Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 157: Battle: Avemoth

Chapter 157: Battle: Avemoth

Is what she initially thought, but her mind was changed when a chaotic storm of mana launched out of its majestic body.

The air was swept away in a vortex. Brought forth by the mana storm, flecks of molten lava beneath the monster battered against her barrier. Although it wasn’t capable of doing any damage to it, Astrid could feel the monstrous amount of mana that was within its body.

Level ??? - Avemoth.

Here you are. Astrid said to herself. Just by the oppressive feeling she could tell the monster was going to be her greatest fight yet, and for the first time, apprehension gripped her heart.

Not knowing whether or not she could defeat the enemy in front of her was a strange feeling, but she was up for the challenge. There was no way of knowing if she didn’t try.

Taking a prepared breath, Astrid decided to make the first move.

She blasted to the side and sent multiple powered [Crashes] to the primal body of Avemoth. Astrid was expecting the monster to dodge, or block it, but the blasts of psychic energy impacted against its body.

Trembling, it flapped its wings as a powerful gust surged forth, but it wasn’t enough to sway Astrid.

It’s still stuck. Astrid excitedly thought as she gazed at the monster still stuck within its… cocoon. It flapped its wings, and thrashed its body side-to-side, all in an attempt to free itself.

Astrid didn’t care if it was having troubles getting free of its deep slumber, she knew the importance of the opportunity in front of her. All the apprehension that gripped her vanished as she relentlessly sent barrages of Psychokinetic explosions at the creature.

Of course, Astrid wasn’t the only one attacking. Her clone was currently charging up a dark matter sphere.

[Crash], Astrid blasted the beast's head to the side. Fluorescent orange seeped from the soft flesh of the side of its head. She was unaware if it was blood or not, but her attacks were working.

Right as her dark matter sphere was prepared, she fired it without hesitation straight for its head. Unable to break free from its cocoon, the sphere’s aim was true. The air surrendered under its might as the void-like qualities of the attack reaped the wind from its surroundings.

It was about to strike its target when Avemoth’s eyes glowed a piercing orange. It crawled into a ball, then suddenly expanded within a fraction of a second. Astrid only now realised that the Avemoths' wings were far larger than she had seen before. Now, they almost reached wall-to-wall.

Wow, so pretty. No Astrid, focus. Shaking her head, her attack was about to hit.

A mouth opened up within its chest. There were no teeth, only a heat that boiled forth. The heat caused the humidity in the surroundings to vaporise, then, it simply ate the dark matter sphere. Gulped it down, energy and all.

It seemed to squirm in pain, then an ungodly screech pierced throughout the cave. Lava seeped out from its ‘mouth’ as its eyes latched onto her body.

Not good. Astrid’s shoulders twitched as she moved to the side in an instant.

Avemoth summoned lava spikes from its thin wings and shot them forward. Air warped under the speed as they penetrated the walls, never to be seen again.

Astrid knew right away that if her barrier was struck by one of those, it would be hard to resist it. Especially with them having the fire element, her voidbent armour wouldn’t stand a chance. She would be boiled from the inside.

Knowing what she had to do, she moved at high speed ducking, and diving the earthen hot spikes. Numerous times they scraped by her barrier, instantly shattering it as it touched. It only reaffirmed her worries.

Her and the clone worked in tandem. She moved one way, and the clone the other. But there was always going to be a mistake.

Astrid’s control lessened on the clone for a millisecond as she dodged a lava missile by a hair's breadth, but that was enough for Avemoth to take action.

A spike–faster than the others–penetrated her clone in an instant. However, it only made the monster angrier as it realised it had killed the wrong target. Astrid was still flying. Immediately, its eyes glowed a frightening orange, and another was fired.

Heart sinking, Astrid casted a wide illusion, then popped out her eye. Using Blinking Reposition, she warped to the side, and immediately began attacking once more.

The battle raged on, but Astrid was beginning to sweat. One little mistake and she was dead. The only thing that made her feel a little better was that her [Crashes] were actually doing damage.

Cracks were forming on the beast's wings, and body. At first she focused on the cicada-like wings. But she felt like it was a way to lure her into a false sense of victory. Surprisingly, the wings were the hardest body part of Avemoth. Instead, she focused on its body.

Avemoth seemed to have extremely high intelligence so she didn’t want to risk using Mind Domain without wearing it down first. If she used it now, Astrid risked losing focus. And if she received a mental backlash, her life was over.

She sent another crash, and its carapace split. Right above its mouth, a thick orange liquid seeped out from the cracks.

