. Although then it would be difficult to choose between the extra speed, or more damage. Well, she would come to that problem when she received the Skill.

For now though, she placed her attention on the masked men. By his words, they were obviously part of the masked terrorists that had attacked Rebirth for the black blob.

Approaching the body, she crouched down, and touched the mask. She wanted to know who her attacker was, and if it was a familiar face.

However, the moment she touched the mask, the man’s skill began to bubble away. It was like acid had spread onto his flesh, eroding it at a breathtaking speed.

Frowning, Astrid connected to the matter within his body, and dipped into his veins. She watched the blood, and instantly spotted a strange form of cells rampaging through, destroying everything it passed.

Astrid connected to it, and [Crashed] it. Instantly, the man's body blew up into a mess of blood, and flesh. There might have been more… indirect method, but it was the only way Astrid knew how to stop the rampage of the virus–or whatever it was.

Thankfully her Mind Barrier stopped any of the vile human fluids from splattering her. With the decomposing stopped, Astrid carefully grabbed the mask and removed it.

The face was half destroyed, bubbled away, she could only half make out the other side of the face. Although even that was a struggle as most of it was burnt, or covered in leakingboils.

But the face was recognizable.

He was a noble. Not a high one, but he was a noble nonetheless.

It was a troubling discovery. Was the nobles in control of them, or was he acting on his own, and joined their organisation of his own free will?

Astrid pondered for a moment. It meant that his entire family was under suspicion.

This can’t go on. Who cares about order, the noble families need to be investigated from top-to-bottom. If father is still concerned, then I’ll just go back with enough strength to do it myself. They are putting humanity at risk. Astrid scowled.

All for what? Power? It was despicable. Astrid doubted anyone wanted power more than her, but even she wouldn’t fall so low as to betray humanity. Especially what was left of it.

Taking a breath to calm down. She gazed at the head, then yanked out his eyes–but what she pulled out could hardly be described as such.

They were shrivelled up and black as an abyss. The matter within them was nullified–it was dead.

So he did have two black blobs, same as me. Astrid tutted.

She didn’t remember the noble’s name, that meant she couldn’t tell her father who it was, and who to investigate. Thankfully there was an easy remedy for this situation.

With only the head remaining, Astrid threw it into her Void Storage. With a quick check, it remained there without being ravaged from the space. After all, he was well, and truly dead.

With everything finished, she headed toward the jungle at high speed.

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