Sending out another piercing screech, the earth began to tremble–and crack. Astrid once again felt the primordial mana as lava bubbled from the cracks in the ground, and spat forth in a chaotic spray. It touched Avemoth, but seemed to have no effect. As if it was birthed from the creation of fire itself.

The mana thickened, until Astrid could visibly see it with her own eyes. But it wasn’t mana, it was from a Skill. A force tugged at her shoulders, forcing her body to the ground. Gravity had multiplied.

Snarling, Astrid surged the mana within her eye to combat the extra gravity and sent out her eye. Not just her own body, but her clone as well, multiple of them.

Three clones split out of Astrid’s body and although they were now weaker than when she had one, she had no need for their extra damage. She needed the manoeuvrability now that she would no longer move as fast as before.

But Avemoth wasn’t finished with her power-up. Through the lava and the flames, dozens of lava spikes emerged out of its wings, like a magic mirror aimed straight for Astrid.

A crunching thud resounded throughout the cave as Avemoth shot the spikes at Astrid. They were faster than before, in the blink of an eye–they reached her. They treated her barriers as if they were nothing but paper mache.

Astrid felt a pain on her stomach, then she blinked. Reappearing at the other side of the cave, Astrid continued her attack, ignoring the wet trickle from her stomach.

She was wounded, but by using matter control throughout her body, Astrid was well aware of everything that happened to her. And with that, she could tell that it was nothing serious. But a fraction of a second later, she would have been impaled.

Having the Blinking Reposition Skill, she should have been happy, but it was far from the truth. She could instantly teleport to wherever she wanted with the eye as a source, but it used up a lot of mana. Thankfully she could sustain it for a while with her new Class, but it wasn’t ideal.

Relentlessly, more spikes were shot out, but that wasn’t all. The heat from the lava spurting out from the ground was also proving to be a problem. It felt like her bones were boiling, any energy spent channelling her mana felt strenuous.

Just as she was about to blink to one of her clone's eyes, a tail emerged from the ground behind Avemoth, and shot toward the eye, skewering it.

Panicking, Astrid blinked again. teleporting to another, the moment she landed–a spike tore into her shoulder. She didn’t dare have the voidbent armour equipped, so it tore through soft flesh. Her skin sizzled under the heat, and it only got worse as it continued through her shoulder. Lava against voidbent metal sent her mind buzzing in feverish agony.

Using matter control, she snapped the lava spike in half, then blinked again to avoid another spike.

Avemoth was injured, but she was even more so.

There was no way she could continue. She didn’t have enough time to channel her dark matter attacks, and her strong clone was useless as she needed to split them up so she could live.

Another spike obliterated her freshly recovered Mind Barriers. Four of them were torn asunder, only for the spike to split the flesh of her arm, before she blinked again.

Her mana was running out. Astrid could hear and feel the striking of her own heart against their chest. It was thumping. She was going to die.

With the strange feeling assaulting her senses, she wanted to run. The thought of escaping in her mind, it pervaded her thoughts like a phantom.

Dodging another attack, she made her way straight for the exit. But Avemoth wouldn’t let its prey leave so easily.

The earth split, causing the cracks to form into chasms that travelled deep down into the ground. Seemingly never ending, lava shot out from within like whips from the devil.

She dodged most of them, then she blinked, but the lava whips covered too much area. One whipped against her barrier, shattering three, but it left the last one unscathed. That was until another smashed against her.

Despite her having an illusionary field all around her, Avemoth knew exactly where she was. Its fluorescent eyes were looking straight at her. Its vision was true, another whip smashed against her body.

The impact struck Astrid through the air, slamming into the cave walls. Crack. Pain surged through her chest, but she couldn’t worry about it. The fine hairs on the back of her neck rose up.

Astrid instinctively formed the purple metal around her forearms and raised them in front of her body.

A lava spike cracked against her arms. Pain assaulted her shoulders as she could vaguely hear a pop. Immediately following that was a pain she had never experienced before.

Bone gnawing, flesh eating, soul destroying. Astrid couldn’t put it into words, but the lava had seeped into her flesh covered in voidbent metal.

Her body was struck through the cave walls, crashing through, she grit her teeth, and went along with the momentum. [Crashing] the earth, she soon emerged from the deep, molten lava lit cave.

After flying for a short while, she gulped in breathfulls of air. Her mind was jumbled and pain ridden from the lack of mana.

Astrid’s head, drenched with sweat, dipped downard. A feeling of loss flashed within her mind, but she quickly remembered why she was fighting–why she was trying so hard.

I’ll make sure to kill you and take your eyes with me. Astrid snarled at the lava mountain in the distance.

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